you elf, are you legal

Chapter 431 Kirby: Master’s fruit meal is the best, other junk food

Chapter 431 Kirby: Master’s fruit meal is the best, other junk food...

"In this round, let go and play with confidence. If you win, you will be rewarded."

Lalulas's eyes lit up and her little head nodded.

Obviously, he is looking forward to the reward that Brother Chen Yuan mentioned in the evening.

Lalulas was very confident and relaxed.

Chalem on the opposite side was having a hard time.

Chalem, who has a keen sense of superpower, really felt a hint of crisis in this little guy.

In the past, this could only be felt in the bodies of those heavenly kings. How could it appear in such a small La Lulas?

Chalem closed his eyes to adjust his condition. He absolutely could not lose this game.

And will never lose.

Likewise, he looked down upon weak elves like La Lulas.

for this.

Originally, with his superpower talent, he could obtain a Larulas from the Chu family as an initial elf to cultivate, but Samankafu did not have that choice.

But no way.

But the three of them, Chen Yuan, Chu Xiao, Hua Yuxi, directly broke Samankafu's common sense.

Di Yan, Zuo Wanqing...

and also……

He has the inheritance of the Samman family, and the elves he cultivates are mainly meditation elves.

Samankafu, who has the blood of the Chu family, has never been interested in the name Chu Xiaoxiao.

But even this took many years. The Lalulas opposite was only half a year old.

Really incomprehensible.

He knew how difficult it was to cultivate an elf's peak skills.

He also thought that this was the limit of elf cultivation.

Chen Yuan.

If Chen Yuan's Bi Diao was raised by someone else for many years, it might have been a breakthrough in Chen Yuan's hands.

I never expected that on the way to the top 16, I would meet this Lalu Lasi.

You have mastered peak meditation.


But now this time he had to experience it firsthand.

The two stand-ins just looked at each other from afar.

Especially the skill of peak meditation.


Simply unheard of.

How to cultivate it.

He doesn't like weak elves like La Lulas, he doesn't like this place, and he doesn't like the blood of the Chu family in him.

Some things cannot be experienced personally.

It is absolutely impossible to cultivate an elf of that level within half a year.

Two days of watching the game is just one game after all.

Salman Kaif knows it all.

And his trainer, a dark-skinned young man, also looked bad.

What is also incomprehensible is the Lalu Lasi in front of me.

Unexpectedly, I actually met a few.

Use his body and his spirit to understand what this elf's peak meditation is all about.

What is the quality of it?

The referee Dahudi put down his spoon.

After all, it was a little bit worse.

Salman Kaif took a deep breath.

But this time, he asked his Charem to sign up to participate in the Volcano Cup, just to see if there were any young people as good as him in this Chinese region.

Even with all the family's efforts, it would still take four to five years.

But the behavior of the green caterpillar and the beautiful flower just now really made Salman Kraft unable to understand.

At the same time, Charem also opened his eyes and looked at Lalulas opposite.

Game start.

Right now.

Chalem suddenly closed his eyes.

Sitting cross-legged on the void.

A drop of water, just dripping onto the surface, meditating.

Peak meditation.

At this moment, Chalem's aura was rising steadily, and at the same time, his mental power was spreading, sensing everything around him and paying attention to Lalu Lasi's situation over there.

Look at how the other person is meditating, but his perception suddenly went blank.


There was no sign of La Lulas.

how come……

Chalem was stunned.

An elf who mastered peak meditation started with a meditative wave of nothing?
But at this time.


A slight voice sounded in Charem's ears.

At the same time, a chaotic mental power fluctuation that made Charem dizzy and fell into sleep forcefully broke into Charem's mind.

Charem, who was meditating, suddenly yawned.

The secret passage is sinister, but he has lowered his head.

Fell asleep.

La Lulas smiled and retracted her little hand.

What a fool.

The good baby is all too familiar with falling asleep while meditating.

I actually used meditation from the beginning.

Isn't this waiting to be slept on?

La Lulas's eyes were full of excitement, and he raised his hand and released an electromagnetic wave.

Paralyzing sleep.

not enough.

Another ball of will-o'-the-wisp appeared in the palm of La Lulas's hand, and then he pressed it directly.


After doing this, Lalu Lasi teleported away.

Sit cross-legged in mid-air and start meditating.

Meditation with peace of mind is good meditation~
At this time Chalem opened his eyes.

After all, he is a super-powerful elf who masters peak meditation.

There is still some resistance to skills like hypnosis.

But after just a few breaths of drowsiness, when I woke up, I found that there were a lot of strange things about me that I couldn't hold back any longer.

Charem's nose almost crooked when he saw La Lulas meditating in mid-air across from him.

