you elf, are you legal

Chapter 526 Juice Succubus in Dragon Island

Chapter 526 Juice Succubus in Dragon Island

Energy blocks are simple to say but quite complicated to make.

Especially the characteristics of the fruits of the trees on Dragon Island, it would be better to understand them more clearly.

When it comes to making energy blocks, especially the second generation, Chen Yuan strives for perfection.

This time in the orchard, not only did I get a lot of high-level tree fruits, I also made some energy jelly first.

Soon a pretty good dragon jelly was made.

The little dragon couldn't wait to try a bite, and when he moved his body, the whole dragon trembled.

It's really refreshing.

When she left Dragon Island before, she did bring some fruits from Dragon Island.

But those are just mid-level qualities.

The dragon-type berries and durian grown in Thunder Mountain were somewhat disappointing.

In other words, Chen Yuan's craftsmanship can turn the tide and make energy jelly, but it is ultimately not as good as the quality of other jellies, let alone making energy cubes.

it's good now.

The quality of this jelly alone surpasses the others.

I was really in tears.

o (╥﹏╥) o
Chen Yuan looked at the three little guys eating contentedly and felt relieved.

Let the little guys satisfy their cravings first so that he can slowly make and research the energy blocks.

I made two more portions of dragon jelly and threw them to the little dragon.

"Send it to Bugs."


Xiaolonglong nodded.

I took the other jelly fruit meals and lunch and went out to look for Xiao Chong Chong and the others.

While Chen Yuan stretched, Xiao Huhu, Lalulas, and Rotom finally started to get serious.

Dragon energy block.

Try it with half a top-quality berry first.

Miaobu was finally recognized by Elder Kuailong.


Master Miao!!

Elder Dragonite was so shocked. When he arrived on the island, he only heard that there was a top-level Vaporeon following Chen Yuan.

I didn’t think much about it at the time.

Since he is a trainer related to their Venerable, he can bring any Pokémon to the island.

Anyway, even if the Dragon Island is turned upside down, there are still the Venerables to support it.

But I never expected that the Vaporeon in the filing report was actually the Master Miao of Tianwang Mountain! !

Behind Elder Dragonite, Elder Tanabata Bluebird looked curiously at the Vaporeon on the ground. Is this the substitute of the legendary water-type Suicune?

Elder Baofeilong, who was standing by, looked at Miaobu and was actually eager to try.

The naturally aggressive Dragonite saw that Miaobu only had the strength of a peak king, so he thought it would be a good idea to give it a try.

But he didn't dare to make mistakes.

After all, he is still Venerable Miao, and his true form is an extraordinary and powerful being.

Below the extraordinary, we are all ants.

Even though he was the chief dragon of the Dragon Island Round Table Conference, he did not dare to act rashly.

But I really want to have a fight.

Miaobu patted his tail as a greeting to the old dragons.

And the little Shan next to him flapped his wings and flew over.

Elder Kuailong felt that this little hummingbird looked familiar.

Look again.


This, this, this
Isn't this the Lightning Lord!!!

How come this big guy also came with Chen Yuan? !
And that Moltres, what is their relationship with Chen Yuan?
It can't be that they all met on Dragon Island by chance, right?

Elder Kuailong is a bit confused now.

The exchange conference in Long Island is in full swing.

The most popular one is of course the Flame Bird.

After all, it is a legendary elf, super rare.

Even among the heavenly kings, only a very few have seen it.

Especially, the Moltres, which was once an extraordinary one, is now only at the top level. Where can we find such an opponent?

And when a few little bluebirds came over on the Chinese Valentine's Day.

Its popularity reached its peak.

They all gathered around at once, wanting to spar with the three little ones.

Hua Yuxi showed strong social skills at this time.

In just half a day, Hua Yuxi became familiar with the elves of Dragon Island and suggested that they should have a Pokémon team together with Dragon Island team.

Have a friendly exchange match.

Only three primary schools from Longdao will participate.

In addition, Di Yan's Charizard, Banglas, Jiang Xiaoning's Gyarados and Xiang Yuxiao's Lizard King will also participate.

The two sides hit it off.

The exchange competition will begin soon.

The first one is naturally the elegant and graceful Qixi Bluebird with a strong dragon aura.

