you elf, are you legal

Chapter 443: Using [Dragon Breath] Desert Dragonfly on Lalu Lasi: Stable

Chapter 443: Using [Dragon Breath] Desert Dragonfly on Lalu Lasi: Stable
Kirby woke up leisurely.

I slept for two full minutes, which was such a great sleep.

On the other hand, the little fish on the opposite side was already somewhat out of ammunition and food.

The energy in the body basically exploded.

But it didn't cause any harm to Kirby.

Is this a scammer who sleeps at his peak? !

Kirbymon grinned.

It makes him serious enough to use this [Peak Sleep], and the giant swamp monster opposite is also quite good.

Given time, catching up with him would be almost a certainty. This Tianwangshan Conference may be a bit difficult.

But five years later, well, there are indeed some opportunities.

The same is true of beating the king of heaven under the king of heaven.

No one had ever thought that Chu Xiaoxiao could reach this point.

The second game of the Volcano Cup quarter-finals is finally over.

Ground skill "One Hundred Thousand Horsepower"

In the past few days, they have been tortured and destroyed by this little girl Chu Xiaoxiao.

It is also the most difficult skill to break through.

Xiao Yuyu is indeed very strong, showing such fighting power at such an age.

Ground skill "One Hundred Thousand Horsepower"

Just after you've had enough sleep, let's move your muscles.

From the perspective of the branch lineage, this is the main lineage that controls the hegemony.

This was not meant to be a heavyweight fight.

Being able to perform like this really conquered too many elves.

And the joy is.


The atmosphere of the Volcano Cup is getting more and more lively.

Kirbymon punched out.

Peak sleep is currently used in the Volcano Cup and is the most difficult skill to learn.

Kirbymon wins without a doubt.

It was as if the winning party was the giant swamp monster.

The foundation of the King of Heaven.

That little Lalu Lasi is actually so strong.

The next game is Chu Xiaoxiao’s La Luras competition.

It's a pity that his opponent is the King of Heaven.

This is king-level dominance.

Xiao Yuyu patted his head and turned around to meet Chen Yuan's gaze.

Grinning, he's going to fight back next year.

Obviously this one is far more exciting than the first one.

The little fish smiled and ran away wildly. When he flew up, the light from the ground also lingered on his fist.

But now.

My son is so angry that he won't fight.

boom! !

Unexpectedly, we reached the quarterfinals of the Volcano Cup.

Kirbymon yawned.

The family ancestral temple is about to be overthrown by this little girl.
I thought it was enough trouble.

There was warm applause from the stands.

If the skill is not powerful enough, it will only stop it.

The top Chu family, quasi-kings, all gathered here.

The people in the volcano and the people in the middle of the lake all shouted the name of the little fish in unison.

Looking at the whole of China, it is enough to say "Who else?"

La Lulas.

First a green sheep bird, then a large wolfhound.

There is hope for the Chu family.

Five years later, ten years later, if there is another Chu Xianshan, the Chu family's ranking will be even higher at the Tianwang Mountain Conference.

The resources of Tianwang Mountain are tilted, and the legendary resources, maybe their side branches, can also benefit a little bit.

So this time, as La Lulas's last battle, they had to come to support the main line no matter what.

of course.

By the way, let’s take a look at how Chu Xiaoxiao was raised and how strong this Lalu Lasi is.

Hopefully, when she fights the dragon-type king later, La Lulas will be able to exert all her strength under the power of that terrifying real dragon.

"Sure enough, Larulus is still too reluctant. She wants Gardevoir anyway."

"Gardevoir also has to lose, pretty much."

"Yes, just watch this one. I heard that the main line has developed a new skill for fighting evil. I hope that this skill can be used in this scene."

One Heavenly King said.

Although Desert Dragonfly is not an evil type, I hope Larulas can use that skill more.

Use it more and be more proficient.

This way they can observe more.

In fact, there is no sincere cheering.

All of them are human beings, all of them are quasi-kings, and time is precious and tight.

Naturally, they couldn't miss such a good opportunity.

I hope that the desert dragonfly can release its water and allow Lalulas to attack a few more times.

As for winning?

how is this possible.

Didn’t you see the dominance of the two kings in front?
La Lulas wants to win against Desert Dragonfly?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
Chu's mother nodded her chin and looked down at the contestants' seats. Chen Yuan and the others who had already started to prepare were a little strange.

It’s an indescribable feeling.

It seems that Chen Yuan and Xiaoxiao are quite confident about the next game.

