you elf, are you legal

Chapter 349: I asked you to create a spring, but I didn’t let you revive your spiritual energy

Chapter 349: I asked you to create a spring, but I didn’t revive your spiritual energy (Wan update~Subscribe~Please vote~)

Nie Yun is now bored and a little regretful. He came to so many families today, but only the Nie family has him as the patriarch.

Although Qiao Beiyi welcomed him to the leisure area on the second floor because of his delicious food and drinks, looking at the training ground outside, he felt that it was just a gym lounge.

In fact, Nie Yun is not a very particular person, but let's give him a cup of tea, but Qiao Beiyi only gave him an inexplicable juice cup for some reason.

You know how many years he, Nie Yun, doesn't drink these weird things.

What they have been paying attention to all their lives is tea, tea, tea. Do you know what tea is?

It's not fruit tea or juice.

I'm really speechless. Why are today's children so impetuous and like to drink sugar water?

Nie Yun stood up and wandered around. There were many familiar figures here, all children from the Beiyu families.

There are a lot of people, but they just don't know whether the craftsmanship of this young man Chen Yuan is really as amazing as the legend says, or whether the Chu family wants to take this opportunity to regain control of the entire Beiyu.

In fact, the Nie family's power in Beiyu is not small, but it is still far behind compared to the Chu family.

It's just that the Chu family has kept a low profile in recent years and does not participate in some decisions. It only leads the overall direction at certain moments.

But now it seems that so many families have been summoned here, is it possible that there is still some meaning?

The think tank in the family does make sense, so you have to think about this.

It’s just that the Chu family’s spokesperson in Beiyu is the only quasi-king of heaven, Chu Yinyun, right?

The king of heaven seems not to have this intention either.

Is it to build momentum for Chu Xiaoxiao, the direct descendant?

How else would it be possible for a small breeding house to open and attract so many families to come and support it?

The more Nie Yun thought about it, the more it made sense. It was very likely that the Chu family was going to do something big, and this so-called dining place was just a membership fee that the Chu family wanted to collect. Beiyu's right to speak was determined based on the amount of contribution.

When his eyes looked at the two aces over there, Yan Wanzhi and Xiang Yuxiao, especially after he stayed on Yan Wanzhi for a long time, he became even more sure of his guess.

After all, Yan Wanzhi has now reached the peak of ace status, and Chen Yuan in the breeding house is just a newcomer, and the strongest elf is said to only be at the elite level.

How could such a child make fruit meals for the powerful elves of the ace trainer?

In this case, what will the Chu family do next, and what benefits can the Nie family get from this? Nie Yun sat in front of the case again and tapped on the table, thinking a lot unconsciously.

I suddenly felt thirsty.

Nie Yun casually grabbed the cup on his desk and took a sip.

Could it be that the Chu family wants to use this to redistribute the power of the entire Beiyu... Hey, let me go!

Nie Yun opened his eyes and looked at the cup in his hand.

A taste I've never had before, a feeling I've never had before.

Just a casual sip makes me feel refreshed and refreshed. What is this?

Nie Yun took another big sip and suddenly felt a shock all over his body.

That feeling, that warmth nourishing the body like never before!

When the juice flowed into his body and flowed through his limbs and bones, he actually had the illusion of being more than ten years younger. Even the kidneys and waist that were damaged on the table collapse in his early years had a faint feeling of being nourished.


Nie Yun wanted to taste it carefully, but there was a hollow sound coming from the straw. This made Nie Yun dumbfounded. Why was it just gone?

He only took two sips. Nie Yun put down the juice glass, closed his eyes, and savored it carefully. When he opened his eyes again, he suddenly felt a complicated feeling.

Could this be the first trump card that the Chu family wants to reveal to the entire Beiyu? If this kind of fruit drink can be mass-produced and then spread throughout the entire Beiyu, then it will probably take less than half a year. What star can... The tree and fruit association is about to withdraw from Beiyu.

Just when Nie Yun was about to go downstairs to find Qiao Beiyi and shamelessly get another drink, he suddenly heard some noise outside.

Nie Yun stood up and came to the window to take a closer look, feeling a little stunned.

