you elf, are you legal

Chapter 392 Yan Bu: There’s really nothing I can do against you Fantasy Sand Tower

Chapter 392 Yan Bu: There is really nothing I can do against you (please subscribe for more updates) Fantasy Sand Tower ()

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Sister, sister, we have passed.

La Lulas rushed over happily.

Hua Yuxi also picked up the baby dragon. The little guy performed very well in the last game, even facing the opponent's ace Iron Claw Lobster.

"Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, we won~"

Hua Yuxi held the baby dragon and rushed over.

At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao was overusing some of her mental power. She couldn't stand firm and was almost knocked to the ground by Xiaohua.


Finally can return to the top of the list...

Previously, due to various reasons, Chen Yuan, who was in the lead, was 100 points ahead.

Since Chen Yuan doesn't use these unconventional methods, her Lalu Lasi is also acceptable.

After their Pokémon team got 675 points for the fifth mission, their points in the exam directly reached points, ranking first.

He smiled and said, "I'm quite vigilant."

At the beginning, the opponent's senior ace Big Wolf Dog was defeated.

Looking at the standings, Chu Xiaoxiao was very satisfied.

What the hell.

"Flower Goddess, I am your fan, can you take a photo with me?"

That big wolf dog has the strength of an ace.

By this time the community had exploded.

Chu Xiaoxiao slapped the big wolf dog, and the latter immediately burst out with ace power, directly intimidating the elves who wanted to surround him.

These new students are just three-star and four-star trainers.

I heard Chen Yuan say before that when he competed in this challenge, he did not let Xiaoli use the legendary power or the Peep Bird, which made Chu Xiaoxiao feel a little more competitive.

At this time, crowds of people began to gather outside.

This made Chu Xiaoxiao very satisfied. She turned over and rode on the big wolf dog and left the cave of the secret base.

"Stop talking, let's take a detour."

As more and more teams started challenge missions and entered the two temporary bases, they felt the intensity.

After taking a breath, Chu Xiaoxiao immediately opened her phone.

In this big test, she has to crush it all the way to the end and completely defeat Chen Yuan.


"Hua Yuxi is here too."

After getting one hundred points, Chu Xiaoxiao immediately relaxed.

Sure enough, this last chance, with the blessing of her mental power and superpowers, La Lulas finally burst out with stronger power.

Let him crawl at her feet...

Perfectly realize the justice of two-on-one in doubles battle.

But slowly, everyone figured it out.

It can be regarded as winning this battle.

If they could defeat the ace-level elves, they would have been able to reach the six-star level long ago! !

What kind of truth is this!

How could he actually catch up with her?

"it is good."

The few candidates who wanted to gather around looked at each other and shook their heads slightly.

"Look, that's Chu Xiaoxiao."

Sure enough, it was just as she thought.

Apparently after a morning of searching, these people had found this temporary base hidden in the mountain.

This big wolfdog basically only uses four skills.

Then he jumped and disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Who would have thought that he would take the first step and win the quest line at Team Lava's base.

Then, together with Xiao Caocao's three powders, after sleeping on the left side, sleep on the right side.

How to fight this? The first challenge worth twenty points is not something that humans can complete.

Just desperate.

These four people did not enter the temporary base to practice with the large army. Instead, they chased Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi and disappeared into the dense forest while the crowd was not paying attention.

But even if you want to pass this ace, you still need to have at least a five-star combat power.

All of a sudden, the difficulty increased.

As the school team, youth training, and the second team entered and finished the game, they shared their summary.

The candidates were surprised to find out.

It's not just this first challenge.

The one at the back is more perverted than the other.

Even if he is the main player in youth training.

Those with ace elves were also stuck on the third level challenge.

"Can't beat it, can't beat it, can't beat it at all."

"Is there really no problem with this difficulty?!"

"It's okay if the first level is a big wolfdog who has just become an ace, but from the second level, why does the strength increase directly?"

