you elf, are you legal

Chapter 405 Emperor Yan: Oops, I was left at home

Chapter 405 Emperor Yan: Oops, I was left at home (please subscribe)

The newly-exploded nighthawk dared not move.

The super light in the natural bird's eyes is ready to go out. The next second it blinks, flutters its feathers, and lowers its head as if it is preening its wings.

The King of the Liu Family looked at that figure and smacked his lips, feeling a little dry.

He wanted to speak, but his voice was stuck in his throat and couldn't come out.

He thought about ten thousand possibilities, and even thought that the wife of the Chu family's Heavenly King had got a Heavenly King elf to follow Chen Yuan.

But never would he have imagined that the one guarding Chen Yuan would be this elf.

The King of the Liu Family just kept raising his feet and did not dare to move.

"return to."

Finally, Emperor Yan's voice reached the mind of the Liu Family Heavenly King.

The King of Liu Family finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Is this the punishment of Venerable Yandi?

The Liu Family Heavenly King felt bitter in his heart.

I almost got repaired by this guy because I stepped out with my right foot first.

"You've crossed a line."

Beiyu Airport, Liu Xueru asked.

"I won't go back. Now is not the time to go back."

The King of the Liu family nodded repeatedly, saying that he would leave Beiyu immediately and his attitude was good.

"Nighthawk, natural bird."

The King of the Liu family closed his eyes. It seemed that he would have to check it out anyway after returning.

"Aren't we going back to Xidu?"

Liu Yunzhi shook her head.

Those Liu family members who acted without permission seemed to have angered the supreme leader of Honglian Mountain.

At this time, his two king elves had closed their eyes and remained motionless.

Liu Yunzhi glared at her daughter.

Emperor Yan's voice was calm.

Then I accidentally glanced in a certain direction of the airport.

However, I didn't expect to encounter such a bad thing.

In less than ten words, the Liu Family Heavenly King could already feel the heat of the air.

He shouted again.

"I understand."

"You, the Liu family, have crossed the line."

Now it’s a bit tricky!

The Heavenly King of the Liu Family breathed a long sigh of relief, "Let's go, Nighthawk, Natural Bird, go find the Golden Wood Club first. This matter is closely related to them. Let's go back and find out who has the guts to do this in my name." Chen Yuan takes action."

"Eat, eat, and eat."

The Liu Family Heavenly King finally understood at this time.

This time I came out originally because I wanted to have a friendly exchange with little friend Chen Yuan.

But there was no response.

"Okay, I don't want to go back. How about we stay in Beiyu for a few more days. Chen Yuan's fruit drink is really good. I want to eat it for a few more days."

By the way, let’s find out what is going on at the core ruins of the Pillar of the Sky.

If he wants to fight against such extraordinary elves, the Liu family is still a little behind.

Raise your hand to take back the elf ball.

What she said is right. Chen Yuan’s fruit meals and drinks are delicious. Mom, don’t you eat the most?

Liu Yunzhi glared at her two daughters fiercely.

Then they slowly fell down, and at some point, the two elves were already unconscious.

It seems like I need to tidy up a bit when I get back!

When the Liu Family Heavenly King came back to his senses, the smoky figure had disappeared.

The moment the Liu Family Heavenly King turned around, he realized that something was wrong.

Liu Fengru stuck out her tongue.

Ru was granted amnesty and took back his right foot.

Just like the surging magma under a volcano.

Emperor Yan's voice was still calm.

At this time, a bad premonition ran through his body.

But this time, the Liu Family Heavenly King could already feel the emotion in that flat tone.

The King of the Liu family quickly took two steps and came to the owl and his own natural bird.

The Liu Family Heavenly King’s eyes were sharp.

His brows furrowed.

There's nothing unusual there.

But as a quasi-king.

She always felt something was not right.

"The Imperial City has been very lively recently. There is an elf competition held internally by the association and several top families in the Imperial City. Do you two want to try it out? It's private. How about practicing your skills?"


Liu Fengru and Liu Xueru's eyes lit up, and they looked at each other and nodded immediately.

