you elf, are you legal

Chapter 469: This wave of care comes from Sister Suicune, Pippi Whale, you scored twice.

Chapter 469: This wave of care comes from Sister Suicune. Pipi Whale, you scored twice.

Pipi Whale doesn't care about this.

He is invincible now.

In the morning, with one use of Surfing Technique, ten elves of the same realm on the opposite side were instantly defeated.

This is record, this is confidence.

Invincible anyway.

Pipi Whale is always swollen.

Even if the opponent is a water elf, Pipi Whale is absolutely confident that he can kill it in seconds.


Chong Chong.

The Pipi Whale tried hard to dodge but it was to no avail.

Instead, it condensed around him again, and it was no longer under his control.

Unexpectedly, that "ordinary" wave of water directly penetrated his peak surfing skills and sent his fat body flying into the sky.

who is he.

Rolling, rolling, it rolled to the feet of Chen Yuan and others.

It hit the Pipi Whale with such force.

What is this?

Then compress.

It was a large-scale surfing technique that was much bigger than his surfing technique.

Pipi Whale thought it was just an ordinary water wave at the home court.

Just know rush rush rush! You like surfing, right?
Looking at the Pippi Whale riding the waves at the peak of his surfing skills, the Suicune stone statue stand gnashed his teeth.

Didn't wait for it to react.

The fish wave is extremely powerful, fast and accurate.

The surfing skills he had just condensed did not dissipate.

The aqua blue elf below had disappeared from his sight.

What happened?
This experience failed.

What happened just now.

Looking at the distorted sky, Pipi Whale tortured his soul.

Where is he.

How could this elf do this?

Pipi Whale: "???"

Without any ability to resist at all, Pipi Whale was sucked in by the surfing technique.

The waves roared and roared.

The water energy has been compressed. ,

This surfing technique has been mastered by the opponent?

Somewhat dumbfounded.

Chen Yuan was about to climb the mountain with Chongchong in his arms when he saw Pipi Whale being kicked out.

Directly blasted the Pipi Whale to the ground.

Pipi Whale was rushed out of the trial area.

In this flash of lightning, Pipi Whale blinked. Why is this skill so familiar?
There was no time for him to think.

A compressed water energy condensed in front of it.

An unknown number of water guns were gathered together.

The roar and sound of the waves come from far to near.

Just like that, he was controlled by the elf on the opposite side and rushed towards the Pipi Whale.

When it appeared again, it was already above him.

When the Pipi whale got up, he suddenly discovered it.

Then, there was the sound of rushing water.

No chance to think about it at all.

How many seconds has it been?
This Thunder Mountain experience won’t be so strong, right?

Suddenly, a circle of light formed in front of Suicune.

This is Yuyubo!

Chen Yuan looked at the Pippi Whale, and then at the water trial venue.

Some silence.

This...why does it feel a bit evil?

Walk over to comfort the Pipi whale and try to communicate.

It turned out to be gibberish.

What unknown elf.

How can a wave of water break away the surf technique?

Why did he see that the elf on the opposite side actually used Fish Wave.

There are also surfing skills that are even more outrageous than Pipi Whale.

When he heard Yuyubo, Chen Yuan was already determined.

Pipi Whale was beaten into chaos.

I'm just curious, what kind of elf is this gatekeeper in the first water area?

Put the Pipi whale back into the water balloon and let him calm down and take a nap, maybe he will recover.

Then Chen Yuan and Chongchong went to the water system training area.

He wanted to see how the Pipi Whale was beaten out.

Because it is a water training, the training venue is on the small island in the center of the lake.

When Chen Yuan came here, the surface of the lake that should have been calm was turbulent.

On the nearby shore, there are already some waves that have not completely receded.

It is certain that Pippi whales had extremely hearty surfing here.

This is even stranger.

Is it really like what Pipi Whale said, that he was killed when he used the surfing technique?
How did the other challengers pass this experience?

I can't understand it at all.

But you'll know after a while.

Chongchong watched curiously as the stone statue opposite moved, just like the stone statues of Rayquaza boss before in the Fantasy Sand Tower.

It was transformed from stone into a stone stand-in for a Water Eevee.

Chen Yuan blinked. Is this the elf who pressed Pipi Whale to the ground and rubbed it?

Chen Yuan became serious.

Obviously Chongchong also knew what happened to Pipi Whale before.

He also looked at the water Eevee opposite him quite nervously.

