you elf, are you legal

Chapter 361 Chen Yuan: My goal is to be a double champion

Chapter 361 Chen Yuan: My goal is to be a double champion (Wan Geng please subscribe)

When we found Uncle Bi Diao, Yan Bu was there, and even Little Bu Bu came to visit.

One big and two small, playing with sparks.

By the way, Uncle Bi Diao is also promising now.

This is actually being able to play with fire with the two kings.

"Let's go to a dinner party."

Chen Yuan said.

"Beer burp~"

Uncle Bi Diao immediately became stunned.

The fire ball was eaten directly by Little Bubu.

"Buy bu y~"

Little Bubu was delighted.

Sure enough, Chen Xiaoyuan is comfortable living here, and he can even make a small ball of sacred fire to eat.

Where to go? Take me one.

Little Bubu wagged his tail and slipped into Chen Yuan's arms.

Yan Bu climbed directly onto Bi Diao's back.

Yes, together.

The secret city is the core city that the Liu family operates in the Luofeng secret realm.

Like Xindu, it focuses on the harmonious coexistence of elves and humans.

Luofeng Hotel is quite grand.

There are more than a dozen floors, and each floor has complex elven patterns and carvings on it.

Among them, what impressed Chen Yuan the most was that on the gate, Chen Yuan saw the reliefs of Lugia and Phoenix King.

Slightly different from the ones in the temple, the reliefs here are closer to the appearance of the two legendary elves in Chen Yuan's impression.

It seems that the Liu family still knows something real.

"So ugly."

At this time, a female voice sounded behind Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan nodded, this relief is indeed ugly.

Suddenly realized that someone was talking to him?

I turned around to look, but there was no one there.

Looking at the little Bubu in his arms and Yanbu over there, they seemed completely unaware and a little confused. What's going on?


"Is this Mr. Chen Yuan? Please come over here. I will be responsible for taking care of your three elves. Don't worry, we have professional breeders here, and a master is still here today."

The person leading the way for Chen Yuan was still a manager.

Little Bubu didn't know much at all. The fruit meals made by those people were not as delicious as those made by Chen Xiaoyuan, but when he heard that he was a master, he followed suit.

Yan Bu didn't want to go, but Chen Yuan quietly told Yan Bu to write down the taste of the food so that he could improve it.

Yan Bu swept his tail.

Reluctantly agree.

Forget it, just think of it as helping Chen Xiaoyuan to taste it.

I don’t know if the master craftsmanship of the Liu family can compare with that of the Di family and the Jun family.

The three elves were taken to the elf-only restaurant, and Chen Yuan was taken to the third floor.

"Eh? My appointment is on the second floor."

"Ah, the third floor here has the best dining environment. The owner of the house specially ordered it."


Chen Yuan was confused.

Isn't the appointment I made this time just a simple meal for the two sisters of the Liu family?

What happened to the owner?

Just when Chen Yuan was confused, he had already been taken to the dining hall.

The best dining room on the entire third floor.

Chen Yuan saw a person.

A beautiful middle-aged woman.

do not know.

"Did you take me to the wrong room?"

Chen Yuan was confused.

Where are the two senior sisters?

"Classmate Chen Yuan, right?"

The beautiful middle-aged woman suddenly spoke.

Chen Yuan was stunned: "Who are you?"

"I am Liu Xueru and Liu Fengru's mother."

The beautiful middle-aged woman spoke calmly.

Chen Yuan was stunned.

This scene is so familiar. I have encountered it before when reading novels.

What a plot where the daughter of a big family and a poor boy are discovered together!

Doesn’t the head of the Liu family think that he and his two senior sisters are going to be together after having a meal?

Is this to slap him in the face with money and power?

Don't blame Chen Yuan for having wild thoughts, it's just that this happened too suddenly.

I really have no interaction with this aunt.

"Sit down. I heard that you have a good relationship with my family, Feng Ru Xueru, so please call me Aunt Liu."

The beautiful middle-aged woman smiled.

Chen Yuan opened his mouth, as if he wanted to explain, but after thinking about it, he just let it go and looked at the situation.

