you elf, are you legal

Chapter 374 Chapter 3695 Phoenix King, your vest has fallen off Pillar of the Sky

Chapter 374 Chapter 369.5 Phoenix King, your vest fell off (please subscribe for more updates) Pillar of the Sky ()

Three against one?

The frequency of the little raccoon tail's sweeping movements slowed down.

He still remembered that night in Weibai Secret Realm.

He was entrusted by Sister Xiang Yuxiao to help other people's elves Xiaoxiaoshi.

Also on that night, he directly defeated eight elves of the same period in a one-on-one fight.

And now.

There are only three of them.

As for whether it's the Yusan family or something else, it doesn't matter.

There is no difference between playing three and playing eight.

"Jet flame"

"Sunshine Flame"

"Water cannons"

Three skills, almost at the same time.

At this time, Xiaoli suddenly raised his head and looked at the Charmander directly in front of him.

The corners of his mouth suddenly opened.


Then I'm coming~

A blazing light suddenly erupted from Xiaoli's body.

At this moment, Xiao Li was reflected in the rising sun and his golden hair was coated with a layer of faint white light.

"Super speed"


Xiaoli disappeared directly, and the next moment he appeared behind Charmander.

At this time, Charmander seemed to have not reacted yet.

It was looking triumphantly at the center area ahead, where the fire was concentrated.

Three shots of high-power skills have already sent smoke and dust everywhere from the bombardment there.

At this time, Charmander suddenly felt a little strange.

This is not right.

Before the fight, I felt that the snake bear seemed to be very strong.

But this skill is like a direct hit without any resistance.

Is it just an appearance?

But at this moment, Charmander felt something strange.

It's behind!

There is something behind it where the flames of its tail are!

With many months of fighting experience, Charmander subconsciously waved his tail and swept past.

However, Xiaoli's attacks are faster.

"Iron Tail".

Just a gentle sweep. He immediately whipped the little fire dragon away.

He collided with the Garlic Bastard and rolled on the ground several times before he could stop.

At this time, the little Squirtle stared blankly at the position where the little raccoon appeared, and then at the center of the fire just now.

This is……

How did it go?



Could it be that it's divine speed?

It’s even more impossible!

Sister Lan Lan said that divine speed is an exclusive skill. If land elves want to master divine speed, only wind speed dogs can do it.

At this moment, Xiaoli's eyes fell on Squirtle. At this moment, Xiaoli's body suddenly burst into flames, and the momentum of the wind speed dog came out directly.

At this moment, both Squirtle, Charmander and Bulbasaur, who had climbed up, were all stunned.

Is this the breath of Wind Speed ​​Dog?

how come……

How could a snake-printed bear have such an aura?

Could it be that the failure of the attack just now was not an accident?

But really... divine speed? ! !


"How can this little snake bear be so fast!"

At this time, Blue Lugia and Red Phoenix King all looked at each other, and then all looked at the little snake bear in the field.

The two elves in charge of the inheritance of divine speed could tell at a glance that what this little snake bear was using was indeed divine speed!

Will the snake bear be very fast?

The bloodline of Wind Speed ​​Dog? !

And it's fully activated?

At this time, Lanlan and Honghong looked at Chen Yuan with a hint of complexity and clarity.

What a speed!

No wonder this boy didn't consider speed at all when choosing rewards.

It turns out that this little snake bear has learned how to be very fast!

So, have they entered that stinky dog ​​valley?

It seems that this young man is not from the Liu family.

At this time, Lanlan and Honghong finally confirmed Chen Yuan's identity.

But this actually made the two elves relax.

It’s okay since it’s not the Liu family.

Once you master the Speed ​​Spirit, you are almost invincible at the same level.

Especially at the elite level, there is almost no countermeasures.

Not to mention three, even thirty garlic bastards together were not enough for the little raccoon to beat. It was simply a brutal killing.

At this moment, Xiaoli released himself to his heart's content, running and attacking with joy.

However, every attack is done at the last moment, and the power is controlled within a certain range.

It happened to be able to be caught by the three elves without causing too much damage, and it could also knock the three elves away.

Create distance for Xiaoli's next sprint.

Chen Yuan looked at the little raccoon boy having fun in the field, shook his head and smiled.

In the past few days, Xiaoli has been frustrated.

Because on this flight trip to Western Xinjiang, all the competitions used flying elves.

The beeping bird was happy, but the little raccoon was feeling very uncomfortable.