Liu Yunzhi smiled slightly and walked straight to the tarmac with her two daughters.

Since we are going to the Imperial Capital, we should fly there directly.

Liu Yunzhi glanced at the location of the departure hall and released her eagle.

If you want to follow me, then try your speed.

Breathing the hot air, Chen Yuan was in a good mood.

"It's really a deep secret realm!"

Qi Yanya sighed.

If there is no mission, it would take a lot of money to get to the deep secret realm.

Even if she is a quasi-king, she is still the kind who can feel a little pain in her body.

But Chen Yuan has a secret passage in his backyard.

Hehe, this is so cool.

Seeing Qi Yanya's greedy look, Chen Yuan laughed and shook his head, and immediately said that as long as Sister Yaya is willing, she can come anytime, and his secret stone door can be opened for Qi Yanya at any time.

Qi Yanya laughed loudly and patted Chen Yuan on the shoulder. This brother is not in vain!

If Honghong were here, she would be heartbroken. Every time she opened the stone door, she would have to ask for a small jar of energy liquid!

What a luxury!

Chen Yuan didn't care much about those energy liquids, but it was a bit strange to see Qi Yanya's appearance. Why was Sister Yaya so excited about the deep secret realm?

Qi Yanya chuckled.

"There are many good things in this deep secret realm."

Chen Yuan blinked and seemed to understand.

Qi Yanya also blinked. Some things can only be accessed after reaching a certain level or even entering Tianwang Mountain.

But since I am a younger brother, can I do some popular science in advance?

She remembered that Chen Yuan's authority level at Tianwang Mountain seemed to be quite high. She would confirm it again. If possible, there would be something she could talk to Chen Yuan about.

Xiaohua was quite excited to visit her old place again.

She still remembered how sad she was when she said goodbye to the elves here.

Be sure to go and have a look this time.

However, before the few people flew out of the desert area, they saw a familiar fire-breathing dragon.

Chen Yuan blinked.

Isn't this Ti Yan's fire-breathing dragon?

Isn't this an admission of mistake?


Why is there something wrong with the aura of this fire-breathing dragon?

It was supposed to be a top level fire-breathing dragon, but at this time it was only at the elite level.

As several people approached, the fire-breathing dragon also noticed Chen Yuan and Di Yan.


Kids, practice on your own first! I'll check back in soon to check on the progress!

The fire-breathing dragon roared into the sky.

The thirty or so little fire dragons below all breathed out flames to show that they understood, and then they all went to practice breathing fire in the desert.

Chen Yuan was quite interested in watching this scene.


From a long way away, the fire-breathing dragon rushed over, and it immediately rushed to Ti Yan's side.

He almost threw Di Yan off Bi Diao's back.


Sister Tiyan, I miss you so much!

And boss Chen Yuan, is there any delicious red lotus jelly this time?

He was originally such a proud fire-breathing dragon, but here in Chen Yuan's place, he was like a little wild dog that had been abandoned for a month and needed food as soon as he came back.

The helpless look made Chen Yuan laugh out loud, took out a piece of jelly and threw it over

Charizard roared and swallowed the jelly.

However, the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened.

The aura in his body unexpectedly surged, reaching the level of an ace in no time.

The next second, Charizard's face, which had been happy at first, turned bitter.

It's very complicated and a little bit uncomfortable.


Woo woo woo.

At this time, Chen Yuan also noticed that the fire-breathing dragon was actually a stand-in.

Not far away, a huge fire-breathing dragon was galloping towards him.

The main body looked at the substitute who broke through because of greed, and felt like crying without tears.

It would be great if his body ate that energy jelly.


come back.

Charizard shook his body, and the substitute immediately dissipated, turned into energy, and merged into Charizard's body.

This energy is actually pretty good.

Ten minutes later, in the camp in the dense forest.

Chen Yuan finally figured out the situation.

Charizard is here.

"It turns out there is a competition!"

The little raccoon on the side was very excited after hearing what the fire-breathing dragon said.

Wagging his tail, he seemed to be quite interested in the competition that Charizard was talking about.