Why is this little one so naughty!
Damn it! !

Charem sat cross-legged again, and just as he was about to meditate, the sound of water drops was about to ring in his ears, when suddenly a slight breathing sound sounded in his ears.

When he opened his eyes, he found that La Lulas was already beside him, with her small hands already touching his eyebrows.

The light of superpower shines in his hands.

Still proficient in [Hypnosis]

Already condensed in the palm of my hand.

Scored twice.


Charem: "@#¥@#¥"

In fact, La Lulas is also strange.

The opponent is very powerful, so why are they playing so upright?

Scratching her head and looking at Charem who fell asleep again, Larulas shook her head.

Choose to end the game.

Two minutes later.

"Charem loses the ability to fight, and Lalulas wins."

Chen Yuan shook his head and was speechless.

Really interesting.

It seems that this foreign mixed-race person has not had much experience in tactics.

I originally thought that in this scene, the fairy skills might be used, so Lalulas could use them more.

Anyway, the paper will be made public to the Chinese higher-ups soon.

Just take this opportunity to show off your strength.

Unexpectedly, I won just like that. It was so easy.

Chen Yuan shook his head and was speechless. He could only look forward to his performance in the next game.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

La Lulasi was quite excited and flew back with her little hands raised, and immediately threw herself into Chen Yuan's arms.

That's how it feels to beat a top opponent.

But I am very happy to take this opportunity to act coquettishly.

Salman Kaif opened his mouth.

It can't be closed no matter what.

how come……

It's obviously a super elf.

He is obviously the noblest, purest, and purest spirit.

It's obviously a super power competition between two super elves.

It is the collision of meditation and mindfulness.

But what is this fight about?
Hypnosis, electromagnetic wave phosphorus.

Is this a skill that a super-powered elf should master?


Salman Kaif really can't understand what went wrong.

In the past, communication with the elves of the Chu family in the Huaxia Region was not like this.

Why did Chu Xiaoxiao’s Lalu Lasi change its taste!


Why did you lose!
"Win? Is this what you win?"

Chu Mengmeng stared blankly at La Lulas in that scene.

Is this a win?

Has this made it to the top 16?

Isn't this too easy?
Chu Mengmeng couldn't understand it at all.

She also watched the previous competition of Charem at the annual meeting, and it was indeed impressive.

But they were not in the same group, so they didn’t think about Xiaoxiao and her La Lulas.

But now that I look at it, I can’t stand it anymore.

It would be okay if it was a desperate comeback or a fierce battle.

But it was crushed like a toy.

At this time, Chu Mengmeng was really suspicious.

Could it be that Chu Xiaoxiao's famous saying before, "Even the branches of the Chu family are all rubbish..." could it be... true?

The Pokémon competition for the morning is over.

Xiaoli and Xiaoyuyu defeated their opponents quite easily, which also allowed their opponents to show their style.

No accidents, no near misses.

It was only then that the top trainers discovered it.

These two elves are strong again!

Even those two top elves, who also mastered peak skills, were easily defeated by these two little guys.

It's only been a few days.

This kind of growth rate... is unheard of!
In fact, by this time, most of these top trainers have accepted the fact that Chen Yuan's little guys have mastered peak skills that most top elves cannot master.

For top trainers like them, this is tantamount to using their training level to rub them on the ground.

Of course, they also saw it at the beginning. These little guys were not proficient in mastering those peak skills. Didn't they see that the beautiful flower failed to use the peak three powder?

I thought that would be it.

At least this game can't make any big progress.


It’s only been two fucking days!
Less than 48 hours!
Looking at the peak lightning flash of the snake bear, and the peak water gun of the swamp jumping fish, they have all been developed to that extent.

This is no longer a question of whether to lead or not.

This is a complete crushing!
A group of top trainers, elves who have been training for a lifetime, were crushed by a fifteen-year-old boy...

You can also beat the level...this...

It’s so uncomfortable!

Tomorrow's top 16, can someone stand up and stop this brat!

Could it be that there is no one in China?
The Pokémon won four out of five games, with only the Pokémon being eliminated unfortunately.

Xiao Caocao also has a little regret about this.

It's really a pity that I couldn't play in the top 16 with everyone.

The quarterfinals match is tomorrow, free time in the afternoon.

The four little raccoons originally wanted to go back and continue training.

But after hearing that Chen Yuan and others wanted to see the main match of the Volcano Cup - the Battle of the Heavenly Kings.

Immediately I felt energetic.

Now a few little ones have just broken through the bottleneck, peak lightning flash, peak water gun... these skills all need to be polished.

If it is just an ordinary daily battle, the effect will be very little.

