you elf, are you legal

Chapter 433: He actually defeated Xiao Yuyu, and he is worthy of being a big chrysanthemum

Chapter 433: He actually defeated Xiao Yuyu, and he is worthy of being a big chrysanthemum
Dajuhua: Okay, okay, this is how you play, right?

The first challenger, Chongchong, was defeated due to lack of restraint.

Xiaoli, who was practicing talking in his sleep over there, rushed over with his Flash Charge.

The harvest is complete.

Big Chrysanthemum is very unhappy.

Two against one, and one or two restraint attributes, the little guys don't have martial ethics.

So La Lulas came up to challenge.

But the big chrysanthemum is even more disgusting.

This attribute is not restrained, but the play style is restrained.

It's the kind of thing that makes a big chrysanthemum very uncomfortable.

He defeated countless top elves and crushed countless top aces.

Benefited a lot!
At the same time, it also made the four little guys feel more in awe of the upcoming battle for the top eight.

Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao, two young girls, directly pushed the top trainers in the entire Huaxia region to the ground and rubbed them.


Xiaoyuyu's Yuyubo was still in the Kamikami stage, so it was instantly killed.

The peak magic leaves rolled up wildly.

Do you have any martial ethics?

At this time, the branches of the Chu family are so excited.


The more I think about it, the more I look forward to it.

This is the strength of our Chu family.

It directly knocked the big chrysanthemum's nose crooked.

The four little ones gained a lot from the afternoon's battle.

Chen Yuan.

Green caterpillars, bog-leap fish, snake-printed bears, and a Larurus.

The four little guys applauded together, and even the dreaming little raccoon stood up and clapped his little paws. In his dream, Teacher Fengsugou directly killed an extraordinary giant chrysanthemum with a peak speed, like that Son, he is really handsome.

This is really topical.

Look, look.

Facts have proved that the king of heaven is the king of heaven after all, and even the big chrysanthemum cannot be defeated easily.

No matter what, I don’t force tomorrow’s game, just enjoy the game and be happy.

You guys are just bullies, right?

Xiaoli's dream talk hasn't started yet.

It actually made it to the top 16.

It's still at its peak.

In fact, if it weren't for the restrictions of the association and the four major players, this Volcano Cup would have really broken the circle.

This time, the sleep talking skill is just like a flash of lightning.

Seeing that the third one came up was a marsh leaping fish, the big chrysanthemum couldn't bear it anymore.

Is this attribute suppression?

The big chrysanthemum raised its head and looked, this is the strength of the king.

As long as there is a competition with this name, it will be full of surprises and dark horses.

After all, there are three king elves in the Qingying Competition who are as powerful as these seniors.

Even big chrysanthemums can win when fighting grass on water.

Have no idea.

The four little ones, only the Swamp Leap Fish was in an evolved form, just started wreaking havoc in the volcanic cup where experts gathered and geniuses emerged.

Take them all away.

Now I have found a pattern.

Finally, relying on experience and the power of the grass element of the Heavenly King, he suppressed the opponent, but the dreaming little raccoon over there came over again.

Chen Yuan and Chu Xiaoxiao are both members of our Chu family, and even the green caterpillar started to use his energy to read.


did you see it?

Damn it!
A ground water elf is here to cause trouble too, right?
take away!

This is the future of the Chu family!
Not just the Chu family.

Di Yan from the Di family also stole the show this time.

Wind Speed ​​Dog, a top ace,
Apart from the four little ones, he is the only non-top elf to make it to the top 16.

That hand is proficient in speed.

It's called a masterful way to use it.

I really don't understand.

He is obviously such a stupid dog, but why is he so talented in fighting?
It clearly feels that it is very "weak", with no peak skills, no top energy, and even very few flame changes and auxiliary skills.

However, just by charging with one hand, countless elves were destroyed.

Of course, most trainers admire these five elves.

Yes, I must admit that it is indeed impressive that you can reach the top 16.

But here, there is no weakling.

One by one, they are all the most outstanding among the top elves, with top control, peak skills, and racial qualities.

There are also three heavenly kings sitting in charge.

Do you still want to win?

It’s not like there’s no chance, I’ll give you 20%.

Six o'clock in the evening.

The schedule for the top 16 is finally out.

Chongchong was immediately speechless.

Little Bubu wagging his tail on the side came over and took a look at Chen Yuan's tablet, and then he became happy.

Look at Chongchong, swiping his tail.

"Buy bu y~"

Come on, little guy.