Volcano race.

In fact, it is also a reserved item for the top elves and king elves in the Red Lotus Ruins every year during the New Year.

Almost all the elves from the Red Lotus Ruins will participate.

The rules of the competition are different every year.

This year, the top management wants more elves to participate, and stipulates that all participating elves can only participate as substitutes.

And the level of the substitute must not exceed the elite peak.

This is also to maintain a relative balance of strength, which is also the unique gameplay of this year.

Charizard participated in the Youth Competition last year, and only elves under nine years old could participate.

Charizard is currently practicing as a substitute. For this reason, he also specially took over the task of training elves in the deep secret realm and trained the substitute with the little guys.

"This year's event is good. It's still a while before registration." At this time, Qi Yanya also became interested.

In previous years, the elves participated in this competition by themselves.

As trainers from the Jun family, Qi Yanya’s elves had to participate in the competition in previous years.

Not only Qi Yanya, but also Di Yan’s Wind Speed ​​Dog is also eligible to participate.

Just because of various reasons, Feng Su Gou never had a chance.

"By the way, I heard the top kings mention Boss Chen Yuan before."

At this time, the fire-breathing dragon looked at Chen Yuan.

"Boss Chen Yuan, are you interested in participating?"

Chen Yuan blinked before he could say anything. Ti Yan's elf ball over there flashed red, and a wind speed dog rushed over. It pressed the fire-breathing dragon to the ground and barked wildly.


He will also participate in the competition this year!

Charizard glanced at him sideways, what the hell? Can I pass the qualifications to register? Fire waste.

Chen Yuan returned, and Xiaoli, who appeared directly from another secret passage in the deep secret realm, was quickly teleported back to Honglian Volcano and back to the Jun family.

The old man was sunbathing in the yard when he heard the news.

He shook his head slightly, Xiao Yuan, this child, could always surprise him.

On the other side, he wanted to suggest asking the quasi-king of the Jun family where the secret passage was, but he immediately closed his mouth.

"Let him do it."

Just five words.

The Quasi-Heavenly King understood immediately.

Just leave.

At the same time, Honglian and the other side, upon hearing that Chen Yuan was back,

Uncle Gala Gala set off immediately.

Qixi Qingniao senior led the team,

A total of more than twenty top elves and seven or eight heavenly kings rushed directly into the deep secret realm.

We must hold a welcome party for young Chen Yuan.

The elf responsible for guarding the secret realm was immediately speechless.

Are you here to pick up someone, or are you here to eat and drink?

Not to mention, the secret realm guard's mouth is watering when he thinks of young Chen Yuan's fruit meal.

Grandma, if I wasn't on duty, I would have to accompany someone!

Deep secret realm.

Chen Yuan returned to the volcanic ash fruit forest.

Once again I saw the leader of Bada Butterfly and the leader of Hunting Papilion Butterfly.



The two leaders already remembered Chen Yuan and the others who rescued them from the evil organization last time.

Especially Xiaohua, who played very well with them, but I always remember it.

At this time, the little hedgehog flapped its wings and flew over.

The leader of Papilio Hunting did not recognize it at first.

When the little hedgehog shook its tentacles and made a silk-spinning motion, he suddenly remembered the leader of the hunting swallowtail butterfly.

Isn't this the little spiny-tailed insect from back then?

Yes, this has evolved into hunting swallowtail butterflies, and it is already so powerful!

This aura is almost like a trump card!


"Ke Mo Ke Mo~"

Chen Yuan promptly served a small fruit meal platter, as well as some fresh tree fruit juice.

The two big butterflies began to exchange their experiences of emerging from cocoons and becoming butterflies.

At this time, the leader of Badahu also noticed the cocoon on Chen Yuan's side.


It immediately saw that there was something wrong with this cocoon. There was definitely a big problem!

This cocoon is a six-molt cocoon!

There is still a green caterpillar inside!


Is that the strange-colored little bug inside?

Seeing Chen Yuan nodding, Leader Bada Huo suddenly felt a little emotional.