Several black commercial vehicles parked steadily at the entrance of the elf center. The heads of the Qin family, the Yan family, and the Xiang family were all here. What's going on?

Not only that.

Even the principals of those high schools are here?

Nie Yun even saw Shangguan Hong's car.

what happened?

Nie Yun looked at the people who were greeted by Qiao Beiyi, and felt a little surprised. It turned out to be the Chu family, and the interests had been redistributed. Otherwise, how could these people come together.

It seems that they all smelled something.

The people who came up all knew each other, and after greeting each other for a few words, they started talking about the outstanding children of each family, but they didn't mention a word about the future distribution of interests. Nie Yun couldn't put down his posture and take the initiative to bring up the topic.

I can only chat with these people about my own Nie tea.

"I heard that your Nie Cha has achieved good results in the rookie league. Congratulations."

"Oh, my Nie Cha still didn't win the championship in the end. It's really... shameful. She spent so much resources and didn't even win the championship. Alas, I scolded her and punished her by facing the wall. Half a month later."

"That's wrong, Lao Nie. You don't know this year's champion, but how strong is that little friend Chen Yuan? He is at the elite level. Have you forgotten?"

"That's right. Otherwise, Nie Cha would still be at home."

"Hahaha, old Nie, you still know how to joke. Everyone knows that you love your precious daughter the most. You can be locked up in a small dark room for a day. You are awesome..."

Nie Yun was exposed by his old friend and could only smile awkwardly. He wanted to touch the cup at hand to cover up his embarrassment, but what he touched was an empty cup.

It was over, this time it was even more embarrassing. Fortunately, Qiao Beiyi appeared in time and provided fresh fruit drinks to the clan leaders.

He also gave Nie Yun a drink.

Nie Yungang wanted to ask which master made this fruit drink, but when he came to his senses, Qiao Beiyi had already left.

At this time, more than ten or twenty people at the peak of Beiyu's power were sitting in this lounge, each with a glass of fruit drink in front of them.

It was Shangguan Hong who laughed.

"I came here today so I can finally try this craft!"

Then Shangguan Hong picked up the fruit drink cup, inserted the straw into it, took a sip, closed his eyes and savored it carefully.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Shangguan Hong.

After a long time, Shangguan Hong opened his eyes and sighed.

"Genius, he is indeed a genius! That guy is right! He is a genius!"

Some of the people were confused, but some could understand who Shangguan Hong was referring to.

Chen Yuan's craftsmanship... Is this Chen Yuan's new fruit drink?

Then they also picked up the fruit drink cups and took a sip.

The effect is immediate and the aftertaste is endless.

After putting down the fruit drink cup, they either put their hands on their hands and sighed, or closed their eyes to reflect. Some bold people drank all the fruit drink in the cup in one gulp, then stood up and prepared to go downstairs to find Qiao Beiyi for another cup.

"Which master is this? Shangguan, do you know something?"

At this time, Nie Yun finally couldn't help but ask.

Shangguan Hong looked at Nie Yun in surprise, "You don't know this? This fruit drink is..."

Before Shangguan Hong finished speaking, he suddenly heard a rumble in the distance.

It was as if there were more than ten or twenty large trucks heading this way in order.

Everyone present's eyes lit up.

They are coming!

"Who's coming?"

Seeing the excited expressions of many colleagues, Nie Yun suddenly realized that he might have missed some important news.

I immediately turned on my phone and found that I had missed so much important information during the time I was thinking about things.

"Master, King Chu Tian has come to Beiyu..."

King of Chu?

The one from the Chu family?

Chu Nian's mother?

Nie Yun had a smart idea and hurried downstairs to greet him.

At the same time, my heart trembled!


Now that the heads of the Chu family are here, it seems that Beiyu will really be redistributed this time.

And the Nie family had not received any news before this. Does this mean that in the new Beiyu structure constructed by the Chu family, the Nie family will be kicked out?

Nie Yun's heart changed rapidly and he quickly went downstairs.

Yan Wanzhi and others were also attracted by the movement downstairs. The dozens of trucks stopped at the entrance of the elf center like a long queue, which really shocked them.