"It's so funny, you didn't watch the third and fourth levels. That's what I call increasing your strength. It's said that the second team was wiped out in the third level, while the youth training and school team had not a single elf in the fourth level. make life difficult for."

"Yes, senior ace, still doubles, this level, such strength, almost catching up with the national league."

"Be confident, this is the difficulty of the National League, it depends on Lai Minglue and Liang Siqiu!"

"Good news, good news, Liang Siqiu and Lai Minglue are so awesome, they actually passed the fourth level."

"Then what is the fifth level?"

"They were playing Team Lava, and the elves they saw were said to have two ace peaks in the doubles match."


"Hold the grass!"

"The top ace? The school is not a good person!"

At this time, the community suddenly realized that this time when they entered the secret realm of the big exam, what did those special operations teams mean when they told them to do what they can?

Compared with this series of challenges, the previous "Capture Thirty Elite Peaks" was simply a warm-up activity.

Doubles with substitutions, there are two peak aces on the opposite side.

If we can beat this, we can start as a seven-star trainer and become an eight-star trainer!

Not surprisingly, Liang Siqiu and Lai Minglue, currently the strongest duo among the freshmen, were defeated.

There is no way to fight!

"Wait, there's a problem."

At this time, Chen Yuan’s fruit drink shop group~Donglan fruit drink shop pioneer planning group.

This now includes the vast majority of candidates, and even more than a dozen teachers and more than thirty special operations team NPCs.

With such a large group numbering four hundred, the discussion atmosphere is now almost more enthusiastic than the community.

Maybe it’s because the community tends to be open, and discussions in this large group need to be more detailed.

Strategies, experiences, everything.

"Wait, wait, everyone, I have a question."

"Have Hua Yuxi and Chu Xiaoxiao already received the rewards for the fifth level?"

"How are you talking? That's your Flower God, Xiao God!"

Lai Minglue: "Looking at my Flora's score, I must have passed the fifth level."

Fatty: "It's too strong. Qin Se and I are stuck in the fourth level. We already have some ideas. We are queuing up and will try it later. But this fourth level is already perverted enough. The two aces in the fifth level How did you get past the peak of doubles?"

"I remember that my Goddess of Flowers has a grass-type elf. The water-type elf in the water fleet has an advantage."

"Why didn't you tell me that my Xiaoshen's Larulas was restrained by the evil elements of Iron Claw Lobster and Big Wolf Dog?"

"What old almanac? Didn't you see my performance in the rookie league, Lalu Lasi? The big wolf dog is such a stinky fish and shrimp, do you understand the gold content of my great Chu family, China's top ten?"

"Laughing, Larurus can only defeat the evil type at most, but it can't restrain the evil type. Moreover, the rookie league is all about excellence. By then, Larurus will be an elite. Can she even beat the level?"

"Damn it, I feel desperate just thinking about the fifth level. How on earth did the Xiaoshen and the Flower God defeat it?"

"You won't be using that big wolfdog at the top of your game, right?"

Some people questioned.

"Most likely"

This guess directly hit the majority of candidates.

Can you pass the level without using a giant wolfhound?

There is absolutely no reason or possibility.

"If I don't put it bluntly, the Chu family is amazing. They deserve to be among the top ten in China."

"With an elf of this level, I can do it as quickly as I want, and I can even get it into the elf position. I can't even imagine it."

"Genshen is also strong. With such speed, he passed five levels. No wonder Mr. Silver."

"I guess I, Mr. Chen Yuan, also used his champion to compete in the big test."

"What's wrong with the ace? Don't be upset. This is also my true strength. Why don't you let the ace elf use it?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "No need to guess."

Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly spoke, freezing the atmosphere in the group.

Everyone was just talking about it, but why did they forget that the real owner is in the group!

Moreover, this group is not an anonymous environment like a community. Everyone surfs the Internet under their real names. If you say bad things, you will be caught immediately!

It's simply a social death.

