you elf, are you legal

Chapter 394 You are called the Quasi-Heavenly King The Fantasy Sand Tower

Chapter 394: You are called the Quasi-Heavenly King (please subscribe for more updates) The Fantasy Sand Tower ()

If you want to activate such a stone statue of Groudon, you only need a bottle of energy liquid... Let's first tell Honghong that she definitely doesn't care about these energy liquids!

Absolutely not.

She just felt like it was such a waste, bah, you have to know that this stone statue of Groudon has the power of at least the peak of the King of Heaven!

How can I control this power?

Once out of control...

Although Hong Hong is an elf at the peak of the Heavenly King, don’t expect her to clean up the mess!

At this time, Xiao Yuyu smiled confidently.

"Kuola kuala~"

No problem.

It's just a small stone statue stand-in.

Uncle Groudon gave him instructions on how to use a substitute!

The little fish's eyes flashed, extremely excited.

It was as if this Groudon stone statue substitute had become his own substitute.

In that case...

At the moment when the stone gate pattern merged into his body, Xiao Yuyu suddenly felt that he had an inexplicable connection with the stone substitute of Groudon.

But he has gained a "legacy" that is more precious than new skills, more than legendary power.

Slowly, the black lines on the stone door merged into Xiao Yuyu's body.

At this time, Gulaton and Coal Turtle suddenly raised their heads and looked at the door.

Just at this moment.

He didn't realize any new skills on the stone gate.

Since Xiao Yuyu said this, he must have something to rely on.

This feeling……

Fell to the seventh floor.

Can you really help Chen Yuan just like this?

The little fish is so excited!

He is now very powerful, so go and help Chen Yuan!

He already found that his perspective had completely changed.

The little fish closed its eyes again.

Presumably, Xiaoyuyu's ground talent must have been recognized by Lord Groudon.

And now Chen Yuan himself is the beep bird under Chen Yuan.

Stones fell.

The Illusionary Sand Tower, which could withstand the attack of the King of Heaven, was just stepped on by Xiaoyuyu's foot and a huge hole was created.

He seemed to feel that he suddenly had a substitute.

Is Chen Yuan prepared to ride on the back of this beeping bird and fight them?

The sand tower rumbled as if it had been activated again.

At this time, Xiao Yuyu had already pressed both hands on the stone door.

This thought suddenly flashed across my mind.

Honghong: "..."

The little fish took a step forward.

That's right, the stone statue stand-in on the eighth floor of the Illusory Sand Tower has come to life.

Xiao Yuyu even felt that he was very familiar with this kind of power.

With a thought, the substitute started to move.

Xiaoyuyu: "..."

His body, his strength, his energy, and the feeling that he could unleash his devastating skills at any time.

Breathe deeply, breathe deeply, mobilize energy...

A rustling sound.

Under the blessing of that pattern.

After a dozen breaths, the little fish opened its eyes again.

The ace and top elves were found one by one, and there were more than 20 of them in total.

Honghong nodded.

The children of the Liu family have already taken the lead.

The black lines on it suddenly lit up.

Honghong opened the bottle cap with a bang, gritted her teeth, and poured the energy liquid onto the stone statue.


A hole in the ground.

Chen Yuan smiled slightly.

It shot up directly.

The sudden burst of speed startled everyone.

When they came to their senses, Nabi Diao had already rushed far away.

This is so damn fast!

Chen Yuan wants to run!

At this time, everyone ignored it and rode on their own elves to chase after it. However, the speed of the beep bird was so fast that it could travel several kilometers away in just a few breaths.

These trainers can no longer see Chen Yuan Bi Diao.


We have to pursue this!

Dozens of elves flew up and rushed out at the same time, carrying the trainer.

At this time, the 2v2 battle on the ground has entered a fever pitch.

The two heavenly kings saw that they were about to be pushed away by Chen Yuan's two elves.

This is definitely intolerable.

Who would have thought that a mere top elf would be able to unleash a level of combat power that is second to third of the world.

It can even sometimes explode with power at the peak level of the King of Heaven.

This kind of battle cannot be won in two against two.

Both of them are veterans in the top field.

His thoughts changed rapidly and he immediately made a decision.

He directly sent out all his elves.

There are more than a dozen elves in a family, including top-level elves, kings, and elves who have just been defeated and have been cured.

At this time, the so-called two-on-two battle bet had disappeared.