Chongchong is depressed.

This time, it's her turn to kill in the plot!

It turned out to be the one who was beating Sister Bubu. How could he be beaten like this!

If you can't fight, just vote.

Xiao Yuyu's complexion wasn't very good either, and he felt like he was getting cold.

Indeed, it is the same as those seniors said.

After reaching the top sixteen, no elf is weak.

Boss Cordora also has peak skills. Yes, it is the one that defeated Xiao Caocao before.

Seeing the information about the elves, the little fish's brain went crazy. This was not a game for fish at all!

However, I also want to take revenge on Xiao Caocao...

Xiao Yuyu gritted his teeth, turned around and went to find Gulaton to practice sparring.

The little raccoon on the other side was very excited.

He enjoys the game and has reached this point, and there is no pressure anymore.

The opponent was a Raichu, and the trainer was an old acquaintance.

Liu Yunzhi, the elf of the head of the Liu family.

Chen Yuan was immediately happy when he saw the information.

Such a coincidence?
Why did this person suddenly come to the imperial capital?

Not only is Xiaoli, La Lulas's opponent, the top-notch dark crow, he is also Liu Yunzhi's elf.

Isn't this a coincidence?

Immediately take out your phone and edit the message.

"Auntie, two elves will play in the top 16 tomorrow? Come on."

At the same time, the Chu family manor.

In a special underground secret room.

Murkrow closed his eyes.

The two quasi-kings who were hung up finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's all we can say and know."

Liu Yunzhi looked at the two people in front of her with a bad expression.

They are all quasi-kings that the Liu family has used to pile up resources before, and their strength is quite good.

There was a chance to come to the table, but it was a pity.

"Your elves will be taken back by the family. After this incident, I will fulfill the agreement and arrange for you to hide in the world."

The Quasi-Tianwang lowered his head and remained silent.

But the other quasi-king suddenly raised his head and looked at Liu Yunzhi angrily.

"The elf is mine, you can't take it away..."

Liu Yunzhi waved her hand.

Black mist appeared in the eyes of the dark crow, and the man's words could no longer be heard.

Liu Yunzhi came out of the secret room.

He unexpectedly found the King of the Chu family crossing his arms outside with a smile on his face.

Liu Yunzhi's face turned red, which was rare.

"I'm telling you a joke."

Mother Chu shook her head with a smile.

Every family has a difficult scripture to recite.

Compared to the Liu family, which is unstable and turbulent.

The Chu family is really pretty good.

Buzz. After leaving the secret room, a signal came from her cell phone. When Liu Yunzhi saw the message, her eyes suddenly darkened.

"Auntie, two elves will play in the top 16 tomorrow? Come on."

Chu's mother leaned over to take a look, and she was immediately trembling with joy.

Liu Yunzhi's face turned darker, and when he saw the schedule, he gritted his teeth. It felt like he could feel the provocation of that hateful brat through the screen!
She must make this brat look good tomorrow!

After dinner, Chen Yuan began to conduct the final sprint training for the little guys.

Chongchong... forget it, just be happy.

As for Chongchong himself, he was also on semi-vacation.

I have no choice but to hang out with Sister Bubu every day. Of course I know Sister Bubu’s strength.

She has been practicing for so many days, and her continuous breakthroughs should have settled down.

Well, she has already made up her mind to go hang out with Xiao Longlong. She will not participate in tonight's special training.

The elves that Chen Yuan trained this time were mainly the little fish Lalulasi and the three little raccoons.

Energy jelly is arranged, strengthening jelly is also arranged.

It just focuses on a dietary supplement!
Xiaoyuyu is now at the threshold of mud shooting. As long as he experiences it more, the peak is just an epiphany.

Moreover, the energy, physical fitness, and other aspects of this little guy's body have reached critical points.

The water system and the ground are quite balanced.

It is no longer the extreme partiality it used to be.

I always feel that if this balance continues to be maintained, it will not be long before it evolves...

"Little fish~"

"Kuola kuala~"

Xiao Yuyu, who was practicing mud shooting and the power of the earth, ran over immediately when he heard Chen Yuan's voice.

Chen Yuan stuffed a few balance jelly balls over. The little fish didn't even think about it and just ate it.

The training just now took a lot of energy.

These two jelly pieces are just right to replenish your body.

"Do you have any plans to evolve?"

Chen Yuan asked with a smile.

Xiao Yuyu was startled, evolve?

Xiao Yuyu subconsciously wanted to shake his head.

