Chapter 579: Eye-catching new dance

Everyone heard the sound and went out, only to see the Sixth Princess just stepping out of the elevator and standing tall and graceful not far from everyone.

"Your Highness!"

Everyone hastily stepped forward to salute.

"No need to be polite, I'm here to celebrate your success!"

The Sixth Princess, who was wearing a bright red dress, looked good. Ye Xian couldn't help but joke: "Your Highness is completely healed? Can you drink?"

Li Yunxi gave Ye Xian a charming look, leaving him confused.Little Fatty Lei Ming ran over from a distance: "Godmother!"

Li Yunxi responded with a smile, bent down and pinched Lei Ming's chubby face: "Why haven't you lost weight? If you haven't lost weight, how can you attend the opening ceremony the day after tomorrow?"

Lei Ming's little face suddenly collapsed: "I don't want to either. I don't even dare to eat one more steamed bun at night. I eat a small bowl of rice every day and I'm almost starved to death."

Liu Mei, who followed closely, explained helplessly: "The doctor said he didn't exercise enough and asked him to increase his exercise. The problem is that his studies are so heavy now and he has to do his homework until midnight. How can he exercise?"

Li Yunxi shook his head and said: "Then there is no other way. You can only take advantage of this winter vacation to exercise and lose weight at your godfather's place!"

"Okay, okay, everyone is talking about losing weight when they see me!"

The little fat man spread his hands helplessly: "I bear the weight and attention that I shouldn't bear at my age."

Everyone laughed.

[Here I go, I was talking about the Sixth Princess just now, but I didn’t expect the Sixth Princess to be here. The live broadcast of the celebration tonight is really high-quality!Leader, please focus the camera on His Highness, thank you! 】

【What's this?These movies have earned the Sixth Princess billions, which is pure cash flow. Now her net worth is no worse than that of those other princesses!Commander, is Your Highness beautiful again?Please let me take a look! 】

[So, Brother Xian and Her Highness the Princess are the best CPs. One can provide shelter and the other can make money. They are definitely a perfect match!The Autumn Sect will live forever!So, leader, give Yunye CP a chance to see the two of them in the same frame! 】

[You also said that Brother Xian is not the Sixth Prince Consort?This year the Sixth Princess has only a handful of hours to go out to do business. This time she came directly from the Imperial Capital for Brother Xian. Who else in the whole world can make His Highness so nervous?So, leader, please turn the camera around. I want to see if His Highness is still so beautiful! 】


The voice of the Sixth Princess came from the live broadcast room. There were only a few million people online at first, but it instantly reached 1000 million. When everyone guessed from the conversation between Ye Xian and others that the person coming was indeed the Sixth Princess, everyone in the live broadcast room The number of people started to increase.

Fans asked Sun Li to turn the camera. Firstly, everyone wanted to see the Sixth Princess. Secondly, the Sixth Princess had not appeared in public for a long time, and everyone missed her very much.

Sun Li remained silent and refused to answer the call. Even though many people clamored to leave the live broadcast room and withdraw from the broadcast, she did not follow everyone's idea of ​​filming the Sixth Princess.

Sun Li knew very well that the royal family had royal rules, and random photos would only bring more trouble to Ye Xian.

Fortunately, Ye Xian quickly diverted everyone's attention.

When the guests were almost there, Ye Xian took the little fat boy Lei Ming to the small stage by the window.

Many guests also took their seats. Although everyone was a little crowded, they didn't mind. After all, the people in this room were all Ye Xian's friends.

And, it’s a circle!
Many people want to squeeze in, but they can't!
Ye Xian gestured to Wang Feifei on the side, and the music suddenly started playing.

The team stood in an inverted V shape. The arrow was Little Fatty Lei Ming, followed by Ye Xian and Qiu Qing, and behind them were Ding Zhan and Qiu's mother.

Five people dressed in black and white suits danced a cool victory dance.

Applause and whistles immediately erupted from the scene, and old fans in the live broadcast room also happily liked it.

The rewards and comments were as dense as a torrential rain and couldn't stop at all.

[It’s been a long time since I saw Brother Xian’s victory dance!The little fat guy dances very well too. Is this going to make his debut?And Qiu Qing, the boss lady actually appeared on the scene. What kind of rhythm is this? 】

Liu Mei watched her son dance the victory dance with her idol and danced happily in her seat.Lei Tian next to him was also very happy. His son usually likes to dance this dance, and today he can finally dance with the original dancer. The little guy will definitely be so happy that he can't sleep.

After dancing the victory dance twice, the little fat man took a few breaths, but still maintained the ending movement, trying hard to put on a cool expression.

Sun Li understood everyone, so she picked up the live broadcast camera and took a close-up of the little fat man's face.

After the victory dance, everyone thought that the opening was over, and the routine singing session was next. Who knew that Ye Xian suddenly bent forward, Qiu's mother and the little fat man quickly squatted in front of him, while Qiu Qing and Ding Zhan stood Zai squatted on both sides of Ye Xian.

The five people looked at the camera in front of them expressionlessly. Five pairs of arms suddenly straightened out. Only then did everyone realize that they had formed a five-pointed star shape.

"You came to celebrate the New Year and it was said that

A hundred miles of cuckoo never withers


The BGM of "Lady Luxury Fragrance" suddenly sounded, and the five people put their arms away and stood back up in a formation of three in front and two in back.

[What is this for? 】

Fans raised questions one after another, and the audience was also confused. Is there still dancing?

Everyone saw the greasy hair of Ye Xian and Ding Zhan, and then the five of them put their hands into their trouser pockets and turned sideways to face the camera.

The BGM's fast drumbeats sounded. The five people straightened their upper bodies, stepped forward with their right foot, and then quickly returned their center of gravity. Following the rhythm, they swayed their center of gravity back and forth regularly.

[Here I go, is this a new dance?What does this flying pigeon gesture dance mean?And the bending goose dance movement behind this is so eye-catching! 】

【Gangnan style!It's a horse dance!This dance combines many classic dance moves! 】

[Here I go, Brother Xian’s butt is shaking so coquettishly, I’m done! 】

[The one who danced the most beautifully turned out to be Qiu Qing, oh, she was so sassy, ​​unlike Brother Xian, who had a serious and greasy face! 】


With the magical melody and the magical dance adaptation, everyone immediately understood that Ye Xian, who had not danced an internet celebrity dance for a long time, had created a new dance.

This dance was very short, and everyone felt that they had not had enough of watching it. The five of them had already completed the ending, and they once again merged into the five-pointed star shape that they often do when taking photos for mass tourism.

Sun Li pointed the camera at Ye Xian's face at the right time. When everyone saw the serious look on Ye Xian's face, they knew he was up to something weird again.

The camera zoomed out and the five people spread out to the side. Only then did everyone see that the Yinwu girl had already posed in a five-pointed star pose and was waiting for the BGM to sound.

[Hahaha, I can’t stop laughing. So your opening today is to dance to the song "Lady Luxurious Fragrance" non-stop? 】


Ps1: Today's inventory

Haizhou old wine inventory: 2978 bottles



Mrs. Shexiang’s dance is not part of the dance troupe.

(End of this chapter)

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