Damn it! Who brought Chu Xiaoxiao into the group?


Is this a group of people?

That's fine.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "I didn't use the big wolf dog, and Chen Yuan didn't use the eagle either."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Please don't misunderstand me."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "The elves that Chen Yuan, Hua Yuxi, I, and I challenge this time are all elves that we have cultivated in the past four months."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Don't make excuses for your failure."

The giant of the Internet, his words are cold and biting.

The atmosphere in the group is like frozen air, the kind that can chill people from the inside out with just one breath.


It was clear that Chu Xiaoxiao was stating the facts, but as if it was the most vicious taunt in the world, he slapped those ungrateful candidates on the face.

No accidents, no flukes.

What Chu Xiaoxiao said was very clear. The three of them relied entirely on the elves they had trained from scratch to overcome this challenge.

Elves trained in four months can pass the level, and they have worked hard to train them for three or four years...

Just practice more if you want to cook, don’t make excuses

Yan Wanzhi: "Students, don't take chances. The academic committee has watched the match video. Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi did use 5 elves to get through the final 5th challenge, and Chen On the source side, they didn’t even send out their ace.”

Yan Wanzhi: "So everyone, please stop saying that the mission we arranged this time is impossible. Please recognize the reality and work hard to come up with tactics. I believe you can do it."

As the president of the academic committee and the organizer of this major exam, Yan Wanzhi's words still carry some weight.

Just two sentences dispelled all doubts.

It's not that this exam is too difficult, or that you are too strong and rely on your family, but that you are too weak, that's all.

Yan Wanzhi: "So, please take this exam seriously."

Yan Wanzhi looked at the lively chat group again, with a knowing smile on her lips.

It seems that everyone's enthusiasm has been ignited. Think about it, since they have all been admitted to Beiyu University, it proves that the talent is not bad.

Originally, it was okay to be crushed by Chen Yuan, but then he was suppressed by Chu Xiaoxiao. It will more or less make people think that this clearance may involve crushing the resources of the top families.

It seems fair, but it's actually completely unfair.

In fact, the entire Beiyu University environment has started to develop in a not so good direction due to the noise made by that group of people.

It's not time to "brake" yet. This matter still requires some far-reaching considerations from the dean and consultant Nian Ni.

But it is not good for this development to continue. I only hope that this game between Chu Xiaoxiao and Chen Yuan can make them realize something.

Now that Sister Sueshen has gone fishing, I hope there won't be any problems with Chen Yuan.

Buzz, buzz.

Suddenly, there was a message.

It was a message from the teacher over there who was counting points.

"This is Chen Yuan's latest score, Wanzhi, take a look."

Chen Yuan’s points?

Yan Wanzhi was a little confused. Generally speaking, the data automatically calculated by this point system is very accurate. It has been used for many years and almost no errors have been encountered.

Only occasionally there will be some ambiguous judgments that require manual review.

But this kind of thing is basically done by the review team.

How could it be reported directly to her?

Yan Wanzhi almost spat out a mouthful of water when she saw the attachment.

What the hell?

Is that the challenge of the Tower of Sand completed?

You know, the trainer at the end who is guarding the gate can directly bring out the top elves!

But if it's Chen Yuan... that's about it.

What a fart!

What's going on with this time?

It takes two minutes to get to the seventh floor. Is it possible to just walk away?

What's even more outrageous is that no video has been transmitted back.

In other words, no one knows how Chen Yuan fought.

"Consultant Xianshen, let us contact you and let you have full authority to handle this kind of matter. We were originally skeptical, but Chen Yuan is a silver badge holder after all, so it is still possible."

"Moreover, contact with the Fantasy Sand Tower has been lost..."

"Okay, I almost know what's going on. Just release Chen Yuan's list."

After hanging up the phone, Yan Wanzhi also understood that this was probably the plan of Chen Yuan and Sister Xianshen.

And the Fantasy Sand Tower seems to be part of those plans.

