you elf, are you legal

Chapter 435 No need to use secretive fairy skills to crush

Chapter 435 No need to use secretive fairy skills to crush
"As for faith, there is nothing at all."

Mother Chu laughed, "Just like when I went to Tianwang Mountain to compete for the championship, I have no confidence at all."

The female trainer felt a lump in her heart, as if she had eaten a piece of smelly mud.

Why do you think she did something bad? You have to ask.

The Road to Champions, they all went there together.

Before the beating, the woman said she was so scared that she was shaking all over and was so nervous that she couldn't sleep.

The result is the fastest.

Also set a record.

As for herself, she was kicked out at the first level.

I still feel resentful to this day.

La Lulas's "Provocation" skill has just started, and she is not very skilled in using it.

This time, she might really have a chance to see this woman's failed face.

However, at this moment, La Lulas suddenly interrupted the hypnosis spell.

"Hiss, hiss, hess~" Big stupid bird, you haven't reached the level of the King of Heaven at such an old age, don't you think it's a shame?

For elves who are not afraid of hypnosis and also like auxiliary skills, it is best to defend a wave of provocations.

Dark Crow raised his eyebrows, and an angry "well" bounced on Dark Crow's forehead.

Reach out a little, hypnotism.



Hypnosis on the surface, but in reality, guard against provocations from you.


With a flick of his body, a La Lulas substitute teleported directly into the scene.


Attribute restraint, top level crushing.

La Lulas narrowed her eyes and teleported away. The next moment, she appeared behind Dark Crow.

She also had to get serious about this dark crow.

The provocative dark fluctuations rippled directly above the guarding light curtain, and it was guarded.

It’s still the Dark Crow of Master Liu.

La Lulas took the initiative and teleported over directly.

But combined with Mouth Escape, the direct effect is full.

It is an evil elf personally cultivated by the head of the Liu family among the top ten families.

Larulus vs. Dark Crow...

Directly, an energy light curtain stood in front of him.

That momentum, just one impact, made him stand out.

He looked at each other with the evil dark crow.

One side is the evil elves.

La Lulas smiled, it was exactly what brother Chen Yuan said.

Following the example, he also threw it directly with a "provocation".

It seems that brother Chen Yuan is right.

Look at my provocation.

Teacher Dahudi, the spoon falls, the game begins.

Dark evil energy from Dark Crow's body rippled directly, and immediately there was an indescribable disgusting energy lingering in Dark Crow's body.

There is no possibility of losing in any aspect.

See if I don’t teach you a lesson!

However, Dark Crow looked over, twisted his mouth, and smiled directly, little guy, you still want to hypnotize me, right?
Do you know what sleeplessness means?

It seems to be different this time.

Hook your fingers.

Those who are trembling with fear must not be excited!
But... then I thought about it.

On one side is La Lulas, a super-powered elf who is still a little guy in his initial form.

The Dark Crow on the opposite side has the "Sleepless" attribute.

I’m so angry!
Why is this little girl so arrogant? !

The dark crow on the opposite side immediately went up.

He rushed over with all his teeth and claws.

On the wings, there was already a dense light flashing.

Peak【Wing Attack】

La Lulas knew that if she was hit by this wing attack, she might die directly due to her small body.

But she has a solution.

He stretched out his hand again, and just as the Dark Crow launched his attack. Before charging, an electromagnetic wave that had been prepared hit the Dark Crow's body accurately.

The electric current was numb and numb, directly paralyzing the dark crow.

The speed dropped sharply.

The distance that could be reached almost in the blink of an eye was now half a beat slower.

But just this half-beat time is enough for Lalu Lasi to teleport.


The figure left, leaving only a shadow clone, which was shattered by Dark Crow.

Dark Crow looked angrily at La Lulas in the distance.

This little guy is so cunning!


Dark Crow's eyes were filled with anger.

That being the case.

It opened its mouth, roared loudly, and blasted out.

The momentum was almost the same as a peak roar.

Dual peak skills, this is Dark Crow.

Faced with the loud roar, La Lulas was vaguely aware of it.

Even if he used teleportation to leave, he might still be hit by the loud roar.


Then don't teleport.

Just a loud roar.

Lalulas chuckled.

Extend your right hand.

A pink energy ball was condensed by her.

