you elf, are you legal

Chapter 367 Alpaca? Little Eevee's first fairy skill

Chapter 367 Alpaca? Little Eevee’s first fairy skill (please subscribe for updates)

Hua Yuxi, who was supposed to be sleeping soundly there, had already sat up at this time.

Look at Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao.

"Chen Yuan, eh~"

she muttered.

He stretched out his hand and made a hug gesture.

Yet her eyes remained closed.

Just, there is no intention of waking up at all.

This is sleepy.

Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly looked at Chen Yuan with a perverted look.

She lowered her voice: "You pervert, what did you do to Xiaohua?"

Chen Yuan was speechless. What he did to Xiaohua in his dream was all because of me?

Besides, is he that kind of person?

"Xiaoxiao, you can't Xiaoxiao, really, do you really want to smell there..."


Chen Yuan squinted and looked at Chu Xiaoxiao, "Heh."

At this moment, silence is better than sound.

What else did this woman say?

"Come on, make a quibble."

Chu Xiaoxiao was very calm, "Even if Xiaohua dreams about an ordinary thing, I can't be that kind of person."

Chen Yuan came closer to Chu Xiaoxiao, almost biting Chu Xiaoxiao's ear, and whispered: "Last time, on the plane, didn't you almost reach out to my face?"

Chu Xiaoxiao turned to look at Chen Yuan fiercely.


Chen Yuan laughed loudly and kissed her.



Chen Yuan: "???"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "???"

The two separated and looked at each other again. At this time, no matter how dull they were, they all understood what was going on.

Both of their eyes fell on La Lulas who was right next to Xiao Hua.

I saw that one of the little guy's little hands was resting on classmate Xiaohua's body, and the other hand was covering his eyes, but anyone could tell at a glance that there was something wrong with the angle that could block the peeking view.


At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly gritted her teeth, with an expression like a mother watching her naughty daughter break off her beloved lipstick.

He ran after him.

But Lalu Lasi can teleport.

He immediately came to Chen Yuan's side with a "teleportation" and got into Chen Yuan's arms for a hug.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Brother, help~

Chen Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and held the little guy in his arms.

Kissed her hard.

At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao trembled as if she had been kissed,

Helplessly, he glanced at La Lulas and then at Chen Yuan: "Just pamper her."

Chen Yuan laughed.

Holding the little guy in his arms, he asked what was going on.

In fact, the little guy was also a little confused.

Logically speaking, only "one" target that has been in contact can have "synchronous" induction.

But just now, when Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao were communicating with each other.

La Lulas could suddenly feel two people hugging her at the same time.

It was at that time that she had the feeling that she could pass this feeling on.

Then I gave it a try.

I didn't expect it to be really useful.

"You're such a naughty little devil."

Chen Yuan scratched Lalu's nose and kissed the little guy lovingly.

But this time, this "brother's kiss" La Lulas' good baby did not share it with Chu Xiaoxiao.

He held his cheeks and smiled happily.

Lalu's [Synchronization] feature has been fully developed to the second stage.

There are more sensing objects that can be synchronized.

Not limited to one sync target.

Chen Yuan pinched his chin and could try later to see if this feeling could affect both elves at the same time...

If we can continue to develop it and then use it in actual combat...

Xiaohua classmate woke up.


"Good morning, Chen Yuan, good morning Xiaoxiao... Huh? Why are you looking at me like this? Why is it dark?"

"You just slept for half an hour."

"Huh? Such a short time? I thought it was already dawn, but this sleep was so relaxing. I also had a long dream... I dreamed..."

Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao heard Hua Yuxi talk about dreaming.

They all immediately held their breath.

Then he looked at Hua Yuxi.

But I saw classmate Xiaohua scratching her head: "Why can't I remember it? It's just..."

Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief.

"Ah, I remembered."

Hua Yuxi hammered her palm and looked at Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao.

"I just seemed to be dreaming about an alpaca."

Chen Yuan: "???"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "???"

The two looked at each other, and then said in unison: "Arceus?"

"What is Arceus?"

Xiaohua scratched her cheek and looked puzzled: "It was just an alpaca and then...I forgot about it."