Alas, she doesn’t understand what’s going on with Big Silver.

After finding a sparsely populated platform, the little ones relaxed completely and ate fruit and jelly to regain their strength.

Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi, on the other hand, were leisurely scrolling through their phones.

I don’t know why I haven’t replied to my message to Chen Yuan.

I called and it was not in the service area.

It's just weird.

Could it be that he secretly went to the foggy area again?

Can't it save people some peace of mind?

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at her phone, but when she clicked on the points list, her pupils shrank.

Twist your pretty eyebrows.

What's going on? Is there something wrong with this point?

Student Xiaohua on the other side also looked at her phone and exclaimed.

"Xiaoxiaoxiaoxiao, look at Chen Yuan's points."

Chen Yuan's points suddenly changed.

I completed the challenge before and reached 575 points.

And now it has directly reached 1005 points.

Suddenly it increased by 430 points.

Go ahead and win the first place.

Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi looked at each other and realized immediately.

Chen Yuan did not answer the phone for a while, nor did he reply to messages.

I'm afraid I passed the level in the Fantasy Sand Tower!

Needless to say, the entire community has been turned upside down by this time.

Just now, their team was still in the group, announcing a victory declaration, but now they were directly caught up by Chen Yuan.

This is not okay.

Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi stood up immediately.

Even Xiaohua, who had never been competitive with Chen Yuan, now wanted to get the Fantasy Sand Tower to find out.

See what's inside.

It was able to instantly increase Chen Yuan's points by 430 points.

However, just when Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi were enveloped by Lalu Lasi's super telepathy, they were about to take off.

Chu Xianshen suddenly received a message.


Chu Xiaoxiao’s eyes were filled with confusion.

It's time for the big exam, and my eldest sister won't contact me now.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't think much and replied directly: "On this side of the volcano."

Chu Xianshen: "Open the location and I'll find you."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "????"

Chu Xianshen: "Listen, I don't have time to explain. It will be over in two minutes."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "Quick, I want to go to Shata"

Chu Xianshen: "No need to go, something happened over there."

Chu Xiaoxiao's heart skipped a beat.

Something happened to the Fantasy Sand Tower?

But Chen Yuan is still there, why did something happen?

Then Chen Yuan...

"Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with you? Your face looks so bad." At this time, Hua Yuxi suddenly shook Chu Xiaoxiao's body: "What did Sister Xianshen say to you? Did something happen to you? Why does your face look so bad?"

Chu Xiaoxiao shook his head, something happened to Chen Yuan, but his guess was that he should wait for the eldest sister to come over.

Two minutes are extremely long.

It was even longer than the three days and three nights she had meditated continuously.

Chu Xiaoxiao called Chen Yuan again, but he was still not in the service area.

At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao no longer had any composure.

Subconsciously dial again... call three times...

Like a child who couldn't contact his father, he dialed the only number he could reach over and over again.

Although La Lulas did not peek at the communication between her sister and the eldest sister, at this time, she vaguely knew that something had happened to brother Chen Yuan.

That little face suddenly turned pale.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Sister, sister~

Is it my brother...

Chu Xiaoxiao shook his head, maybe he was just guessing.

Maybe Chen Yuan really just finished defeating the Fantasy Sand Tower, and then went to the mist area with Pip Bird for a challenge and excitement.

"Where are you?"

Chu Xiaoxiao asked.

Chu Xianshen: "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, we have to deal with the mice, right away."


Chu Xiaoxiao's pupils shrank.

Is there someone coming from this secret realm?

At this time, Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly thought that Chen Yuan didn't answer the phone... Could it be that he was taken out of the secret realm?

This time Chen Yuan came to the secret realm, let alone Sister Yanbu and even Uncle Bi Diao didn't bring him with him.

If someone is watching this...

"Be careful."

For some reason, Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered Chen Yuan’s previous warning before Nan entered the mouth.

That was because she thought that Chen Yuan wanted to speak harsh words to him.