The dazzling light lit up and was blasted out by Lalu.

【Magic Shine】

In the audience, the female trainer sitting next to Liu Yunzhi saw this scene and covered her mouth and chuckled.

Even the loud roar of this dark crow is barely at its peak.

But it is still the pinnacle skill of the evil system. How can it be defeated by your superpower skill?

"It's stable, isn't it, Yunzhi."

Liu Yunzhi nodded with a smile, but deep down, there was a trace of doubt.

It shouldn't be.

The opposite Lalu Lasi shouldn't be stupid enough to use super powers to attack the evil element, right?

One black, one pink, one left and one right.

The two energies collided violently.


There was no one-sided crushing as imagined, and even... it felt a bit evenly matched.

What the hell?
Why are they so evenly matched?

This is a clash of skills.

It is the most basic energy collision.

There aren't all those bells and whistles. The evil system is just blood overcoming super power. Isn't there even the slightest possibility?

Dark Crow Energy Xiaoyou.

Excellent skills.

Attributes are blood-killing.

Why did the situation that was supposed to be crushed become like this?

No, it's more than that.

At this time, La Lulas suddenly closed her eyes. After a few breaths, she opened her mouth, and suddenly a beautiful voice came out.

This is in sharp contrast to the loud roar of the dark crow.

The trainers and elves watching the battle were all stunned.

They didn't even know this skill.

At this moment, they were convinced that this thing was not a super skill called telekinesis, nor was it a mental telepathy thing.

Judging from this proficiency, it’s not low. What’s going on? What kind of skill is this?
On the contrary, those who are extremely sensitive to super skills have vaguely realized that although the energy of this skill is very similar to super powers, it is different, and it seems to be able to restrain evil...

what is this?
Mother Chu looked at the field and observed carefully.

This is a fairy skill, right?

The most captivating voice.

Red sound waves and loud roars collided.

He crushed it directly without any resistance.

It even swallowed up some evil energy in mid-air, making the sound wave of that energy become much louder again, and its power was also greatly increased.

What the hell is this!
Dark Crow's mind was now clear.

Looking at the suppressed pink energy, he already felt a huge crisis.

Is this a super skill that has never been seen before?

It even believes that this thing is a fighting skill, but it doesn’t believe that this thing is a super power!
Damn it, run!
The Murkrow turned around and was about to fly away. However, the next second, La Lulas appeared in front of it.

Dark Crow's eyes narrowed.

court death!

This little one actually dared to get close at this time.

Almost instinctively, Dark Crow directly used its wings to attack.

The peak power can definitely take away the fragile La Lulas.

But at this time, La Lulas suddenly lit up, and there was a ray of light standing in front of her again.

It seemed that he had been prepared for a long time, just waiting for the attack of the dark crow's wings.

The wing attack hit the guarding light screen.

It made an unpleasant squeaking sound, like fingernails scraping against a blackboard.


The light curtain that was being held could no longer hold up and shattered after sustaining it for two breaths.

However, the power of the wing attack has dropped too much.

The attack hit Lalulas' body.

The sharp wings caused quite a lot of damage.

But it's not fatal at all.

Lalu Lasi's right hand has condensed energy.

It's still a fairy skill.

But this time the light shines brightly.

Magic shines!

This is the release of all the fairy energy in Lalulasi's body.

At this moment, they all blasted into Dark Crow's body.

At this moment, La Lulas finally no longer needed to use super powers to cover up, and no longer had the distraction of super powers.

This is the full strength of La Lulas.

The venue seemed to be lit up by the pink sun.


“Quack quack!!!”

The Dark Crow was blown away.

Outstanding effect.

But the double hasn't broken into pieces yet.

Yes, keep it!
Dark Crow also used it to defend itself at this critical moment, and was able to withstand most of the attacks.


Behind Dark Crow, there is a large energy ball.


That sound was full of unwillingness, anger, and irritability.

Dark Crow's stand-in was shattered.

"how come……"

The female trainer opened her mouth and stared blankly down.

Just like when I saw the fastest clearance record back then, I couldn't understand it.

Liu Yunzhi took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and completely blocked out the interference from the outside world.

After a long time, she looked at Chu's mother.

"Is this a new skill developed by the Chu family?"

She ruled out all possibilities.