Even if they were scolded and dishonored, they still had to resolve the battle quickly and capture these elves.

As for chasing Chen Yuan...

Haha, Liu Chaochao didn't believe it. After taking down these elves, Chen Yuan would still obey.

Uncle Bi Diao suddenly felt pressure.

The configuration of the dozen or so animals on the opposite side can compete with the peak of the King of Heaven.

It is exactly the configuration for fighting the boss, quite balanced.

It's a bit difficult to break through at once.

At this time, the Flame Bird and Xiaoli on the other side also felt unprecedented pressure.

The thirty-nine members of the Golden Wood Club opposite also used all their combat power to take down the Flame Bird.

In fact, the Golden Wood Club is far more interested in this flame bird than Chen Yuan, the Silver.

The main thing is to take Chen Yuan away and find the Flame Bird by force.

But since this flame bird, the legendary elf is right in front of him, there is no need for Chen Yuan.

Thirty-nine has already touched the elf ball.

Not only the flaming bird, but also the different-colored snake-print bear on the flaming bird's back.


The pressure that increased instantly caused the four elves to stick together, back to back, barely supporting the attack from the opposite side.

But at this time, it was exactly what the two quasi-kings thought.

Chen Yuan, who had just escaped, had already flown back on his Water Eagle.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he flew over the circle surrounded by more than twenty elves.

And the elves of the other people behind him are still far behind.

"Sister Yanbu."

Chen Yuan suddenly transmitted his spiritual power into Yan Bu's mind.

"First, confine the elves of the Liu family."

Catch the thief first to catch the king.

The elves following him also had considerable strength, but in terms of threats.

Of course, we have to deal with these top peaks in front of us, and even the king of elves.

However, when Chen Yuan looked at the elves from the Liu family opposite, he had some thoughts.

"Sister Yanbu, can you directly control those sacred fires?"

At this time, Chen Yuan suddenly used voice telepathy to ask about Yan Bu.

Chen Yuan remembered that Sister Yanbu had directly hooked her fingers on the empty island before, and she had picked out the sacred flame in Honghong's body.

When Yan Bu heard this, he immediately laughed.

She is very skilled at the sacred flame.

"I'm talking about Chen Yuan, you told me this earlier, I can do it, but I dare to use my power to surround you, kill them, kill them." At this time, the Lugia boss let it go, saying that he coveted you. The energy on the other side is coughing. I feel uncomfortable looking at the energy on the other side.

How dare you use his power to hit him in front of him!



It must be confiscated!

At this moment, a powerful light of energy suddenly erupted from Beep Bird's body.

It is Lugia's legendary power of water energy.

The elder Liu family opposite him stared in disbelief.

This is Luo Shen!

The real power of Luo Shen is this Chen Yuan!

The power of the Luo Shen in this Bi Diao is so pure!

No wonder, the King of Heaven wanted Chen Yuan’s two elves by name!

This must be brought back!

The quasi-king of the Liu family licked the corner of his mouth. He wanted to capture the thief first. In this case...

Point your finger.

"Catch that Chen Yuan first!"

On the opposite side, King Yan and Gyarados stared at Chen Yuan and his water-type competition with burning eyes.

It turned out to be just a little ace.

This is not easy!


Beepbird's eyes widened.

Big Lugia took over Pip Bird's body.

The legendary power exploded.

next second.

The legendary power in the bodies of the Gyarados and the Great King Swallow, as well as the power of the Luo Shen that had just been mobilized, were firmly suppressed.

Not only that, those legendary powers seemed to be controlled by some energy and went berserk at this moment.

There was even a faint illusion of breaking free and leaving their bodies!

The two elves were extremely horrified and used all their strength to hold down the legendary power in their bodies.

at the same time.

The fire-breathing dragon next to him was also the strongest king of Liu Chao Dynasty and he didn't dare to move at all at this moment.

Because his legendary power has been drawn out by the Bi Diao opposite.

No, it shouldn't be said that it was the Bi Diao opposite... The Charizard could clearly feel that its sacred fire was drawn away by the Fire Eevee lying on Bi Diao's back.

why? !

Unable to understand!

At this time, Liu Chaochao also stared blankly at his elf team.

There were twelve elves just now, and the two teams were full of life.

But in the blink of an eye, he turned into a soft-legged shrimp?

How could the majestic Gyarados just now become like a carp king?

How could such an arrogant elf like his own fire-breathing dragon...