At this time, I thought about the mouse that the eldest sister said...

At that time, that stinky gangster actually reminded her...

Chu Xiaoxiao closed her eyes and tried not to let herself continue to think wildly.

"How about doing it?"

At the same time, he was not far away from Chu Xiaoxiao.

Four figures lurked quietly.

These four people are actually candidates this time and students of Beiyu.

At this time, the four of them were staring at Chu Xiaoxiao over there. He looks like he's ready to take action at any time.

One of the people who looked like the leader suddenly frowned.

I feel like now is the best opportunity to capture this eldest lady of the Chu family, but now I feel like, why is it so dangerous?


Looking at Chu Xiaoxiao and Hua Yuxi alone, there was an ace big wolf dog next to them, which might pose a threat to them.

As long as the four of them swarm up, they can take it down directly.

No matter how strong Lalu Lasi is over there, she is still far behind when facing more than a dozen ace-level opponents.

I simulated it dozens of times in my mind, and never failed.

Group B3 has reported that it is aware of Chu Xianshen and is in contact with him.

There are no special operations team patrols nearby.

Totally the best location.

Why is there such a strong crisis...

It's like if you take action, you will definitely fail.

This feeling is outrageous.

Confirmed Chu Xianshen's position again, no matter what!

Can't drag it any longer!

A big wave of his hand.

The remaining three people understood immediately.

Just between these breaths.

The four of them released all their ace elves. There are eight out of the eighteen in total, which are the peak aces.

This kind of strength is not what this freshman from Beiyu University should have.

The moment these elves were released, they swarmed forward and rushed forward.

Some use vine whips to wrap around people.

Some of them roared loudly and blasted towards La Lulas on the opposite side, while another with strange power rumbled towards the big wolf dog.

The sinewy muscles had a terrifying aura, and the ace peaked straight away, bound to bring down the big wolf dog with one blow.

These elves don't need to be commanded at all. This set of combos works well together.

The division of labor is clear, as if it had been practiced countless times.

In just one breath, the attack coordination was completed.

Seeing that loud roaring shock wave was about to hit La Lulas and Hua Yuxi...

Even with Lalulas' physical fitness, facing such an ace's peak evil skills, he still roared loudly at the proficiency level. If the attributes were restrained, he would definitely be severely damaged.

As an ordinary person, if Hua Yuxi was hit, she might be seriously injured or even die.

The leading young man looked at the black wave that was about to rush in front of Hua Yuxi, his eyes filled with excitement.

What you can’t get must be destroyed!

Especially for a genius like Hua Yuxi, it would be most satisfying to destroy him.

Aren't you awesome?

Aren't you able to cultivate elite elves at a young age?

Why do you, an orphan, get such good treatment?

But they can only live in darkness in that environment.


Since God is unfair, he will do justice for God today!

Anyway, the club didn't ask for Hua Yuxi.

Then just... destroy it!

The sudden attack startled Hua Yuxi. He kept retreating, but it was too late.

Xiao Caocao was so frightened that his leaves fell off and he pounced on it.

When hunting swallowtail butterflies, the baby dragon is far away and has no time to react.

La Lulas subconsciously concentrated on guarding the light screen, blocking Hua Yuxi's body.

That's when.

A figure suddenly appeared.

It turned into a black arc of light and suddenly appeared in front of Loud Roar and one elf.

The light of protection lights up.

It was a guarding light screen that was several times larger than the normal guarding, directly blocking Lalu Lasi and Hua Yuxi, as well as the many elves behind them.

"Buy bu y~"

Keep it!

boom! ! !

The loud roar of the ace's peak hit the guarding light screen.

Just a ripple.

Perfectly held.

That's one, Moon Eevee.

Beiyu’s only one so far is Moon Eevee.

Moon Eevee of the Chu family.

Chu Xianshen's main force of the Heavenly King.

Shouldn't this elf be at Chu Xianshen's place?

