you elf, are you legal

Chapter 403 Ace Xiaoli and Belly Drum Liu Yunzhi: Is my king here with you?

Chapter 403 Ace Little Fox and Belly Drum Liu Yunzhi: Is my king here with you?

It tastes like the three-series energy jelly.

Did Chen Yuan really make the three-series energy jelly? !

Seeing Chen Yuan's face as normal as ever, Xiaoli took a deep breath and wagged his tail.

Sure enough, it has to be Chen Yuan~

Xiaoli narrowed his eyes and felt very happy.

Eat the balance jelly in one bite.

Inside Xiaoli’s body.

The general energy of the Serpentine Bear, the evil energy of Galar, the flame energy of the Wind Speed ​​Dog, the three energy systems exploded.

At this moment, the flames immediately took over, then the evil energy, and finally the general energy, and the three energy systems started spinning like this.

Chen Yuan, who was connected to Xiaoli's mental power, immediately saw the energy situation in Xiaoli's body.

Seeing this, Chen Yuan secretly called him a good guy.

He had inferred something before, but now that he saw it, it was indeed the case.

The energy gap between the three systems is so huge that even using ordinary balance jelly is difficult to adjust, and it will take a long time to achieve it over time.

The violent evil energy and general energy joined the whirlpool of energy the moment it entered Xiaoli's body.

Xiaoli took a long breath.

At this moment, Xiaoli finally broke through to the ace level.

"Beep beep~"

I want to have a game.

Even much more than the other two series combined.

If it were other elves, Chen Yuan might choose the relatively centered evil energy as the fulcrum of balance.

After Xiaoli ate these three series of energy jelly.

Balance is building.

Especially the flame energy. After (evolving) into the Wind Speed ​​Dog, developing the fire ignition and fighting the Flame Bird, the flame energy is almost over the top!

This is also because it is clear that Xiaoli has reached the threshold of ace, and even his physical fitness has exceeded the threshold by a lot, but he still cannot break through.

Finally a breakthrough!

Finally achieved a breakthrough, Xiaoli was so happy.

The energy of the three systems is extremely unbalanced.

A month ago, the small amount of flame power had completely overwhelmed the other two systems of energy.

In the next moment, it was natural to completely break through the ace field.

Just after evolving the Wind Speed ​​Dog, Xiaoli defeated the Peep Bird once. Now that he has reached the ace level, it is naturally possible.

It became the most energy in Xiaoli's body.

In an instant, he reached the peak of elite performance, and Xiaoli took a deep breath.

This energy is too unbalanced!

The energy of the two systems began to surge.

And that evil energy also absorbed a large amount of the power of the Galarian Flame Bird during the battle with the Flame Bird.

Fire, evil, and general energy from the three systems reunited at this moment, began to rotate, and soon formed an energy vortex.

At this moment, Xiaoli's momentum suddenly increased.

And Xiaoli has the characteristic of being a glutton, so he doesn't have to worry about eating this large amount of energy jelly.


The reason why Xiaoli has not been able to break through the ace in this period has been found!

Obviously I haven't learned too many evil skills, but two days ago, in the battle with Geng Gui who activated the evil attributes of the Flame Bird, a large amount of the legendary power of evil poured into Xiaoli's body. , absorbed and used by Xiaoli.

This directly made Xiaoli's evil element energy surpass that of the normal element.

The general energy that Xiaoli was proud of before has been suppressed in the corner of his body.

But now.

But now Xiaoli is finally able to break through this threshold.

At this time, Chen Yuan took out some light jelly and harsh jelly again and let the little raccoon eat them.


The little raccoon man is certainly right.

Elite, he has been stuck for too long and many friends have caught up with him later. It is impossible for Xiaoli to say that he is not in a hurry.

At this time, the beep bird had just finished its morning exercise and flew back.

The momentum subdued, Xiaoli immediately threw herself into Chen Yuan's arms, acting like a baby.

As soon as I saw Xiaoli's appearance, I started to feel itchy in my heart.

The energy vortex finally stabilized after absorbing a large amount of energy.

And this evil system...

An elf battle is about to begin.

The two elves stood up and looked at each other.

The beep bird spread its wings and its momentum suddenly rose to the level of an ace.

Pressed towards Xiaoli.

Xiaoli also responded calmly, and his momentum suddenly rose to the level of an ace, competing with the momentum of Bibi Bird.

With a sway of his body and a flick of his tail, the figure of the little raccoon suddenly disappeared.

Brilliant speed.