The only possibility is that Hu Di mastered the "Eye of Miracles" just like that one back then.

This Lalu Lasi must have mastered some special skills!
That time, the Chu family completed a turnaround with the help of the Miracle Eyes, and with that peak mental power, they rose up strongly.

And now...

This super skill that can directly restrain evil is still from the Chu family. This skill...

Liu Yunzhi closed her eyes again.


You can’t fool yourself at all!

This definitely can't be an ordinary "new skill"!

what exactly is it?
It can't be a new attribute, right?

But at this time, Chu's mother... just smiled faintly.

It's like everything is under control.

However, the little Eevee substitute in her arms suddenly felt her body tighten and it hurt a little from being caught.

La Lulas won, actually defeated the dark crow trained by the quasi-king of the Liu family.

The dual peak skills were crushed just like that.

La Lulas also advanced directly to the top 8 due to this.

Using that completely incomprehensible skill, he directly penetrated the defense of Dark Crow, an evil elf.

Super skills?
Fuck super skills.

Evil-killing superpowers have been studied for two centuries.

Already welded in the attribute table.

There is no other possibility.

This is as nonsense as suddenly launching a water-based skill and suddenly suppressing a grass-based skill.

The superpower is not frozen water.

Who knows what the Chu family has done again.

The few quasi-kings who were qualified to see the paper remained silent and looked in Chen Yuan's direction.

Fairy attributes, super powerful Chu family.

It just happened to be La Lu La Si.

Not long after, the Tianwang Mountain Conference... I am afraid that the Chu family will really reach the top...

New properties!
New properties!
Damn it, it’s a new attribute that can restrain the evil system!
What new properties haven’t been discovered in many years!

It just fell on the Chu family.

Several quasi-kings closed their eyes.

I hope my king will act quickly.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss~"

Lalu Lasi threw herself into Chu Xiaoxiao's arms, stuck out her little head, and looked at Chen Yuan, quite excited.

It feels really great to use the fairy skills directly without being secretive!
Just bang bang bang at the evil elf.

It feels so good in the hand.

"Peak skills, well used."

Chen Yuan praised.

Speaking of which, La Lulas has three peak skills including Charming Voice.

He is also the elf with the most peak skills in the team so far.

Listening to Brother Chen Yuan's compliment, La Lulas narrowed her beautiful eyes.

He leaned forward and stretched out his little hands for a hug.

Chu Xiaoxiao turned away and refused to hug her.

La Lulas poked her little head out of Chu Xiaoxiao's shoulder and looked at Chen Yuan pitifully.

Chen Yuan laughed, picked up Xiaoli, and kissed Xiaoli. The next game is Xiaoli.

Volcano Cup, quarterfinals competition.

Game 5.

Snake Bear vs Raichu.

On the field, some trainers had already left, all of whom had noticed something fishy about Lalu Lasi and were eager to go back to confirm.

But more importantly, he wanted to stay and see if Chen Yuan's elf would cause any trouble.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be the case.

After all, Liu Yunzhi, the head of the Liu family, had been cultivating that Lei Qiu for a long time.

It's close to the top.

If you need speed and attack, you can't lose to an ace elf, right?

If it was before Lalu Lasi, maybe everyone would be quite sure about this.

After all, your silver is just silver.

He is already the head of the top ten families. Okay, maybe the Liu family's reputation as one of the top ten families is a bit unfair, but the quasi-king is the real deal.

Nothing can compare to your little silver.


After La Lulas directly used that weird skill to beat up Dark Crow.

Everyone is unsure.

no way.

Until now.

This kid Chen Yuan is so good at messing with people.

If the green caterpillar's opponent hadn't been a king, the result would have been hard to say.

However, some people feel that there is no need to be overly cautious.

The female trainer next to Liu Yunzhi, this veteran quasi-king, is very accurate in reading elves.

That snake bear is very strong.

However, compared to Liu Yunzhi's Leiqiu, it has energy foundation, racial quality, peak skills, auxiliary skills, and characteristic development.

In almost every aspect, Raichu is a crushing victory.

Moriya Yu glanced at King Chu Tian over there, especially when he saw the proud smile on the corner of this woman's mouth, he felt very angry.


You have to think of a way to eliminate this woman's arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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