Chong Chong floated up, lightning flashed from his body, and his momentum increased steadily.

Even if the elf on the opposite side only has senior aces, she cannot take it lightly.

This time, she must go all out!
The electric light shines, the peak power grid!
The battle started quickly and ended quickly. The water Eevee on the opposite side had no chance to resist and was eliminated by Chongchong's peak power grid. fell to the ground.

Chen Yuan was a little dumbfounded.

That's it?

How did Pipi Whale lose?

Water storage properties?
That Pipi whale can also be crushed.

It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all.

Until Chen Yuan and Chong Chong cleared the three levels, there was still no obstacle.

Even if he encountered a giant swamp monster at the peak of his ace, he could still crush it through skills such as telekinesis, wind rising, and dragon tail.

The journey was smooth, but Chen Yuan was even more surprised.

How did Pipi Whale lose?

Mountainside campsite.

When Chen Yuan came, Xiaoli and Digou were already waiting here.

These two guys are just rushing all the way.

Just like running a chart.

When you encounter an elf, just hit it quickly.

If it is not solved, use two shots to solve it.

The ace's peak combat power could withstand three attacks.

So Tigou used the mastery of speed and ease.

After the two elves, there are La Lulas and Chu Xiaoxiao.

It was also an easy ride.

The good baby La Lulas is quite powerful, and he didn't stop all the way. His teleportation and peak telekinesis made it really easy.

If it weren’t for Chu Xiaoxiao’s climbing speed being a little slower.

Lalulas may be the first elf to pass these three levels of experience.

When the last little Huchu passed the third level of trial.

Basically all of the Pokémon that participated in the trial passed this experience.

Mushroom, Tropical Dragon, Little Fire Horse, Ugly Fish, Rotom.

The five baby group elves were defeated in the first round of the battle against the senior ace.

It was a pity that he failed to pass even one trial.

Of course, Chen Yuan almost ignored that his own Pipi Whale also failed the first round of training.

Not only that, but now this guy is still lying in a water balloon recovering from his mental trauma.

So, what kind of spirit was it that defeated the Pipi Whale?
In this camp halfway up the mountain.

Chen Yuan saw some familiar people.

Yu Qingmin and Xia Wenbo.

The two people came to visit the spot one step ahead, but they didn't expect to be controlled by this experience for most of the day.

"Finally here." Yu Qingmin smiled.

"How about it, senior? How difficult is this experience?"

Hua Yuxi was curious.

Xia Wenbo shook his head.

He could barely pass the third experience, but this fourth experience was different.

You can use two elves, but the opponent's combat power is also significantly improved.

Obviously they are all peak aces, but any one of them is much stronger than the elves with a nine-star rating in the association before.

Sometimes we face two.

Sometimes three or four attack at the same time.

If you are lucky, you can defeat seven or eight elves on the opposite side.

Unlucky, he was directly crushed by two elves on the opposite side who were restraining themselves.

"There is indeed an element of luck involved."

Yu Qingmin shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He failed to pass the fourth level, and now he doesn't even have a rating of thirty.

He was optimistic about a pretty good high-end resource.

It is said to be comparable to a high-end tree fruit feast.

It's a pity that the rating is not enough.

Xiaoli and Digou listened to what the two trainers said.

I immediately felt impatient and wanted to go in and take a shot.

Chen Yuan smiled and didn't stop him.

But before leaving, they got some snacks. After all, the first three levels of experience were somewhat exhausting.

And it's time for afternoon tea.

There are also Lalu Lasi and Xiao Caocao who want to go and see it together.

They looked at the experience halfway up the mountain and were ready to make a move.

Although I know that the subsequent experience is very difficult and requires two elves to team up to fight.

But I just want to go for a ride.

Chu Xiaoxiao naturally had no objection to this.

He even gave La Lulas a mission target.

"Directly clear the sixth training area"

Chen Yuan also couldn't laugh or cry.

After all, this is also an experience in Thunder Mountain. How can it be possible to just clear the level?

After the four little ones left.

Pipi Whale also woke up.

Looking at the training area ahead, morale is high.

Perhaps his failure at the bottom of the mountain was just a coincidence.

I heard that there are a lot of elves to fight in this mountainside experience, so this is the time for him to exert his strength!
This time, he will never let Brother Chen Yuan down!

I will never embarrass Sister Yanbu!

Although Xiaoli is one step ahead, Pipi Whale can definitely clear the sixth floor before Xiaoli!
The Pipi whale skipped away.