Chen Yuan felt comfortable watching the battle between the two elves, and was also happy for Xiaoli's progress.

Finally the trump card!

And at the moment when he broke through to the ace, Xiaoli's physical fitness and energy all grew explosively.

He suddenly reached the level of a senior ace, and his energy was even stronger.

Chen Yuan was very satisfied.

In the original plan, if Xiaoli wanted to reach this level, he had to evolve into a straight bear to be able to successfully break through.

But now, when he awakened the blood of the Wind Speed ​​Dog and evolved into the Wind Speed ​​Dog, there was no limit to Xiaoli's racial potential.

Such basic qualities are enough for Chen Yuan to arrange for Xiaoli to learn that skill.

That skill that can activate the body's potential limit in an instant - abdominal drumming.

The battle between Xiao Tan and Pip Bird is over.

Originally, Xiaoli had the upper hand, but Pipbird directly used Peak Wind. These three-stage skills were activated directly, and Xiaoli's claws were immediately paralyzed.

At the ace level, the three skills are simply invincible.

Fortunately, Xiaoli has completely mastered the divine speed and is almost able to master it.

The positioning is quite flexible, and even at its peak, it is still a bit difficult to completely restrict it.

ten minutes.

The two elves ended up in a draw.

Xiaoli was a little reluctant.

If he had been faster just now, he would have been completely suppressed.

Chen Yuan stroked Xiaoli's hair. It seemed that not only the abdominal bulge, but also the proficiency in speed and the proficiency in flame charge were arranged.

Returning to the secret realm of the orchard, Chen Yuan found the top-notch fruit he had obtained from Hong Hong and Lan Lan on Sky Island.

During this period of time, this top-notch tree fruit had been placed in a special sealed container without being used, and Chen Yuan had not found a suitable opportunity.

It is enough to use intermediate tree fruits for ordinary jelly. Even after improvement, intermediate tree fruits can make pro version of jelly.

As for the top tree fruit, Chen Yuan was going to try it again when he hit the energy cube later. But just leaving it like this is not an option.

However, after Chen Yuan heard about Honghong and Lanlan's plan to use top-quality tree fruits to make energy liquid, Chen Yuan also had a new idea.

Warm-growing tree fruits.

It is best to form a cycle by using the rich energy environment to warm and nourish the top tree fruits, and at the same time, use the energy of the top tree fruits to improve the environment.

The top jelly of the flying system is naturally chosen from the energy pool of the flying system.

Only the combination of Crocodile and Squirtle were left, and all other elves were cleared.

La Lulasi's small hands pressed on Chen Yuan's shoulders, causing his mental power to surge. He penetrated into the energy pool and carefully felt the energy breath in it.

Not enough, not enough.

This concentration is definitely not enough.

Chen Yuan poured out the energy jelly he had saved during this period and called Xiao Huhu.

Fermented jelly.

During the "special training" last night, Chen Yuan found that Xiao Huhu's fermentation level was already very good, and his physical fitness had also been greatly improved.

It’s finally time to try fermented energy jelly.

Xiao Huchu was also quite excited.

After talking about jelly fermentation many times, Chen Yuan improved the formula again.

The smallest amount is poured into the carapace of a small pot.

Xiao Huchu narrowed his eyes slightly and began to ferment.

However, the difficulty of fermentation of jelly is not comparable to that of pulp fermentation, and it increases exponentially.

Just when he was about to be unable to hold on any longer, Xiao Huchu's greedy ghost characteristic suddenly activated.

Properly arranged, the gluttonous ghost characteristics that have been developed to the second stage have actually affected the fermentation of Xiaohuhu's carapace at this time.

With the blessing of the glutton, the fermentation of the small pot immediately became much easier, as if the storage container that was about to overflow was suddenly replaced by an extra large cup.

It's very easy.

Xiao Huchu shook his head, and soon the jelly fermented.

Crystal clear and quite perfect.

Chen Yuan hugged Xiao Huhu and kissed him.

Greedy Gui has developed into the fermentation stage, and this wave of small pots has taken off immediately.

With these adjustments to the fermentation liquid, the concentration of the energy pool immediately increased.

And Chen Yuan also directly threw the top tree fruit into the energy liquid.

The energy liquid blends into the top tree fruit and begins to nourish.

The top tree fruits feed back the energy liquid and start the cycle.

When the two gradually stabilized, the energy aura around them began to increase.

If this continues, sooner or later it will exceed the energy threshold of the A-level secret realm!