It's better to go and see how the big guys use it.

That would be best.

Obviously the little ones also have such thoughts, especially Xiaoli who is the most excited.

I heard that in this competition, both Teacher Fengsugou and Senior Xiong Xiong participated in this Volcano Cup King of War.

Xiao Li was still too young when she was studying with Teacher Feng Su Gou and Senior Xiong Xiong. Sometimes, she could only see a vague outline of what she was doing.

There are many details and many skills, but the essence cannot be understood at all.

Just like Sister Bubu.

Previously, in Weibai Secret Realm, I learned how to flash lightning with Sister Bubu.

At that time, I just thought it was an ordinary flash of lightning.

Especially when he jumped off the back of Uncle Bi Diao, he thought he was proficient, but now it seems that he also has peak skills.

At that time, Teacher Fengsugou looked at Uncle Bi Diao.

What’s the essence that I can’t understand?

It was also the first time, in this Red Lotus secret realm, when I saw Senior Xiong Xiong, Teacher Feng Sugou and Senior Xiong Xiong were fighting each other as soon as they met.

At that time, the pressure felt terrible.

What details are there?

The more Xiao Li thought about it, the more she looked forward to it.
Now we can finally see the battle between the two seniors.

The venue for the King of Heaven Tournament is not far next door.

However, the elves and players watching the game must undergo identity screening.

This is also to protect the privacy of the king.

Chen Yuan is naturally understandable.

After rejecting more than a dozen top trainers to attend the competition, Chen Yuan was finally in line.

Chen Yuan thought for a while and took out the small jade sign that the old man gave him in the red envelope years ago.

The person in charge of the review took a look and immediately bowed and saluted, "Hello, young master."

Chen Yuan was not used to being treated like this by a heavenly king elf.


The venue for the Heavenly King Battle is indeed different from the previous Youth League Games.

This is a huge venue.

A large number of fruit drinks and meals made by masters were piled randomly around the field.

There are all kinds of flavors, densely packed, and the works of more than a dozen masters.

Protruding a large amount of tube full.

Highlight a casual buffet.

The kings who participated...well, how should I put it?

When Chen Yuan saw the king elves in the field, he really didn't know whether they were here to play the Volcano Cup or whether they were here for camping.

There were about a hundred elves in total, in groups of three or five, gathered in every corner of the huge venue. Several plates of fruit meals and drinks were placed in front of each family, and there were a large number of stand-ins, busy in front of each fruit meal stall, taking food at will. Food.

There are also special fighting avatars, and there is even more than one elite peak and ace peak. They can fight against each other, and they can have a great time and even directly open several avatars to fight together.

And those entities were just chatting there.

The stand-ins were obviously beaten to the point of self-destruction, and some of the Wind Speed ​​Dogs had their brains knocked out, but the real bodies seemed to be elves who were fine, and they were all chatting and laughing.

So unhappy.

This style of picnic painting immediately stunned Chen Yuan, who came to watch the game.

Until this time, Chen Yuan suddenly realized.

What I mentioned before about protecting the privacy of the King seems to be completely different from what I want to do.

He went straight to Senior Xiong and ate this plate of fruit meal, which tasted like chewing wax.

These fruit meals and drinks are really hard to swallow compared to Chen Xiaoyuan's.

Especially when I think about it, Shagou had secretly gone back to eat a lot, while he went out to perform a mission in the deep secret realm. He just came back yesterday and missed the meal perfectly.

Very angry.

I couldn't eat anymore.

Teacher Fengsugou on the other side couldn't eat at all.

To be honest, her taste is not as picky as Silly Bear.

Originally, these fruit meals were also very delicious.

But she couldn't stand it. She just ate Xiaoyuan's fruit meal, the red lotus fruit meal, two days ago. It was really delicious.

Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

When I looked at these things in front of me, they suddenly didn’t smell good anymore.

The Kirby beast on the side ate with gusto.

Especially the grilled Slowpoke tail dipped in volcanic jam, it’s so delicious.

It's strange to see that the two sisters, Saddle Dog and Saddle Bear, have no chewy flavor here.

I found out after asking around.

Good guy, he was actually picked up by a human?
This is almost impossible.

For Kirby, there is no need to pay attention to the taste at all when eating every day.

Just replenishing energy is enough.

And those who care about taste, aroma, this and that, look like they are full.

Like him, he figured it out after being hungry for a few hours.


Senior Shagou, can you eat this thing?

Kirby stuffed a whole Slowpoke tail into its mouth and bit it loudly.

While chewing, he looked at the fruit meal in Shagou Silly Bear's bowl.

He had been eyeing it for a long time, it was so tempting.