Seven or eight monsters would jump out of each vehicle and carry the truck and its cargo to the back mountain.

I was a little dumbfounded at once. Could these be the fruit trees that are going to be planted on the hillside behind the Elf Center?

How come there are so many? Which family sent it here?

There are dozens or hundreds of people in this car, right?

How much does this have to be?

The black business car drove slowly from a distance and stopped steadily at the entrance of the Elf Center.

Anyone with a sharp eye will recognize it immediately.

It was a business car specially used by the Chu family.

And it's of the highest quality.

An important person from the Chu family is here. Who is it?

"King Chu Tian!"

Yan Wanzhi and Xiang Yuxiao looked at each other.

what's the situation?

The opening of Chen Yuan's breeding house actually attracted the presence of King Chu Tian in person?

The news of the Chu family's visit to Beiyu spread like a virus. Not only the Chu family's king, but also the Qiao family was present and went to the North District Elf Center!

Two such heavyweights are here in person.

Just because Chen Yuan’s Pokémon breeding house opened? !

This news directly frightened those forces who did not participate in this "fruit tree exchange event".

I originally dismissed the so-called bidding documents produced by the Chu family and Chen Yuan, but seeing this situation, even two real kings came here, it is enough to imagine how serious this matter is. What's important is that there is a small stall fee!

This is simply a redistribution of Beiyu’s right to speak!

Those families that realized the seriousness of the problem quickly called the Chu family's contact personnel and even began to allocate fruit trees from each family's orchards. The answer was that the "fruit tree exchange for table seats" activity for the first batch of fruits had ended.

The Pokémon Breeding House will no longer accept fruit trees from any faction.

Now those forces were completely stupid.

It was originally just a young person's nonsense, but I didn't expect that this was an opportunity to make good friends with the Chu family and the Qiao family, and it was quietly missed right in front of their eyes!


Chen Yuan was so happy when he saw the carloads of fruit trees being moved into the back hill by the strange forces.

The dozen or so houses before were indeed quite a lot, but once they spread out towards the back of the mountain, there weren't many.

But now that a truckload of fruit trees from the four major families has been shipped over, the mountain behind them can now be considered to have begun to take shape.

Especially the old man of the Jun family gave him the most, which moved Chen Yuan to death.

When you return to the Red Lotus Secret Realm during the Chinese New Year, you must prepare gifts for the old man.

After settling Mother Qiao and Mother Chu, Chen Yuan immediately entered the mixing room and called Lalu Lasi and Xiao Caocao.

The Pokémon Breeding House has begun its real trial operation.

However, there were a lot of guests today, which was beyond Chen Yuan's expectation, and the major families didn't know what kind of news they had gotten.

Even the head of the family came, including Dean Shangguanhong and the deputy high school principal.

Fortunately, there is space in this elf center. If it were his own small shop, it might not be able to accommodate so many people.

But looking at the faces here, Chen Yuan thought that most of the powerful people in Beiyu were already here. If an extraordinary legendary elf came to cause trouble, I'm afraid he would be punished... before he could vomit. Drop it.

But since they are all here to cheer, Chen Yuan can't be stingy.

No matter what the opponent's purpose is for coming here, since he is coming to his home court, he must treat him well.

Delicious fruit meal and No. 15 fruit drink are arranged.

When he saw Xiaohua putting the fruit meals on the tables of the big shots one by one, Chen Yuan smiled slightly. This could be regarded as preparation for the re-opening of his winter and summer shop in half a month.

Then Chen Yuan also began to officially make fruit meals for Pokémon Breeding House members.

Because today is a trial opening, we have to prepare some small benefits, so we will also provide a high-quality fruit meal for each trainer.

Let’s give more of the elves’ fruit meal.

Just think of it as a big reward for opening your business.

The list of eating elves was quickly collected, and Chen Yuan customized the fruit meal based on attributes.

Members of the Pokémon Breeding House are currently divided into three levels, ordinary, vip (high-level members) and svip (super members).

But no matter which membership level the quality of the fruit meals is almost the same.

The large-scale equipment comes out of the oven in one pot, and after the improvement of the secondary fermentation process of the small pot, a good high-end fruit meal can be made even with just a few primary fruits and a few intermediate fruits.