Liu Yunzhi smiled slightly and looked at Chen Yuan who was sitting down. If you look closely, this child is pretty good.

Moreover, she used her daughter’s account to show off her appearance, and she dressed up so handsomely. It looked like she had chosen her outfit carefully.

It seems that he attaches great importance to the two of them.

Those two girls said they were not interested.

Ha ha ha.

"Come on, come on, you're welcome. Xue Rufengru and the others will be here soon, but you need to taste our specialties first..."

Chen Yuan glanced at the table of dishes.

He didn't move, but looked directly at Liu Yunzhi.

"Master Liu."

"Call me Aunt Liu."

Chen Yuan smiled slightly: "I don't know why Master Liu called me here."

Chen Yuan went straight to the point.

Although there was a table of food, it didn't look like he was invited to come over for dinner.

So let’s make a long story short.

There are still several mouths at home, waiting for dinner.

Liu Yunzhi smiled faintly: "Then I'll tell you straight, I wonder what classmate Chen Yuan feels about my Feng Ru and Xueru?"

Chen Yuan was really stunned now.

What do you mean?

It’s not going to be…

Liu Yunzhi continued: "Actually, if you have the intention, it is not impossible. If you are sincere enough, it is possible even for the two of them."

Chen Yuan blinked and did not dare to speak.

Seemingly very satisfied with Chen Yuan's attitude, Liu Yunzhi nodded, "I heard that you are an intermediate trainer, right? It's really good to have such a talent at this age,"

"My Liu family also has a training master. If you are willing to come to my Liu family, there will be a training master to give you guidance personally."

"Also, I think your elf training is okay. I will also arrange for top trainers to personally guide you and help your elf reach the top level as soon as possible."

"Of course, I know that the Chu family has given you a lot of resources. It doesn't matter. Our Liu family is also willing to provide double the resources. How about such sincerity, classmate Chen Yuan?"

Chen Yuan was completely stunned now.

This Liu family...

Is this to poach people?

Not only marrying a daughter but also a bunch of resources.

To be honest, if it were someone else, I might be really moved.


Chen Yuan was really a little curious.

Is the person on the other side really coming for him?

"So Master Liu, what can I do for the Liu family?"

Liu Yunzhi leaned on her back and looked at Chen Yuan's curious expression, feeling confident.

"Our Liu family can help you raise the Bibi bird and Beagle for a while."

"Don't worry, my Liu family can't do that kind of trickery. You need to hand over the two elves to my Liu family for three years. After three years, my Liu family promises to train both of them to the top."

Chen Yuan smiled, and so did Liu Yunzhi.

Chen Yuan called the waiter.

Pointing to the table of food, "How much do these cost?"

The waiter was stunned, glanced at the head of the Liu family, and then said a number.

Six figures is okay.

"Actually, you don't have to worry about this little money from Chen Yuan. From now on we are all a family. Whatever the Chu family can give you, we will give it to you. What the Chu family can't give, our Liu family still has, for example, two daughters. .”

Chen Yuan: "Then for the three elves below my house, take a look at what they ate and remember to tell me the cost. Well... just use this to pay the bill."

Chen Yuan left the rewards he had just received along the way, a pile of intermediate fruit and a high-level fruit on the dining table.

Then he stood up directly and looked at the head of the Liu family.

"I accept the kindness of the master of the family."

Then Chen Yuan went out directly. Under the dull gaze of the waiter, he patted his shoulder: "By the way, don't forget to pack it for me. Pack everything that has not been touched. By the way, don't leave anything that has been touched. The eldest lady in my family is mysophobic."

Liu Yunzhi: "???"

Ten minutes later, Chen Yuan carried a large bag of food, rode on Uncle Bi Diao, and found a comfortable position. Yan Bu and Xiao Bu Bu sat side by side.

Liu Yunzhi was standing in front of the window on the third floor, looking down: "Classmate Chen Yuan, please stay. I think we still have some misunderstandings."

Chen Yuan looked at the head of the Liu family and seemed to have a little misunderstanding, but whatever.

"Well, you don't need to give change for those fruits~"

Chen Yuan waved his hand and patted the eagle.

Uncle Bi Diao flapped his broad wings lightly.