Good thing!

Chen Yuan touched his chin. Speaking of energy liquid, he remembered the crumpled core of the top tree fruit that he had gotten from Xiao Yuyu's mother, the King of Swamp Monsters.

It is said that it can be planted in places with strong water energy, and it may survive.

Looking at the top-level tree fruit lying at the bottom of the energy spring and being nourished, Chen Yuan began to think. These top-level tree fruits can be nourished in the energy lake, but what about the seeds?

Do it when you think of it.

Chen Yuan immediately pulled the seeds out of the library.

It looked so wrinkled that if Swampert's mother hadn't said that this thing could still take root and sprout, he wouldn't have believed it.

Chen Yuan, the water energy spring, followed the same method and added some jelly to strengthen it.

Plant that seed at the bottom of the lake.

Now it’s just waiting to take root and sprout. The store is still popular today, and many customers who shopped here yesterday will continue to shop today.

Chen Yuan looked at the long queue and thought that these guys wouldn't go home for the New Year. They wanted to have New Year's Eve dinner at his place, right?

"Chen Yuan Chen Yuan~"

Qiao Yingyi saw Chen Yuan coming to the store and ran over immediately.

"The quasi-master Dongfang has just arrived."

Oriental Ailin?

"Come over for a meal?"

"Well, I even opened an SVIP. When I left, the satisfied look in my eyes showed that I definitely like the fruit meals and drinks you made. But speaking of store manager Chen Yuan, your craftsmanship is too strong. !

Even the famous arrogant and arrogant would-be master can conquer him. It’s awesome, awesome. By the way, Master Dongfang gave you this before he left..."

Having said this, Qiao Yingyi took out a QR code and handed it to Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan: "??"

This...scan to add friends?

"What else did he say?"

"Well...he also said that you should be careful when you return to the Chu family this time. The other quasi-kings of the collateral line are not as easy to talk to as him."

Chen Yuan nodded with a smile. He was indeed the neutral faction of the Chu family, representing the interests of the collateral clan and obeying the direct lineage.

But after hearing this, it seems that some interesting things will happen when he returns to the Chu family.

The side clan wants to force Chu Xiaoxiao, and there are internal exchanges between several big families in the imperial capital and the younger generation, hehe.

It’s interesting to think about it.

After thanking him, he grabbed some fruit, food and drink and returned to the Elf Center.

Here, Chen Yuan saw Liu Yunzhi, the head of the Liu family.

"Hello Auntie."

Liu Yunzhi glanced at him.

This little bastard deliberately called her old, right?

"I'm going to ask you for two things this time."

Liu Yunzhi didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point.

Chen Yuan quickly shook his head: "I will not join the Liu family."

Liu Yunzhi choked and glared at Chen Yuan fiercely.

If Liu Yunzhi still doesn't understand Chen Yuan, being the head of the Liu family will be in vain.

"My Liu family can continue to purchase yesterday's fruit meals and drinks. I can ask for as much as you want, and the price is up to you." Liu Yunzhi said directly.

Chen Yuan shook his head slightly.

"We have reached our limit now. If the head of the Liu family is interested, we can wait until after the year and contact him again."

Liu Yunzhi nodded slightly.

He took out his cell phone and handed it to Chen Yuan.

"add friend."

Liu Yunzhi said it very directly, without any pretense or airs, and there was no need to be pretentious or conciliatory. This feeling was actually quite good.

Chen Yuan speechlessly took Liu Yunzhi's mobile phone and scanned the QR code to add friends.

After thinking about it, I directly noted Aunt Liu and stuffed her into the group of big guys. The quasi-master Dongfang Ailin just now was also here.

Chen Yuan was ready to wait, and after he accumulated 20 friends, he might as well form a group chat with a big boss.

"Auntie, what is your second thing?"

Chen Yuan asked.

Liu Yunzhi suddenly paused and remained silent for a moment, as if she was a little embarrassed to bring up this topic.

"Is our Liu Family Heavenly King... in Beiyu..."

Liu Yunzhi really couldn't speak any more.

Really speechless.

He was obviously his own king, but at such a critical moment, he disappeared.

No one in the entire family knew where the King was.

And he, the head of the Liu family, actually came to Chen Yuan to inquire.

Nothing could embarrass her more than this.

However, various signs indicate that King Tian has indeed come to Beiyu.

Chen Yuan looked at Liu Yunzhi's expression that didn't look fake.

There was silence for a moment.

Then he shook his head.

"I have no news from him."