And why are they not using their legendary power? what happened?

The Liu family's team was directly suppressed by Sister Yanbu and Lugia.

There is no way, in fact, not only the eight elves lying down, but also the other four elves in Liu Chao Dynasty are more or less related to those legendary powers.

There are also these undigested legendary resources.

Yanbu and Lugia's bosses hooked their fingers and the energy started rioting.

In fact, if you rely solely on the power of legend without digesting it into your own power, you will easily be approached by the rightful owner.

after all.

Little brother.

How did you get these legendary powers?

Is it legal or not? !

Did we agree?

Did you use my power to pay me energy tax?


Then don't use it yet.

Liu Chaochao watched helplessly as all twelve of his elves lay on the ground without daring to raise their heads.

Swallow your saliva.

His body shook and he dared not say a word.

At this time, Sister Yanbu and Uncle Bidiao finally had their hands free to support Flame Bird and Xiaoli.

The two elves are now extremely uncomfortable being surrounded by the thirteen elves on the opposite side. Even though they have the energy quality of the king who is close to the peak of the king, the body is still a little inferior after all.

Someone caught his weak point and attacked him.

Fortunately, the Flame Bird had eaten enough and its recovery ability was amazing. When faced with the attack from the King of Heaven on the opposite side, it almost managed to resist it.

If it were here, any other elf who had become the King of Heaven for the first time would be in trouble.

At this time, two elves, Bi Diao and Sister Yanbu, joined the battlefield.

A super powerful [Hot Wind] was unleashed by Uncle Bi Diao.

This is the full coverage of the authentic sacred flame AOE, and it hits all the elves on the opposite side.

For a moment, the opponent was directly suppressed, giving the Flame Bird a little time to recover.

"Beer burp~"

No matter what, it has to be me.


you shut up! Stinky bird, wait for me to recover!

Suddenly a ray of light exploded in the air.

It's thunder!

Impartially, it landed directly on the Flame Bird who was recovering his strength.

The King-level attack caused the Flame Bird to tremble and almost be chopped into ashes.

Fortunately, the energy of the fire of life was blocked.

But both the little raccoon dog and the flame bird were uncomfortable.

When Bi Diao saw it, he immediately became angry.

How dare you hit his little raccoon dog? !

And the Flame Bird can only be bullied by itself, how can it be struck by thunder and lightning from others!


Bi Diao's eyes widened, and he rushed over at great speed regardless of the severe load on his body.

In the Fantasy Sand Tower, the little fish finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, I got used to this new substitute.

All I can say is, it’s very exciting!



Brother Chen Yuan!

I'm coming!

Xiao Yuyu clapped his hands and rushed out of the Fantasy Sand Tower.

It was at this time.


A figure flashed past Groudon's substitute.

The little fish was stunned for a moment.

What the hell?

Before he could react.


Another flying elf flew in front of him.

What is this again?

At this time, Xiao Yuyu felt inexplicably that there was a surge of anger in his body!

What the hell! !

These guys!


When the third elf passed by in front of him.

The little fish was angry.

Xiaoyuyu already felt that the fire in his body was unstoppable!

These guys!

It’s simply too abominable!


They must be taught a lesson!

The little fish slapped the ground with both hands, causing the sandy ground to rumble and shake.

Then a large number of rocks were condensed by small fish.

That fiery red figure, Groudon's stone stand-in, the peak combat power of the King of Heaven, the super powerful skill condensed, [Rock Collapse]

Hundreds of rock avalanches were condensed by this red figure at this moment.

Densely packed rocks were thrown out overwhelmingly.

The flying elves that came at high speed from the opposite side were hit hard by the large rock avalanche before they could react.

There were so many rockslides that there was no room to dodge.

The debris of each rockfall was like a deadly cannonball that could not be withstood.

Even the top elves can only withstand one or two shots.

The sound of falling to the ground.

Large swaths of flying elves were knocked to the ground by the rock avalanche of Groudon's substitute.

Just kill him instantly with one hit and you won't be able to get back up again.

At this time, the few elves that had just flown away turned back, as if they wanted to see who the red figure that flashed past just now was.

However, when they turned around and flew back here, they saw this terrifying scene.

Densely packed rocks were in the sky, and the firepower was all covering them, knocking many of the top elves on their side to the ground.

It’s completely unimaginably terrible!

No elf could last more than five breaths in that overwhelming rock avalanche.