But at this moment, a terrifying aura suddenly hit him.

"The master asked you to stay, didn't you hear? You are such a rude junior."

There was a cold drink coming from above.

A middle-aged man is riding on the big king swallow.

It was surprisingly the uncle of Liu Fengru who performed at the New Year's Eve event.

I saw a flame suddenly surged from the body of the big king Yan and rushed down towards Bi Diao.

It was the big king swallow that was at the New Year's Eve ceremony before that.

And above this flame, there was a faint hint of the Phoenix King's intention, heading directly towards Uncle Bi Diao, as if to prevent Uncle Bi Diao from taking off.

Chen Yuan sighed.


It was obvious that I was quite happy with Master Liu before, so why did such a strange person come out?

Subconsciously, he had to pat Uncle Bi Diao and let him use a sacred fire to hit the opponent's small flame.

But suddenly, Chen Yuan was shocked.

From the corner of his eye, he quickly passed by the head of the Liu family in front of the window.

A flash of light flashed through my mind.

Thinking of the Liu family's request.

Why did the Liu family always treat guests with courtesy, and why did such a person suddenly appear?

there is only one truth.

It has to be said that since Chen Yuan spent a night meditating with Xiaohua that day, his mental power has improved by leaps and bounds.

Even the speed of thinking has become much faster.

Uncle Bidiao here just came out with a burst of fire to fight against Da Wang Yan.

The big Wang Yan opposite had a fierce aura, but the flame didn't seem to be very powerful.

He only needs to use a little sacred fire to completely suppress the opponent.

Can this still be false?

Uncle Bi Diao raised his head.

Chen Yuan quickly patted Uncle Bi Diao and sent his mental power directly to him.

"Uncle, stop."

Uncle Bidiao was stunned.


But at this moment, what the big Wang Yan on the other side said actually caused a spark to fall on Bi Diao.

But Bi Diao still raised his neck and remained motionless.

At once……

Let you burn.

The flame was only ten centimeters away from Bi Diao's face. At this time, even Chen Yuan could clearly feel the top meaning in the flame, as well as the clear meaning of Phoenix King.

There is also the twisting shape of the Phoenix King inside the sparks.

It always feels like the fire is under its control, but not its own.

This feeling is amazing.

At this moment, Chen Yuan suddenly felt like returning to the Weibai secret realm and facing the big king swallow again.

This is how the King Yan in Weibai's battle felt, the King Yan who ate the feather of the flame bird.

The big king swallow opposite is obviously somewhat related to the Phoenix King.

But not much.

The flames were fierce, but they stopped in front of Chen Yuan.

The flame moved a little further, and Chen Yuan and Uncle Bi Diao both tilted their heads, as if waiting for the flame to come.

Not afraid.

Not afraid.

Don't fight back.

In the sky, the big king swallow was a little dumbfounded.

What's going on? !

Looking back at his trainer, his eyes were full of questions. What's going on? If the opponent doesn't respond, will the flame burn or not?

Uncle Liu Fengru's face turned red and white.

He was very angry when he looked at the human boy below.

So when talking to the head of the family, the Liu family really needs a hard education.

But the task given by the head of the family was only to force the Bi Diao to take action, but not to harm the brat Chen Yuan.


How dare this brat ignore him!

"Wang Yan, make the flames bigger,"


King Yan yelled, spitting out a mouthful of fire again, and the flames grew stronger at this moment. This was a full blow from the top elf, covering the sky, and pressed down on Chen Yuan.

At this time, the movement had already attracted many people to come and watch.

Look what's going on here.

I saw someone had already raised a camera.

Chen Yuan sighed, if he didn't take action, he wouldn't let himself leave.

I don't want to let the situation escalate.

Pat the little bubu in your arms.

Little Bubu understood immediately.

He raised his front paw and waved it, and a large burst of flames shot up into the sky and easily tore through the blockade of the flame sky.

Then Chen Yuan flapped Bi Diao's wings, and Uncle Bi Diao soared into the sky.

At the same time, Yan Bu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly made a move, and the small ball of flame that was floating in front of Chen Yuan Bi Diao was sucked in by her.