At that time, I still had some thoughts, and wanted to bring the strange-colored green caterpillar back to the tribe, train her to the ace level, and then let her inherit his position as leader.

Who could have imagined that the little Chongchong who rejected her at that time would actually start six molts today without evolving.

And it still looked very smooth.

If this is successful, then the potential of this little guy is immeasurable!

As Chen Yuan and others set up camp here, they were preparing to take a day off.

More and more elves who were rescued by Chen Yuan and others gathered around.

Chen Yuan simply called Pipi Whale over.

They also mobilized everyone to pick up a large number of primary tree fruits from local materials, and then let Pipi Whale process them all.

This is how to make simple fruit pulp, one serving for each elf present.

Everyone is eating, always happy.

Chen Yuan also got some fruit pulp and smeared it on Chong Chong.

This time, Chen Yuan could clearly feel that the little insect's cocoon shook slightly.

The breathing of insects can already be heard inside.

It seems that there are already signs of awakening. It won't be long before Chongchong wakes up and breaks out of his cocoon.

Chen Yuan has been looking forward to Chongchong's sixth molt.

Qi Yanya, who went out for a walk, finally came back.

He also carried a backpack of high-end tree fruits.

The look on his face was so proud.

Under her body, the old man was so arrogant and full of energy, and his face was hurt, and it looked like he had gone out to fight a tragic victory.

"Brother, what do you think of these high-level tree fruits?"

Qi Yanya poured a backpack of tree fruits on the ground with a crash. Chen Yuan took a look, my dear, these dozens of fruits are all high-end tree fruits!

I've only been out for a few hours!

Little Bubu made a sound, ran into Chen Yuan's arms, and yawned greatly.

Before Chen Yuan could speak, he closed his eyes. Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment, and his mental energy rushed in. He was relieved when he saw that the energy in Little Bubu's body had stabilized, which meant that he had lost his strength.

"Sister, where have you been?"

Qi Yanya chuckled.

"I have said that this deep secret realm has many benefits that you can't imagine, but it is quite dangerous. Even I need to be prepared before I can go there. I can't go too deep... Well, there are some things that I can't share with you yet. He said, wait a minute, but these high-level tree fruits are from there, so how about we split it 50-50, you make jelly, I only need a little bit."

Seeing Qi Yanya rubbing her hands, Chen Yuan was not polite and immediately packed up these high-end tree fruits, then took out some energy jelly from the bag and gave it to Qi Yanya, and then poured out another one. Red lotus jelly was fed to little Bubu.

Qi Yanya was a little curious.

Watching Chen Yuan put away those fresh high-end jelly, he was a little puzzled.

If these high-level tree fruits cannot be produced immediately, part of the energy will be lost.

Although it is not as heartbreaking as the top-level fruit, but if you add these dozens of pieces together, a lot will be lost in a day.

Chen Yuan reminded: "Equipment, equipment."

Qi Yanya also slapped her forehead, how could she forget about the equipment?

Chen Yuan also smiled bitterly.

Although good ingredients only require simple cooking, if you have high-end equipment to process them, you can definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

It's just a pity that the world still doesn't have that kind of top-notch portable equipment.

Good things like high-level tree fruits can only be brought back to the lair for production.

It's also a bit troublesome.

Really, the technology in this world should develop quickly!

Fellow researchers from the Qiao family, please work more overtime!

With the arrival of Uncle Gala Gala, the bonfire banquet officially began.

They are all senior elves of their own, so naturally they cannot cope with just some intermediate fruit meals.

Chen Yuan came out this time with a lot of inventory.

Anyway, he was going back to the Jun family's home tomorrow. Chen Yuan shared all the fruit meals.

Let me share with you seniors.

Senior Gala Gala held a small piece of energy jelly in his arms and was completely reluctant to eat it.

Why can’t my old guy Zheng Mo make this good thing?

Damn it!


I need to get some internal thesis materials for Brother Chen Yuan. He remembers that Zheng Mo recently came back from Beiyu and got a lot of good things. I want some from him later.