All the elves were smashed to the ground, and together with the trainers on their backs, they were dying.

At this moment, the red elf turned around.

His eyes, which seemed like they were from eternity, fell in their direction.

The three elves are still flying elves.

At this time, the earth suddenly trembled again.

One hundred and two hundred, countless rock avalanches, densely packed, covering the entire path of several top elves in an instant.

"Kua la ku la!"

Come down, you!

At this time, a dozen elves who were fighting fiercely not far away were suddenly stunned.

No matter what happened, Chen Yuan or Thirty-Nine looked at the red elf that came out of the Fantasy Sand Tower and reversed the battlefield with a wave of his hand.

Suddenly suffocated.


It's Groudon!

Especially the change in Thirty-nine's expression, from shock, to ecstasy, to solemn expression.

Then he waved his hand and was about to run away!


You must leave and inform headquarters of the news!

You know, the importance of Groudon is far beyond what a flame bird can compare to!

Even though he had already seen that the one opposite was just a substitute!

But this kind of substitute is completely unmatched by other elves at the peak of the Heavenly King.

If you can master it...

Must leave immediately!


Thirty-nine shouted.

Immediately a bird flew over.

Thirty-nine stretched out his hand to explore and grab, turned over and got on Bi Diao's back.

I'm about to leave with flapping wings.

But at this time.

Groudon in front of the Fantasy Sand Tower suddenly looked over!

It’s actually a flying elf!


Come down here!

He slapped the ground.

Right at the feet of Thirty-nine, hundreds of meters away

Sixteen rock pillars made of sandstone were condensed by Groudon's substitute. Then he just waved his hand, and these sixteen rock pillars blocked the way of the bird in the sky. A solid one.

【Rock Blockade】

There is simply no room to leave.

There is no way to avoid it. Thirty-nine was completely blocked by this rock blockade.

With the Groudon substitute controlled by Xiao Yuyu, the battle ended quickly.

I have to say that there is something good about thirty-nine training elves.

Even after being beaten down, his dozen or so elves still put up a strong resistance.

Highlight one who will never surrender.

This is different from the elves of the Liu family who dare not move after being suppressed by the power of a legend.

The Groudon substitute just ran over patting his belly.

Xiao Yuyu is now driving this substitute, and the more he fights, the more excited he becomes.

It's so cool.

He has experienced firsthand what the peak of the Heavenly King is and what the legendary elf is.

This is how the power of the earth is used!

This is how this energy is used!

Is this what the power of legend feels like?

It turns out that I am still far behind.

The feeling of not being able to fly...well, why is it so weird? It's so annoying.


Ten minutes passed quickly.

There was an explosion from the sky.

A white figure suddenly appeared.

Lanlan looked serious at this time, and the energy in her body exploded to the extreme.

But when she heard Honghong say there was something going on here, she rushed over immediately.

Completely prepared to fight tooth and nail!

Although she and Honghong are not good at fighting, they are still at the peak of the heavenly kings and can be more or less useful.

But when she arrived at the appointed place and looked at the mess on the ground, she was immediately dumbfounded.

Especially when I looked at the red elf standing in the desert, having a great time fighting with two eagles and a flame bird, my scalp almost exploded.

"Gurugugugugugu Gulado?"

Lanlan braked suddenly and almost turned around and ran away!

Are you kidding me? Can she compete with this Groudon?

However, at this moment, Hong Hong, who was watching the battle below, suddenly saw Lan Lan flying in the sky.

He raised his head and waved repeatedly.

With doubts, Lanlan flew down.

At this time, Lanlan finally saw it clearly.

The one below is not the real Groudon, but a substitute, a stone statue substitute similar to the one on the empty island.

And the person controlling this substitute turned out to be Xiao Yuyu.

This... is completely beyond Lanlan's imagination.

It’s only been so long since we last seen each other, so why did so many things happen suddenly?

At this time, Chen Yuan also saw Lanlan who rushed over to support.

He waved and handed over a glass of fruit drink and Lanlan's favorite fruit meal.

"Come on, Lanlan, let's watch the battle together. By the way, it was so dangerous just now."

After playing with Xiao Yuyu for a while, the energy of Groudon's substitute was gradually exhausted.

Xiao Yuyu felt regretful and still had unfinished thoughts, but there was nothing he could do.

He drove his avatar back to the Fantasy Sand Tower in a hurry.

Stopped at the ninth floor.

