you elf, are you legal

Chapter 449 Emperor Yan couldn’t have gone to Chen Yuan just to get food, right?

Chapter 449 Emperor Yan couldn’t have gone to Chen Yuan just to get food, right?

Chen Yuan was stunned.

The audience fell silent.

What's happening here.

Emperor Yan...

He was going to the stands on the edge of the field... What was He going to do?
It couldn't be that you were looking for Chen Yuan, right?

Chen Yuan watched as the Yan Emperor got closer and closer, and came to him in front of everyone.

Calm down and concentrate.

You can hear the needle drop.

Emperor Yan lowered his head and looked down at Chen Yuan.

Little Bubu blinked and seemed to have no reaction.

He immediately swept Little Bubu flying.

Now it’s easy to explain.

But after thinking about it, he nodded honestly.

Little Bubu nodded, then suddenly realized something and quickly shook his head in rejection.

He taught me about flame control before.

From this point of view, it is understandable.

Little Bubu went back and pulled out several plastic-wrapped red lotus fruit meals.

Emperor Yan slightly shifted his gaze.

"Buy bu y~"

Emperor Yan would occasionally support his juniors.

Nothing was said.

Emperor Yan glanced at it and said nothing.

Chen Yuan nodded, it was not surprising to say so.

It turned out that he was looking for Bubu.

Chen Yuan blinked and left now?

The smoke filled the air, and when he came back to his senses, the figure had disappeared without a trace.

Chen Yuan always felt that this look looked so familiar.

Come to think of it, Little Bubu's flame control skills must have been learned from Master Yandi.

"Buy bu y~"

Seeing Chen Yuan looking at him with piercing eyes, he didn't give him a chance to look at him at all.

His hair exploded, and he was still in the position of being nestled in his arms even in mid-air.

Oh my god, that’s pretty much sent away.

Chen Yuan also looked up at him, one person and one elf looking at each other.

He touched the latest version of Red Lotus Jelly in his arms.

In fact, there are occasionally one or two flame elves who are as powerful as the kings of heaven and can get a little bit of guidance.

Emperor Yan swept his tail.

Emperor Yan nodded with satisfaction and swept his tail over Little Bubu's body as a sign of praise.

They just said, why did Emperor Yan suddenly appear?

After Little Bubu landed, he immediately reacted.

Chen Yuan glanced at little Bubu in his arms.

Little Bubu was fortunate enough to learn from Master Yandi for a period of time.

At this time, the people of Huoshan were relieved.

He ran to Chen Yuan's bag, rummaged through it, pulled out a jar of red lotus jelly, and handed it over.

He did not continue to look at Chen Yuan, but looked at the little Bubu in Chen Yuan's arms.

He slipped into Chen Yuan's arms in a flash.

I just wanted Emperor Yan to try it, so why did he just bring some snacks from Miss Yanbu and Little Bubu?

He glanced at Chen Yuan.

Otherwise, how could the four-stage flame be controlled by an elf like her who had just become the king of heaven?

Little Boobu breathed out.

"you know?"

But what was it that Xiao Bubu gave to Emperor Yan?

Why didn't they see it clearly?

Most trainers don't understand the internal affairs of volcanoes.

But this time, they also saw it.

That Fire Eevee performed well, and was actually noticed by Emperor Yan, who even gave him his blessing in advance.

Gee tut.

It’s really enviable.

Chen Yuan?

Didn't you see that Emperor Yan ignored him?
Yes, there are rumors that Chen Yuan’s fruit meals and drinks are good.

But you wouldn’t think that just because the fruit meals and drinks are delicious, Emperor Yan will come out.

What an international joke.

Miaobu, who was lying next to Chen Yuan, curled his lips, "What? Why did Yangou's true form suddenly come out to increase his presence?"

Still come here for food.

She looked at Yanbu.

I hope Yanbu can give an explanation.

Yanbu covered his face.

What can she do?

The main body has been on the mountain without water or food for several days...

They had just returned from a trip to the deep secret realm a while ago.

Why don't you just come here to find something to eat?

The appearance of Emperor Yan was just an accident.

The game between Xiaotan and Kirby continues.

The referee Dahudi waved his spoon.

The game officially begins.

The momentum he had just built up was interrupted by Emperor Yan.

But Xiaoli was quite excited.

This is a legendary elf.

I have been coming to the Red Lotus Secret Realm for so long, and I finally saw the legendary elf.

It's just that the aura of Mr. Yandi is the same as that of Sister Yanbu.

It's a little strange.

However, Xiaoli didn’t think too much and decided to finish the game first.