This time, Xiao Qingqing's opponent is a very outstanding young dragon from the Qixi Bluebird clan.

The top pinnacle.

The look in his eyes when he looked at Xiao Qingqing was somewhat fiery.

Chu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth. Her little Qingqing was still a child, so how could this rogue dragon be so interesting?!
"Don't hold back."

Chu Xiaoxiao gave the order.

On the Qixi Festival, the bluebird sings loudly.

The battle soon begins.

Then it was over quickly.

The pinnacle, extremely powerful skill, Reverse Scale.

Peak reverse scale! Peak reverse scale again.

Not only Xiaolonglong, but also Qixi Bluebird showed its extremely strong strength.

The real combat power is far from being as easy-going as shown in previous training.

Moreover, is it so easy to learn the peak reverse scale?

The arrogant Qixi bluebird was pressed to the ground and rubbed by Xiao Qingqing's reverse scale.

There is no way to fight back.

Chu Xiaoxiao lifted her long hair and said, "You still want to pursue their little Qingqing?"


On the other side, the little dragon and the armored dragon quickly decided the winner.

The victory was undoubtedly won.

Even if there is a difference of one or two levels, it is not a problem at all.

There were many challengers for Moltres, but they were dealt with very quickly.

It was supposed to be one-on-one, but because it was resolved quickly.

Twelve dragons were brought down in ten minutes, which immediately alarmed the Uranus dragon over there.

Came over to see what was going on, and was also knocked down.

It's that easy.

Di Yan's Charizard faced off against yesterday's Charizard.

Top versus top.

Fire-breathing dragon's civil war.

This time, the patriarch of the dragon-like clan was relatively relaxed.

No matter what, it's impossible to compare with the real dragons over there.

You are all from the same clan. How could the strongest person in their clan lose to a younger junior like you?

But the fact is.

It was directly crushed.

Di Yan's old spray is no longer what it used to be.

Whether it's skills or combat power, he has grown a lot in all aspects.

Although his peak skills are still not as good as Xiao Qingqing, Xiao Longlong and others, it is still easy to crush this Charizard.

The fire-breathing dragon Yang Tian spewed out a mouthful of fire.

If you want to fight him, it’s better to use a top-level one.

Seeing how powerful Lao Pen was, Di Yan's Bangilas was a little shocked.

When did this fire dragon become so powerful?
Wasn’t it at its peak at the beginning of the year?
Blastoise and Absol beside him both looked serious.

Charizard has become stronger.

It's not just Charizard that's getting stronger.

Xiang Yuxiao's Lizard King and Jiang Xiaoning's Gyarados have also formed combat effectiveness.

Especially the little carp dragon.

It was almost crushed by the Gyarados of the same level.

The other side had absolutely no power to resist.

The large circle of Gyarados around really made me dumbfounded.

Reverse scale!
Moreover, it is at the mastery level and is about to reach the peak!
There are only a few Gyarados in the entire Gyarados clan that have this level of proficiency!
The previous Haxorus was the same, and so is this Gyarados. How did they train it?


Suddenly, a sharp-eyed Gyarados discovered the specialness of this foreign Gyarados.

If only this Gyarados had this strange thing.

Maybe it's just a special case.

But the same seems to be true for Hakron before Lenovo.

This is a bit intriguing, could it be that...

So the arched posture in the sky is the reason why he learned the inverse scale and became so powerful? !
If one possibility is a special case, what about two possibilities?


Is it...

Is it really this kind of arched dragon-like posture?

The battle of the little tropical dragon on the other side also ended.

Even though he has not received any special training, his combat power is at the peak of the elite level. How could he be weak when he eats energy jelly and tree fruits every day?

Looking at the little guys of the same age on the opposite side, they are not even as good as Xiao Qingqing who just joined the team a few months ago.

It was just one move, and the Flying Leaf and the Quick Knife killed him instantly.

Still proficient in proficiency.


Look, what a genius is!
This is genius.

This made the tropical dragon chieftain very jealous.

While no one was paying attention, the tropical dragon was found.

"Mo Ni Ni Ni~"

Little guy, do you want to stay on Dragon Island and practice and grow with us? You see, there are so many of our kind here, and it will be freer if we live together.

The little tropical dragon tilted its head and looked at him, somewhat puzzled.