The Qixi Blue Bird looked at the Qing Mianniao next to Chu Xiaoxiao and was very satisfied. How long has it been!

It’s only been more than a month since we last parted!

Xiao Qingqing has actually reached the senior elite level and is about to reach the peak of elite status.

To this extent, even it took her a year.

Sure enough, by following Chu Xiaoxiao and Chen Yuan, you made the right choice.

A roar suddenly came from the senior elf's side.

Immediately afterwards, two flames rose violently.

It turned out that a king-level flaming horse was fighting with a nine-tailed horse.

Flame Horse laughed at Kyuubi. He left an elf egg in the North Territory. He might not have been born as a little Vulpix. He didn't even know what flames were like, and he would have directly become an ice-type Vulpix.

This made Jiuwei very angry.

You know, it is the majestic nine-tailed king, how could it possibly give birth to an ice-type cub? Instead, the flame horse is a useless woman, and she gave birth to a little fire horse, and it turned out to be a strange color.

The key point is that if it is an ordinary elf of different colors, it is still a good sign and everyone will be happy.

But this little fire horse born from the flame horse is simply pitiful.

Not to mention being covered in ashes, he didn't even have a talent for fire.

Listen, can a little fire pony without the talent of fire still be called a little fire pony?

Her child, the dignified third raging flame horse in China, doesn't even have the fire element.

This is as funny as a certain water elf from the Chinese Water Skills Library who only gave birth to a child with only a water gun.


Xiao Yuyu, who was eating melon in a funny manner, suddenly felt that he was being understood.


Kyuubi-senpai continued to output.

The funniest thing is, just give birth to your child, why are you still hiding it?

Tell everyone, let's think of a solution together.

The result is not.

It's okay now. The little fire horse is already three months old. It's about to expire and it will become an old soul. Are you starting to worry?

It would be okay if he was raised from an early age, but now this child has been trained to death by you, a big idiot, who can accept him!

Kyuubi said with a little anger.

A large burst of flames was sprayed on the body of the flaming horse.

The Lieyan Horse was stunned for a moment after being told that. Although he was quite angry, he was speechless.

Facing Kyuubi's angry attack, he ate it without hesitation.

This is an angry blow from the veteran Heavenly King Elf. Although it has not reached the peak level, its proficiency is far beyond the general proficiency of large-character explosive flames.

He immediately sprayed the flame horse all over him and flew far away.

It broke several trees before it was able to stop.

The flame horse came back without fighting back.

Kyuubi was right.

It is my own stubbornness and arrogance that has delayed my child's future.

But this kind of thing...

She was clearly laughing at the Swamp Monster before, but when it came to her side, she was even inferior to the Swamp Monster.

Kyuubi became even more angry when he saw the useless look of the flame horse, and sprayed two more large-character blasts.

He was immediately beaten to death by Lieyanma.

If it weren't for the excellent physical fitness of the old king, other elves might have been cooked like this.

Chen Yuan walked over with two energy jelly in his pocket.

One for each of the big guys.

"Calm down, calm down."

In fact, Chen Yuan also understood it.

The King of Flame Horses has a cub, which is three months old. He has been disliked by all kinds of people because he has no talent for flames, and he still has no chance to find a suitable trainer.

Little Bubu tilted her head and glanced at Senior Lieyanma, shaking her head slightly. She couldn't get involved in such a thing.

He could only wag his tail and shoot [Prayer] to heal the flame horse's injuries.

At this time, Jiuwei and Lieyanma, who had climbed up, looked at Chen Yuan with emotion.

What a good boy.

Especially when I saw the little Yuyu who was following Chen Yuan and holding a Choco fruit as a fruit, I felt a little emotional.

Even though they just used Xiao Yuyu as an example, in fact, they are really envious of that Swampert guy.

Although Xiao Yuyu was not good at the water element, the child's ground talent was something they watched grow up.

Now that Xiao Yuyu has followed Chen Yuan, his strength has greatly increased.

Now it has reached the level of being close to an ace.

This is simply unthinkable.

It’s only been a few months!