Didn't B3 already see Ibrahimovic lazily basking in the sun?

How come it appears here? !

At this time, those sneak attack elves swarmed forward and finally pounced.

"Buy bu y~"

Well done!

Moon Eevee swiped her tail directly.

[A flash of lightning]

Black lightning traveled quickly between the peaks of those aces.

Wherever he passed, chickens and dogs jumped.

Just a touch, and there was a sound of bone scales exploding.

The Heavenly King Elf, especially the Heavenly King Elf carefully cultivated by the Chu family, when beating these trump cards, just kick them one at a time, don't take it too easy.

In just a dozen breaths, ten elves were knocked down.

The four young men's faces were already ashen.

He is the main force of Chu Xianshen’s consultants!


Haven't they been held back by the people from B3?

Why is there a heavenly king here?

substitute? Bait? ! then what?


The leading young man shouted.

You must know that Chu Yansu has a demon elf!

If you are caught by that demon, you will turn into a spider even if you don't die!

The club promised countless benefits, but it was absolutely impossible to be... fooled by that devil!

The moment they turned their heads, they were among the woods.

A black and red Alidos slowly crawled out of the woods with a clicking sound.

"Beer beer beer~"

Hello everyone. Since you are here, I have to say hello properly.

Two minutes later.

Hua Yuxi stared blankly at the dozen ace elves lying on the ground, the ground was a mess, and each one was dying.

On the other side, the four young men were entangled in layers of thick spider webs, leaving only their mouths and noses to breathe, as if they were pupae entangled in spider silk.

Chu Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, "Where is the eldest sister?"

"Buy bu y~"

Moon Eevee is wagging her tail, Suisi will be here soon~

Chu Xiaoxiao looked bad, she was being used as a bait for no reason, so she just let it go, and even Xiao Hua was involved.

Although she knew that the eldest sister must have her own considerations involved.

And this kind of thing didn't happen once or twice, but it still made Chu Xiaoxiao very angry.

"Senior Alidos~"

At this time, the heartless Hua Yuxi had not looked at Alidos for a long time and pounced on him as soon as he saw him.

Holding Alidos in his arms was such a rare experience.

Alidos also patted Hua Yuxi's back dotingly, "Bee, bee, bee~"

Were you scared just now?

Hua Yuxi nodded, but then thought about it and shook her head.

In fact, just now when Sister Chu Yansu suddenly sent a message to Xiaoxiao, Hua Yuxi felt something strange and a sense of crisis.

This feeling is amazing.

It was as if there were countless sounds around her... to be precise, there were countless plants transmitting some kind of signal to her.

She thought it was an illusion.

And when those people finally rushed out, Hua Yuxi finally realized that it was not an illusion.

But the opponent's attack was too fast, and he didn't even have time to be scared during the whole process before he was saved by Moon Eevee.

In fact, Hua Yuxi also knew that it was better for the bait to be arranged without the bait himself knowing.

After all, before this, when they eradicated the Lava Fleet and the Water Fleet, they had been used as bait several times with Chen Yuan and were already used to it.

At this time, the space became distorted, and a Hu Di appeared beside Chu Xiaoxiao.

It's my eldest sister's place.

At the same time, Chu Yansu also stepped out in the air, following Hu Di's [teleportation] and arrived here.

Hu Di hooked the spoon.

The space channel behind him closed.

At the same time, it was as if a giant beast spat before shutting up.

A figure was spit out by this space passage.

This was a middle-aged man who had transferred to Zhong Beiyu University and was dressed as a teacher. Chu Xiaoxiao still knew him.

She remembered that he was a teacher from Beiyu, and seemed to be a coach of some club.

The middle-aged man's face was distorted, as if he had been mentally tortured, and he was holding his head. Rolling around on the ground.

Chu Xiansu kicked the giant humanoid maggot aside.

Then he walked straight to Hua Yuxi.

He hugged Hua Yuxi.

"Are you afraid, Third Sister?"

