The Cai family's matter had just been resolved, and another underworld order came that night.

Xiao Yining clutched his head and had a headache: "I'm most afraid of ghosts, why do they come here one after another?"

Miyou felt sorry for her best friend who was afraid of ghosts, and thought to herself, "If it's not too serious, why don't you pick it up and ask him to find someone else?"

Xiao Yining sighed: "If only it were that easy..."

This time the matter was much more serious than the Cai family's. Now that it was in front of him, Xiao Yining couldn't ignore it, so he agreed, so the victim came to the door that night.

The victim was carried in by someone, and he was completely unable to get up.

The people who brought him in were all his relatives, all men, only the first one was a woman, but her face was old, so she should be an elder.

The victim was thin, not too short, and was as thin as a bone. He was sitting on a rolling chair with a backrest and a headrest.

Seeing this person, Xiao Yining gasped.

His body was covered with a strong yin energy, and he didn't need to ask a fairy to know that this person had probably been entangled by ghosts for a long time, or he had gone to a place related to the underworld to be contaminated with yin energy all over his body. If it wasn't for the ray of yang energy on this person's head, Xiao Yining would have thought this person was dead.

Xiao Yining was born with spiritual pupils, so he seldom went to the hospital, a place with dead air, yin, and sickness, so there was no comparison.But in her opinion, the victim looked more serious than those who were seriously ill, that is, he breathed more than the dead.

"what 's wrong?"

If it were another patient, Xiao Yining might ask if he had been to the hospital.This person Xiao Yining didn't even need to ask, the yin energy in his body was not a sickness energy, it seemed to be something related to metaphysics.

The female elder at the head had a complex expression, some sympathy but mixed with disdain.The two younger men who were carrying the victim had exactly the same expression.

"He was haunted by ghosts, but it didn't happen in a day or two. Now that people are like this, we are treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor. We can't just watch him die."

The victim's name was Zhang Zhiyong, and his aunt Zhang Yongfang and two cousins ​​from his aunt's family sent him here.

Although Zhang Zhiyong looks skinny and old, he is actually only in his thirties.

Although the previous Zhang Zhiyong had been idle all his life, he didn't know much about it. He dropped out of school when he was young, and then he lived on his old age and doing odd jobs.Although relatives and friends look down on him, this person has a lot of minor problems, but he hasn't done any major evil things, and he can still have a little affection for relatives and friends during New Years and holidays.

His parents are more than one son, his older brother and older sister are much stronger than him, so even though he is the youngest son, he can often pick three melons and two dates from his parents, but it is not considered to be favored.In spite of this, he still developed such a demeanor of being indifferent and generous.

After a long time, his parents and older brothers and sisters let him go.

But that changed two years ago.

I don't know when Zhang Zhiyong disappeared. He usually lives in seclusion, and he doesn't even see people during holidays.Zhang's father was furious, so the eldest brother of the Zhang family went to the door to make a fuss, preparing to question this unsatisfactory younger brother Xingshi.

After going there, I found that Zhang Zhiyong was a very nice person, but he didn't want to go out.

Since the person didn't throw away, act as a demon and cause any major incidents, the eldest brother of the Zhang family reprimanded the younger brother for a few basic etiquettes.

"Next month is Dad's birthday. It's fine if you don't go to see the old man during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day. This time, it's a whole birthday. You clean up and go to confess your mistake to Dad."

Zhang Zhiyong nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Then he didn't go.

Mr. Zhang's face turned blue, and the eldest brother of the Zhang family was also very angry.After eating, we arrived at Zhang Zhiyong's house. After banging on the door for a long time, Zhang Zhiyong came out to open the door, bewildered. It was obvious that he was having a good dream, and his face was still full of spring.

There was a complete quarrel between Zhang's father and son, and no one paid any attention to Zhang Zhiyong's affairs for about half a year.Zhang Zhiyong was also happy that nobody cared about him, he was very carefree.

When Zhang Zhiyong reappeared, he looked pale and haggard, borrowing money from relatives and friends.He said that he was sick and spent a lot of money to see a doctor. He is not in good health recently and can't work for the time being.

Seeing his sickly face, most of his relatives and friends lent some to him more or less.Zhang Zhiyong disappeared after receiving the money.

It wasn't until the cousin who borrowed money from him found out that the man hadn't been seen for a long time and told his mother Zhang Yongfang, who then went to tell Zhang's parents, that the matter was exposed.

"When did he get sick? Why didn't I know?" The eldest brother of the Zhang family was furious, and took Zhang Yongfang, mother and son to Zhang Zhiyong's residence, only to find that the man had sold the house and was missing.

Now a few people panicked.

Although Zhang Zhiyong is not a good person, he is a relative of his own family. Since the house is sold, maybe he really has some serious illness. Why don't we find him quickly?
But after asking around, the former friends of Zhang Zhiyong contacted, and what they learned from them was a completely different situation.

His friend said that Zhang Zhiyong seemed to be in a relationship two years ago, his face was full of joy every day, he stopped going out for drinks with them, and stayed at home every day, but he refused to bring his girlfriend out to see him, so he hid it very deeply.As for the sale of the house, they didn't know anything about it. They only heard that Zhang Zhiyong was sick a while ago and borrowed money to see a doctor.

In this world, as long as you don't deliberately hide, finding someone is not particularly difficult.Although Zhang Zhiyong ran away after borrowing money, he didn't have any sense of anti-reconnaissance.In short, after a week or two of searching, several members of the Zhang family finally found Zhang Zhiyong.

Zhang Zhiyong rented a dilapidated and small house.

The door couldn't be knocked open. After confirming that Zhang Zhiyong was indeed described by the people around him, the eldest brother of the Zhang family called the landlord directly, and then asked someone to pick the lock and enter the house.

Zhang Zhiyong was lying on the bed, not sure if he was lethargic or in a coma.He was even thinner and more emaciated than when his cousins ​​had seen him, and he didn't even look alive.

But after such Zhang Zhiyong was sent to the hospital, except for malnutrition, no problems were found.

"This person is too weak. Is it due to psychological factors such as depression? Have you checked for such problems?" The doctor asked after reading the examination report.

After Zhang Zhiyong woke up, his face was flushed sickly, and his face was erratic and dazed, as if he had taken drugs, which made the eldest brother of the Zhang family very vigilant.

He rummaged through his brother's rented house and was relieved to be sure there were no illegal drugs.

"What is your disease? Why can't you find out? Didn't you borrow money to see a doctor before? What is the disease? Tell me."

Zhang Zhiyong showed a bleak smile on the bed: "Brother, my disease cannot be cured..."

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