The Nine-Tailed King was envious. It would be great if those cubs in his family could follow Chen Yuan.

But Lieyanma didn't even dare to think about it.

Shake your head and stand up.

However, at this time, Chen Yuan suddenly said, "Senior Lieyanma, please wait a moment."

Lieyan Ma turned around in confusion and looked at Chen Yuan with some curiosity.

Chen Yuan smiled slightly: "What a coincidence, I happen to know a good trainer. I can introduce your child to them."

Chen Yuan said straight to the point.

Lieyan Ma was stunned for a moment, his mouth wide open with disbelief on his face.


Wait, young man Chen Yuan, maybe you still don’t know the situation of my child.

He and Chen Yuan confirmed the situation of the little fire horse again and again.

After hearing this, Chen Yuan smiled even more.

He nodded repeatedly.

"Senior, we can try."


The Nine-Tailed King glanced at Chen Yuan and said directly.


Young Chen Yuan, although I believe in your character, I still want to confirm the identity of the trainer you introduced.

In fact, it’s not that Kyuubi-senpai is overly concerned.

It's just that the bloodline of the Heavenly King cannot be leaked out casually, especially when it reaches the status of Nine-Tails and Flame Horse.

Every child trainer must have a strict review process.

Otherwise, just the words "Heavenly King Bloodline" would be enough for countless trainers to come and adopt him.

To exchange sincerity for seeing each other sincerely, and to be a good match.

This is really troublesome.

At this time, Chen Yuan smiled slightly and glanced at Chu Xiaoxiao, who was riding on the back of the Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird with the Blue Mianniao.

Follow Chen Yuan's gaze and look over.

Both Flame Horse and Kyuubi were stunned.

Chu Xiaoxiao?

The eldest lady of the Chu family?

In that legend, only the eldest lady of the Chu family with superpower qualifications is adopted?

Come to adopt Lieyan Ma, her little loser?

Did they hear it correctly?

The flame horse left, quite happy.

She couldn't wait to go back and bring her little loser over to get to know Chu Xiaoxiao.

On Chen Yuan's side, he directly called Chu Xiaoxiao over.

I briefly talked about the flaming horse and the little flaming horse.

Chu Xiaoxiao didn't object, but looked at Chen Yuan strangely.

I'm a little curious, why is Chen Yuan so proactive about this kind of thing?

Chen Yuan smiled mysteriously, "Just wait and see. If my inference is correct, then this elf is definitely suitable for you."

A little flame horse that was hidden by the Flame Horse and was only recently revealed?


Chen Yuan was already looking forward to it.

Suddenly, Bada Butterfly screamed loudly.

Chen Yuan was shaken and ran over immediately.

The insect's cocoon shook more and more violently.

The little guys who heard the noise here all ran over.

Chen Yuan stepped forward and placed his hand on Chong Chong's cocoon.

The next moment, Chen Yuan "heard" Chongchong's childish voice.

"Chen Yuan Chen Yuan~I'm awake~"

Chen Yuan grinned, Chong Chong was in pretty good shape.

It's time to break out of the cocoon.

A dazzling light flashed.

Then the white light comparable to the light of evolution covered the insect's cocoon.

Converged after a moment.

The cocoon has disappeared.

A golden green caterpillar appeared there, turned into a golden lightning and flew directly into Chen Yuan's arms.

In Chen Yuan's arms, he arched hard.


Chongchong successfully molted six times

This time, Chen Yuan could clearly feel that Chongchong's length and weight had increased significantly, reaching more than half a meter, and his weight had almost caught up with little Eevee.

And the skin feels firmer.

Aura has also gone directly from the elite peak to the ace level.

It is the third elf in Chen Yuan's team to break through to the ace level.

This time, Xiao Yuyu looked at him with greedy eyes.

How could this be!

He originally had a small advantage, but why was he overtaken by Chong Chong all of a sudden? ?

This is unreasonable!

This insect slough is so shameless!

Chongchong was very excited.

After cuddling in Chen Yuan's arms for a while, he went to play with Xiao Longlong.