"Oh, let's not talk about it. It's just a dream. Why are you still so nervous? It's not a nightmare or a prophecy dream. By the way, didn't Xiaoxiao say that we all meditate together tonight?"

Then Xiaohua rushed over and dragged Chu Xiaoxiao and Chen Yuan onto the bed.

Chen Yuan glanced at Chu Xiaoxiao, and then at Hua Yuxi, who was dragging the two of them in front.

Is it really just an ordinary alpaca?

After meditating for two rounds with the two eldest ladies, the night was already dark.

Chen Yuan covered Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi with quilts, and then went back to Hua Yuxi's room.

Now Xiaohua went to Chu Xiaoxiao's place to sleep.

I thought the room should be empty, but as soon as I came in, I saw two little guys, Little Eevee and Little Caocao, looking at their mobile phones together.

"What are you looking at?"

Chen Yuan entered the room with his hands behind his back. His look, tone, and demeanor made him look exactly like a dean who found a student up late at night, hiding under the covers and playing with his cell phone during a bedtime check.

The two little guys trembled, and little Eevee's hair exploded.

When he turned around and saw it was Chen Yuan, his little face immediately relaxed.

Sayazi ran over and threw herself into Chen Yuan's arms.

"Buy bu y~"

Brother Chen Yuan~

Brother Chen Yuan~


At this time, Xiaocaocao was also shaking its leaves and running over.

Chen Yuan knelt down and hugged Xiao Caocao.

"Hey, little Caocao, you are sinking again~"

Xiao Caocao and Xiao Yibu squeezed into Chen Yuan's arms, shaking the leaves happily.

"What were you just watching?"

"Buy bu y~"

Little Ibrahimovic wagged his tail and said that he was just watching the latest national league game, which was Yin Yin playing Bauhinia.

The duel between grass type and electric type.

But Yinyin’s rafflesia is indeed very powerful.

Little Eevee and Little Caocao researched the feasibility of evolving into Rafflesia.

However, Xiao Caocao has little interest in Rafflesia.

"Our little Caocao is determined to evolve into a beautiful flower."


Xiaocaocao nodded repeatedly, that's it.

It’s been a long time since I checked the training progress of the two little guys.

It is better to choose a day than to hit it.

I took my two little guys with me to the grove in the yard.

The family had a cup of No. 15, and had a simple fruit meal for a midnight snack.

Chen Yuan asked the two little guys to start sparring.

To tell the truth.

It is simply impossible for little Ibrahimovic to defeat Xiao Caocao now.

Xiao Caocao only needs to shake the leaves, and there will be many seeds scattered by her.

Then came Ibrahimovic's bondage play.

cough cough.

But little Ibrahimovic also showed his style.

After such a long period of training.

The little guy's lightning flashed and he finally reached the mastery level.

The speed is quite good.

And the strength has also reached the pinnacle of excellence.

At her speed, she would be invincible on an excellent level battlefield.

Moreover, the energy in the body is very abundant, and it only takes a little exercise to reach the elite level.

However, little Eevee is a little confused, mainly about the direction of evolution.

She also knew that Sister Xiaoxiao was worrying about her own evolution in the past two days.

It seems that it is difficult to choose between the elegant and beautiful Ibrahimovic of the Sun and the beautiful and elegant Ibrahimovic of the Moon.

But little Ibrahimovic remembered that he still had a little secret with his brother.

My brother also said that there is a new evolution of Eevee that is very cute and takes into account both.

"Buy bu y~"

Brother, brother, is that evolved type Eevee from the fairy type?

Little Ibrahimovic looked up at Chen Yuan and asked directly.

Chen Yuan smiled slightly. It seemed that the little guy also felt something from the course that she had been taking recently to exercise her fairy energy.

Picked up the little Eevee, rubbed the little guy's body.

"What if so? Looking forward to it?"

"Buy bu y~"

Little Ibrahimovic nodded repeatedly, his eyes filled with fairy-shaped stars.

Call Xiao Caocao.

"In the next few days, you and Sister Xiaocaocao will learn about moonlight."