Chen Yuan nodded. This time he believed that Pipi Whale would be fine as long as he was not careless.

"Chen Yuan?"

"It's Chen Yuan!"

"finally found you!"

Suddenly there was a sound coming from the entrance of the camp.

It turned out to be the Smecta of the peninsula.

The three of them rushed up when they saw Chen Yuan.

"Fight me."

said one of them, Smecta.

Chen Yuan looked over and didn't recognize him at all.

Too lazy to answer.

But this guy was like an NPC who took the initiative to look at Chen Yuan and wouldn't let go.

It's just that NPCs can explode gold coins, but what can this guy explode?
I am bored.

Smecta became a little uneasy when she saw Chen Yuan turning around and leaving without paying any attention to him.

He gritted his teeth and wanted to chase after him.

Chen Yuan could only sigh when he saw this guy stalking him.

Okay, let Beepbird send these guys away.

But at this moment.

A huge Pipi whale was washed down the mountain by a surfing technique.

It seemed like he was kicked out of the training area without any chance of resistance.

The tragedy was unprecedented.

The trainers who had watched Chen Yuan's Pipi whale enter the mountain and had experienced it before were all looking over at this time.

But when I think about it, I feel relieved.


At Chen Yuan's age now, it is rare for him to be able to clear the first three levels. It would be a little too arrogant to let a mere Pipi Whale, who has just become an ace, challenge the fourth level of experience.

You don't take this experience seriously.

The Pipi whale was dizzy, swaying, and seemed to be unsteady when jumping.

Chen Yuan's eyes widened. He saw a ghost and came out again.

What's going on with Pipi Whale?

At this time, Peninsula's trainer, Captain Li Simida of Peninsula University, was immediately relieved.

Also, a mere trainer with less than nine-star combat power, how can he compete with him?
The silver is just like what you picked up. Even if it is an exchange group, what will happen if you beat their team.

Doesn't this already expose the true strength?
Listen to what the people around you say.

That Pipi whale didn't even have five minutes before he was kicked out.

Nothing more.

After he clears the fourth level, just slap the score on his face.

Thinking of this, the captain of the Peninsula University team immediately became excited.

About to start his sprint this afternoon.

However, before leaving, he still glanced at Chen Yuan provocatively.

Raising an eyebrow.

"How about a fight? Bet all the points from previous exchanges? This is our peninsula's battle with you."

Chen Yuan sighed, how boring the other side was.

However, in order to stop the entanglement, Chen Yuan said directly: "Okay."

I originally thought that Chen Yuan on the other side would refuse, but I didn't expect that he would agree so much.

Just when he was surprised.

The Pipi Whale swayed in front of Chen Yuan.

It is very wronged.

Why did I meet that elf again!

But this time the opponent's attack was indeed not that heavy.

This also gave the Pipi whales a chance to breathe.

Now Pipi Whale's mind was filled with the surfing skills on the opposite side.

Seeing that Chen Yuan was not fighting with other elves, but still wanted to let the Pipi whale take action, the captain of the Smecta school team laughed angrily.

"Okay, okay, let's play like this, right?"

Since you don't want to be a human being, then don't blame me.

The elf sent by Captain Smecta is a giant swamp monster.

Looking at the Pipi Whale opposite, who seemed to be unable to stand even after being seriously injured, he had doubts in his eyes.

Does he really want to fight this kind of elf?

After all, he is an elf who can directly evaluate the nine-star team, so why not do this?

This is not easy.

People around have gathered.

Looked this way.

Star player Chen Yuan.

Captain of Peninsula University, Li Simida.

It is said that it was because Chen Yuan and the others gave others a 14:0 performance when they were at the University of Magic, and the captain of the school team was not around at that time.

No, now people are getting revenge.

At this time, Intiro, Intai, Sakurajima, and a large number of Chinese trainers who thought the peninsula people were going to compete in the rankings all came to the camp halfway up the mountain.

Watching this game, the glory of the peninsula was on the line, continuing the exchange battle since 14:0.

14=0 or a 15:0?

Li Simida's eyes widened.

This is the glory of their peninsula!

Point to the Pipi whale opposite.


Master earthquakes!
He wanted to use this proficient high-power skill to directly give this severely injured and dying Pipi whale a happy ending.

He was kicked out of the training in five minutes, so he needs to practice more!

Chen Yuan sighed, since the people of the Peninsula like surfing so much, then let’s give them a ride.


(End of this chapter)

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