Then exited the control.

At this time, Gulaton and Coal Turtle also woke up.

The three elves looked at each other in the secret room.

They all saw the joy in each other's eyes.

This time, they gained a lot!

Chongchong and Xiaolonglong on the other side watched as Groudon's substitute returned to stone statue mode.

He rushed over at once, crawling around on top of the stone statue, greedy.

How on earth did Xiao Yuyu control such a powerful stone statue stand?

They also want a substitute like this to play with!

at the same time.

On top of that volcano.

Chu Xiansu commanded the elves to kill everyone.

The two would-be kings of the Golden Wood Club who were directly opposite were beaten stupidly.

No, why is this Chu Yansu so strong?

This is just a few years before the quasi-King of Heaven, right?

I heard that there are only two or three king-level elves, and there are not even two top-level teams!

Why is this so outrageous?

No, there is no need for other elves at all, just that Hu Di, beating them is enough.

Dark Crow, flying evil elf.

Mengge Cactus, a grass-based evil elf.

Heiluga, the evil fire elf,

Iron-clawed lobster, an evil water elf.

For this operation, the organization specially recruited the two of them.

There are four evil king elves in total.

The purpose is to disgust the Hudi opposite.

However, this Hu Di was completely undisturbed.

The mental force hitting the body is no different from hitting a normal elf.

This Hu Di must be the third king of heaven!

And that mental strength, it’s at its peak!

With such strength, he would not be at a disadvantage against the main force held by those real king trainers, right? !

Such strength.

Such an elf!

How can they fight with just the two of them?

In the past few years, this Chu Yansu has never had a serious fight with her, and the organization has completely ignored her!

Twenty minutes later.

The two quasi-kings looked at each other.

They all saw the retreat in each other's eyes.

Must go!

slip away!

Chu Xianshui crossed his arms and grinned.

Want to go?


"Kou Jie Kou Jie~"

The purple fat man came out suddenly.

Eyes widened.

[Peak black gaze]

The two quasi-kings on the opposite side suddenly felt numb. They were so entangled in their own shadows that they couldn't leave!

Fifteen raised his head, glanced at Chu Yansu, and grinned: "Chu Yansu, what do you mean? You must know that our teammates have gone to find Chen Yuan at this time... In the direction of the desert, I heard Is there any news just now? We have already fought. You don’t think that Chen Yuan, a small silver man, can really beat the would-be king of our club, right?"

"Don't think that we are really afraid of you."

Fifteen squeezed the elf ball and released all his elf directly.

He didn't really want to make a big deal out of it.

Causing unnecessary trouble.

But since the Chu Xianshen on the opposite side doesn't want this, then don't blame them for fighting to the death.

However, at that moment, Fatty Zi suddenly became happy.

"Kou Jie Kou Jie~"

Is this the teammate you are talking about?

He said this while taking something out from the shadows.

A solid figure tied with worm silk was dragged out by Gengar.

That mask, that clothes, that's thirty-nine.

The two quasi-kings looked at each other, both seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

Shocked, unbelievable,

what happened?

The mission has changed and we must find a way to evacuate!

The capture of Sanjiu from Chen Yuan's side has failed and they must escape.

But this black gaze...

Since this Chu Xianxie won't let them escape, then don't blame their men for being ruthless.

"Dark Crow, Heiluga directly bombarded the volcano!"

He didn't believe it. He activated the volcano group and let the flames directly hit the candidates below. They didn't believe that this Chu Xianshen could still care about them.


Heiluga raised his head and roared, extremely excited.

He raised his neck and fired a large burst of flames, which sprayed out and hit the crater above.

There were rumbling explosions, and the volcano that had started to riot at the mountain pass suddenly showed signs of eruption.


The Heiluga raised his neck again, and the power of the King of Heaven immediately rippled out.

I can't beat you Hu Di, but I can't beat this volcano?

Look at me, super big characters are blasting!

At this moment, this black ruga put all its energy into feeding.

The flames shot directly towards the crater.

However, at this moment, a sound that broke through the sky suddenly sounded.

An elf fell from the sky and was released.

It was a coal turtle.

And it's a coal turtle at the peak of its power.

Damn it, why is there a Peak King here? ! ! !

The Coal Turtle glanced at this Black Ruga indifferently.

An elf who has just become the king of heaven has some strength, but just wanting to explode a volcano is still a bit immature!

The Coal Turtle stamped his foot.