Little Ibrahimovic was stunned and immediately became excited.

"Buy bu y~"

The little guy swung his tail and rubbed against Chen Yuan's body.

Just very happy.

Before, she also wanted to learn fairy skills with Sister Xiaocaocao and Sister Lalulas.

But they were all severely stopped by Brother Chen Yuan.

It's not yet time.

But now, brother Chen Yuan finally agreed to her learning goblin skills.

It is also a super practical recovery skill.

Just, super happy.

Looking at the little guy having fun around Xiaocaocao, Chen Yuan exhaled as if he had finally made a decision.

Today he is making the final confirmation with little Ibrahimovic.

Unexpectedly, the little guy still trusted him and chose the evolutionary direction of Fairy Eevee, so Chen Yuan no longer hesitated.

Although "Moonlight" is not on the general list of Eevee's skills, Chen Yuan is still confident in teaching the little guy to learn this skill.

The reason why he chose this skill is, on the one hand, because this skill is a pretty good recovery skill. When used with the little Eevee's own prayer, it can almost achieve a super recovery effect.

On the other hand, according to Chen Yuan's long-term observation.

The moonlight skill is not only effective at night when the moon is sparse, but also has a significant effect during the day when the sun is shining brightly.

Even on a sunny day, it can restore more of the user's physical strength.

The name "Moonlight"...

Chen Yuan felt that this thing should actually be renamed Star Light.

It can be used during the day and at night, and it's still a fairy skill.

This is simply a skill tailor-made for little Ibrahimovic.

A "fairy" that connects day and night and takes into account both "sun" and "moon"


The illegal little Eevee starts from learning moonlight.

Hehehe, Chen Yuan is already looking forward to it.

After dawn, the first ray of sunlight shines into the small courtyard.

Xiao Caocao's body exuded this faint light.


Little Eevee's eyes were shining, and his mouth was open as he looked at Sister Little Caocao, who was using "Moonlight" to shine under the sunlight.

Little Eevee is even more looking forward to this "Moonlight" skill!

The battle for the top eight of the flight competition has finally begun.

After Chen Yuan and his party finished breakfast, they rushed to the Pillar of the Sky.

It was a huge thing like a giant tower reaching the sky, standing in front of you.

Looking up, you can see as far as the sky.

This is the no-fly zone. If you want to reach the upper arena of the Sky Pillar, you need to walk through it.

But there is still some time before the game.

Chen Yuan and the others simply wandered around inside the Pillar of the Sky.

I have to say that the Liu family is quite good at development.

The huge internal space on the first and second floors of the Sky Pillar is fully utilized.

The first floor was directly transformed into a huge battle arena.

It is said that this is a place for the Liu family's children to practice internal battles.

Although this Pillar of the Sky has gone through years of erosion for unknown lengths of time.

However, people discovered that the materials used for the Pillars of the Sky were not replicable at all by the current level of human technology.

Although it looks like stone, it is stronger than most alloys invented by mankind.

Even battles at the Heavenly King level are completely unable to have any impact here.

Now on this battlefield, there are two people sparring in it, both from the Liu family.

The flight competition held every three years is not only a carnival for Chinese flight trainers, but also a carnival for the Liu family.

In the rest area on the second floor, Chen Yuan and Di Yanyan Wanzhi were hanging out.

Chu Xiaoxiao, Xiaohua and the others have already gone up to the upper platform and entered the viewing area.

As for Chen Yuan, he still had to go through a ritual process, so he just stayed here and bought some souvenirs.

"Classmate Chen Yuan?"

At this time, someone suddenly called out to Chen Yuan.

A very familiar voice.

Chen Yuan looked back and immediately became happy.

They are really old acquaintances.

The host of this competition.



"Of course, I came here to hang out and didn't expect to meet classmate Chen Yuan. Are you there?"

Chen Yuan pointed to the store, and Dong Fafa turned his head and took a look, and he was immediately happy.

It turned out to be Di Yan and Yan Wanzhi.

Wander around the store.

"Are Chen Yuan accompanying contestants Di Yan and Yan Wanzhi to go shopping here?"