If it were an ordinary top flame, Yan Bu might still have to put in a little more effort now.

But there is a sacred flame in it, haha.

Isn't this a back door for her?

Wang Yan, who had lost control of his flames, seemed alert and looked over.

At this time, Little Bubu suddenly burst out with the power of a heavenly king. He rushed forward and was immediately stunned by the big king Yan Chong.


Everyday king! ? ? ?

Bi Diao soared into the sky and left in a blink of an eye.

The big Wang Yan was still trembling in mid-air, and it took a while before he came back to his senses.

Liu Fengru's clan uncle also woke up at this time and saw that the crowd below was already in chaos.

He looked at the head of the family again, his expression was calm, and he seemed to be in a very bad mood.

My scalp is about to explode.

"Clean up this mess and come find me."

Liu Yunzhi turned and left.

The clan uncle sighed secretly, knowing that he could not escape this scolding.

Looking from a distance in the direction Chen Yuan left, he gritted his teeth secretly, "You little bastard, just wait for me."

Ten minutes later, Liu Fengru and Liu Xueru entered the hotel and went to the third floor.

Looking at the empty dining table and Liu Yunzhi sitting there alone, it was a little strange.

Liu Fengru: "Mom, where is Chen Yuan?"

Liu Yunzhi: "Call my mother, Your Majesty." Liu Xueru: "Mom, this is not a study room. Don't we have such rules in our family? Where is Chen Yuan? Didn't you ask Chen Yuan out? What about the Pillar of the Sky? Yet?"

Liu Yunzhi looked out the window and sighed.

"Daughter, give up."

Chen Yuan returned to the manor and was in a good mood.

"Smiling so well, it seems there is something good going on." Chu Xiaoxiao looked calm.

Chen Yuan shook the packing bag in his hand.

"Want to eat a delicious meal?"

"I want what I want~"

At this time, Hua Yuxi also rushed over.

"I didn't expect that Chen Yuan could take us with you when you go out to eat."

"Of course. I don't think about you. Who do I think about? Hey, Xiaohua, please leave some of this dish for me."

"Eh heh heh? Chen Yuan, didn't you eat?"

"Don't mention it. These dishes are all untouched. Xiaoxiao, come over and eat. Didn't you say you don't have to wait for me to eat? You can prepare some for dinner? Didn't you eat?"

"Ah hahaha, that's so interesting, Chen Yuan, let me tell you, Xiaoxiao said she would order instant noodles today, and then we..."

"Xiaohua, you don't have to tell this guy anything!" Chu Xiaoxiao's face turned red and she quickly blocked Xiaohua's mouth with a mouthful of meat.

Chen Yuan, who was still indifferent at first, is now even more curious.

He gave me a look and said at night. Hua Yuxi blinked and understood~

Chu Xiaoxiao became very angry when she saw the two of them winking at each other.

The three of them returned to the room.

When Xiaohua went to take a bath, Chen Yuan was there to give the little guys a training plan.

By the way, I would like to tell Chu Xiaoxiao about the outrageous thing that happened today.

Chu Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, was holding Lalu Lasi while scrolling through her phone. There is a couple of echoes but not the same.

With Chu Xiaoxiao and Chen Yuan, they had nothing to hide.

Chu Xiaoxiao has nothing to worry about when it comes to Chen Yuan.

"You're on the hot list again."

"what happened again?"

Chen Yuan asked.

"Someone took a picture of you confronting Wang Yan, the top king, in Luofeng City."


Chen Yuan became more energetic, "I actually look like a heroic figure, let me see."

Chen Yuan leaned over and took a look, "Eh? Why was it deleted?"

Chu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "The Liu family may have taken action, but it seems that there were many people who witnessed this, and it shouldn't be suppressed. The circle of elites and aces is not limited to the community."

Chen Yuan kept looking at Chu Xiaoxiao's mobile phone, and reached out to quickly pull at Chu Xiaoxiao's mobile phone.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."


Chu Xiaoxiao reacted immediately and quickly put the phone back, "You pervert, why are you still looking at my phone?"

"Ah? I'll just take a look at the new pins in the community. What are you thinking about?"

Chen Yuan squinted, "Is there anything shameful in your phone?"