Just watching the beep bird killing everyone on the stage, I am so greedy.

However, he is not a flying elf, what can he do?

But it's fine now.

It was finally his turn to appear.

Finally I can play to my heart’s content.

The three Gosanjia also discovered it.

The gap between myself and the little snake bear on the opposite side.

Sure enough, the speed is really outrageous.

Even though they tried their best, they still couldn't hit this little snake bear.

Completely crushed.

But fortunately, this little snake bear seems to have no intention of ending the fight, and maybe there is still a chance.

So, after being whipped away by Iron Tail again, the three elves all looked at each other, gave up using powerful skills, and instead used low fire to simmer slowly and throw various small skills instantly.

The power of Mastery Spark is not weak either. Although it does not hurt or itch the little snake bear, it is better than nothing.

After giving up the water cannon and switching to a foam light that covered a larger area, Squirtle's hit rate immediately improved.

The Garlic Bastard also gave up on skills like Sunlight Flame and simply spread the parasitic seeds across the field.

This is the first time for the three little guys to fight against an elf with the speed of land.

Not to mention that after changing this tactic, it immediately had some effects.

There were so many parasitic seeds, but Xiaoli finally stepped on a few. The master-level parasitic seeds were activated so quickly that they immediately covered Xiaoli's body.

It continuously absorbs the energy from Xiaoli.

Squirtle spreads the foam light all over the space in front and behind him. As long as Squirtle wants to attack it, he must break into this area.

Likewise, Charmander also surrounded himself with flames.

Now the three little guys are defensive but not offensive.

At this time, Xiaoli was also getting high.

It doesn't matter whether it's a parasitic seed, a foam ray or a spark shield.

Just keep rushing.

Speed, speed, speed.

Feel free to unleash your power.

Exchanging injury for injury.

Still the kind of inch-stop.

Is it reasonable to look at this snake-printed bear?

After using the speed more than twenty times in a row, Lanlan finally couldn't calm down anymore.

Lugia's face showed an extremely distorted expression, as if he had seen a ghost.


It doesn’t matter that this snake-patterned bear knows how to be fast. How does that small body have so much energy and release so much speed?

How did this human being cultivate elves? !

Even they, at such a young age...well, when they were ace, they were completely unable to perform so many times with such great speed!

This boy...the two elves looked at Chen Yuan with a slightly different look.

This young man is very good at training elves.

The little raccoon became more and more excited as he fought, and his speed became faster and faster.

On this empty island, there seems to be an indistinct and inexplicable aura all over the island. Every time he uses his speed, Xiaoli understands this super-speed skill better.

That is, after more than thirty times, Xiaoli suddenly had an idea.

I saw his body swaying, and some small changes were made to the details of the force exertion, but the feeling under his feet was completely different.



Tigou, who was eating melon and watching the show, suddenly stiffened and looked at Xiaoli blankly.

Is this completely mastered?

Going one step further?

Honghong and Lanlan also looked at each other, what's going on with this aura...

At this moment, Xiao Tan's speed seemed to have risen to a higher level again, appearing directly in front of Squirtle.

Because the speed was too fast, Xiaoli didn't have time to restrain his strength this time and just crashed into it.

Caught off guard, Squirtle was shocked. The foamy light that had just condensed could only forcefully interrupt his hand, and he used the fastest speed in his life to retract into his shell.

The next moment, Godspeed directly hit Squirtle's shell.


A clicking sound.

It was the sound of a turtle shell breaking.

Squirtle was immediately knocked away by this blow, just like a cannonball. There was even a wave of air at the impact point, and he was blown away.

The Charmander behind Squirtle opened his mouth wide and was caught off guard, and was hit in the mouth by the turtle shell cannon.

The fire that was in his mouth just now was suppressed.

It flew far away with the turtle shell.

If Bibi Bird hadn't been prepared in advance, these two little guys would have caught it quickly.

I'm afraid that just for a moment, these two little guys may not be able to fly out of this empty island.

Such a scene immediately dumbfounded the garlic bastard on the side.

To be honest, it was quite enjoyable just now.

In the past, when I was training and playing on the island, I had always used high-power skills to blast away.

But this game allowed her to see other ways of fighting. Unknowingly, Bulbasaur had already figured out some new tactics.

But before it could study further, it saw its two companions being knocked away by the little snake bear.

The cracked turtle shell and the knocked-out dragon's teeth made Garlic Bastard tremble all over.