Because today is a trial opening, each trainer will be given an additional twice the amount of fruit meal.

This allows ordinary members to enjoy svip treatment.

However, for those VIP customers and svip customer Chen Yuan, we still prepared some small surprises.

With the improvement of craftsmanship, even if you only use junior and intermediate tree fruits as the base material, there is a chance of producing energy jelly. Although it is difficult to produce high-quality Pro jelly, the basic version of medium and small cups is enough.

Two hours later, the limited-time limited energy jelly upgraded version package was given away, and Chen Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, with the current equipment and efficiency, it won't take long for Chen Yuan to make these dozens of fruit meals.

But in the next period of time, Chen Yuan will go to Xijiang to participate in the flight trainer competition, which will take at least a week.

In these two hours today, I can almost make this week's consumption.

As long as these fruit meals are stored properly, it will not be a problem to last for 10 days and a half.

There was unlimited refills of fruit drinks today, and as a result, the big shots from Beiyu outside all had their stomachs full.

The more I drink, the better I feel, and the more I drink, the younger I get. Everyone is in high spirits and full of energy. They all ask, is this kind of fruit drink for sale?

Is this the Chu family’s new recipe?

When they learned that this was just Chen Yuan's new work, it was half a month later.

After the opening of Donglan Fruit Drink Store, there will be an official launch of fruit drinks.

All the family heads nodded on the spot, saying that they would come to Chen Yuan's new fruit drink shop in half a month to support him.

Look at this wave, isn’t the advertising traffic coming?

In the cafeteria square in the backyard, dozens of elves also officially started eating.

The major families don't have so many evil thoughts. Most of the people who come are Chen Yuan's peers, at most they are top ace super geniuses like Yan Wanzhi who are in their early 20s.

In fact, no one expected Chen Yuan's craftsmanship to be so good at first. Most of them had a social attitude, allowing young people to come over to gain experience and expand their connections.

If one of them can break through to the Quasi-King of Heaven in the future, those hundreds of fruit trees will all be regarded as friend fees for the child.

Of course, these young people gather together and have their own stories.

When I saw that the backyard of the elf center was connected to the back mountain, there was a battle field specially used for training battles.

Between each other, the elves fighting only need a look.

Nie Cha's Gemstone Starfish unleashed its strongest attack with all its strength. However, the Water Arrow Turtle on the opposite side was an elite level after all. It forcefully ate the phantom light, and then used a water cannon to take away the last bit of the Gemstone Starfish's physical strength.

"Student Nie Cha still needs to practice more."

The speaker was the vice-captain of the current school team of No. 1 Middle School, who was also a student admitted to Yuda's preparatory class.

No matter in terms of strength or status in the community, Nie Cha must be one step ahead.

The Beiyu Xiao family has suddenly emerged in recent years. Various industries in Beiyu have tended to overtake the Nie family, and the momentum is strong.

Xiao Miao was also unhappy with Nie Cha in every aspect.

It was obviously just a family that was about to lose, but the resources that Nie Cha received were several times that of his, which simply made him feel unsatisfied!

Especially when Captain Xu Xixi and Senior Fatty Qin Se both had high expectations for Nie Cha, their mediocre performance against him, a three-star elite, made him jealous even more.


This Nie Cha is not even a one-star elite. It will take several years before he can reach three stars. And I am already three stars. Why should the small circle exclude me? !

Just because she has a good family background?

In fact, Xiao Miao was not interested at all in this so-called breeder's breeding house. It was just a distribution of benefits for the upper class, and it also delayed their training time. However, when he heard that the Nie family was also here, Nie When Cha was one of them, Xiao Miao agreed without hesitation.

In his opinion, an ordinary membership card is enough.

Do you have the resources to buy him a few meals of those high-level breeders' fruit trees? Isn't it delicious?

Do you have to come to this little place to eat the fruit meal prepared by this teenager?

The fruit meal was served quickly.

Ordinary members get three servings per person, while senior VIP members and SVIP over there get nine servings of fruit meals per family. There is indeed a gap in the number, but Xiao Miao doesn't take it seriously.