"How, how is it possible? Who looks like you, gangster, hum!" Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the screen of her phone, and it turned out to be the pinned post that Chen Yuan said.

"Exclusive news, shocking, Chen Yuan's ambition is actually double..."

Double what?


Chu Xiaoxiao clicked in directly.

It was an exclusive news reposted from Pang Ding TV Station and Dongfa.

Mainly due to some revelations that Chen Yuan was invited to interview that day, the most explosive of which was Chen Yuan's goals related to this flight competition and the Masters Racing Competition.

In short, double champion.

You heard me right, a double champion.

The post also included a video of the interview.

"Classmate Chen Yuan, your outstanding performance in the rookie league is still fresh in my memory. What goals can you share with us in this flying competition this time?"

"I don't have any goals, I just want to get a silver badge."

"As far as I know, if you want to get the silver badge in this competition, you need to win the double championship of the racing competition and the battle competition. In other words, Chen Yuan, your goal is to win the double championship?"

Chen Yuan nodded with a smile, serious and determined.

In the video, Chen Yuan looked serious and focused, confident and arrogant. He smiled faintly at Dong Fafa, raised the corners of his handsome mouth, and then spoke slowly, with a firm tone as if he was saying that he would eat two buns for breakfast today. .

This is such a video.

The post immediately went viral.

"Look, look, look, what does it mean to be domineering and sideways, what does the waves from behind push the waves ahead in the Yangtze River, you top aces are all in trouble."

"No wonder people dare to say that ace players who haven't reached the top level in five years are all rubbish. They are really young and frivolous."

"What are you so weird about? Those of you upstairs, didn't you see the way my brother Yuan was confronting that top king Yan today? He was calm and comfortable, not weak at all. Maybe his Bi Diao already has top strength."

"Haha, young people are getting more and more outrageous these days. If that brat had top-notch strength, I would stand on my head and eat him."

"Isn't it why so many people cheating on food and drinking are doing it upside down? You can just take a bite and show it to me."

"The person upstairs just said that he was standing on his head and eating flying, but the top certified trainers are still the Liu family."

"Let me see……"

"Hey, why did you edit it out? I saved the screenshot. He is really a big shot in the Liu family, the trainer of Wang Yan who just confronted Chen Yuan."

"A top trainer has suddenly appeared! Hello, Mr. Yan! Mr. Yan, don't cheat on me by eating or drinking."

"One thing to say, judging from the strength that Chen Yuan has shown in the past few days, there is still some hope for the flying competition, but the racing competition is enough. His bird could not fly even one lap during the preliminaries. In the finals, you have to fly three laps, and the checkpoints are more difficult, so you have no chance."

"It's funny, what is the flying competition? There is still hope. Judging from the fighting strength that the eagle has shown so far, it may not even be able to defeat Ti Yan's fire-breathing dragon. How can you be sure that he can win the championship? Tomorrow He will face the top 16 players in the top 10 in the top of this year. We will talk about it tomorrow if he can pass."

"Are you the reincarnation of a gangster? Didn't you watch today's video? You can confront the top King Yan. You are still lying to yourself when you say this one is stronger than the eagle. It is not as strong as the fire-breathing dragon. Tomorrow, I, Yuanshen Bidiao, will help you break through to the top level, let’s see if you are still arguing here.”

"You are the one making excuses, aren't you?! To borrow a phrase from Mr. Yan, it's just a game of eagles. If you can break through to the top tomorrow, you can do anything like standing on your head and flying."

"You have forgotten one thing. In this competition, only top ace players can participate. If they break through to the top level, Bi Diao will withdraw from the competition. Do you think that even if Bi Diao can break through, then little brother Chen Yuan may Let his strongest ace break through to the top?"

"You guys upstairs may have forgotten one thing. Brother Chen Yuan has only used two elves now, a Bibi Bird who has just become an ace, and a Beagle who is at the peak of his ace."

"Where's his third elf? Maybe his third elf is stronger, laugh."

"Maybe I just caught a poppy on the side of the road."

"It's funny, no one really expects Chen Yuan's third elf to be more powerful than his ace peak Bi Diao."

