I'm back from hell

Chapter 105 Behind the scenes?

All eyes are cast.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Naier was shocked, and hurriedly warned: "Otherwise...or I will fire you."

"Whatever you want."

The female assistant who was injured before didn't accept this at all: "Some time ago, Naier and Zhang Feng got very close. Zhang Feng often drove to pick her up. I saw her three times."

"I suspect it's love killing!"

Xia Yu's beautiful eyes flashed, it made sense.

and so……

Is the murderer really Zhang Feng?
"what do you say?"

She looked at Nell.


Neil faltered.

This scene made people even more suspicious.

Palpitations reappeared.

And it's getting stronger and stronger.

Xia Yu knew that the resentful corpse was coming again, so she grabbed Zhang Feng.

"Do not kill me."

"I say! I say everything!"

Feeling Xia Yu's hands like iron pincers, Zhang Feng couldn't break free at all. In order to survive, he could no longer keep calm, and told the whole situation in one go: "Nai Er asked me to gamble."

"There's no resurgence between us."

Naier lowered her head, covered her face in pain, and said, "It was Zhang Feng, a bastard, who took me to gamble back then, and made me addicted to gambling."

"Some time ago, I couldn't hold back my gambling addiction, so I took the initiative to find him."

"I didn't expect to be killed..."


As she spoke, she already sobbed guiltily.

Xia Yumei's eyes flickered slightly, realizing that there was really something hidden in the matter.

"But I really didn't kill her husband, I'm really not a murderer!"


Zhang Feng hurriedly explained: "Nai'er owed a huge gambling debt and couldn't repay it. I originally wanted her to pay it back, but then I found that the mobile phone number I used to bind the XX network account lost signal and could not be used. Later, I logged into the account , and found that all the VTCs in the e-wallet were gone.”

"That's a VTC worth 1000 million yuan."

"Just as I was about to call the police, Nell's husband called."

"He said that if he wanted to get back the VTC worth 1000 million yuan, he would bring Neil's IOU and the money he lost from gambling before."

"If I dare to report to the police, he will hand over the evidence of my casino operation, and then the fish will be killed. Once the casino is closed down and I am arrested, the gambling debts will disappear by then."

"I asked him to meet and talk."

"He set the meeting place here. He didn't expect that this is the place where I work on the surface."

"Afterwards, I turned off the hotel's surveillance, sent Song Ni to negotiate, and told Naier's husband that he could only tear up the IOU, and that the money Naer lost before could not be returned."

"The two didn't agree."

"I asked Song Ni to leave and went to talk in person, but the talk fell apart. In a fit of anger, I beat him up and forcibly transferred all the VTC on the account."

"But I really didn't kill him!"

"I never thought that he would hit his head against the wall and commit suicide!"

"At that time, I was terrified. Although I opened a casino, I had never killed anyone. I ran out in a panic. Later... that's what everyone knows."

It is very difficult to get rid of 1000 million worth of VTC: you need to know Zhang Feng's account information, get Zhang Feng's false certificate, and replace the mobile phone card...

The process is complicated.

I have to say that Naier's husband is a talent.

Xia Yu knew this set of procedures, so he believed eighty percent of Zhang Feng's words.


Why did Nair's husband commit suicide?

Why not just cash out the virtual currency?After cashing out, is it enough to repay the gambling money owed?

Zhang Feng was afraid that Xia Yu would think he was lying, so he continued to add details: "By the way, during the negotiation, Naier's husband said that he didn't intend to ask for my money, but just wanted to get back all the money Naer lost before. So he didn't cash out the virtual currency."

"He also said that Nair didn't know about these things and didn't let her participate in the whole process, just because she was afraid that she would be identified as an accomplice and be implicated."

Hearing this, Nair was already sobbing.

After her husband's death, at the suggestion of her female assistant, she planned to stir up the heat of this matter and take the opportunity to make a fortune.

In order to pay off the gambling debts that are about to expire, she agreed, and performed a play with her female assistant:

During the live broadcast, the female assistant mentioned that she was completely ignorant of the live broadcast selling goods, and only wanted to start the live broadcast to get everyone's support and momentum.

Everything is operated secretly by the female assistant.

As for the audience, believe it or not...

It can be said bluntly that most people will believe it!
This is true.

If there is no mist incident, she will receive both money and life!

However, her husband loves her so much, he secretly helped her solve her gambling debts, he did not hesitate to commit a crime, and he wanted to keep her out of the way, even...

"Based on what I know about my husband, he committed suicide on purpose. The purpose was to attract investigation, and eventually the casino was closed down, Zhang Feng was caught, and my gambling debts were voided."

"He has paid so much for me, but what have I done? Woohoo."

Thinking of what she had done, Nair felt extremely guilty and felt that she was a beast.

not human!
"I have no face to live on."

Thinking of her husband's deep love, the more she thought about it, the more guilty she felt, and finally slammed her head against the wall next to her.

Move quickly.

So that others have no time to stop it.

With a bang, she passed out and fell to the ground.

Everyone was startled.

Xia Yu was unmoved, just staring at the downstairs.

At this point in the investigation, the whole case is clear, and the biggest grievance of the corpse comes from Zhang Feng!
Lure others to gamble, and get deeply involved in it, eventually causing others to go bankrupt, committing crimes, and taking risks.

This person is indeed extremely hateful.


She always felt that something was wrong, and if she insisted on saying something was wrong, it would be: Isn't this hatred not enough?

It's not enough to cause resentment, and it's not enough to support Naier's husband to become a corpse of resentment!

After all, the other protagonist in this case, Nai Er, also deserves to be blamed, because he is addicted to gambling and is cheated of money.

next moment.


Xia Yu didn't have time to think about it, she noticed that the resentful corpse had come to the lower floor, and she suddenly looked at Zhang Feng.

"Go away!"

Zhang Feng kicked Naier's female assistant who was in the way, and ran upstairs for his life.


Xia Yu kicked his knees, grabbed his ankles, and wanted to throw him downstairs.

She has no mercy in dealing with this kind of person.

"Do not."

"Let me go, I'll give you 1000 million! 2000 million!"


Zhang Feng wanted to say something else, but he had already soared into the sky and was thrown down!

It fell to pieces.

Very embarrassed.

"I'm a ghost and I won't let you go, you bitch!"

There was pain all over his body, especially his head was severely injured. Even so, he still did not forget to curse and abuse Xia Yu.

In a daze.

He saw a familiar figure in a shroud walking over step by step in the dark night, and stopped in front of him.

"It's you!"

Fear made Zhang Feng's consciousness clear, and because of this, he could see the opponent's face clearly, and he became even more frightened immediately!

come back to life?

He desperately wanted to escape.

However, with two arms and one leg crippled, how can he run?
Zhang Feng was strangled by the resentful corpse, like a toy, suspended in the air, breathing hard, despair covered his whole body, but he was still fighting for his own chance of survival: "You...you committed suicide...it's strange... Can't blame me?"

"It's your fault... and Nai's fault!"

next moment.


With a sound of '噗嗤', Resent Corpse's hands were like iron tongs, forcibly grasping Zhang Feng's neck...

split into two!

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