Suddenly, an indescribable force surged into his feet.

It was a force similar to the rock blockade, but extremely different.

Firmly locking the lava that was about to riot below.

After doing this, Coal Turtle looked at the four elves opposite and grinned.

This time, he wanted to try out the [Peak Smoke Spray] he had just realized.

"Beer burp~"

Uncle Bi Diao let out a long cry, he hadn't beaten enough just now!

This time, he will challenge Yan Bu in a duel with justice!

When Fifteen looked at the Bi Diao landing in the sky and Chen Yuan above the Bi Diao.

Suddenly he closed his eyes.

It’s over.

Twenty minutes later.

Iron-clawed lobster and Mengsong cactus fell to the ground.

Chen Yuan chuckled.

This battle was really fun.

With the addition of Coal Turtle, this battle is easy to command.

The fighting power of several heavenly kings swarmed up and crushed them directly.

Chu Xianshen patted Chen Yuan's shoulder hard.

"Okay, brother, now I can deal with the Quasi-King of Heaven by myself."

Chen Yuan chuckled.

Also quite excited.

Although most of the elves he uses are not in his own elves, they are still somewhat his elves, right?

A win is a win.

Shuang is over.

"Chen Yuan Chen Yuan~"

At this time, Hua Yuxi, who was squatting aside and had never dared to disturb Chen Yuan's command of the elves, finally couldn't help but pounce on him.

When she just heard that a quasi-king-level trainer came to find Chen Yuan, she was frightened.

Fortunately, Chen Yuan returned safely.

Thank goodness.

Being hugged tightly by Hua Yuxi, Chen Yuan could really feel the girl's worry at this moment.

Patting her hair, Chen Yuan looked at Chu Xiaoxiao, who was holding his arms and looking worried.

At this time, Hua Yuxi reluctantly let go of her hand and wiped away her excited tears.

He glanced at Chu Xiaoxiao who was worried to death just now, but now he didn't dare to come over.

Blinking, he whispered in Chen Yuan's ear: "Xiaoxiao was worried about you just now."

"Xiaohua, don't talk to this person anymore..."

Chu Xiaoxiao said coldly.

However, Chu Xiaoxiao could no longer say anything else.

Chen Yuan didn't know when he had arrived in front of her and hugged Chu Xiaoxiao tightly.

"Let me go, you bastard."

"Don't let it go."

"Huahua and eldest sister are still here..."

"I won't let it go either."

Chu Xiaoxiao was silent.

Both hands unconsciously hugged Chen Yuan back.

"Finally, it's safe."

"Now, I can finally continue with the big exam."

The examinee who was trapped in the cave suddenly found that all the spider webs that locked the entrance and exit of the cave were open.

The Alidos, which exuded a terrifying aura, had disappeared. At this time, someone screamed in surprise.

"The Fantasy Sand Tower quest line that was still on the quest list was suddenly locked."

"What's going on? Why can't we complete the mission over there?"

"It seems that the officials also know that this big test is too difficult."

"That's Chen Yuan and the others, it's not easy for others to find the illusory sand tower."

"By the way, your volcano team is not good at it. Why are all the points frozen?"

"No kidding, we seem to have experienced a war here. I won't tell you the details. In short, it's terrible. It's okay now. It's a pity that you are not on our side. Tsk tsk tsk."

"That's true. Aren't you the one hiding in the cave and shivering?"

"What are you talking about? My big wolf dog peed its pants because it smelled the scent of a king. It has nothing to do with me."

"It's been blowing. The vibration is probably a volcano erupting. This area is originally a volcano-prone place. The kings and kings are still here. Do you have any brains? The kings also entered the venue so casually. ?」

"Speaking of which, please stop arguing. I just saw Chen Yuan's flying sculpture. It was flying from the other side of the volcano to the desert."

"You said that the quest line of the Fantasy Sand Tower in the desert was cut off. Is it related to Chen Yuan clearing that quest line?"

"Who knows, but I am sure that the volcanic eruption just now must be related to my Origin God. Otherwise, why would I, the Origin God, come to the volcano at this time?"

"It's so funny, it's you, the God of Origin. Why don't you say that you, the God of Origin, defeated the two kings? It's so funny."

"By the way, do you know? The latest revelation is that the mission challenge we are currently playing is actually the process of a few geniuses performing the mission back then, adapted from a true story..."