Even if this fruit meal is of high-end quality, it was obtained from hundreds of fruit trees.

It’s not just about family.

Xiao Miao thought sourly and fed the three fruit meals to her three elves.

"Wuhu~Take off!"

The fat man let out a strange cry and high-fived Lai Minglue. He never expected that Chen Yuan would be so generous and prepare 9 fruit meals for them!

This amount is simply unimaginable!

Even in that valley, they worked hard and worked hard for many days and nights. The final reward they got was not as good as these 9 fruit meals. They must cherish it.

Because the nine fruit meals in his hand all had the same attributes, the fat man called over a few familiar people, together with his elder sister and eldest sister Yan Wanzhi, and the six people exchanged the required fruit meals with each other based on their attributes.

Make the most of everything and never waste it.

Nie Cha's Gemstone Starfish seemed to be a little strange. It had already reached the pinnacle of excellence. During these ten days of special training, Gemstone Starfish had taken a step further and had faint signs of reaching the threshold of the elite.

He originally thought that with the super power of the gemstone starfish, it was still possible to challenge the elites by leapfrogging, but he never thought that Xiao Miao did teach him a lesson today, the elites are still the elites.

It is too difficult to leapfrog.

However, our own gem starfish did eat quite a bit today. She actually ate three servings of fruit meals, and she still had some unfinished food.

There is energy gathering around the Gemstone Starfish, and self-regeneration restores its physical strength to its peak state. However, his body is like a bottomless pit, constantly devouring the energy in it. “Not enough, not enough,”

At this time, Gem Starfish conveyed its meaning directly to Nie Cha's heart. Isn't it necessary to have a fruit meal?

Nie Cha looked at the remaining 6 fruit meals on hand and continued to feed the gem starfish?

I originally thought about exchanging some high-end fruit meals for my newly adopted baby Charmander to eat back home, but I never expected that Gemstone Starfish would suddenly develop a huge appetite.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Nie Cha smiled and handed the plate of fruit meal to Gemstone Starfish. Just when Gemstone Starfish was about to open up his appetite and continue eating, a voice suddenly sounded behind Nie Cha.

"Classmate Nie Cha."

Nie Cha was shocked, stood up suddenly, and looked back to see the handsome young man.

Nie Cha's heart, which she originally thought she should be silent about, suddenly started to beat. She lowered her head subconsciously and whispered softly: "Good morning, classmate Chen Yuan."

Chen Yuan looked at the scorching sun already hanging above his head.

Scratching his head, "Oh, good morning, classmate Nie Cha."

"Ah, no, I almost made you go astray. This is the energy jelly prepared for your gem starfish. This gadget cannot be taken out of the orchard and needs to be eaten on the spot. Because you are the highest-level member, so you are here today. There are three pieces of jelly, and this is just one of them. If it’s not enough, go to the 4th floor, where there are special elves to exchange jelly for you.”

"Oh, good, good."

After passing the jelly, Nie Cha whispered: "Thank you, thank you, classmate Chen Yuan."

Chen Yuan smiled slightly and walked towards the fat man.

Looking at Chen Yuan's back, Nie Cha clenched his fists, and then looked at his gem starfish.

"Gem Starfish, you have to work hard."

Xiao Miao was very satisfied with this high-end fruit meal, especially the water-type fruit meal, which was quite good.

After eating just one fruit meal, his own water arrow turtle recovered almost completely, and even had a slight increase in energy.

This effect is much better than the fruit meals produced by our own high-level breeders. The results are immediate. It seems that the value of the more than 100 fruit trees is not wasted. This year's fruit meal expenses are still worth it. of.

But when he looked at Nie Cha, who was three times as big as him, he still felt a little unwilling.

"It took three times the number of fruit trees to exchange for so many fruit meals. Ha, that's it. The strength of the gem starfish is wasted if you can't eat it. Hey, I can just digest these."

Xiao Miao comforted herself, but when he saw Chen Yuan give Nie Cha a jelly-like gadget and let the gem starfish eat it, his eyes suddenly widened.

What is that?

Before he could think about it, the gem starfish that had just eaten the jelly suddenly floated up, and violent energy exploded from its body.