Seeing Chen Yuan nodding, Dong Fafa's eyes lit up.

Dong Fafa, who studied journalism, immediately understood that this was a rare and big news!

"Are Chen Yuan familiar with the two contestants?"

Dongfa asked tentatively.

Chen Yuan nodded, "It's still quite familiar."

Yan Wanzhi is her client and her senior, not to mention Di Yan, she is a woman who can sleep in her tent (no)

With a smile in his eyes, Dong Fafa looked at Yan Wanzhi and Di Yan who were choosing clothes inside, "So, student Chen Yuan, who do you think has a better figure among these two?"

"Hua Yuxi."

Chen Yuan answered immediately.

There was no hesitation.

Such a decisive answer immediately stunned Dongfa.

But when he thought about the outrageous figure of the talented girl named Hua Yuxi who was hanging out with Chen Yuan, he fell silent.


If you're used to seeing that level, maybe everyone else is better than nothing.

It seems that I asked a stupid question.

"Yuan, come here." At this time, Di Yan suddenly waved.

"I'm coming."

Chen Yuan ran over.

"Junior Chen Yuan, help us see which one is better in this outfit."

Dong Fafa suddenly smiled when he saw Chen Yuan being surrounded by two people and being dragged to pick out clothes.

It seems that Junior Chen Yuan answered the question just now very well.

Dongfa went next door, ordered four glasses of juice and came back outside the shop. He didn't go in to disturb the three of them, and just started sucking.

After Chen Yuan and others came out, they said hello.

"Classmate Chen Yuan, contestant Yan Wanzhi, contestant Di Yan, please have a glass of juice."

Di Yan looked at the juice cup and shook her head in refusal.

Dong Fafa was stunned, while Chen Yuan smiled and directly took the fruit drink from Dong Fafa.

"Sister Yanyan only drinks the juice I make. Haha, sister Fafa, don't worry about it."

The words "Fafa sister" immediately made Dongfa smile.

"Can I take up a moment of everyone's time? Just ask a few questions."

"of course can."

Yan Wanzhi nodded.

As the chairman of the academic committee of Yuda, Yan Wanzhi and Dong Fafa can be regarded as old acquaintances, so naturally they will not be polite.

When Di Yan saw Chen Yuan nodding, he stayed.

Seeing that Di Yan also agreed to the interview, Dong Fafa's eyes lit up.

This was an unexpected surprise.

You know, as the captain of Imperial University, Di Yan can often be seen in the National League.

However, opportunities for Dongfa to interview Di Yan were few and far between.

I didn't expect it to be so easy today.

But unfortunately, Dongfafa only planned to ask a few simple questions today.

"So, I would like to ask the three players, how confident are you about today's game?"

Yan Wanzhi: "Me, 50-50."

Di Yan: "Ten percent."

Chen Yuan: "Be steady, 98%."

"Pang Ding TV, Pang Ding TV, this is Dongfafa."

"This is Xiahou Aiyun. Speaking of which, I was almost late today."

"There's nothing we can do about it. We just met an amazing trio and collected some information. Hey, exclusive news." "Oh? Fafa is eating alone again? Tell me and share it with everyone."

"Not now, but I will tell everyone about it later. Ah, by the way, I almost forgot the lyrics again."

Dongfa laughed and said: "Today is the first day of the finals of the 2024~2025 flight competition, the quarterfinals."

Xiahou Aiyun: "In the next three days, the final competition will be held in the Sky Arena of the Pillar of the Sky."

"The first match will be between Lu Ouming, a local player from Western Xinjiang and known as the strongest flying ace among the best, against Lian Kuankuan, the strongest flying ace in Bauhinia City."

"It is said that even Kuan Kuan is a half-step silver master."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Contestant Lian Kuankuan, during the last mission of Baiyin..."

Chen Yuan and the three of them sat in the elevator and went all the way up.

Looking out from this angle, you can see the endless wilderness outside. Unlike the Luofeng Secret Realm, the development on the Sky Pillar seems to be limited to the middle and lower layers inside the Sky Pillar.

In the outer areas, there is little development.


When Chen Yuan almost thought that he was about to take the elevator straight into the clouds.