Do I look so stupid?

After a round of battle, all the Pokémon members won.

This immediately stunned the kings and elders of Dragon Island.

No. Are the levels of your human trainers already so high?
How come each of them is so strong?

The non-dragon battle finally began.

The first one is Banglas.

Coincidentally, Dragon Island also has the Bangilas community.

It’s just that the old class on Dragon Island majored in dragon subjects.

This made Di Yan's teacher look down on him.

Isn't rock and evil good?
Both sides are at the top level.

This is a civil war in Bangilas, and also a battle between Dragon Island and the Di Family Secret Realm.

Bangilas of Dragon Island came up with Dragon Dance and Peak Dragon Claw. The battle was smooth and seamless.

There was no chance for Bangilas to resist.

The battle was over in just five minutes.

The first Pokémon to be defeated was actually Di Yan's "Strongest".

After being nursed back up by Sylph Eevee, Banglas still looked incredible.

How can it be!

How could I lose the battle? !


When I think of the opponent's Dragon Dance and Dragon Claw, both at their peak.

He felt a little powerless.

He also has a peak skill, but it's just a peak rockfall and a peak bite, and nothing else.

This strength is totally incomparable to the one on the opposite side.

Bangilas closed his eyes. How to fight such a Pokémon...

"Ning ning~" Let me try.

The little bug arched its back and forth and flew up.

A sudden voice sounded beside me.

The teacher opened his eyes and looked back, and it was actually the little green caterpillar.

I'm a little speechless. Why are you, a little kid, joining in the fun?

Can you beat an opponent that he can't even beat?
It’s very strong when you just enter the top level, but your opponent is at the top level.

Don't get beaten up and then blame your teacher for not knowing how to raise your child.

Blastoise and Absol on the side didn't say much, but their expressions already told a lot.

But Di Yan nodded.

Gently stroke the little bug's body.

"Just solve it directly. Use your strongest skill."

Chong Chong nodded.

It seems that Sister Di Yan also wants her to show it off.

hee hee~
The little bug arched its back and flew up.

Just flew towards Bangilas on the opposite side.

Bangilas on the opposite side almost burst out laughing when he saw that the one sent out to communicate was actually a green caterpillar.

The humans over there are really interesting. They can even cultivate caterpillars to top level.

What can the Caterpillar do? In front of him, it can do nothing.

Do you understand the value of Banglas?
Originally, a green caterpillar flew out, which was just for fun, and it was no big deal that there were many elves watching.

But gradually, some sharp-eyed dragons discovered something was wrong.

Not only is this caterpillar many times larger than ordinary caterpillars, but why does its flying posture look so familiar?
A dragon swimming around with its arms and legs arched.

How is this going? ?
One pass ten, ten pass a hundred.

An ordinary battle of bullying suddenly attracted a large number of spectator elves.

Maybe it's just an illusion.

But it always feels weird.

Especially the Dragonite clan, they felt something was wrong when looking at the caterpillar.

The hunched posture makes it look not much different from an ordinary green caterpillar, but why does it feel different?

Both Banglas and Caterpillar are ready.

The momentum has reached the highest level.

And that Bangilas was still improving, and he only stopped when he reached the top peak.

Even if he is facing a tiny green caterpillar, he will try his best.

A sandstorm arose.

He wants to win this time beautifully!

The battle begins.

Little Bug could already feel the power of the sandstorm, it was amazing, at least he had mastered the sandstorm.

But, so what.

Her eyes were fixed on the big guy opposite.

The top peak that was looming in the sandstorm, sister Di Yan was right, we must use all our strength in this battle.

She suddenly disappeared with a flash.

At this moment, the Dragonites in the audience widened their eyes.

Damn, these days even caterpillars can be so fast?

And this speed is so fast, I am afraid it has reached the level of mastery, right? !


Don't tell them that this green caterpillar is also proficient in reverse scale?!
It is true that this green caterpillar did not release its reverse scale.

But he released even more outrageous skills.

Countless silk threads tightly wrapped around the huge body of Bangilas.

Then a stream of water soaks it.


All this was accomplished in just a breath.

By this time, Bangilas already felt that something was wrong.

He was soaked.

what happened?

A bad premonition suddenly spread throughout my body.