Hua Yuxi was stunned. At this time, she could completely feel the care and sincerity in Sister Chu Xianshen's words.

This is truly caring about her.

I have never felt like this before. Is this what it feels like to be cared for by your family?

At this moment, Hua Yuxi, who had no fear even in the face of death, was about to leave Little Pearl behind.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Sister Chu Yansu comforting Hua Yuxi and curled her lips slightly. Forget it, just forgive her this time.

Chu Xiaoxiao picked up Moon Eevee.

The latter nuzzled into Chu Xiaoxiao's arms.

It’s been a long time since I played with Xiaoxiao~

After comforting Hua Yuxi, Chu Yansu looked at the eldest lady of the Chu family.

Grinning: "How about it, sister hugs sister first, are you jealous?"


Faced with Sister Chu's provocation, Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes in return.

Chu Jiexuan laughed: "Then next time when Xiaoyuan comes, sister will hug him first. I wonder if you will be jealous."


It's still a syllable, but this time, anyone can hear the warning in that syllable.

Chu Yansu laughed loudly and patted Chu Xiaoxiao on the shoulder.

"Where is Chen Yuan?"

Chu Xiaoxiao asked.

"Inside the Fantasy Sand Tower."

"Why can't I get in touch?"

Chu Yansu spread his hands and said, "There is a small problem with that tower, and I can't contact the staff inside."

Chu Yansu blinked: "But it doesn't matter, don't worry about this."

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at Chu Yanxi and knew that the matter seemed to be under control, but she still felt a little worried if she couldn't contact Chen Yuan.

"Let's not talk about this for now."

Chu Yansu said suddenly.

He hooked his fingers and called Hua Yuxi and the little guys over, then faced the rock wall not far away and coughed lightly: "Come out, you two."

It was at this time.

The rock wall rumbled. It was a completely natural rock wall area, and suddenly rocks fell down.

Then a man and a woman, wearing strange masks that looked like gold but not gold, or wood but not wood, appeared behind the rock.

"Wonderful, wonderful! I didn't expect that I would be discovered by you in the end."

The man clapped his hands and made a sound from his mouth, which seemed to be interfered by some kind of spirit. The synthesized sound was like a sound processed by a sound card.

I can't hear the original sound at all.

The young woman on the other side looked at Chu Xianshan coldly, her face not looking good.

"How did you find us?"

she asked.

Chu Jiexui gave her a strange look: "Do you think I have to answer?"


"Okay A2, stop talking now."

At this time, the young man looked at Chu Yansu.


"Now that we have been discovered by you, let me formally introduce myself."

"I, A15, am the person in charge of this operation."

"The main task of coming to Beiyu this time is to invite Miss Chu and kid Chen Yuan to visit our Jinmu Club headquarters."

Chu Jiexuan raised his eyebrows, his mouth still had a half-smile expression, but his eyes became cold.

"It turned out that two quasi-kings came to invite my sister-in-law, so I have to be more serious."

With a flick of his hand, Chu Xiansu released four elves.

Two kings, two top pinnacles.

These are Chu Xianshen's main forces.

She looked at the two quasi-kings opposite, grinned, and hooked her fingers: "They are both trainers, don't push them so much, let's fight."

The young woman seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with Chu Xianshen's appearance, so she released her two elves without saying a word.

The cross-shaped bat and the dark crow are both at the king level.

The young man shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Can't you two calm down a little? This is a volcano. If the War of Heavenly Kings starts here, what will happen if the volcano erupts and affects the students below?"

After hearing this, Chu Xiansu seemed to have just discovered the problem. His expression changed, as if he was threatened and had some concerns.

"What do you want?"

Her tone was calm and seemed to be slowing down.

At this time, A15 smiled and said: "So, just calm down and have a peaceful talk. Come with us. Of course, you can give me that Lalulas. Hey, little girl, don't look at me like that. As for me, even if your sister is very strong, please don’t treat the two of us as trash like the Water Fleet and the Lava Fleet.”