Could it be that the fairy energy has another hidden meaning?

The third game of the Volcano Cup quarter-finals.

It’s still the battle of kings.

The king of desert dragonfly vs the ace elf Lalulas.

High in the sky.

A figure slowly descended.

The power of the true dragon was immediately exuded.

Sweeping the whole place.

At this moment, even the elves and quasi-king trainers on the stands could feel the oppressive force and the trembling from the heart.

This is the power of a true dragon.

Is this the dragon elf!

Hard to imagine.

They could all feel this pressure in the stands, and how much pressure did La Lulas bear in that game!
La Lulas' little stand-in just raised his head and looked at the desert dragonfly opposite.

This was also the first time for La Lulas to look at this kind of elf at such a close distance.

There are two green antennae on his head, and the edges of the green wings are red.

Is this a real dragon?

This dragon's breath... is quite comfortable.

The desert dragonfly also looked down at the little guy.

Somehow, the desert dragonfly has a feeling;
The little guy in front of him had an aura that made him extremely unhappy.

Inexplicably, I wanted to give her a bite.


The two elf substitutes stared at each other for a while, then suddenly separated and fell into their respective competition positions.

Dahu waved the spoon down.

Game start.

Desert Dragonfly starts by following its instincts.

When he opened his mouth, a dragon's breath spurted out.

La Lulas moved instantly to avoid it.

She could also feel the dragon's breath sprayed out by the desert dragonfly opposite, and it seemed to be quite powerful.

Take shelter first.

After two dragon breaths.

The desert dragonfly stopped and looked at the little guy in front of him with interest.

No wonder it made it into the main draw.

This mastery of teleportation is so skillful.

If it were an ordinary dragon's breath, there would really be no way to cause a fatal blow to this little guy, and it wouldn't even be possible to hit it.

However, as the King of Heaven, he has no means to deal with it, so he is not a serious King of Heaven.

When the desert dragonfly's body shook, a large amount of ground energy immediately gathered.

A sandstorm seemed to be overwhelming.

"Quicksand Abyss"

As long as the opponent's Lalu can be rolled up, then the opponent can definitely be restrained.

For a time, the entire site was filled with yellow sand.

Come on, hide, see where you hide.

La Lulas blinked, and a spiritual force emerged from his eyes, sweeping across the desert dragonfly opposite.

Feature "Copy"

At this moment, La Lulas felt that her body was lighter.

Even without using superpowers, it is easy to float.

Larulus replicates the "floating" characteristic of the desert dragonfly.
Coupled with his own superpower, he could easily get rid of the "Quicksand Abyss" of the desert dragonfly on the opposite side. The desert dragonfly on the opposite side glared.

This little guy is quite good at playing.

The sandstorm subsided.

There is no need to maintain it.

La Lulas chuckled and landed on the ground again.

Looking at the desert dragonflies across the way.

He hooked his little hand.

If you have any other skills, please come over.

The desert dragonfly was immediately happy.

He, a king, was looked down upon by the little guy across from him.


This is not possible!

The next moment, the dragon's aura spread over the desert dragonfly's body.

Dragon Breath.

A large amount of dragon breath was sprayed out by the desert dragonfly.

Peak Dragon Breath.

La Lulasi dodged and teleported away.

But the dragon's breath turned a corner in the air and chased after him.

Not only that, the second and third dragon's breath was sprayed out by the desert dragonfly.

More and more dragon breaths were tracking La Lulas in that field.

As long as La Lulasi stops, he will definitely be hit by these dozen dragon breaths.

The end result will be that the substitute will be broken into pieces.

And if La Lulas doesn't stop...

Hahaha, then it depends on how many times you can teleport.

Anyway, his dozen dragon breaths can last for two hours, hahaha.

There is no way to lose this round.

There were sighs in the stands. Sure enough, this little Lalu Lasi was still too young.

If you use peak meditation at the beginning, there is no chance.

But now, it's still the initial state.

There's no chance.

This scene is over.

La Lulas did feel some difficulty during the teleportation.

But there is no other way.

The number of dragon breaths on the opposite side is still increasing.

There is no point in continuing to hide.

Teleportation is not infinite.

What should be hit should still be hit.

The good baby sighed quietly.

There is really nothing we can do.

Originally... I still wanted to hide something from Brother Chen Yuan.

But the attack from the other side was indeed beyond her expectation.

If I had known I would have listened to Xiao Caocao, I would have done a dirty trick of teleportation and hypnosis at the beginning.