The Caterpillar has completed its preparations at this time.

The silk thread locked onto the opponent's position, and this shot was sure to hit!

The ultimate in power, the electromagnetic cannon!

boom! ! !
The terrifying electric current struck his body in one thousandth of a second.

The green caterpillar that has undergone eight transformations is no ordinary green caterpillar.

This terrifying, super-powerful skill has an outstanding effect.

Directly into the soul.

The Bangjiras was knocked to the ground.

But Bangilas has a quasi-legendary physique after all.

He actually took the blow and struggled to get up.

This terrifying skill consumes a lot of energy. It's just a green caterpillar. He doesn't believe that the opponent can launch a second attack...

boom! ! ! !

The second one is coming.

The effect is still outstanding.

Bangilas fell heavily to the ground.

Lost the ability to fight.

Ti Yan's Bangilas opened his mouth wide in complete disbelief.

How could this usually soft and squishy little creature in their team be so strong!

Look at his companions again.

Blastoise and Absol looked at each other in disbelief.

And the other companions...

No matter whether it was Tigou or Charizard, or other people's elves, Tanabata and the others seemed to be not at all surprised by Caterpillar's victory.

It's as if it was supposed to be this way.

Thinking about the performance of Xiaolonglong, Kabutosaurus, and Qixi Bluebird in the past few days, an absurd idea suddenly appeared in Bangilas's mind.

Aren't all the guys in this Pokémon like this? ?
The dragons watching the game stared at each other in amazement.

Looking at each other.

It's hard to believe and even harder to accept.

The top talent of their Dragon Island was actually pinned to the ground and rubbed by a tiny green caterpillar.

This made the Dragon Island elves, who were naturally very self-important, feel that their worldview was about to collapse.

However, compared to the unacceptable ones like Dragonite, Banjiras and Dragonite.

Haxorus and Gyarados looked deep and thought for a moment. They looked at Haxorus on the Pokémon side, and then at Jiang Xiaoning's Gyarados on the other side.

Finally, look at the green caterpillar fluttering in the sky.

Finally, they remembered the mighty power that Xiaolonglong displayed yesterday.

Could it be.

That domineering dragon posture...

Is this really the version answer?
One arch and one arch?
A Haxorus tried it.

How should I put it? I don’t feel anything.

Is it because I didn’t learn the essence enough, or didn’t let go?

do it again!
"Finally finished!"

Chen Yuan opened his eyes.

His eyes went to the equipment.

The energy block is finally ready.

Then, it's time to witness a miracle.

Chen Yuan excitedly pressed the button directly.

A terrifying light lit up.

That kind of fluctuation spread out directly.

Chen Yuan widened his eyes.

Obviously, no more than two top-grade tree fruits were used, but the effect was definitely that of the second generation.

what happened? ! !

The elders who were originally inviting Miaobu to go and see the little guys' exchange competition were suddenly stunned.

He suddenly looked up at Chen Yuan's residence.

What happened in that direction?
What power is this? !

How can it be so tempting? !

Not only the elders, but even those top bosses who were a little more sensitive suddenly looked up.

The kings became even more agitated.

The originally lively exchange venue gradually became quiet.

Hundreds and thousands of dragons were looking in the direction of Chen Yuan, which had a fatal attraction.

It feels like little hands are tickling me.

Xiaolonglong and Xiaoqingqing looked at each other.

There was joy in his eyes.

Chen Yuan’s second generation energy cube is ready!


Xiaolonglong was the first to rush over.

However, there is a dragon that is faster than her.

Mr. Kuailong, who was originally on his way at a leisurely pace, smelled the scent he had been thinking about day and night.

The taste is totally irresistible!

At this moment, all etiquette and courtesy were thrown out of the window, as if the reverse scale had been opened.

There are only four big words in my mind.

Energy Cube!

Mr. Chen Yuan's dragon energy block is ready!!!

Peak speed!
Whoosh whoosh!
Mr. Dragonite is not the only one who can reach peak speed.

Elder Dragonite was faster and caught up with Mr. Dragonite.

More and more elves discovered the problem and followed the crowd, rushing towards Chen Yuan.

Hundreds, even thousands of elves gathered here.

They want to see what it is.

But at this moment.

A dragon roar resounded through heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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