With a flick of his tail, his body suddenly rushed out.

Now that the momentum just now has been interrupted.

So let’s warm up.

At the peak, lightning flashed.

Kirbymon also has this intention.

A punch was thrown.

One hundred thousand horsepower.

Xiaoli's body swayed, and the fist grazed Xiaoli's ear before swinging out.

Almost hit.

After landing, Xiaoli took two steps back.

Look carefully at the Kirbymon opposite.

This Kirby beast gave him the feeling that it was much stronger than all his previous opponents.

It's really hard to fight.

However, there is no chance.

Xiaoli rushed out again.

But this time it's a little slower.

Kirbymon punched again.

But Xiaoli was also prepared.

At that moment when 100,000 horsepower comes.

His body swayed and his speed suddenly increased.

He rushed over at a faster speed.

He narrowly avoided Kirbymon's attacks.

It hit Kirbymon's belly.

The little raccoon was soft and its belly bounced up.

Kirbymon also took two steps back in pain.

There was a hint of surprise in Xiaoli's eyes.

Is this Little Bubu’s style of play?

Speed, burst, and dodge, the little guy learned it quite decently.

Kirbymon became serious this time, and he punched out again, still with 100,000 horsepower.

Once raw, twice familiar, this time the little raccoon moves faster.

Easily dodged Kirbymon's first attack.

However, at this time, Kirbymon's other huge fist smashed over.

Xiaoli looked horrified, and was hit by the fist.

Weared it.

It's a shadow clone.

At this time, Zhen Xiaoli had already landed on the ground.

The body swayed and the tail swept.

This swept Kirbymon to the ground.

Iron Tail.

The second iron tail was drawn out in an instant.

The water flowed continuously.

This tail hit the vital point directly.

Kirby was in pain and retreated repeatedly.

Xiaoli's third tail attack continued.

Sweep and slap the tail.

Kirbymon, who was retreating, suddenly raised his head.

There was a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

He raised his arms and hit him.

The blow was fast and accurate.

It happened to be stuck at the critical moment when Xiaoli's third tail swept out.

Xiaoli was knocked out immediately.

This arm hammer really hurts!

Not the peak, but better than the peak.

The extremely powerful fighting skills are also extremely effective.

He almost killed Xiaoli with one move. Fortunately, Xiaoli carried it down, but was seriously injured.

Of course, the Kirby beast on the opposite side wasn't much better either.

Xiao Li's two iron tail blows hit the vital point.

Even Kirbymon's large body was seriously injured.

It was obviously just a warm-up, but it was so intense that both elves were already injured.

However, the two elves looked at each other and smiled.

Kirby nodded, truly recognizing the strength of this little guy.

Just a few days.

This little guy's combat power has increased so much.


But, you can't defeat him just by relying on these.

Kirbymon yawned. Closed his eyes.

A steady purr sounded.

Peak sleep
At this time, Xiaoli also closed his eyes.


Master sleep.

Kirby's recovery is obviously faster, but the recovery speed of Xiaoli is not slow either.

In just a few breaths, the injuries and lost physical strength were restored.

The two elves still had their eyes closed, but their bodies moved inexplicably.


Next, it is a purely instinctive battle.

Kirby opens and closes wildly.

Xiaoli's speed exploded to the extreme, and he even felt that he was faster than when he was awake.

The two elves just fought together.

I have to say that Xiaoli’s fighting skills in sleep talking mode are really good.

With your eyes closed, there is no need to observe.

The little nose sniffed, and when the [Smell Detection] was turned on, Kirby's every move could be seen at a glance.

No brain is needed at all, the body just moves.

He started training two or three months ago. Along the way, Xiaoli spent almost every day in training.

Eat, practice, those skills, those techniques.

Almost all integrated into the bones.

It's all his instinct.

Kirbymon is proficient in sleep talking and can have a little bit of consciousness.

But because of this, the more I fought, the more frightened I became. Why was the little guy on the opposite side getting faster and faster!

My move skills are getting better and better!

In just a few breaths, Kirby was hit three times.

And the snake bear over there is really getting stronger with each fight.

The suppressive force actually has a tendency to exceed the normal waking state.

This fighting talent.

Kirbymon retreated with a bang and fell to the ground.

Forget it, I'm tired, it's ruined.

There's no way to avoid it.

Just fight.

Then he lay flat on his back and began to fall asleep.

At this moment, the peak sleep was directly pushed to the extreme by Kirbymon.

Perhaps sleeping at the peak of sleep does not have such a good recovery effect for the king.

But the substitutes can only be at the peak of elites.

This recovery is not a swish.