Seeing Chen Yuan's hesitation, Liu Yunzhi still had a glimmer of hope, but when she heard the next words, her heart immediately sank to the bottom.

Chen Yuan's tone didn't sound like he was lying, but what was going on with that look?

What is he hesitating about?

Liu Yunzhi was confused, and at the same time she had a bad premonition from Chen Yuan's expression.

Soon Liu Yunzhi got a very bad news from Chen Yuan.

Someone from the Liu family took action against Chen Yuan.

And it was in the name of the Liu Family Heavenly King, with the purpose of taking Chen Yuan back to Western Xinjiang.

A quasi-king-level elder was even dispatched for this purpose.

Several elders who had recently left Western Xinjiang immediately appeared in Liu Yunzhi's mind.

A name just appeared in Liu Yunzhi's mind.

"Liu Chaochao?"

Seeing Chen Yuan nodding, Liu Yunzhi closed her eyes.

My breathing became rapid, and my mentality exploded.

There's something wrong with the Liu family.

For an elder to carry out such a task, he must at least have the approval of the Liu Family Heavenly King.

But the King of Heaven was not at the Liu family at this time, so why did he act?

As the head of the Liu family, she even had to learn about such things from the person involved.

It's chaos, it's all chaos.

Liu Yunzhi was left messy in the elf center.

Chen Yuan returned to the backyard of the Elf Center. The new year is approaching, but he always feels a bit troubled.

As expected, those Liu family members were not caused by Liu Yunzhi.

Alidos also "asked" carefully in the past, and it really had nothing to do with Liu Yunzhi, it was just the order he received from the King of Heaven.

Liu Yunzhi added that the King of Heaven disappeared a long time ago.


very messy.

But now that the matter is over, it has nothing to do with him being a little preppy student.

He still needs to make some preparations when he returns to the Imperial Capital tomorrow.

The old man supports him so much, so he must bring something good when he goes back.

Went to see Euglena first.

The six-molded cocoon is already two days old.

Now Chen Yuan can clearly feel the huge power brewing inside beating.

It's about to break out of the cocoon.

Chen Yuan held Chong Chong and applied the prepared fruit pulp on the cocoon, then added some energy liquid and slowly moistened it.

The combination of high-end fruit meal puree + top-level energy diluent, applied to a cocoon, would make Honghong feel extremely distressed.

This is too luxurious.

And the elf egg was treated better. I had no idea where Chen Yuan got the elf egg from, but he took care of it so carefully.

There can't be a quasi-legendary elf in this kind of treatment.

Night falls and the moon rises.

In Luomei Guolin, La Lulas took back her little hand.

The green cotton bird flapped its wings and flew up.

Spiritual guidance, quite successful.

As the goblin's energy exploded, so did the Qingmianniao's mental power.

Countless rose leaves rotate around the blue cotton bird.

I had learned the telekinesis technique countless times before, and it just came naturally.

"Psychic power"

The big wolf dog was so envious that it shed tears all over the floor.

Why can Qingmianniao do it, but he can’t!

Plus today, I tried three times, but failed every time.

what's up? !

Chen Yuan pinched his chin, feeling a little strange.

If the fairy type is still not enough.

Then try adding another super power?

Anyway, a dead horse is a living horse doctor.

Chen Yuan directly pulled out three kinds of balanced jelly.

Evil, superpowers, fairies.


Chen Yuan hesitated for a moment, then added the Steel Demon Balance Jelly.

Four balanced jellies.

Corresponding to the four systems of energy, the superpowers are completely the introduction of the evil system and the fairy system, and the evil steel demon is what the big wolf dog needs.

Looking at the pile of energy jelly in front of me.

The big wolfhound swallowed.

Before, when he heard that Chen Yuan wanted to give him energy jelly, he had to jump two or three meters. But now, when he ate so many energy jelly, Chen Yuan gave him four more of this size. Energy jelly.

He really couldn't eat anymore.

But when I think about it, Qingmianniao is already far ahead, and if I can't awaken, I will probably be kicked out of the team!

Well, it seems that it may be made into dog meat hot pot...

The big wolfhound shuddered and looked at the jelly on the ground.



I ate as much as I was given!

If he doesn't eat this jelly today, he might be the one who gets eaten later!

But, what’s going on with this steel system?

Forget it, never mind, the breeder boss made the jelly for himself.

If the boss says to eat, then you have to eat!

The big wolf dog gritted its teeth, Mader, fought hard...

(End of this chapter)

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