"A little new trainer is already very strong if he has reached this point. Please don't expect more from him. Just listen to the double champion."

"Are there not many people who say harsh things before a game but get slapped in the face in the end?"

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Chen Yuan with a faint smile, but Chen Yuan didn't make any training plan now.

He was stroking his chin and scrolling through Chu Xiaoxiao's phone. It was very interesting to read the comments.

Chu Xiaoxiao's fingers had rubbed against the screen, and she obviously wanted to fight back.

However, Chen Yuan pressed Chu Xiaoxiao's little hand and shook his head slightly.

"What's wrong?" Chu Xiaoxiao was a little dissatisfied.

Chen Yuan smiled, pointed to the little flower, and then pointed to the bathroom, "It's your turn to take a shower."

Chen Yuan and the two of them did a circular meditation and felt quite comfortable. Then they took a shower and returned to the mixing room.

The Bibi bird balance program that I tried before has been very effective. In the future, you can consider giving Bibi bird three types of balancing jelly for a long time. I believe it won't be long before its three types of energy can be completely balanced.

In fact, Chen Yuan still wants to make a three-series balanced jelly, but now he has insufficient equipment on hand, and there are no high-quality fruit trees, so he can only use this three-series balanced jelly as an alternative. However, It seems that Bibi Bird's precedent is good, and it can indeed be used by Uncle Bi Diao.

You can continue to use the balance jelly of the general flying type from yesterday, but Uncle Bi Diao needs to make the jelly of the flying fire dual type and the normal fire dual type separately.

Fortunately, Chen Yuan has a lot of experience in making balanced jelly.

Although they are two types of balanced jelly that have never been made before, the formula is easy to adjust, and a relatively perfect balanced jelly can be produced with just two small trials and errors.

Although it was already very late, Uncle Bi Diao didn't sleep either.

He was meditating with his eyes closed under the tree.

The three groups of sparks dancing in the wind around him felt like little Bubu playing with fire in the secret realm of Weibai.

It's just that at that time, little Bubu was playing with fire, and Uncle Bi Diao was sitting under the tree and watching, but now it was little Bu Bu, who was wagging her tail and watching Uncle Bi Diao playing with fire.

Although it hasn’t been long, everyone has grown up.

Call Uncle Bi Diao to eat jelly.

In fact, the training focus of Bi Diao and Bi Bi Bird is completely in two directions.

Bibi Bird places more emphasis on speed. In the past, he mainly focused on the flying type. The water type skills he mastered are actually to make up for his lack of speed. The general type can actually better mobilize his speed advantage.

Therefore, general energy and jelly are very important to Bibi Bird.

On the other hand, Uncle Bidiao was more inclined towards the direction of the flames.

Originally, in the Weibai Secret Realm, Uncle Bi Diao's dual-system basics of normal and flying were far from being comparable to Bi Diao's.

But in the Red Lotus Secret Realm after that, the volcano jumped, allowing Uncle Bi Diao to master the power of fire.

Since then, the energy in Uncle Bi Diao's body has formed a three-legged trend.

However, this flame is only the third energy after all. It has only been accumulated for a few months, which is far from enough to compare with the energy accumulation over the years.

Therefore, these three jellies were specially customized by Chen Yuan for Uncle Bi Diao. Chen Yuan also made slight adjustments to the size ratio of the three jellies, hoping to help Uncle Bi Diao reach the top level.

Uncle Bi Diao looked at the three special balanced jelly pieces and then at Chen Yuan, feeling quite moved.


Don’t say anything anymore, leave it to me tomorrow!

Chen Yuan was still very relieved about Uncle Bi Diao, but he still did not forget to tell Uncle Bi Diao not to break through tonight, otherwise he would not be able to play in the game tomorrow.

Uncle Bi Diao flapped his wings. He naturally understood this and tilted his neck back, swallowing all three energy jelly directly into his belly.

When he closed his eyes, the momentum suddenly surged, and the red, white and blue lights suddenly exploded.

But Uncle Bi Diao used his strong willpower to firmly suppress that energy, and finally turned it into pure, usable energy stored in his body.