Finally arrived.

Looking back, looking out from the elevator door is a wide square.

The huge sky arena is located in it.

Further ahead, there are towering stone pillars reaching into the sky.

That is the core area of ​​the Pillar of the Sky, and it is also the only path to the top, but it is not open to the outside world.

It is said that even if there are children of the Liu family themselves, it is not possible to enter if they want to.

Chen Yuan is still very interested in this.

After all, this is the Pillar of the Sky.

The boss's territory.

I just don’t know, after so many years, that big brother has traveled around, or has not come to Blue Star, or is sleeping in an unknown place in the core area of ​​​​the Pillar of the Sky.

Anyway, Chen Yuan knew that the Liu family probably didn't know about the existence of that big boss.

Otherwise, the scales would not have been mistaken for Lugia scale fossils.

"The game has begun!" Dong Fafa's voice came out.

Chen Yuan was shocked, and the first game had already begun.

He quickly quickened his pace.

From the VIP viewing table, Hua Yuxi saw Chen Yuan and the other two people and quickly stood up, waved and shouted: "Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan, here, here."

There was a rumble on the field.

It seemed that the two elves were fighting fiercely from the beginning.

Rocks were flying and the sound of breaking through the air was endless.

"Do you know that elf Chen Yuan Chen Yuan?"

As soon as she sat down, Xiaohua pointed at the elf sent by Lu Ouming and asked.

Chen Yuan was suddenly stunned when he saw it.

Is this a fossil pterosaur?

Why is it a fossil pterosaur?

Lu Ouming actually has a fossil pterosaur?

You must know that today in Blue Star, fossil pterosaurs still only exist in theory.

That is to say, there are only a few records in various excavated archaeological documents.

The real fossil pterosaur has never been discovered.

Who would have thought that Lu Ou Ming from Western Xinjiang would have such a rare pterosaur in his hands? It can be said to be the first fossil pterosaur released by Blue Star.

It may also be the only fossilized pterosaur.

"Fossil pterosaur, a flying rock-type elf."

"This kind of elves only existed in theoretical records before. This one should be encountered by player Lu Ouming in some secret realm..."

Chen Yuan admired, he was indeed the man who claimed to gather all the flying elves.

He actually dug out even such a difficult elf as a fossilized pterosaur.

"The researcher circle is about to explode now."

Jiang Xiaoning shook his head and smiled.

A brand new, powerful elf is here for the trainer, which means that it is far ahead in combat effectiveness.

But in the researcher circle, it means dozens of papers and a pass to senior researchers.

The elf sent by Zijing's Lian Kuan Kuan player is a Scorpion.

With ground and flight attributes, Ace Peak's own physical foundation and abilities have reached the limits of Ace.

The skill pool is also quite impressive.

Originally a ground type elf, it was easy to learn skills such as rock blockade and rock avalanche. It was not too easy to fight flying elf.

What's more important is that this thing is small and extremely flexible, and it can fit closely with the Flame Fang, Thunder Fang, and Frozen Fang.

Elegant three teeth, plus rock skills - there are always skills that can restrain you.

The previous opponent was tortured to death by this Scorpio.

But today it met a high-ranking elf who was exactly like it.

Fossil pterosaur.

The three teeth it knows are the same as everyone else's, and with that big mouth, its bite force is not comparable to that of a little Scorpio like him.

As for the rock skill "Rock Crash", it is a skill of this type, and I have even mastered it. When it comes to fighting, it is called a proficiency.

A random rockfall would be several times the size of a Scorpio.

Can't beat!

What's even more outrageous is.

This fossil pterosaur itself has a ridiculously high racial quality.

The key is why there is such a disgusting and outrageous skill like "Primal Power"!

With just two or three shots of raw power, Scorpio felt as if he was fighting the top class.

The basics of the body have been completely suppressed.

Now, it's completely impossible to fight.

Not surprisingly.

In just ten minutes, the fossil pterosaur completely resolved the battle.

And it's still playful.

Looking at the field.

That mighty and domineering spirit, roaring up to the sky.

Everyone is feeling the pressure.