The wind speed dog didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Immediately pull the bowl to Kirbymon.

Really speechless.

This guy just got a stand-in and went out to play a game. How could he be as hungry as if he had been hungry for ten days and ten nights? He couldn't finish eating.

Kabimon patted its belly, picked up the plate, opened its big mouth, poured all the fruity food on the plate into its mouth, and chewed it.

So cool!

So cool!

There is simply nothing more wonderful than being able to eat a master-level fruit meal with such openness!
I really can't understand what Sago and S bear are trying to do.

"Haha haha~"

Senior Shaxiong, what's your share?

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~"

Give it to you.

Shazhixiong rolled his eyes and pushed the fruit meal over, watching Kirby eating it happily.

Shake his head slightly.

The one from the Qiao family is really serious, this child is hungry.

But yes.

After all, Kirbymon just broke through to the Heavenly King not long ago, and this is also a common problem with Kirbymon.

Just wait for time to settle and it will be fine.

"Haha haha~"


Kirbymon stood up, patted his belly, and went to the self-service area.

How could he miss such a good opportunity? He would still have a big meal.

For him, the meaning of signing up for the Tianwang Volcano Cup is this master buffet.

It was also the only thing he looked forward to in this world.

Wind Speed ​​Dog just lay on the ground and shook his head slightly as he watched Kirby's swaying body walk away.

Without saying much, he separated out a few substitutes and went over to find more opponents.

After eating Chen Xiaoyuan's fruit meal two days ago, she suddenly felt some urge.

An impulse to break through to the peak of the king.

It's just a pity that the gathering that day was so rushed that we still didn't make it in one go.

But think about it, no matter how powerful Xiaoyuan's fruit meal is, he can't make himself reach the peak all of a sudden.

After all, they are slightly different in every aspect.

But as long as the energy level goes further, you can go to the valley to ask for peak speed.

I have been craving for the peak speed, Mr. Wind Speed ​​Dog for a long time.

Teacher Wind Speed ​​Dog shook his head, it was different from the Kirbymon of the King of Heaven just now.

At this stage of her life, ordinary master fruit meals and high-level fruit meals are no longer of great significance.

That is to say, the recovery from daily training consumption is faster.

It is too difficult to break through to the peak of the King in one fell swoop with those fruit meals.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~"

Shagou, let me tell you, I have picked up some good things in the deep secret realm in the past two days, and there is also a stone slab among them. I will show it to you later...

The man who just said this went straight to Senior Xiong's nose and immediately stood up with excitement. When he saw the elves on the other side of the entrance, he immediately felt happy.

It turned out to be Chen Xiaoyuan.

And that little guy Xiaoli.

With a sway of his body, he rushed out.

At this moment, Xiaoli suddenly had a warning sign, and subconsciously used his peak [Lightning Flash] to move sideways, and just moved away.

It was just such a moment of dodge that he narrowly avoided the collision that was heading towards Senior Xiong.


Senior Xiong was a little surprised when he looked back and was immediately happy.

Haven't seen each other for so many days.

This little guy, Xiaoli, has actually mastered the peak lightning flash.

It’s interesting to have mastered it to this extent.

Ok, Ok.

Xiao Li dodged almost instinctively, and saw a black shadow passing by.

Before he could react, he suddenly felt the fur on the back of his neck tighten and was immediately picked up.

Xiaoli: "???"

As soon as he turned around, he saw Senior Xiong's big face and immediately waggled his tail happily.

Just very happy.


Teacher Fengsugou strolled over to look at Xiaoli, his eyes filled with admiration.

This little guy has finally grown up.

The lightning flashed at the peak.

It's a really good foundation.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~"

Senior Xiong threw the little raccoon onto his back, looked at Chen Yuan, and sniffed his body.

I always feel that there is a good treasure in Chen Xiaoyuan.

Looking at Senior Xiong's eager expression, Chen Yuan laughed.

He poured out the energy jelly without hesitation.

The current jelly has been updated to the fifth generation pro version, which is much better than the jelly that Senior Xiong ate during his time.

This general jelly pro feels so comfortable when it hits Senior Xiong.

He closed his eyes and drifted away, not paying much attention to those master-level fruit meals.

When Teacher Feng Sugou looked at it, sparks suddenly burst out from his nose, and the flames swirled around Chen Yuan.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

What a good boy, with such delicious food, I was the first to give it to that silly bear.

Chen Yuan chuckled and took out a jelly as well.

But this jelly is an extra-large pro max version.

In order to thank Teacher Fengsugou for taking care of Xiaoli for so long. There are no serious gifts for this Chinese New Year.

Well, this little piece of jelly is disrespectful.

(End of this chapter)

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