Thinking about the seed on my back, it was so soft and weak that it couldn't withstand such a "mistake".

It immediately became weak on all four legs and fell to the ground.

But it seemed that it felt that its appearance was not enough. It twisted its neck to the right, tilted its head, and stuck out its tongue.

Play dead.jpg

Red Phoenix King: "..."

Blue Lugia: "..."

No, after raising this garlic bastard for so long, I really didn’t expect that he still has such a talent...

Red Phoenix King: "Congratulations, Chen Yuan, for passing this first test."

The Beep Bird sent Squirtle and Charmander back.

At this time, Charmander was holding his mouth, twitching and crying.

Squirtle, on the other hand, was dizzy. After landing on the ground, he took a long time to recover before his head showed up.

He looked at his turtle shell with a distressed expression.

At this time, the beautiful turtle shell was already covered with cracks.

An inexplicable grievance surged into my heart.

Little Squirtle couldn't bear it any longer. His nose twitched and he burst into tears.

At this time, the Garlic Bastard, who was already lying there pretending to be dead, saw his two companions crying, his nose twitched, and he squeezed out two tears.

Honghong: "..."

No, why didn't I notice before that the ones I raised at home were so abstract?

At this time, Xiaoli was already having fun in Chen Yuan's arms. He had already fully mastered his speed. And just now, under the intervention of the inexplicable energy on the sky island, he actually realized a hint of the power of speed. Essence.

Just, very happy.

But looking back, I saw the elves crying as they were beaten by me.

Xiaoli still couldn't bear it.

In any case, this opponent has also been practicing with him for such a long time.

Little Li is such a generous elf. With a wagging of his tail, he ran to his little bag, rummaged through it, and pulled out a plastic-wrapped fruit meal. Then he went to Xiao Yuyu and Xiao Caocao to py. After I came back with two fruit meals, I ate them and ran to find the three little guys.

At this time, Charmander was still there, looking for the dragon tooth that he had fallen off, and he didn't want to talk to this snake-printed bear stinker at all.

But Squirtle felt aggrieved and stayed away from Little Li.

Although Chen Yuan and the others had a good time playing with this little snake-print bear before when they first landed on the island, he also felt that this little snake-print bear seemed a bit interesting and easy to talk to.

But in this fight, why are you so cruel?

Especially that last one.

The shell of the turtle will be blown away.

The Garlic Bastard took a sniff and seemed to smell something amazing.

Its eyes lit up, and naturally it didn't care so much. It rushed in front of Xiaoli in a few steps, then leaned forward, lowered its head and sniffed at the bag.

Xiao Caocao's bag of fruit meal had already been opened by Xiao Tan, and it was handed directly to Bulbasaur's eyes.


This is for you. Thank you just now for practicing divine speed with me.

Xiaoli smiled happily.

Here at Xiaoli, this test is more like a training match for exchanges and exchanges. After the game, it’s time to have fun with your friends and share delicious food together.

Bulbasaur's eyes lit up and he didn't think much.

He lowered his head directly, dropped his forehead into the plastic bag, and ate it with relish.

The croaking sound immediately attracted the eyes of Charmander and Squirtle not far away.

Especially looking at the expression of happiness on Ivysaur's face, and the drool that seems to be completely unstoppable.

The two elves swallowed quietly.

Really, is it really so delicious?

The little Squirtle came over, and the little raccoon was very generous and directly tore open the little fish's pocket.

This is one of the few Thousand Spicy Fruit meals that Xiaoyuyu has made, but because of the small quantity, Xiaoyuyu is picky about food, so this Thousand Spicy Fruit meal was improved by Chen Yuan, both in terms of aroma and taste.

As soon as I opened the plastic bag, the alluring scent of Thousand Spicy Fruit wafted out.

If the high-grade passion fruit tastes like an ordinary French fries, then this passion fruit meal is like sitting at the barbecue stall with a hungry stomach, sniffing the suet dripping on it. The enticing smell on the stove.

The aroma is tangy.

This is completely irresistible to ordinary water elves.

You know, even a little fish like Xiao Yuyu who doesn't like water-based fruit food elves can still eat it with gusto.

Not to mention this one, Squirtle.

After just one small taste, I was completely addicted.

At this time, Lan Lan, who was watching all this silently, suddenly frowned and swallowed unconsciously.