At this moment, in the small square in the back mountain, all the elves and trainers looked over. The light on the gem starfish became brighter and brighter, and the energy exploded, then converged back in an instant, spinning around to Nie Cha's side.


This Gem Starfish, who had only been trained for four or five months, actually broke through to the elite level.

Beiyu's fourth elite trainer of this generation is about to be born.

When the news was sent back to the elf center.

Nie Yun finally spit out the fruit drink in his mouth.

"Congratulations, Lao Nie."


"Sure enough, it has to be the Nie family!"

Listening to everyone's words, Nie Cha smiled lightly, but he was completely confused inside.

What happened?

He knows best what his daughter's strength is. It will take at least three or four months of preparation before Gem Starfish can break through to the elite level. But how long has it been now?

Why did it break through?

The name Energy Jelly suddenly spread in this hall.

A small jelly-like energy aggregate the size of a fingernail actually has a huge amount of energy comparable to 2 to 10 high-end fruit meals.

And this kind of jelly is actually the standard quota for svip super members of this breeding house.

As soon as the news came out, everyone couldn't sit still.

The parents who had recharged SVIP for their children all smiled slightly and breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they all looked at the King of the Chu family with curious eyes. They wanted to find out what this energy jelly was.

And those families who only invested in 100 or even 200 fruit trees immediately regretted it.

Although high-end fruit meals are precious, there is still a chance to obtain them elsewhere. If you ask high-level cultivators to use some high-end tree fruits to make high-end fruit meals, they may not be of master-level quality, but they will lose value for money.

Moreover, the one-year share of high-end fruit meals exchanged for one hundred fruit trees is, in their view, more of an investment.

However, the little jelly is completely different.

This is an energy aggregate!

If you can get one every day, let alone those elite ace trainers, even the elves who are top trainers like them will be of small benefit.

If you take it for a long time, your top elf may break through.

After all, there are only a few people who are willing to take out more than 300 fruit trees for their children to top up the meal fee.

More than a dozen family heads looked at Chu's mother, hoping to give her a chance.

Mother Chu shook her head slightly.

She doesn't get involved in these things.

At this time, Chen Yuan and Hua Yuxi finally distributed all the jelly.

As soon as he went upstairs, he was stopped by Shangguan Hong.

"Little friend Chen Yuan."

Chen Yuan still respected Shangguan Hong very much.

"Although I have an unkind request, I still want to see that energy jelly."

Shangguan Hong rubbed his hands and blushed slightly, but there was nothing he could do.

If the positive energy jelly is really like the news I got.

That is truly an epoch-making work.

Chen Yuan smiled slightly: "Of course."

It’s different in the past.

He dared to take out this energy jelly today, so he was naturally confident.

And now that the breeding house has officially opened, and my own researchers have taken over it, some of the things that need to be displayed can be gradually taken out.

In the canyon, his jelly had already made the quasi-celestial kings vaguely guess, and today, the energy tree fruit was officially made public.

Small jelly, crystal clear.

However, the energy within it is shocking.

"This is a medium-sized energy jelly, I call it a medium cup jelly. After the improved technology, this basic model has about 15 servings of high-end fruit meal energy..."

Chen Yuan spoke slowly, but Boss Beiyu below was secretly frightened.

What is the concept of an energy aggregate comparable to 15 high-end fruit meals! ?

This is a good thing that is very beneficial even to the king of heaven and the elves!

And what is medium size.

Is there a bigger energy jelly, and what does the basic model mean?

Is there any better quality?

After observing for a while, Nie Yun reluctantly handed the jelly back to Chen Yuan.

"I wonder if this jelly is for sale, little friend?"

Nie Yun asked the question that everyone was thinking about.

Chen Yuan shook his head slightly, "Due to many problems such as tree fruit resources and yield, we have no plans yet."

If the capacity is insufficient, it will not be sold.

Everyone present nodded slightly to express understanding.

After all, it would be incredible if a dozen or twenty pieces of such a high-quality product could be mass-produced at once.

“Can those jelly quotas for top members be taken away?”


Chen Yuan shook his head.