I’ve heard before that this balancing jelly has a miraculous effect on energy balance in the body, and I tried it today and it’s true!

It’s just cool!

Breathing out a mouthful of fire, this time Uncle Bidiao felt that his understanding and control of flames had even reached a higher level. He had vaguely reached the threshold of the top level, with only a thin layer of film that could be broken with a single poke.

At this time, Chen Yuan was relieved. After all, Uncle Bi Diao did not break through to the top level immediately. In fact, he also knew how tempting the top level was to Uncle Bi Diao, who had been stuck at the top of his ace for many years.

However, Chen Yuan was a little touched by the fact that he was able to suppress it and settle down when the energy exploded, instead of allowing the power of flames to completely break through the bottleneck.

But looking at Uncle Bidiao's appearance, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for long.


He will pass the six-star assessment tomorrow morning!

When the time comes, the right solution will be to include Uncle Bi Diao as an elf!

January 2025, 1 is the fifth day of the New Year’s Day holiday.

The residents of Xidu and trainers who like flying elves finally have their own festival.

The elimination round of the main flight competition finally kicked off.

More importantly, the organizing committee understands the community.

The first game of this knockout round is player Chen Yuan's game.

Moreover, the opponent arranged for this match is the top ace from Shanghai, Ke Ximing, ranked 9th on the top list.

This is a pretty exciting game.

The topic level is immediately full.

Yesterday, it was said that as long as Chen Yuan did not meet the top 10 players on the top 16 list, he would be able to reach the top 1. However, this first game was full of intensity.

Met the top ace players.

The organizing committee is determined and does not want Chen Yuan to reach the top 16!


Chen Yuan was speechless. Looking at the schedule, he felt very sad.

The game started at 9:30, and the elite assessment registration was at 8:30. After arriving, I had to make an appointment to register, and it took half an hour just to queue up.

The earliest assessment time that could be scheduled was in the afternoon, but the first session in the afternoon was still with him.

This is unbearable.

Forget it, let’s talk about it after these two games.

Chen Yuan's plan to conduct a surprise 6-star assessment before the game failed.

But actually it's okay, it's only a few hours. After eating the jelly yesterday, I was fine all night, so it's not a few hours.

But think about it carefully,

How come it's like Uncle Bi Diao can really break through to the top level casually?

You must know that the barrier between the top and the ace is not as casual as between the elite and the ace.

Uncle Bi Diao has been here in Weibai Lake for so many years, so how could it be so few days apart.

Chen Yuan came to the players' lounge. As friends and relatives and members of the same club, Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi also got the best VIP seats and could watch Chen Yuan's game in the lounge next to the stadium.

Chen Yuan was led to the dressing room by the staff.

Not to mention that for this triennial competition flight feast, every contestant must be styled by professional makeup personnel.

However, Chen Yuan arrived in a hurry. He only arrived at the players' lounge with 15 minutes left.

This made the girl in charge of makeup, Chen Yuan, anxious.

He rushed to Chen Yuan anxiously with his tools, but when he took a closer look, he was a little dumbfounded...

Chen Yuan's skin condition is maintained...this complexion...

I'm so envious that I'm drooling!

No need for extra trimming at all,

I just simply put on my foundation, smoothed my hair, and styled it.

Get it!

"Pang Ding TV, Pang Ding TV, this is Dongfafa."

"This is Xiahou Aiyun."

"Today's flight competition will be hosted by us for everyone."

"Speaking of which, Dongfafa, you are quite excited today."

"Of course, today there is a competition with my little brother Chen Yuan."

"Huh? Since when did you become your little brother Chen Yuan? That's not what you said when you came back from hosting the rookie league in Beiyu last time."

"At one moment or another, fans turned around. But it seems that player Ke Ximing here has entered the venue, but it seems that Chen Yuan has not come. What's going on? There are still five minutes left, brother Chen Yuan won't Did you sleep in?"

"Fafa, fafa, let's calm down. We still have 5 minutes to tell you about the format of this flying feast."

Dongfa immediately became serious: "Okay Aiyun, this flight competition is divided into three stages. The first stage of qualifiers is a test of overall strength. I believe that all players who have participated in the qualifiers will have something." I understand that if the elf pool is not deep and the skill pool is stretched, it will be difficult to enter the main competition."