Although my own attribute is not water, but in order to adapt to this extraordinary power over the years, I have eaten Qian Xiangguo a lot, and I have long been tired of the taste.

But now, this fruit meal and this aroma are completely the temptation to "eat fruit"!

Unknowingly, Lanlan swallowed again.

This made Honghong on the side frown slightly.

Looking at Lanlan, I wonder why Lanlan is so hopeless.

She admitted that the smell of the fruit meal brought out by the little snake-printed bear was indeed very tempting, and it wouldn't be like that from the looks of it.

With just this little concentration, if you want to break through to the extraordinary, it seems you still need a lot of practice.

At this time, the little fire dragon finally found his dragon tooth and put it away carefully. He didn't know whether the broken dragon tooth could grow back. If not, he could only ask Sister Lan Lan to give him this dragon tooth. The tooth was glued with pectin gum.

At this moment, Charmander relaxed physically and mentally. At this moment, Xiaoli tore open the outer packaging of the red lotus fruit meal.

At this moment, Charmander froze up and turned back to look in the direction of Little Fox not far away.

Beside him, Squirtle and Garlic Bastard were lying on the ground with their heads down in an extremely ungraceful posture, feasting.

On the other hand, the fiery red fruit meal was right next to the snake-printed bear. It seemed to be exuding wisps of pink aroma that was visible to the naked eye, drifting into the Charmander's nose.

Charmander sniffed subconsciously, trembled all over, gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, but he remembered what he had just said!

Do not eat!

It’s absolutely impossible to take a bite!

However, for some reason, Charmander's tail swung again and again, and his legs just moved forward uncontrollably...

When Charmander opened its eyes, the fragrant red fruit meal was right in front of it. At this time, it was lying on the ground, and its head was almost stuck in the plastic bag.

Charmander: "..."

Now that you’re here, let’s have a taste!

With this thought in mind, Charmander opened his mouth and bit it.


Suddenly a red figure passed by, and the little fire dragon took a bite out of it.

When it came back to its senses, the bag of fruit meal that had just been in front of it had disappeared.

Charmander was shocked!

Charmander felt aggrieved.

Charmander almost cried again.

When Hong Hong came back to her senses, somehow, there was already a plastic bag in front of her, which contained a red lotus fruit meal that looked extremely delicious just by looking at it.

Honghong: "???"

What's going on? Why did this fruit meal appear in front of me?

Pillars of the Sky.

Ground area, among the ruins.

The two sisters Liu Fengru and Liu Xueru finally eliminated the last substitute.

Breathe a long sigh of relief.

Lu Ouming was not in good condition at this time. He had to deal with three top-level elf stand-ins.

But fortunately, I finally got over it.

This third part of the trial has been completed.

The three of them looked at each other and felt that the dawn was right in front of them.

This time, their performance in the ruins is indeed remarkable. With Lu Ouming's fossil pterosaur as their thigh, their record is unprecedented. They might even have a chance to see the true forms of Phoenix God and Luo God.

"However, there is still one final step to this trial, and we cannot take it lightly."

Liu Fengru whispered.

Lu Ouming and Liu Xueru both nodded in approval. The three of them made a few adjustments before heading to the fourth floor, which is also the top floor currently being explored for the ruins of the Pillar of the Sky.

This is a quite vast hall with sculptures of various elves in it. There are not only flying elves, but also huge whales of unknown species, as well as the Panshan King that has never been seen before.

What shocked Liu Fengru the most was the long dragon standing in the middle of the hall, looking down.

Unknown elf.

At this time, Lu Ouming also frowned slightly.

He had an intuition that the sculpture in front of him was definitely a flying elf, and it was most likely closely related to the ruins of the Sky Pillar.

However, no matter how hard he tried to think about his memories, he could not think of any classics where this elf was mentioned.

In this world, there are still too many unknown elves!

Lu Ouming sighed, then packed his backpack and carefully and solemnly placed the tributes he had prepared on the altar.

At this time, the two sisters Liu Fengru and Liu Xueru also took out the delicious tributes they had prepared and placed them on the altar.

Finish these.

Liu Fengru and Liu Xueru raised their heads and bowed deeply to the dragon-shaped sculpture.

At the same time, I sighed in my heart that no matter how many times I saw it, this sculpture was always so intimidating.

"The great Luo God and Phoenix God..."

Liu Fengru and Liu Xueru looked like they were clasping their hands together in prayer.