"All fruit meals, drinks and jelly provided by this breeding house are not allowed to be taken away. However, the daily quota can be accumulated, so don't worry about not being able to eat it."

"And please note that our restaurant's dining quota is now tied to individuals. Families must not change people, otherwise our restaurant will not provide any services."

Chen Yuan's two words blocked Nie Yun's thoughts.

Since the Nie family's quota was given to Nie Cha, even if he wanted to change someone to eat the fruit meal and jelly temporarily, it would be impossible.

Of course, Chen Yuan also left a hole for them.

His winter and summer store will open next month, and there will be a batch of tree fruit products that interest them.

Stay tuned.

After entertaining these Beiyu elites, Chen Yuan immediately returned to his mixing room.

Concentrate on making energy jelly.

He wants a lot of energy jelly.

All the equipment was operating at full power. With the help of Lalu Lasi's mental power, Chen Yuan operated multiple lines, doubling the efficiency. However, the problem appeared here in Huhu.

Although the fermentation level of Xiao Hu Hu is comparable to the top, the capacity of the carapace is really limited. No matter how fast the fermentation speed is, it is difficult to match those equipment operating at full power.

Moreover, the two hours of high-intensity fermentation was still a bit overwhelming for Xiaohuchu.

Looking at the large amount of tree fruits left on the ground, if they cannot be processed in time, these fruits may lose most of their nutrients when they return from Xijiang.

And the current finished jelly is not even 1/5 of what is needed.

Foreign aid is needed.

You need a pot that can ferment, and its strength is at least top-notch.

Where can I find a reliable kettle?

Chen Yuan rolled his eyes.


Isn’t there one downstairs?

Qiao's mother, accompanied by Qiao Beiyi, visited the back mountain.

When Chen Yuan and the two Qiao family bosses said this, they looked at each other and smiled.

Qiao Beiyi's Huhu is a top-level player, only one step away from the king.

And Mother Qiao’s pot turned out to be...

"Senior Dahuhu?"

Chen Yuan was startled and then became happy!

Mother Qiao still understands herself!

He actually brought senior Da Huhu with him!

The process of secondary fermentation was proposed by senior Dahuhu.

After Chen Yuan improved his craftsmanship, he didn't have time to ask Senior Dahuhu for guidance. This time, they just had a chance to work together to see if they could improve the craftsmanship again.

The opportunity was rare and time was limited. For this reason, Chen Yuan specifically asked Chu Xiaoxiao to change tomorrow morning's flight to the evening.

In this way, we can have a whole night to discuss the improved formula with Dahuchu, and with the addition of Dahuchu and Beiyihu.

Chen Yuan's efficiency in making fruit meals has been further improved, and all equipment is running at full capacity, maximizing the fermentation process of Three Pots.

When the first ray of the morning sun lit up in Beiyu, Chen Yuan sat down on the ground, and the three Hu Hus over there were a little unable to hold on. Even the big Hu Hu, with such a strong physique, could not do this all night. The high-intensity fermentation is also a bit overwhelming for it.

But the results are indeed gratifying.

The jelly production process is further optimized.

After all, the third fermentation is still out of control, but the second fermentation has been improved too much, and the overall process is close to perfection.

The quality of the jelly produced is even better.

Even if it is a jelly made only from elementary and intermediate tree fruits, the explosion rate is greatly increased.

Chen Yuan laughed out loud when he saw that all the fruits in the warehouse were turned into fruit jelly products.

It was time for morning exercise, Chu Xiaoxiao got up consciously, and together with classmate Xiaohua, took the little ones and started running around the back mountain.

Chen Yuan opened the window and saw Chu Xiaoxiao who was making noises.

Chen Yuan was so happy that he shouted.

The eldest lady was so frightened that she turned around and glared at Chen Yuan fiercely. What kind of elementary school boys would use this trick to scare girls!

"Isn't it childish!"

Chen Yuan laughed.

Called all the elves and went to the back mountain together.

After a busy day and night, the mountain behind Beiyu has changed drastically, and patches of fruit trees have been planted.

Various fruit trees are divided into categories.