"By the way, classmate Aiyun also secretly participated in the preliminaries of this flight competition but failed. He eventually fell in the 6th round."

Xiahou Aiyun's old face turned red: "Ahem, come on, don't talk about such private matters. The preliminaries are really difficult, damn it! Let's continue talking about the schedule."

Dongfa smiled and continued: "The second round of the doubles match is about the cooperation of an elf and adapting to the situation."

Xiahou Aiyun took over the conversation: "As for this knockout round, it is a 1v1 singles battle to determine the outcome. Therefore, the trainer must bring out his strongest elf to fight."

Dong Fafa: "Actually, it's not just that. The strongest elf is important, but you also need to judge what kind of elf the opponent will use to make adjustments."

"Yes, emergency response is also very important..."

"Look, Chen Yuan is here!!!"

Suddenly, a scream broke out in the field, and cheers immediately erupted from the surrounding spectator fields.

The mountains in the sky arena, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people, roared, almost shouting Chen Yuan's name.

Although before this, Chen Yuan said words that made countless ace trainers sad and shed tears, and before this game, he announced in a high-profile manner that his goal was to win the championship of two major events in a row and achieve the mini-slam of flying feast. .

But it is undeniable, but it is exactly this that makes people like it!

Moreover, in the video in front of the big screen, Chen Yuan's handsome figure waved his hands coolly, with a smile on his face and a confident and youthful appearance. It really attracted fans.

With such strength and such youth, why would it hurt to say those words? !

Xia Hou Aiyun: "It seems that Chen Yuan is so popular no matter where he goes."

Dongfa closed his microphone and shouted wildly along with the crowd for a while, then smiled and adjusted his hairstyle: "Okay, friends in the audience in front of the screen, Game 2024 of the 2025~1 Flight Feast Knockout Tournament, Ke Ximing from the Magic City vs. Chen, a preparatory student from Beiyu University source."

Dongfafa: "The players on both sides are already in place."

Xiahou Aiyun: "Because it is a 1-on-1 battle, both players need to put in elves at the same time."

Dong Fafa: "Let's see what elf Chen Yuan is using."

"Sure enough, it's the same bird that performed very well in the previous competition."

"Then player Ke Ximing seems to have expected that Chen Yuan would use the eagle that is good at flames, so he did not send out the armored bird he used in the doubles, but a Gyarados!"

"Not bad Gyarados." Xiahou Aiyun nodded: "As expected, he is indeed a top ace trainer. This Gyarados is indeed much stronger than many Gyarados in the National League. It was just put in The power in the field is so frightening.”

Dong Fafa said: "Aiyun, what do you think of this Gyarados compared to Jiang Xiaoning's one?"

Xiahou Aiyun: "Be stronger than lose. Fafa, who do you think will win this match?"

Dong Fafa: "I think Chen Yuan has great hope."

Xiahou Aiyun: "I think veteran player Ke Ximing's Gyarados is very likely to win."

Ke Ximing looked at Chen Yuan in the field with a little displeasure in his eyes.

Especially when he saw the Bi Diao on the field, he felt extremely unhappy.

According to his investigation, although the eagle was raised by Chen Yuan, it was not the elf in his elf position.

In other words, the origin of this bird is unknown, and it is even possible that it was not cultivated by Chen Yuan himself.

He came to the competition with such an elf and even licked his face and said those contemptuous words.

Simply shameless.

Newcomers like Chen Yuan have no idea how difficult it is to train a real ace elf.

Do you naively think that if you can pick up a peak ace bird, you can train it to the top level?

Dream on!

All the bells and whistles in a doubles match are nothing more than a vase against a capable trainer.

Let you see how strong the ace that has been at its peak for five years really is!


Ke Ximing stretched out his hand.

At the same time, the referee raised his right hand.

The roaring tsunami in the middle of the field suddenly stopped and there was silence.

Then he waved his right hand heavily.

"Game start."

"Water cannons."

Today, he, Ke Ximing, will break the vase with his own hands.

 Keep going!

  Be sincere!



(End of this chapter)

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