At the same time, there was a faint light of spiritual power on his body, which was connected to the dragon-shaped sculpture.

In fact, even if the two sisters are familiar with various collections of the Liu family, they are completely unable to understand why.

The Pillar of the Sky is obviously the place where the Luo God and the Phoenix God are located, but the statue enshrined at the highest point is actually a dragon.

And there’s still this one, it looks like a green caterpillar... bah bah bah.

Is it possible that the dragon and the phoenix are auspicious?

Reciting incantations (prayer words) that they had memorized by heart, Liu Fengrushang and Liu Xueru shone even brighter.

Lu Ouming held his breath.

However, the three of them just waited for a while.

no response.

After waiting for another ten minutes, there was still no response.

It shouldn't be.

Since Luo Shen had already responded when he first opened the door, it was impossible to put them down halfway without responding.

Liu Fengru and Liu Xueru looked at each other.

Was it that when they prayed just now, their posture was wrong?

Or is it because you are not sincere enough?

But that’s how I read it in previous years.

"try again."

Liu Fengru whispered.

Liu Xueru nodded.

Then the two of them once again exuded spiritual power and floated towards the dragon-shaped sculpture.

"This is the second and final test."

Honghong said.

The red lotus fruit meal from before has been collected... and kept by Hong Hong on behalf of Charmander.

This child's teeth have been knocked out. If they cannot be repaired properly, it will affect his future fighting ability.

So she reluctantly helped Charmander keep the fruit meal for a while, um, that's right.

"That's right, this tribute part is indispensable."

Lanlan Lugia nodded.

At the same time, he looked at Chen Yuan with burning eyes.

"Since you want to enter the last temple ruins of the Nakong Pillar, you must be prepared and let us feel your piety and determination."

"That's right." Honghong agreed at this time.

"The fact that you were able to cross the layers of mist and come to this empty island is enough to prove your courage." "The fact that your snake bear can defeat Charmander and the others with one against three is enough to prove your wisdom and strength."

"And now this second and final round of tests is to prove your determination to enter the ruins."

"Only when you come up with the most delicious... tribute that can be recognized by us, we will open the door for you."

At this point, Honghong's expression suddenly changed and she looked at Lanlan, and Lanlan also looked at Honghong with a strange expression.

Mental power is communicated encrypted between two people.

"In the ruins below, those two girls are on the phone again."

"Ignore them."

"That's right. Over the years, the Liu family has gone through many twists and turns. The fruit meal that the previous master brought out seemed to have a little meaning, but then he stopped making progress and failed to do anything. It doesn’t taste good.”

"Speaking of which, do you feel it? Those substitutes left in the seems that many top substitutes have been killed."

"It seems that this time, they have come in. It's the Liu family. I don't know if it's worth the investment... Hey, wait a minute."


At this time, Honghong and Lanlan looked at each other. Years of life and tacit understanding allowed the two elves to understand what the other was thinking at this moment without communicating.

Let’s put the Liu family’s affairs aside for now.

Think differently.

Since we need to invest, we should be young, have potential, and be good trainers...

So this person in front of me...

Lanlan and Honghong looked over at the same time and looked at Chen Yuan.

There was suddenly a glimmer of expectation in their eyes.

They didn't have the chance to taste the fruit meal just now.

But just judging from the alluring aroma and the reactions of the two little guys, it is definitely the best fruit meal.

You know, these two little guys grew up eating high-level tree fruits.

The taste has long been absorbed by them.

Even so, the fruit meal was just placed in front of them, and after taking one bite, they never stopped.

This is the power of that fruit meal!

And according to what they said, these fruit meals were indeed made by this boy named Chen Yuan.

An elf who can make such delicious fruit meals and cultivate a snake bear with such potential.

Is this young man the trainer they are waiting for?

At this moment, Lan Lan and Hong Hong couldn't wait for Chen Yuan's sincerity.


Second round of assessment?

That means making fruit meals, right?

Looking at the two elves in front of him, Chen Yuan was confused about what kind of fruit meal to feed... and sacrifice.

Logically speaking.

Flying tree fruits are the safest.

Obviously, even Chen Yuan felt the strong aura of flying in the two elves. It was the Flying King who couldn't be wrong.

But the attributes of the second series are somewhat difficult.

The red reaction just now is enough to show the attraction of the fire-type red lotus fruit meal to the other party.

However, Chen Yuan always felt...

