you elf, are you legal

Chapter 514 Miao Bu, the Master Miao

Chapter 514 Miao Bu, the Master Miao

The ice crystals began to solidify from the outermost waves, and in just a few breaths they climbed up to the highest waves of the surf.

A few top Heavenly Kings still had some strength left to rush out, but they froze the moment they climbed out of the water.

The Gyarados stretched its neck and flew outward, and Absolute Zero climbed onto its head at that moment.


Landing gently on the ice, Nine-Tailed Fox exhaled white mist.

She looked at the ice sculptures struggling out of the water in the distance with shock in her eyes.

[Surfing] and [Absolute Zero]

With just two skills, the battle was resolved. They were so powerful... Is this the extraordinary power?
Can a king-level warrior with such strength be able to unleash such power?
Kyuubi looked at the ice sculpture with a complicated expression.

He thought he was invincible at the peak of his powers and had extraordinary power.

But in the end, he is still far behind his predecessors like Miao Bu and Yan Bu.

King of Heaven... Extraordinary... Can ordinary elves really achieve extraordinary status?

So, coming back to the point, how did Sister Miaobu's stand-in reach such a level!!!
Chen Yuan and others were sent here by Geng Gui.

Hua Yuxi jumped twice after landing on the ice. "It's so solid."

The three speed elves, Xiaoli, Digou and Xiaobubu, wanted to have fun on the ice as soon as possible, but they started to slide after running just two meters.

Di dog was the dumbest. It paddled like crazy with its four legs, but it just went around in circles and soon fell to the ground with a thump.

Meilihua was very curious about the top kings frozen on the water, so she ran over to Windy and stretched out her little hands to touch the ice sculptures here and there.

Di Gou's eyes widened with amazement, how could this little guy be faster than him?

The little fox seemed to have found some skills and started skating.

He mastered the technique in a short while and slid around Digou, which made Digou angry.

Chen Yuan was also extremely shocked when he saw this spectacular doomsday-like scene.

I thought this was a scene that only happened in movies, but I didn't expect it to be created by Sister Miaobu.

"Buy bu y~"

Miaobu clapped his tail and looked proud in front of Chen Yuan.

She looked like she was obviously begging for praise, just waiting for Chen Yuan to say "Sister Miaobu is awesome."

Chen Yuan picked up Miaobu and rubbed her. This crisis was also thanks to Sister Miaobu's help!

Miaobu resisted instinctively, but he squinted his eyes unconsciously in comfort.

Jiuwei finally couldn't help asking about the situation, whether Miaobu had reached the extraordinary level.

This is also a question that everyone is concerned about. Miaobu hesitated for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

"Buy bu y~"

It’s not so easy to break through to the extraordinary level.


Miaobu patted his tail and felt it.

The power of the cube jelly in the body was declining, the control was decreasing and finally fell from the extraordinary level.

But, who is Miaobu?

The dignified Lord of Mount Tianwang, the legendary spirit Water God.

Once you have experienced a transcendental state of mind, you will remember the feeling.

She closed her eyes slightly and began to mobilize energy. There was still a lot of energy remaining in the energy block.

It spun and compressed inside her body, and finally exploded.

At this moment, the aura that had just fallen surged again.

In an instant, he broke through to the extraordinary realm.

Then the terrifying energy condensed again, compressed and condensed, and broke through again.

Eventually, her energy was stabilized at the extraordinary level.

Miaobu opened his eyes.
Energy and control have reached extraordinary levels.


But the final physical level was still a little bit lacking.

There's nothing I can do about it. When I was acting as a stand-in, I never thought I'd get to this point.

However, thanks to this energy block, the most important purification was completed for the substitute, giving it the potential for a breakthrough.

All it takes is a little polishing and two more materials to really make a breakthrough.

Half a step to transcendence, quasi-transcendentity!

Miaobu's eyes were bright.

This improvement was far beyond her expectations.

Even if Entoh's Flareon's stand was in its prime, it would just... humph, just beat her casually. As for now... an ace Flareon, nothing to worry about.

Miaobu's strength has improved further, which makes Jiuwei so jealous that he can't bear to watch it.

Jiujiu couldn't stay any longer and started to clean up the battlefield with Jiuwei, but Miaobu stopped her.


Don't mention me.

Jiujiu was helpless: "Okay."

The Kaneki Club's attack on Snow Peak failed, leaving behind one king, five quasi-kings, the deputy leader of the Lava Team, and several captain-level figures.

All were captured.

This battle made the Nine-Tailed Fox of Snow Peak Mountain famous.

After all, he is the Fox God of the Holy Mountain. I didn’t expect him to be so powerful that he could face the siege of dozens of elves without losing the upper hand.

However, only the Sakurajima family and the association's top leaders knew that the real battle was far more brutal than they had imagined.