He is still a child, a minor who is less than six months old. It is too early to evolve Swampert just like his mother did.

No matter what, we have to wait for the trump card...


Xiao Yuyu suddenly realized.

It seems that I am already a trump card...

If we don't evolve now, do we have to wait for the top level?
Once such an idea comes up, you can never look back, but...

Evolving to Swampert means reaching adulthood.

The current Xiaoyuyu is not mentally prepared yet.

It’s very confusing.

The battle between Lalulas and Xiaoli was quite heated. They fought as substitutes and were familiar with the use of skills and attribute defense.

Larula's telepathic goblin attacked continuously, and Xiaoli switched to evil flames to resist.

There will always be times when you can cope, and there will always be times when you fail.

Chen Yuan stood and watched for a while.

Now the fighting power of the two little guys has increased.

La Lulas has always been in the first echelon because of the assistance of the replica Little Greedy Ghost characteristics and the speed of growth. Now she has vaguely reached the threshold of a senior ace and is about to break through.

Generally speaking, the battle between the two little ones is a 50-50 split.

There is victory and defeat for each other.

But after Xiaoli ate the enhanced jelly, he became proficient in speed and matched that peak lightning flash.

I never let La Lulas hit me again.

If nothing else, you have to be proficient in speed.

Silent all night.

The battle for the quarterfinals of the Volcano Cup.

"It's started, it's started!"

"So excited!"

Yuan Shushu and You Changshan held up their fluorescent sticks and never sat down.

Today is full of things to watch, every scene is a highlight!

None of them has Elite Peak in their hands, but they all have quite a few.

They want to take a closer look at how strong their elves can be since they are all at the pinnacle of elites.

This first battle is their eldest sister's first match.

Tigou came on stage waddlingly.

Opposite him, walking out of the player tunnel, was... a top speed dog.

When he saw the wind speed dog opposite, Tigou shrank his neck subconsciously.

The person opposite is their instructor.

He was also the big brother who had always taken care of him since he was a puppy. He was like an elder brother.

Facing this guy, Tigou really didn't have any confidence.

Instructor Fengsu Dog looked at Ti Gou opposite, with a hint of relief in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that this guy Ti Gou was very talented, and he was infinitely better than that guy.

Now it seems that this is indeed the case. He was able to master the mastery speed in Wang Dian in a few moments.

So now, let him see how good this kid is.

With a flick of his body, two Wind Speed ​​Dog stand-ins appeared in the field, looking at each other from afar.

At this time, Tigou was also calm.

The eyes looking at the opposite person were serious and focused.

This game.

He wants to use all his fighting power.

"Captain, how confident are you?"

Yuan Shushu came to Ti Yan's side and asked in a low voice.

Ti Yan shook his head.

This scene...

Teacher Da Hudi waved his spoon.

The battle begins.

Tigou attacks first.

Without saying a word, he just used his mastery speed.

Rushed over.

The wind speed dog instructor nodded slightly, and he understood the mastery and speed, which is really good.

He strolled leisurely and swayed to avoid the attack of the dog.

Then with a sweep of its tail, the dog flew away.

Tigou rolled on the ground several times, and when he got up, his eyes were full of stars.

This proficient iron tail hit him so much that it hurt.


Come again!

Tigou was whipped out again.

Still didn't encounter the wind speed dog on the opposite side.

No harm was done.

what happened?

It shouldn’t be!

Tigou did not rush out again this time.

Instead, he stared at the Wind Speed ​​Dog instructor opposite.

The instructor didn't use Mastery Speed ​​at all, so why did he avoid it like that?

If the opponent used top-level power and combined with divine speed, then he would still understand.

After all, it is normal not to be able to catch up.


Obviously I didn't use Mastery and Speed.

Tigou couldn't figure it out.

If you can’t figure it out, then don’t think about it!
Just rush and that’s it!
Just go with your feelings!
Master speed.

Keep rushing.

However, after three more charges, the Wind Speed ​​Dog's attacks were all dodged.

Tigou braked suddenly.

He stopped in place and stared blankly at the instructor opposite.

Although this attack was all dodged.

But Tigou always felt that he had discovered something.

He seemed to understand a little bit.

Tigou dwarfed and rushed out again, still proficient in speed, but this time the speed was slower.

But at the moment when he was about to rush in front of the wind speed dog instructor.

Tigou suddenly accelerated.

All the speed exploded, and even at this moment, he could feel the potential roaring in his body.

The wind speed dog instructor was knocked away directly by this blow and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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