"Chen Yuan, stop looking at your phone, we're here~"

Hua Yuxi was tugging on Chen Yuan's clothes and pointing at the fantasy sand tower below.

The elves near the Fantasy Sand Tower have been collected and piled into a pile of... elf balls.

And those trainers have been tied up by Chong Chong.

Some of the seriously injured and dying people had been pulled up by Honghong and Lanlan with their prayers.

But in order to keep them quiet, Coal Turtle directly fired [Peak Yawn] one by one.

Chen Yuan finally knew what was going on with the elves and NPCs in the Fantasy Sand Tower who had not yet woken up.

After an hour of research, Lan Lan and Hong Hong finally understood how this illusory sand tower operates.

"It's time to go."

Lanlan's two little hands were pressed on the altar, with an excited look on his face.

At this time, on the ninth floor of the fantasy sand tower, Chu Yansu, Chu Xiaoxiao, and Hua Yuxi were all standing beside Chen Yuan.

Even Chu Yansu didn't expect that this illusory sand tower could actually move.

"Sister, is it really okay to drive this thing away?"

Chen Yuan confirmed.

Chu Yansu waved his hand and didn't care.

"No problem, this is a secret realm jointly developed by our Chu family and the Di family and the Jun family. Let alone a fantasy sand tower driving away, even if you demolish the volcano, no one will say anything to you."

Chu Yansu put his arm around Chen Yuan's shoulders and said loudly.

When it comes to doting on her younger siblings, Sister Chu is an expert.

Chen Yuan smacked his lips, he wasn't coveting this illusory sand tower, he just wanted to drive it for fun and return it after a while.


Chen Yuan also imitated Chu Xianshan, waved his hand and set off.

Honghong and Lanlan almost simultaneously threw the [Secret Power] light ball in their hands into the operating altar.


The illusory sand tower finally started to move.

That night.

Many candidates finally regained their spirits with the delicious fruit meals and drinks at Qiaoqiao Fruit Drink Shop.

These two exam routes are simply torture.

I thought it would work if I tried a few more times - after all, Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao did not use super-conventional elves when they cleared the level.

If the three Pokémon can do it, then they can do it too!

But the facts teach us how to be a good person.

People really can't be generalized.

Especially when Fatty and Lai Minglue fought, they would grit their teeth the most.

But... I just can't beat it.

The fat man finally got through the fourth round of doubles in the evening.

But when facing the fifth level, the two aces were at their peak, and they almost made Fatty doubt his life.

At this time, Lai Minglue had already begun to doubt life.

How did this Chen Yuan get there!

He has been fighting for most of the day.

Both quest lines have passed the fourth level.

I got 400 points.

But this fifth level is really hard to beat!

With the four elves, they were able to successfully defeat the two senior aces in the starting lineup, but they couldn't defeat the two peak aces who cooperated perfectly.

At this time the desert expedition team came back.

Nothing was gained, the so-called phantom sand tower just disappeared.

Not only that, the entire base was searched.

The three Pokémon were not seen from beginning to end.

The points of the three people were also fixed at noon.

It hasn't moved all afternoon.

It was as if all three people had disappeared.

"It's here, it's finally here!"

When the moonlight shines into the secret realm of Weibai.

Chen Yuan and others suddenly felt their bodies relax.

Even inside the illusory sand tower, they could feel that they had broken through the fog area at this time.

However, Honghong and Lanlan did not stop. At this time, they could already directly feel the location of the empty island.

Just follow it and feel the rumbling vibrations on the ground.

The illusory sand tower breaks through the ground from the sand.

It is the secret place of the orchard.

They happened to stay in the open space where Chen Yuan had called everyone for the orchard battle meeting.

Anyway, no one is coming here, so we will stop here for now.

Chen Yuan chuckled, looked at the closed stone door in the secret room on the ninth floor of the Fantasy Sand Tower, touched his chin and started thinking.

Sky Island also has such a stone gate, behind which is the passage for the boss Rayquaza to leave for the deep secret realm.

And no matter where the empty island floats, the door - the entrance to the passage is fixed on the island.

And there is also a door on the ninth floor of the Fantasy Sand Tower operated by the same altar - behind this door, is there also a door leading to the secret space?

The secret realm of the big exam.

The secret passage opened by the Liu family.

A middle-aged man stepped in.

If Chu Xianshen were here, he would definitely recognize him at a glance.

This man is clearly the King of the Liu family.

(End of this chapter)

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