"By the way, it doesn't actually have to be that little guy. As long as you tell me where Chen Yuan's secret orchard is, we won't embarrass you two sisters."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't tell us. After all, our people have already gone to find Chen Yuan, who is led by a quasi-king who is more powerful than me. How about it? Are you scared? , little girl.”

The young man looked at the eldest lady of the Chu family who remained calm even in the face of a sneak attack. Her face was extremely pale at this time, and he immediately smiled.

"Miss your little boyfriend?

Don't worry, we won't embarrass him, because our goal is to get him to join us. "

"Ah, don't look at me like that. I know you want to say something like "No way, Chen Yuan will never join you."

But, if I arrest you, do you think that Chen Yuan will submit obediently? Ah, by the way, I can arrest the little flower girl next to you. Do you think he will choose to save you first, or save her first? "

"Oh my, I'm a little moved by what you said. Although I know that Chu Xianshen actually lured us here for fishing, I still can't help but want to take action."

At this time, both Chu Xiaoxiao and Chu Yansu looked bad. Obviously they were all irritated by this young man.

"In that case."

Chu Yansu waved his hand.

Point directly to the opposite side.

"Hu Di, be strong in spirit."

"Go out or not?"

Chen Yuan is a bit bored. If there is poker, he wouldn't mind playing Lada with Sister Yanbu to tease Meow Meow.

Honghong is still getting used to the manipulation of the altar.

According to Honghong, this fantasy sand tower not only has the function of drilling into the ground.

If controlled properly, it can also move underground.

Even breaking directly into the foggy area.

"It would be great if Lanlan was here. She is better at controlling the altar."

Honghong herself is a little confused now.

Two groups of people outside were already fighting.

The elves used are at least a lot of top-level aces, and there are actually a few king elves among them.

And those heavenly king elves are quite solid.

None of them are ripe.

If you go out so recklessly, you may get into a lot of trouble.

The best solution is to drive this fantasy sand tower and escape underground.

But now Honghong needs several hours of fine-tuning to fully understand it. The frequency coherence and output power of the [Secret Power] need to be compatible and optimized.

This is simply not something that can be controlled with just a slap on the forehead.

She wasn't very good at this aspect to begin with.

Seeing that Honghong still needs a lot of time.

Chen Yuan suddenly felt a little palpitated.

He didn't have any problems underground. The jelly meal in his backpack could last at least a month or two.

But what worries him is Sister Chu Xianshen...or to be more precise, it should be Chu Xiaoxiao.

You know, the relationship between the Chu family and the Golden Wood Club is not good.

Although their relationship has not broken down, it is not impossible to attack Chu Xiaoxiao...

It's just a hypothesis. He also believes in Sister Xianshen's strength and can easily protect Chu Xiaoxiao - unless there really is a king coming from the other side.

But staying here is not an option.

"Anyway, let's go out first."

So here comes the question, how to solve the above King Elf?

Chen Yuan began to wander around inside the sand tower.

After turning around, his eyes finally landed on the statue.

Groudon's stone statue stand.

This thing is almost identical to the stone statue on Kongdao.

It is said that he is at least the peak of the Heavenly King, and may have an extraordinary level of combat power.

If this is the case, maybe it can really hold back the king elves on the opposite side.

Even though this Groudon substitute is only at the level of King of Heaven.

But but.

This is Groudon's stone statue!


Rayquaza boss is more or less reliable.

But it can't fly, but as soon as it wakes up, it will fight to the death with the fat-headed fish, even if it means destroying the world.

If such a substitute is irrational and destroys...

There may be no living creatures in this secret realm.

Take a gamble?

No, there must be a way.

Chen Yuan's eyes wandered around and then fell on Yan Bu.

Looking at Chen Yuan's sincere eyes, Yan Bu couldn't bear it and shook his head.

"Buy bu y~"

There's really nothing I can do about you.

(End of this chapter)

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