The little raccoon over there hit him with two flashes of lightning.

Directly lift the Kirby beast away.

Kirby landed on its belly, bounced again and again, and turned over, its strength already restored.

Keep sleeping.

He was sleeping in the stand-in battle when he was at his peak, he was so shameless.

There was an uproar at the scene.

Most of the audience could only shake their heads and sigh.

This is also impossible.

Kirby allows the little raccoon dog to make trouble on his body, whether it's a flash of lightning or a fifth iron tail.

Or other skills.

As long as you can't kill the opponent in two seconds, there is absolutely no way to break this stand.

The power of sleep in his body is like a protective shield, guarding Kirbymon.

Chen Yuan, who was on the sidelines of the game, curled his lips and was speechless. At this time, he seemed to have seen the scene in the Xidu League where the Flame Birds used the legendary power and used the real fire of life to restore their physical strength.

As long as the energy continues, it can be restored.

The same is true for peak sleeping, but there is also some difference.

If the level of the substitute battle is limited to ace, then this peak sleep may not be so invincible.

But now it's like a bug is stuck.

You go ahead and fight, anyway, the blood I give back is thicker than the blood of my substitute.


It's blood locked, right?

But it's not impossible.

Slowly, Xiaoli stopped.

No more attacks.

Kirby turned over and scratched its butt, completely unmoved.

It seemed that the little guy opposite was a little tired.

You should have called me this early.

Just like the little bog monster from before.

Go to sleep by yourself and try again after a while.

Isn't it much simpler?

Well, sleep a little longer.

"This won't work."

Some people in the audience shook their heads.

Sure enough, the King of Heaven is the King of Heaven, and he can be crushed by sleeping at his peak.

Xiaoli's attack is actually very strong, and any other elf wouldn't be able to last this long.

It's just a pity that this Kirby beast has found the answer.

Unless the little guy can master four levels of skills, or a powerful proficiency skill.

But is there?

not at all.

Xiaoli's Iron Tail has no peak.

There is no proficiency in running water continuously.

how to spell?
Sword dance?

Sword dance to the extreme, there may be a chance.

But you little guy doesn’t look like you can dance with a sword.

"Is there no other way?"

Chu Mengmeng sat there blankly. Is this Volcano Cup for Chen Yuan about to end?
Did he just fall before the finals?

What a pity.

Chu Zongze rubbed his daughter's head.

Originally, at this time, I should have said something sarcastic.

But all that was left on his lips was: "Chen Yuan's elf still has a lot of room for growth."

"With his training speed, it may not take more than two or three years to surpass this Kirby."

Chu Zongze couldn't help but sigh at what he blurted out.

In fact, how likely is it that what he said will become reality?

After all, that Kirby beast is the elf of King Qiao.

How could he be caught up so easily?

In just three or two years, he went from ace to king.

How is it possible?

What it takes to go from excellence to ace may be fruit meals and drinks.

But later on, every time you improve a little, you need a lot of high-level tree fruits.

High-end fruit meals can only sustain daily training.

There are only so many heavenly kings in China.

How is it possible to achieve this in just two or three years?

If it was really that easy, then he should have six kings now, instead of just three or two being a quasi-king trainer! !
But obviously, Chu Zongze's comfort had an effect.

Chu Mengmeng nodded and raised her head to look at her father.

"Actually, Dad, I think there's something wrong with what you said."

Chu Zongze smiled.

It seems that my daughter also understands it. It’s good to know how difficult it is to be a king, and don’t aim too high...

"Why do I think that Mr. Chen Yuan will be king in one year?"

Chu Zongze: "???"

"And Dad, I always feel that Xiaoli won't just give up."

Chu Mengmeng shook her head and looked at the arena again.

Chu Zongze was startled and looked over.

Mengmeng is so naive
The attack intensity just now consumed a lot of this snake bear.

Sleeping can restore physical strength and recover from injuries.

But you only have so much energy reserve as a stand-in.

This is also thanks to the physique of the wind speed dog blood, otherwise it would be impossible to hold on.

Even if there is a glutton, it will probably be enough.

There are many people who have the same idea as Chu Zongze.

Although there was hope before the game.

But when it comes to fighting, it really depends on the king.

In this world, the King of Heaven is difficult to defeat.

The little raccoon opened his eyes, stretched out, and looked at the Kirby opposite him sleeping soundly, scratching his head with his little paws.

It was really cool to play in the warm-up just now.

My body is active.

The energy in the body…

Well, it doesn't take much, it's completely enough.

As for how to break Kirby's peak sleep?
The little tanuki stood up and patted his belly.

(End of this chapter)

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