If you just mix the Red Lotus and Thousand Spicy Fruit meals with the Flying Fruit meal, it will be a bit perfunctory for the opponent.

If these two are really the two Phoenix Gods and Luo Gods in Liu family legends.

Then the flame and water fruit meal must have been eaten for who knows how many years.

How about giving them a change of taste.

Chen Yuan closed his eyes slightly and carefully recalled the details of landing on the island, as well as the two figures on the mental side, under the illusion of fire and water.

What kind of elves are their identities?

When his eyes glanced at the small box encapsulating the speed training method, Chen Yuan suddenly made a bold guess.

He seemed to have vaguely guessed the identities of these two elves.

However, further confirmation is needed.

"Two seniors, in order to show my sincerity, please allow me to use the fruits from the orchard to make two fruit meals on site."

Chen Yuan said.

At this time, Honghong and Lanlan were a little impatient for Chen Yuan's fruit meal.

But since Chen Yuan said he wanted to make it on-site, he had to bear with it. Think about it, after all, this fruit meal must taste better if it is made fresh!

Moreover, you must know that there is not much else on this empty island, but there are a lot of tree fruits, especially high-level tree fruits, but there are a lot of them!

It's enough to make a fruit meal.

A high-end feast made from high-end tree fruits must taste quite delicious.

Chen Yuan got the permission and immediately took action, calling the little guys to pick the fruits together.

And he himself took a brief stroll around the island, returned to the two wooden houses where these two people obviously lived, and wandered around.

As expected.

The fruit trees here are mostly Luomei fruit trees.

And the core can be seen everywhere.

It was obvious at a glance that these two people often ate this kind of tree fruit.

This time, Chen Yuan's guess was directly confirmed.

These two elves...

An elf who is good at flying at great speed.

Also related to red and blue.

And she also likes to eat fairy-type Luomei tree fruits.

Chen Yuan pushed up his non-existent reflective glasses.

there is only one truth.

I came back from picking a lot of Luomei tree berries.

Chen Yuan started making fruit meals directly.

Luomei tree fruits are the main raw material, and Chen Yuan will use these high-grade tree fruits to make a Luomei feast today.

After half an hour.

When the tempting fruit meal was put on the plate and pushed in front of the two elves.

Nothing else could be seen in the eyes of these two elves.

A balanced fruit meal of flying and fairies.

And it is a balanced pro version made from high-end tree fruits.

Absolute surprise.

Just smelling the aroma made Lalu Lalu on the side burst into tears, and even the dogs in the distance shed tears all over the floor.

As for red and blue...

"Very good, very good. I can already feel your sincerity. Chen Yuan, then let us two personally taste it... taste it... Anyway, let us see how sincere you are!"

Then, Lanlan and Honghong couldn't bear it any longer and pounced on them.

The Phoenix King and Lugia just threw themselves on the plates and started eating.


Chen Yuan laughed and recorded such a precious scene with his mobile phone camera.

At this time, the Lugia boss immediately protested in Chen Yuan's mind.

"Delete it quickly, delete it, what the hell! How could you take such a photo! The other side is facing my face! Such an embarrassing posture, hurry up! Delete it quickly, you can't take any pictures of my majestic Are you heroic? If you have to do these weird things, for example, I can take the Pipbird to hunt the fossil pterosaur again. Don’t worry, this time the Pipbird and I will definitely kill the fossil pterosaur. You can’t find the east, west, north, and south. Of course, if you don’t know how to ask that person for a fight, I will teach you. I remember when I fought with Feng Wang..."

Chen Yuan pressed his temples, raised the elf ball, and put the beep bird back.

This Lugia boss is good after all, but after getting familiar with him, he has developed into a chatty person.

Suddenly, the elf ball on Chen Yuan's waist moved.

Is it Sister Yanbu’s elf ball?

Sister Yanbu, who has been hiding in the Poké Ball since landing on the island, wants to come out now?

Chen Yuan pressed the elf ball, and Yan Bu was immediately released.

All I can say is that she is indeed Sister Yanbu.

As soon as she came out, she could see through the identity of the two elves opposite at a glance.

He smiled, rubbed his little hands, waggled his tail, and pounced directly on Honghong on the other side.

Use the sacred flame to act like a ghost, right?

Hey hey hey, let you see what it means to be unaware...

At this time, Honghong and Lanlan were completely immersed in the flying demon's balanced fruit meal, and they completely relaxed their vigilance.