The main forces and kings of the three major Sakurajima families all went into battle, but in the end, they were completely annihilated.

This immediately scared the other families and association leaders.

Could it be that the Nine-Tailed Fox has already reached the extraordinary realm? !

Things have changed!
The weather has changed!!

Is Sakurajima about to change?!
However, based on clues and some observed battle details, it can be seen that ice skills were used in the final battle, most likely at absolute zero.

I've heard for a long time that the Nine-tailed Fox God has ice-related skills.

Could it be that this ice ability is stronger than the fire ability?
Is it really extraordinary?

Or are there other reinforcements?
The top executives of Sakurajima thought that there seemed to be visitors from China on the snow-capped mountain.

It seemed like some kind of exchange group, and it seemed like Qi Yanya was the leader.

The King of Jiuying Family: "Quick, go find out!"

There was a king whose family didn’t care about worldly affairs and gave a direct order.

It didn't take long before several documents were placed on the table.

Chen Yuan, 16 years old, Chu Xiaoxiao, 16 years old, Hua Yuxi, 16 years old, Di Yan, 20 years old

Three high school students and one college student?

The Nine-Cherry Heavenly King rubbed his eyebrows.

During the past six months, I have been doing the final special training for the war of gods, but I didn’t expect such a big thing to happen outside.

It seems that the problem might be with that quasi-king Qi Yanya...

Open this and take a look.

A new Uranus Flareon was added, that’s it.

This is very strange, isn't it her?

Then he casually flipped through Di Yan's information, which clearly showed the names of two top-level elves.

Nine-cherry Heavenly King: “???”

Twenty years old? Two top-notch creatures? A Charizard with top-notch skills and a Windy Dog with super speed?

Is this Di family going to defy the will of heaven?

The Nine-Sakura Heavenly King tilted his head on the table.

He always felt that something was wrong, and had a bad feeling in his heart. He always felt that during the six months of special training, a lot of things happened that he couldn't understand.

I opened Hua Yuxi's information again.

Nine-cherry Heavenly King frowned.

A top-level Bulbasaur and three top-level ace fighters with top-level skills.

"This... is a pinnacle skill..."

Sixteen years old...

Is this the new generation of genius in China?
It seems that he is still an orphan. How can he reach this level without any family background?
Half a year?
impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Did the person below write Hua Yuxi's age wrong?

If you were 26, everything would make sense.

"Chu Xiaoxiao"

He knew this person, the eldest daughter of the Chu family in China, the youngest daughter of that woman.

The same top level, and still a Dark type Pokémon. The Chu family... Dark type Pokémon... Sixteen years old, top level...


Jiuying Tianwang closed his eyes and felt that it was a wrong decision to look for clues from these girls - his intelligence officer should want to go to Hokkaido to clean toilets.

"Let's take a look at the last person."

He opened Chen Yuan's information.

Ten minutes later, he closed the documents, rubbed his brows, and stood up.

It seemed that he must be hallucinating because he hadn't had a good rest in the past six months. Well, he would take over the family affairs himself from now on.

He stretched his muscles, made a few video calls, and checked in with a few other old guys.

Some things have become established facts, so many things need to be reconsidered.

"The status of the Nine-Tailed Fox God has been established."

"Snowtop Mountain, the Fox God will not waver in any way."

"It seems that we need to send some of our family members for long-term training."

During the video conference, a superstar made a suggestion.

Now that the Fox God has gained power, he still needs to make some gestures.

"She wants to build a second Tianwang Mountain."

"If she can do it, let her do it."

"What about the other three?"

"Just a loser, the families below will soon make up for it. I believe the Nine-Tailed Fox God also has her own ideas and arrangements. We just need to cooperate with them."

"And Xiao Teng's family of trainers..."

"It seems that the Fruit Association is also involved this time. I wonder what Kyuubi is planning."

"The Fruit Association is not easy to move."

Most of the breeders in Sakurajima are from the Fruit Association, so one move can have an impact on the entire group.

"Let Kyuubi and the others worry about this."

"By the way, have you all read Chen Yuan's information?"

I don't know which superstar mentioned Chen Yuan, which caused the video conference to fall silent.

Jiuying Tianwang flipped through the documents on the table again.

"Chen Yuan"

"The most outstanding trainer of the younger generation in China, sixteen years old, top-level, holder of two silver badges, record holder for clearing the ninth floor of Thunder Mountain, suspected to have close ties with the Chu family, the Jun family, the Di family, and the Qiao family, and suspected to have close ties with Tianwang Mountain."

"Pokemon used: Top-tier Zorro, Top-tier Pidgeot, Top-tier Pidgeot, Ace Top Caterpillar, Ace Top Swampert, Ace Top Potato, Ace Top Hackron, Ace Top Roaring Whale"

Nine-cherry Heavenly King: “???”