After many blessings from the primitive power, this fossil pterosaur's abilities in all aspects are no worse than the top ones.

Moreover, it even feels like this guy can continue to strengthen.


how to spell?

At this moment, even Liu Chaochi, who had been shouting there, suddenly stopped talking.

Looking at the mighty fossil pterosaur in the field.

Thinking about his big king swallow, what chance would it have of winning if it encountered this fossil pterosaur.

"Scorpio loses the ability to fight, and player Lu Ouming wins."

The referee's voice suddenly erupted into cheers on the field.

"Lu Ouming!" "Lu Ouming!" "Lu Ouming!"

Most of the trainers who came here to watch the competition were locals from Western Xinjiang.

As a local player, the popularity of the humble and easy-going Lu Ouming is much better than that of the arrogant and domineering Liu Chaochi.

At this moment, all the names on the sky pillar were Lu Ouming's.

This is home field advantage.

This is their strongest trump card in Western Xinjiang. This is the strongest in Western Xinjiang that is completely based on strength.

Such a fossil pterosaur, even if Chen Yuan's top-notch eagle comes up, it is not afraid!

Looking at the arrogant fossil pterosaur in the field, Xiang Yuxiao suddenly asked: "How about it, are you confident in facing such a fossil pterosaur?"

Chen Yuan shook his head and said with a smile: "Let's do it 50-50."

"It's my turn."

Yan Wanzhi stood up.

"come on!"

Jiang Xiaoning cheered for her best friend.

Yan Wanzhi smiled slightly.

"Pang Ding TV, Pang Ding TV, this is Dongfafa."

"This is Xiahou Aiyun."

"Welcome back, everyone. The game just now, the fossil pterosaur game, was so shocking."

"This is the first time that an elf like a fossil pterosaur has appeared in a competition."

"I believe that during the break just now, Fafa has been popularizing science for everyone, and everyone has a certain understanding of elves such as fossil pterosaurs."

"Getting back to the subject, the next match is between Yan Wanzhi from Beiyu and Qiu Xuanxuan from Jinmu Club."

"Yes, this is a game between the Elf Association and the Golden Wood Club. It's really exciting."

Qiu Xuanxuan looks to be only twenty-four or five years old.

Looking at Yan Wanzhi opposite, she smiled slightly, revealing a pair of cute dimples: "Player Yan Wanzhi, I think your talent is good. Do you want to try to get in touch with our club?"

Yan Wanzhi looked at the other side and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm a member of the association. I don't have any intentions for other organizations."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are willing to join us, other troubles will be solved by our Golden Wood Club. Moreover, I believe you also have your own goals in life, right? Training as a trainer requires a lot of resources. Come to our club , fruit meal resources and so on are completely unlimited."

"Really?" Yan Wanzhi smiled: "My goal in life is to enter Tianwang Mountain. I wonder if the Golden Wood Club can help."

"As for fruit meals, we need more than a dozen high-end fruit meals here every day. How about the Golden Wood Club?"

Qiu Xuanxuan's face froze and became serious.

Yan Wanzhi looked at her with a hint of anger.

Tianwang Mountain?

A dozen high-end fruit meals a day?

Ha ha ha.

What about dreaming?

Think you are the king of heaven?

Even if you are a king, it is difficult to have more than a dozen high-end fruit meals every day!

Qiu Xuanxuan became cold and said, "In that case, let's see if you are worth the price."

Yan Wanzhi also became serious: "Jinmu Club, haha, come on, let me see your strength."

"The players on both sides are in position."

The two raised their hands and released the elf balls in their hands almost at the same time.

The elf Qiu Xuanxuan used in this scene was his own Dark Crow.

Although Qiu Xuanxuan also has other ace peak elves.

But based on the previous performance of the opponent Yan Wanzhi, the opponent's peak ace is basically the only natural bird.

A flying elf that uses super skills to fight can't be better dealt with than an evil elf.

However, Yan Wanzhi seemed to have already guessed the elf used on the opposite side.

The elf that was released was a big king swallow.

Dong Fafa said excitedly: "Da Wang Yan! Contestant Yan Wanzhi used Da Wang Yan!"