Now the two little ones are side by side, almost the same length, with their tails holding their tails, arching one another, and for a moment they can't tell which one is the dragon and which one is the insect.

With Chongchong successfully molting six times, the atmosphere in the entire camp suddenly became lively.

What neither Chen Yuan nor Chu Xiaoxiao noticed was that the elf egg in Chu Xiaoxiao's backpack shook three times again.

imperial capital.

Chu family manor.

This is an improper meeting of the Heavenly Kings.

Mainly because of this meeting, the most important one, Heavenly King Chu’s mother, was absent because she went out to play cards.

This makes all the Chu family elders and quasi-kings present here feel a little embarrassed.

To ease the embarrassment.

Naturally, they chatted about the current situation of the juniors from each family.

Especially those whose juniors are outstanding.

Each one's voice became louder.

"Let me tell you, our family's Tianming will definitely take first place in this annual meeting."

"Tch, didn't you just hang out with Master Dongfang for three years? As for bragging like this? Wasn't he eliminated by Chu Xianshen back then?"

"This time, that time."

"By the way, how is your Minglai?"

"That's it. I just entered college this year, my first year, and I just reached the ace level. Alas, it's too slow."

"Yeah, it's a bit slow. My Mingming already has an elf at the top of the ace level. I believe it won't be long before he can break through to the top level."

"Fuck, Old Hammer, you are just trying to encourage the growth of the young. How can you directly give your child a peak ace?"

"Nonsense, this was cultivated by my Mingming himself. With this elf here this time, there will be absolutely no problem in this year's annual meeting. Even that kid Xiaoxiao can easily win."

"Dream, you give me five years to train a peak ace and try it out??"

"How is it impossible? Besides, she, Chu Xiaoxiao, can bring back a big wolf dog with a peak ace. Is there anything too much for me to get a top ace Charem?"

As soon as King Chu Chui said these words, the atmosphere in the entire conference room suddenly condensed.

Although this is not the first time I know that Chu Xiaoxiao got a big wolf dog back as a mount.

But when this matter was put on the table again, it still made them, the top leaders of the Chu family, very embarrassed.

This is against the rules!

You said that you, Chu Xiaoxiao, have trained Lalu Lasi to be more powerful, so forget it, we will just turn a blind eye to your green cotton bird.

But you actually went too far.

Not only did he bring that disgusting evil wolf dog as a mount, he even joined the team and entered the elf position.

This... wasn't this child Chu Xiaoxiao good before?

Why hasn't it been normal recently? !

The evil elves enter the elf position of their super-powerful Chu family.

Not to mention the inner circle, collaterals, vassals, and partners.

One by one, everyone who knew the news laughed at them.

It's simply outrageous.

Chu Xiaoxiao is simply rubbing the rules of the Chu family on the ground for so many years.

"We have to find a way."

"What can I do? She is the daughter of King Chu Tian."

"The rules are here, the annual meeting, the test, the mental power and telekinesis, nothing is missing."

"I think..." someone said, "Since we are direct descendants, we should have strict standards."

"Second opinion. The Great Wolf Dog must have at least the level of mental proficiency. If it cannot learn peak mental power, there is no value in cultivating it."



"That one, the green cotton bird..."

"Ahem, the elves of Dragon Island, the king of the Jun family..."

"Ahem, I think that blue cotton bird is also very suitable for the temperament of the child Chu Xiaoxiao, especially the evolved Qixi Blue Bird. As a flying mount, it is very good. As for the native dog like the big wolf dog, forget it."

"Second, it's just a local dog. Can any rubbish enter the elf position of my direct descendant of the Chu family?"

"By the way, do you want to discuss the rewards for this year's annual meeting?"

"What reward, peak mental strength?"

As soon as these words came out, he immediately fell silent.

Everyone looked at the Quasi-King of Heaven who spoke.

The quasi-king of the collateral line blinked and suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing: "Ahem, I'm just kidding, hahaha, it's not that I want to remember my peak spirit and recite haha, I just want to say, this, it's all like this It’s been so many years, do you want to share some basic knowledge with us and give us some practice first?”