"Suspicious Pokémon: A different-colored Sandslash that is suspected to be Groudon, the top-level king with Groudon's heritage, its origin is unknown; a legendary Moltres Pokémon, but now it only shows top-level combat power, its origin is unknown. A Zapdos (suspected to be Lightning Master), a Flareon, its strength is unknown, and a Vaporeon, its strength is unknown."

Nine-cherry Heavenly King: “!!!”

"Suspected Fruit Master"

"Looks like a master researcher, the one who discovered the fairy attributes."

Nine-cherry Heavenly King: “…”

Jiuying Tianwang looked at the series of information and remained silent.

No matter how many times I watch it, it still feels incredible, the fairy attributes, the fruit master... and the legendary elves.

There are also two strange Eevees whose strength is unknown and who have never taken action, but even the professional Pokémon of the intelligence personnel cannot understand them.

Especially the Vaporeon of unknown strength that came along this time, Vaporeon... Absolute Zero... Vaporeon!

The Nine-Sakura Heavenly King took a breath.


He said that if this Vaporeon was the Reverend from Mount Tenno, then everything would be clear.


Is it really possible?
Looking at the intelligence photo, the Vaporeon let Chen Yuan hold him, and lay obediently in the boy's arms, just like a domestic pet.


Is this the Venerable One of Tianwang Mountain?

Things will not change because of these people's speculation.

Over the next three days, Jiujiu visited every household.

I paid a visit to every Sakurajima King.

Some things can be forgiven, but some attitudes need to be made clear.

Everyone understood what was going on.

The Heavenly Kings expressed their concern about the events at Snow Peak Mountain and strongly condemned the three major families, but the Cultivator families all hoped that Miss Jiujiu and the Fox God would think twice before acting.

The masters of the Fruit Association and fruit meals are still a must in Sakurajima.

It is not easy to offend the Kaneki Club too much, and Jiujiu also knows that she cannot push them too hard, but she is still a little depressed.

This is the general environment of Sakurajima and also the greatest benefit she can strive for.

The Golden Wood Club and the Tree Fruit Association are both Andes organizations. Sometimes the three major families can be offended and even directly divided up, but these two major Andes organizations really cannot be provoked.

"Give me a fruit drink."

At night, in the hot spring, Jiujiu was soaking in the water with her eyes closed.

Chen Yuan handed over the No. 15 fruit drink that he had prepared long ago.

"What's the problem?"

"It's still the Fruit Association..."

Jiujiu sighed.

Unlike the peninsula, the power of Sakurajima's Kaneki Club is just so-so, but the Fruit Association is already deeply rooted, and she is really powerless.

But fortunately, I got what I wanted, more elf seedlings and some autonomy.

Chen Yuan glanced at her.

"Would you like to come to my Beiyu and have a look?"

He said.

Some things are useless.

Jiujiu frowned and wanted to refuse.

After all, there are a lot of messes here, especially the matter of the Fruit Association.

If not handled properly, it may come back to life in no time.

Even the masters of the Fruit Association had to return them obediently.


Go check it out.

After taking a comfortable bath at Hua Yuxi's place, Miaobu swam over and looked at Jiujiu in the hot spring pool.

Jiujiu hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.

Since both Chen Yuan and Sister Miao have invited her, then let the people below take care of things here, and she will go to China with them.

She also took this opportunity to visit Tianwang Mountain.

The issue of the Fruit Association must be resolved eventually, and then we'll see if China has a chance to break the impasse.


When Hua Yuxi heard that Miss Jiujiu was going back to Beiyu with her, she was very excited and rushed over immediately.

She had been getting along very well with Jiujiu these past few days and they had already become good friends.

Looking at the two men who had already started to kill with their chests buried, and Chu Xiaoxiao who had insufficient firepower and could only close her eyes and remain silent, Chen Yuan found it more and more funny.

As if with telepathy, Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly opened her eyes and glared at Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "What are you looking at? If you want to watch, watch enough at night."

"Who wants to see you!"

Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and continued to meditate with her eyes closed.

However, the next moment, he was dragged into the water by Hua Yuxi and Jiujiu, and was killed in the chest one after the other.

Chu Xiaoxiao: "..."

Chen Yuan was in a good mood, so he went to find Fatty Purple to see how much stock he had left.

Jiujiu quietly raised her head and looked at Chen Yuan.

This time, Chen Yuan and Sister Miao helped her a lot. What kind of return gift should she prepare?
Sister Miao seems to like top-quality tree fruits, so let’s prepare more for her.

As for Chen seems like he likes to touch my tail...this is not okay...


For the sake of helping her this time...

It's not impossible...

(End of this chapter)

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