Especially Honghong, she is so focused on eating.

This energy is so satisfying.

How long has it been since, how long has it been since I had such a comfortable fruit meal?

Over the years, those who eat fire-type fruit meals every day are almost sick of it.

This is just right...

Sigh...wait, something is wrong.

Honghong suddenly got excited and raised her head.

I just felt like something was weird.

She looked at Chen Yuan, who also looked at her body with a kind face. It was white with red and blue triangle patterns on it.

Among them, red patterns are still the main ones.

This is the true body of this red "Phoenix King"!

"Human! Not bad, this Phoenix King likes your tribute very much..."

After saying a few words, Honghong lowered her head and started eating again.

Chen Yuan just held his arms and watched the white elf, whose disguise had been lifted by Sister Yanbu and who had lost the sacred flame, lowered his head and feasted.

It is indeed this elf.

Then the one on the opposite side...

Chen Yuan pressed the elf ball and released the beep bird.

The Lugia boss was still complaining about why Chen Yuan didn't listen to what he had to say, so he heard Chen Yuan ask.

"Can the power of water flow in that elf be recovered?"

"Of course, of course, I'm just waiting for your words."

Then Beep Bird also smelled something troublesome, and pounced on it without Big Lugia reminding him.

This time, Lanlan is still more alert than Honghong.

She directly felt the beep bird approaching, and raised her head, but the next moment she immediately felt something draining out of her body.

What is it?

There was still Luomei pulp in the corner of her mouth, so she raised her head blankly.

Lan Lan and Chen Yuan looked at each other, and then her eyes caught sight of Hong Hong, who was engrossed in eating beside her.

His whole body was shaken.

"Honghong, your vest fell off!"

Honghong, who was enjoying the food, looked up blankly, "What the hell?"

At this time, she also saw Lanlan's appearance.

"Lanlan, you too..."

Honghong stopped talking.

At this moment, the two elves were sweating profusely.

They finally sensed the problem.

The ray of energy covering their bodies is the energy feathers used for camouflage.

It was pulled out!

Ho-oh and Lugia's vests fell off...


At this time, Honghong and Lanlan discovered that the King of Heaven elves had gathered around them again at some point, surrounding the two elves in the middle.

Hong Hong shrank.

Hiding behind Lanlan.

Lanlan's eyes were sharp, staring at the surrounding elves, raising his head and chest, and despite the thousands of troops, I was unfazed by the momentum, and said loudly: "Let me finish this meal first, and..."

He paused and scanned the whole place.

"When you beat me later, be gentler..."

ten minutes later.

Honghong and Lanlan have their heads wrapped around each other and sit upright.

In front of them, Yanbu Miaobu Flame Bird stood one after another.

Even the beeping bird let the boss of Lugia control its body. It hugged its wings and raised its legs to watch the excitement up close.

Looking at the luxurious lineup in front of them, Honghong and Lanlan opened their mouths, but couldn't say anything they wanted to say.

Especially Miaobu, Yanbu and Flame Bird, they are all old acquaintances.

Obviously, these guys were not on the island an hour ago.

But now, they were all released by Chen Yuan!


They definitely did it to make fun of them!

However, what concerned them more was that Bi Diao actually had the aura of Lugia on him!

The real Lugia!


Say it, say it! What's going on with these two feathers on you two, and why are you pretending to be me?

Damn it!

Just pretend!

At least the temperament is better!

Look at the way you eat!

It’s really a shame!

Red and blue, their heads lowered even further.

Can't lift it up at all.

I pretended to be someone else and was eating and drinking for so many years but was caught by the real owner and was given a lecture. It was... so embarrassing.


We will talk about these things later.

The Flame Bird stared at the two Pokkigu and shook his head slowly. It would not be too late to settle some things later, but now she really wants to know...

"Mah huh huh~"

Is the big guy here?

At this moment, Chen Yuan and his party all looked over.

I came to the Sky Pillar Island on this trip just to meet the legendary elf.

However, after struggling here for so long, I didn't even see the shadow of the big boss.

But obviously before that, I could already feel that aura.


It can't be an illusion.

Not on this island?

Or is he asleep somewhere on the island?

All eyes focused on the two Pokkigu.


These two Pokkigu also knew who the "big guy" mentioned by the Flame Bird was.

The real owner of this pillar of the sky...

Their eyes subconsciously fell on the building behind them.

 It’s another day for Cavan…



(End of this chapter)

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