"Haha, okay, you can talk to the King about this."

The person who just spoke immediately fell silent.

"Actually, the technique of peak telekinesis can also be considered."

"Yes, the peak meditation technique can also be included in the reward list. After all, those who can win the annual meeting are the elites of our Chu family and deserve rewards."

"Speaking of which, can the silver trainer Chen Yuan come to this annual meeting?"

Another collateral quasi-celestial king suddenly asked.

Someone immediately answered, "Why should an outsider attend our annual meeting?"

"Don't say that, he is Chu Xiaoxiao's little boyfriend, a direct descendant of the direct line."

"The relationship hasn't been confirmed yet, why are you so weird here, but there's no need to be a direct descendant, and they have no intention of coming to our Chu family."

"But I think the King likes that child very much."

Dongfang Ailin, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up.

King Chu Tian was mentioned again.

The conference room suddenly became quiet again.

Although the King of Heaven went to play mahjong and did not come to this venue, there are some things, some words, and some things that must be discussed seriously.

Just like Chen Yuan.

"Ahem, actually, it's not impossible to give Chen Yuan a chance."

"Since he is someone recognized by Chu Xiaoxiao, he can be treated as a serial number."

"Second, after all, he is a fifteen-year-old silver trainer with very good talent and potential. The King of Heaven has nothing to say about his vision."

"So, let's make some arrangements. Chen Yuan's test is the same as Chu Xiaoxiao's."

"What nonsense are you talking about? A fifteen-year-old Bai Yin's test is as difficult as Chu Xiaoxiao's? Are you looking down on the King of Heaven, or are you looking down on the Silver badge recognized by Tian Wang Mountain?"

"That's right, there must be at least one ace elf, right? There must be an ace who can master the mental strength to enter the ancestral temple."



"So Chen Yuan's qualifications to participate in the annual meeting?"

"Of course you can do it after you are recognized. By the way, the child named Hua Yuxi, I think she has a clean background and is not bad."

"Well, just follow Chu Xiaoxiao."

"Huh, okay, we're finally done. Recorder, it's almost done. By the way, Master Dongfang, where did you get this fruit drink? It's really good."

"Yes, Master, I heard that you went to Beiyu. Did you bring these fruit drinks back from there? The craftsmanship of that old boy Shangguan Hong?"

Dongfang Ailin: "..."

At this time, should he say the name Chen Yuan?

The Chu family's informal high-level meeting was spent in this gossip.

Each and every quasi-king is chubby with food.

"Today's fruit meal is really good, and the fruit drink is also very good."

"Indeed, Mr. Dongfang is also strict with his words, but he just won't say anything."

"It must be an order from the King of Heaven."

"Yes, I still want to go back and check. In a few days, the king can't help but announce it directly."

"Speaking of the Jun family's Volcano Cup this time, it seems that all the quasi-kings of the four major families were invited to participate. How about it? Are you interested?"

"That reward is pretty good. It's Yan Emperor's blessing. Lao Yan, are you going?"

"Already signed up, it's the King Group."

"I asked the flame chicken I conquered two years ago to sign up for the Youth Elite Group."

"Oh? That top-notch flame chicken?"

"That's right, we should definitely finish in the top four and have a shot at the championship."

"Okay, you are here for the blessing..."

the other side.


Emperor Yan watched the Liu Family Heavenly King leave on his flying mount, and immediately returned to the Elf Center.

I walked around in the secret place of the orchard.

Chen Yuan and his unlucky substitute were not found.

I was stunned for a moment.

Suddenly, I remembered that they seemed to have passed through the stone gate of the Fantasy Sand Tower in advance, leaving Beiyu and going directly to the deep secret realm of the Imperial Capital.

And her elf ball was also taken to the imperial capital by Chen Yuan at that time.

That is to say...

Emperor Yan stood in front of the ninth-floor gate of the Fantasy Sand Tower, looking at the secret realm gate.

She is the majestic Emperor Yan.

So he was locked up at home with his own substitute and cook?

(End of this chapter)

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