Xia Hou Aiyun glanced at Dong Fafa strangely: "Fafa, do you have anything else to say about Yan Wanzhi's big king swallow?"

Dongfa laughed and said: "This is Yan Wanzhi's initial elf. In the rookie league that year, Yan Wanzhi relied on this big king swallow to win their rookie league championship."

"Oh? Does this mean that this big king Yan is Yan Wanzhi's strongest trump card?"

"Da Wang Yan?" Qiu Xuanxuan also didn't expect that Yan Wanzhi on the opposite side actually used Da Wang Yan.

I guess you watched your previous games, right?

You know she has a Murkrow in her hand, so hide away, right?

But it doesn't matter.

Qiu Xuanxuan is confident enough in the strength of her own Dark Crow.

Whether it's a giant king swallow or that natural bird, she can take it down!

Yan Wanzhi patted the feathers of the big king swallow and let it fly up, confronting the dark crow opposite.

"Yan Wanzhi!" "Yan Wanzhi!" "Yan Wanzhi!"

At this moment, the audience on the field were all shouting Yan Wanzhi's name.

After all, Yan Wanzhi is a member of their local association and a student of Yuda.

My own family.

And this Golden Wood Club is said to be headquartered over the Southeast China Sea Islands.

Proper external forces.

Even if there is a branch in the Huaxia region, they poach and recruit many geniuses, but they are still outsiders!

The audience can still tell how to choose.

Yan Wanzhi seemed to be able to feel the excitement of her eldest Wang Yan.

It's been a long time.

It’s been a long time since I participated in such a highly anticipated event.

Once upon a time, when he was still a proud man, this guy just liked to sprint and fly to his heart's content on such a lighted stage.

Fighting, even if you are bloody and injured, is still very satisfying.

Now, I finally have another chance, so let’s fight to the fullest! "Da Wang Yan!"

"Game start!"


Sprint at top speed!

"Super speed·a flash of lightning!"

"Choo Choo Choo!!!"

King Yan let out a long cry, then his eyes sharpened, his body swayed, and his speed reached the extreme limit.

[Super speed·A flash of lightning]

The next moment, he appeared in front of the dark crow.

Chen Yuan's eyes narrowed and he was startled.

Senior Yan Wanzhi's big king swallow is actually very fast?

But upon closer inspection, it became clear.

It seems that Senior Yan Wanzhi's King Swallow has also learned the speed through some method, but it has not yet fully learned the normal speed.

It's just that the speedy flying skills are integrated into [Flash of Lightning].

Just like before Xiaoli mastered the speed.

It's also a little different from our own Peep Bird.

But the effect is really good.

The speed of this big Wang Yan is far faster than the flash of lightning.

The Dark Crow on the other side didn't react at all.

I didn't expect the speed of this big Wang Yan at all, how could it be so fast.

It turns out that it also has a black mist, which is designed to defeat the enhanced speed elves.

But who would have thought that the big king swallow on the opposite side would be so fast without strengthening at all.

After several head-to-head confrontations with Yan Hui, Dark Crow was finally exhausted and fell down under the fierce attack of King Yan.

"Dark Crow loses the ability to fight, Yan Wanzhi wins~"

Is this the Golden Wood Club?

Rhetoric before the game, but submissive during the game?

It’s so funny that with such strength, you still dare to come out to poach?

"As expected of Yan Wanzhi, it's 50-50, it's 50-50, she really won!"

Dong Fafa is also very excited. No matter whether they are close or distant, Dong Fafa supports Yan Wanzhi from the bottom of his heart.

Yan Wanzhi didn't care about the stunned Qiu Xuanxuan. She just looked at Wang Yan flying wantonly in the air and smiled happily.

Thank you for all the hard work you have practiced over the years.

"It's really fast!"

Liu Chaochi gritted his teeth and looked at Yan Wanzhi in the field with envy, jealousy and hatred in his eyes!

This is amazing speed!

Flying so fast!

Even his Great King Yan has a skill that he cannot learn at all!

This guy!

This person from the Yan family!

I took away the secret of flying so fast back then!