Then the meditation accumulates, and when the time comes, the desert dragonfly on the opposite side will not be so unscrupulous.

At the very least, you can still fight hard.

But now, I am passive.

As long as she stops and releases any skills, she will inevitably be attacked by the dragon's breath from behind.

Hey, what a miscalculation.

It's a dilemma.

Before the game, he promised his brother Chen Yuan that he would hide his secret.

I can't hide it now.

La Lulas teleported and came to the desert dragonfly.

Blinking your eyes, if you can't hide it, let's play again.

A large number of dragon breath light bullets followed behind him.

La Lulasi stretched out her little hand, seemingly unaware of the dragon's breath light bombs behind her.

A dazzling light wave condensed in La Lulas's hand.

The desert dragonfly smiled.

Did this little guy want a final counterattack, or did he suddenly teleport away before the dragon's breath attack came, and let his own dragon's breath catch him off guard?
He was curious.

How on earth is this little guy going to do it.

The super light condensed and took shape in the hands of Lalu Lasi on the opposite side.

It blasted over.

The desert dragonfly grinned.

So what if I eat this little super light wave of yours? But you can no longer avoid my dragon breath.

Many of the top trainers of the Chu family in the stands were quite disappointed.

Can't escape.

This is also the limit of Lalu Lasi.


What a pity. I was expecting a close battle, but unexpectedly, it ended up being a one-sided crushing.

Think about it too.

After all, the opposite is the King of Heaven.

Talking about skills, talking about energy, talking about fighting, talking about racial quality.

Crushed in all aspects.

If there is only one lead, playing tricks, copying a "floating" skill to hide from the ground, there may be a chance.

But crushed in all aspects.

Really, even if their king comes to take command, he will use super powers to strengthen Lalu Lasi's qualities.

At best, they are lingering.

The gap is really huge!
This is the king!
The Dragon King!
what a pity!

Everyone in the Chu family shook their heads and sighed.

Why isn't there a dragon-type elf that can channel spiritual power?
I originally thought that Chu Xiaoxiao’s Green Mianniao was a new approach, but I didn’t expect that it was just an example.

There is no clue at all, and even the King of Chu Tian, ​​Chu Xiansu, cannot reproduce it.

Dragon type!
It's such a pity that they can't cultivate such a powerful elf!
In fact, in their hearts, they still want Lalu Lasi to persevere a little longer, so forget it if they don't know how to guide the mental power of Qing Mianniao.

They wanted to see what was going on with the skill of restraining evil elves!
This is the skill that determines the overall combat power of the Chu family, their top tier, these quasi-kings!

No longer restrained by that abominable evil system!

This kind of skill is really important for trainers like them who focus on superpowers!
But it's a pity that there is only one shot.

The dazzling super skill, only one shot across such a long distance, was released under the interference of dragon breath.

The exact energy cannot be perceived at all.


Some Chu family trainers sighed.

Can't this Lalu Lasi hold on for much longer?

It would be great if La Lulas grew older for another three to five years.

At least I can compete.

Chen Yuan crossed his arms and smiled, looking at the situation.

It seems that the little guy is thinking too hard.

Qingmianniao didn't blink, staring at La Lulas in that scene, his eyes full of nervousness.

Although she always felt that a miracle would happen.

Is illusion...

La Lulas's attack directly hit the desert dragonfly.

At the same time, a large number of dragon breath light bombs hit La Lulas' body.

It completely submerged that small body.

The flames are dazzling.

The smell similar to sulfur filled the entire volcanic platform.

Desert Dragonfly received a blow that almost killed him.

What the hell, why does it hurt so much! !
This damn guy is not Banjilas either.

It’s not that the ground has turned evil! Why do I still feel like I'm restraining him?
What on earth did those guys from the Chu family come up with?

But fortunately it took seconds.

If he hadn't launched another three or two of those super-powerful attacks, he might have really fallen.

It really feels like a blood gauntlet.

On top of the stands.

The trainers all shook their heads and sighed.

Really, Larulus is too young.

Thinking that his teleportation can avoid all skills.

At the level of the Heavenly King Elf, everyone has a unique skill.

It's not a peak teleportation, so how could it be possible for you to avoid it?, wait...

At this time, those top-level elves with more keen senses, the kings and elves, all had their eyes widened.

He stood up, eyes full of disbelief, watching the flames in the field dissipate.

This is this...

Something is wrong!
Something is wrong!
How can it be!

(End of this chapter)

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