There are quite a lot of fruit trees brought by the four major families. They have already covered the backyard and the foot of the mountain, and have a faint tendency to extend to the mountainside.

With such a scale, Chen Yuan is already satisfied. For now, just the fruit trees in the backyard of the breeding house are enough for his daily use.

Even if the previous winter and summer shop was still open, it would be able to produce enough fruit pulp to be mixed with water and sold, but Chen Yuan no longer has this ambition.

After the winter and summer stores reopen, they also need to readjust their business ideas based on the current situation. The main target customers and business models need to be re-considered.

While thinking about it, Chen Yuan and others had arrived at the core area of ​​the back mountain orchard, where hundreds of intermediate-quality fruit trees were planted.

The intermediate fruit produced is enough to feed the elves in the nursery to make fruit meal jelly.

However, due to the earth's environment, the energy concentration here is still too thin. Even if so many fruit trees are planted, it will be difficult to guarantee the future fruit quality of these intermediate fruit trees.

If left untreated, perhaps after a few months, or even just a few weeks, these intermediate fruit trees will no longer produce intermediate fruit.

The impact of the environment on tree fruits is really important.

This is why all families with some abilities and breeders must have their own secret orchard.

If you want to grow intermediate-level tree fruits, you can only go to the secret realm of the orchard.

But what if there is a park on earth that can grow intermediate-level fruit trees?

Not nothing.

It's just that the cost may require the use of high-end quality finished fruit trees and some special methods to maintain environmental energy.

And the scope is only a small greenhouse with dozens of plants.

The cost of planting tree fruits is even higher than that of high-end tree fruits, so those methods are only involved in the experimental fields of some large laboratories.

What Chen Yuan has to do now is to put the inspiration he had a few days ago into practice.

Improve the orchard environment!

It works on Earth too!

Chen Yuan called Gyarados.

Point your finger.

Gyarados is very familiar with this routine, floating in the air and arching.

He accumulated energy, then opened his mouth and fired a shot, blasting the land with destruction and death.

A huge pothole was immediately blasted out of the core of the orchard planned in the central area.

After several rounds of destruction and death, the loud noise still alarmed Mother Qiao and Mother Chu who were resting in the competition center.

Together with the trio of Jun Yusha, Chu Ning, and Qiao Beiyi who came to accompany them, they came to the back mountain to see what Chen Yuan was doing.

Chen Yuan is still thinking about who to ask for rain.

Sister Miaobu has been staying at home recently and not going out.

There seemed to be no one around who was proficient in rainfall, but when he saw Xiao Jili holding No. 8 fruit drink, Chen Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up.


Small things like rainfall are taken care of by me~

Little Geely clapped his hands, and suddenly dark clouds gathered and thunder exploded.

Then he stretched out his hand a little, and there was a downpour, pouring like a waterfall into the pit that was more than ten meters in diameter.

In just a moment, a pool of water was condensed and irrigated into shape.

Chen Yuan stretched out his hand and waved.

Little Mushroom took the lead, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Crocodile, Kirby... The little guys who came to work all pushed the energy jelly that had been prepared into the clear spring.

Gyarados swung its body, and a tidal wave suddenly stirred the spring water.

Hundreds of energy jelly collided and fused in the spring water, and the majestic energy emitted and merged into the spring water.

Just by standing by the spring and taking a deep breath, you can clearly feel the rich energy.

Chen Yuan invested more than half of his gains in one night into the spring water.

When the spring water returned to calm, Chen Yuan's eyes were calm.

Although the effect of this second time of making spring water is far greater than the first time of the energy spring in the secret realm of the orchard, it is not so easy to change the environment of Mother Earth.

If you want to create an environment like a secret realm in this back mountain and truly grow intermediate-level fruit trees, it is far from enough.

I'm afraid there will be more energy springs like this.

Chen Yuan turned around and was about to call the elves back to the secret realm of the orchard, where he would also make several more exclusive energy springs.

But when he saw the big pot-pot staring curiously at the lake, a light suddenly appeared in his mind!


Energy jelly fermentation! ! !

Xiao Huhu is not strong enough, so what about big Huhu?

In an instant, Chen Yuan's eyes became hot.

(End of this chapter)

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