Now I have set foot on this land again, how shameless!

Also looking bad was Liu Yunzhi.

Yan Wanzhi of the Yan family really knows how to pass on the inheritance very quickly!

And he even dared to come back to Luofeng Secret Realm!

I really don’t take the Liu family seriously.

Watching Yan Wanzhi return to the Chu family's viewing area.

Liu Yunzhi's clenched hands relaxed again.

Now is not the time to provoke the Yan family and the Chu family...

"How about it?"

Yan Wanzhi returned to the VIP viewing area and immediately showed off to Chen Yuan.

Here, Chen Yuan is the only one who can understand her difficulty - it is extremely difficult to practice super fast.

"Not bad, not bad!" Chen Yuan gave a thumbs up, "Wang Yan's speed combined with lightning flash is quite good. But I think there are still some skills that haven't been used, right?"

Yan Wanzhi also gave a thumbs up, "Hey, junior Chen Yuan still understands it. There are indeed some details that are vague. Wang Yan has to figure it out on his own. He can't learn it."

"By the way, where is your Peep Bird stuck?"

Chen Yuan scratched his head. He didn't know. It seemed that he had learned all the skills he should learn, but he just couldn't use them...


Tiyan's game begins.

Her opponent is the ace trainer of Northern Xinjiang.

The elf used is a giant winged flying fish.

And Ti Yan still uses her fire-breathing dragon.

This wave, the water type fights the fire type.

But the players from Northern Xinjiang on the opposite side are not optimistic.

The last thing he wants to fight now is this fire-breathing dragon.

If we say that the fossil pterosaur that Lu Ou Ming had just now had top power after being strengthened.

So even if Di Yan's fire-breathing dragon is not strengthened, its flame control has already reached the top level.

That flame skill was mastered by it.

And the control of this energy is precisely the most critical bottleneck for ace to break through to the top.

So now, this northern Xinjiang trainer really wants to ask Di Yan.

Just ask this fire-breathing dragon.

Ask about Chen Yuan’s famous saying!

Why not break through to the top?

Don't you want to?

"The players on both sides are in position and the game begins."

When the game started, Giant Winged Flying Fish had already sensed a strong crisis.

It was obvious that my side had the attribute advantage, but when facing the fire-breathing dragon on the opposite side, I really felt that I was the disadvantaged side.

Especially when the fire-breathing dragon flicked its tail and there were two flames in his hand.

The entire giant-winged flying fish will explode.


It was released almost subconsciously.

The next moment, the fire-breathing dragon's two large-character bursts of flames were thrown over.

This damn hand rubs the big characters and bursts into flames, can it be any more outrageous?

The two sides were fighting as if they were not on the same level.

It's completely a one-sided crushing.

When fighting against the reverse attribute, it's like having four times the restraint, just use fire.

I almost grilled the giant fin flying fish into a stingray barbecue.

As expected, she lived up to her promise before the game that she had a 100% chance of winning.

Just three minutes.

This devil fish...a giant-winged flying fish was thrown to the ground by the fire-breathing dragon, and was pinned to the ground and rubbed.

"The giant winged flying fish loses its ability to fight, and player Ti Yan wins."

"Di Yan!" "Di Yan!" "Di Yan!"

Sure enough, Di Yan is still very popular, even the commentator Xiahou Aiyun and Chen Yuan jumped up and cheered wildly.

Is this charisma?

"Congratulations, senior~"

The first time Di Yan came back, Chen Yuan and Di Yan high-fived each other.

"Yuan, next game, come on."

Ti Yan said.

In the next game, Chen Yuan will fight Liu Chaochi!

Everyone in the VIP audience who knew the details of Chen Yuan were looking forward to it.

Especially Qi Yanya, who was already rubbing her hands.

Did she take the flame bird all over Tianwang Mountain, and it was Liu Chaochi’s little big king bird?

Isn't it just a matter of fire?

Liu Chaochi also stood up and looked at the brat opposite with a grin.

Today he was going to let this Chen Yuan know.

What is the true peak of ace!

Want to get a silver badge at the age of 15?


(End of this chapter)

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