Chapter 21

The program team spent almost all the rest of the day selling the best ginseng grown by Ji Yaya.

Xie Yihe said it was a charity sale, and the director decisively followed suit, handing over all promotional resources to this live broadcast room, and selling all the ginseng in the field.

During this process, with the consent of Xie Yihe's siblings, the director also took out ten top-quality ginseng king cracked bones and sold them to ordinary viewers in the live broadcast room. This approach almost immediately attracted viewers from all over the Internet!

[My aunt's friend's sister's daughter won the lottery to buy!God!I have never seen a live broadcast room that sells the best ginseng king as a special product in my life!This is an heirloom! 】

[From now on, I will be a big fan of Brother Xie and Yaya!The live broadcast room is my home, everyone! 】

[This is the immortal cultivator who truly benefits the people!Even if Young Master Xie can't cultivate, he is still the son of the most powerful family in my heart! 】

[Sister Yaya is the big treasure. When that spell can be promoted and used, there will be no need to worry about the cultivation resources of the mass base...]

Amid the admiration of everyone, Xie Yihe transferred the profits to the account of the local government where Xie's family was located in front of everyone, and specifically pointed out that the money would be used to train local low-level students and practitioners.

The director couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "Master Yihe is worthy of being a role model for my generation! From now on, everyone will have to look up to you. I have never seen a family member who takes care of the masses like this!"

Xie Yihe immediately waved his hand, "It's just luck. Yaya can use all things to grow. It is taught by the elders of the sect well, and it is true that it does not succeed every time. We should share more festive things with everyone."

The director couldn't help nodding after hearing this.

This little girl, Ji Yaya, is indeed a bit shocking, I don't know how many people are staring at her now.

It would be nice if everyone thought it was just luck...

[Indeed, if the Grass Fairy was so easy to find, it would not have been treated as a story for hundreds of years, and the magic of growing all things would not have been buried. 】

[Sister Yaya's luck is indeed very good. I found out from the beginning when I was looking for the Ji family brothers. She is a baby of pure luck and prosperity. 】

【Sigh, I still want to know how good the elixir can be cultivated like the current rice... When will wood spells be able to stand up! 】

[It depends on you young people, staring at a three-year-old sister is too whimsical. 】

[Lick, lick, sister Yaya, give me some good luck!Wish me an early landing! 】

[Sister Yaya, then I'm begging for a successful breakthrough tonight, isn't it too much? 】

The direction of the wind in the live broadcast room was quickly shifted, and Ji Yaya's identity began to change to that of a koi.

Xie Yihe secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Yaya shouldn't be pushed to the front and exposed too early, even if she is afraid of being taught a lesson by the master, she should protect this well-behaved and sensible little sister...

Ji Yaya, who was sitting on the side and wringing her fingers boredly, suddenly seemed to sense something, and looked up at Xie Yihe.

Xie Yihe also happened to turn around and just received a cute and serious smiling face.

As expected of my sister!

Xie Yihe was too cute.


At night, everyone returned to Xiaohe Village.

The director called everyone together to summarize the results of today's mission.

"clap clap"

The director slapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

"The first mission of Yaowang Mountain has been completed! Let's take a look at today's results!"

"First of all, the No. 1 team is Yaya's younger sister group! She and her brother found a top-quality ginseng king in a medicine field, and set a record in Yaowang mountain as soon as they came! Everyone applauds!"

There was sparse applause all around.

Meng Xinxin clapped her hands with some regrets. Although she didn't get the first place, she was also happy because the little sister she liked was so good.

Su Peiya pursed her lips and didn't follow suit.

"No.2 is the Xinxin sister team! Brother Qianxun challenged the blood ganoderma for the second time and successfully brought back a basket of precious ganoderma!"

"No.3 is Pei Ya's younger sister group! The best Gastrodia elata is also a very rare treasure, it's rare to see it! Unfortunately, this time the number is not dominant. This show is really a fight between gods, and each group is very strong!"

"Yanyuan's younger brother group and Li Ran's younger brother's group are ranked in no particular order. For the time being, the points of the two groups are almost the same, and the author is too lazy to make it up. It's almost the same if everyone knows it!"

"Up to now, everyone has successfully completed the first task, please give yourself applause as encouragement!"

Everyone clapped their hands listlessly again.

The director saw that the atmosphere was almost heated, so he broke up and asked everyone to eat and rest. After a busy day, even the few bosses in the foundation building period were a little tired.

"Don't forget to come out to pick up the mission tomorrow morning~"

Seeing this, Xie Yihe immediately dragged Ji Yaya to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

He is no better than the Qi refining practitioners in other teams, ordinary people can't bear to be hungry for a day.

Ji Yaya obediently sat at the table, watching Xie Yihe go about her business.

"Brother, you are amazing!"

Xie Yihe was stunned for a moment, "Yaya, brother didn't do anything, we won the first place this time, it's all thanks to Yaya!"

"Brother is just like a liger. He is a mortal who can take care of Yaya! Yaya knows it!" Ji Yaya winked at Xie Yihe.

Xie Yihe was completely dazzled by the little girl.

However, he still planned to explain, saying: "My brother is really incomparable to your master... I am a mortal who has no cultivation at all, and I don't know anything. If this program continues, maybe my brother can only rely on you..."

Ji Yaya squinted her eyes and thought for a while, then tilted her head.

Seeing her cute little appearance, Xie Yihe happily patted her head.

However, Ji Yaya didn't let Xie Yihe rua this time, and quickly turned over, looking down at the bracelet, as if he was looking for something.

After a while, she held a small white fruit to Xie Yihe.

Xie Yihe choked for a moment, this child is really unwilling to give up, and now he still wants to feed him...

Just about to refuse, Ji Yaya approached Xie Yihe and said in a volume that only two people could hear:

"Brother, this is the sound transmission fruit. It contains spells that liger and tiger learned when they were mortals. If Ya Ya eats this for you, brother will be able to use spells too!"

Xie Yihe's head "boomed" and felt that his thoughts were frozen.

Sound Transmission Fruit... Transmission Kung Fu Fruit? !
Is this something I can eat? !

He looked at Ji Yaya in amazement, and asked in a low voice in horror: "Ya, Yaya, can I eat this? No, can you teach me the exercises without the master talking?!"

Ji Yaya nodded affirmatively: "Liger Huhu gave the fruit to Yaya for Yaya's own use. Yaya can give it to whoever he wants!"

Xie Yihe took the fruit tremblingly, and found that it was only as big as a small finger, and there was no sign of magic.

"What's in here?"

Ji Yaya was embarrassed to touch the back of her head: "I don't remember Yaya, there are many Yayas, I can't tell them apart..."


Are you still opening the blind box?
Then do I eat?

(End of this chapter)

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