Chapter 112

Xiao Hua slowly stretched out her right hand, and hooked her fingers towards Xie Shaokun.

Seeing this, Xie Shaokun frowned immediately.

so crazy?

He was the first to attack.

It has to be said that Xie Shaokun has indeed grown a lot: his speed, strength, reaction and explosive power have all improved, and even his combat experience is much richer than before.

On the other hand, this resentful corpse has not yet grown up, and the little resentment absorbed last night has too little improvement in speed and strength, far inferior to Xie Shaokun.

Moreover, it has no combat experience and is not convenient to move. Even if it has no weaknesses, it cannot beat Xie Shaokun.

Only passively beaten.



In the beginning, Xie Shaokun suppressed the opponent the whole time.

He thought he had the chance to win, but he found that he was starting to fall into a disadvantage.

To be precise, the speed and strength are weaker than the opponent!
What happened?

He was stunned.

But Xia Yu knew what was going on: Xiaohua sent Yin Qi to the resentful corpse, making its speed and strength greatly improved, comparable to a powerful mutant beast.

Xie Shaokun is naturally not his opponent!



Without any fancy operations, Xiaohua, who has the upper hand, directly chooses to trade injuries for injuries.

Less than 1 minutes.

Xie Shaokun was beaten to the ground, unable to stand up in pain.

Immediately, Xiao Hua sucked away the Yin Qi.

" don't know it hurts?"

He deliberately strengthened the part that was attacked, and it still hurts.

He purposely strengthened his fist, but the other party didn't seem to feel the pain!

He seemed to have figured out something: "You also have supernatural powers!"

Xia Yu didn't give any explanation, and left with Xiao Hua.

"Is the ability so common?"

Xie Shaokun said with some disappointment.

I thought that the physique with supernatural powers was one in a million, but what happened?
"Brother Kun, didn't you notice that Brother Hua wasn't breathing?"

The little girl spoke amazingly.


Xie Shaokun was stunned and couldn't believe it at all: "Impossible! How can a person not breathe!"

However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that you did not hear the opponent's breathing during the fight.

Moreover, there was physical contact during the fight, but they did not feel the body temperature of the other party.

Is this a dead man?
As soon as this idea came up, I was taken aback!
How can the dead fight?

He can't understand.

The little girl on the side couldn't understand either.

But even supernatural powers have appeared in this world, what else is impossible?
The two fell into a rare silence.

After a while.

"Too lazy to think about it."

Xie Shaokun got up and was about to leave: "Sister, let's go shopping together in the city?"

As for the idea of ​​bringing Chen Ziqi into the gang, it had already been extinguished.

In fact, calm down and think about it, sister Yu does not object to him recruiting people into the group, but needs to recruit useful people in, and the "useful" here refers to the entire team.

Brother Hua is much more useful than Chen Ziqi.

Therefore, at this moment, he is convinced.

"I dont go."

"I still want to find the coins that Big Sister hid."

The little girl shook her head.

She hasn't found the coin yet.

The main reason is that I have been 'practicing guns' some time ago, and I don't have much time to find them.


The corner of Xie Shaokun's mouth twitched, and he didn't try to persuade him. After all, it was a pleasure for Xiaonan. She liked it and immersed herself in it: "Sister, I will bring you something delicious when I come back."

"Thank you, Brother Kun."


Step down on the accelerator.

Xie Shaokun left the unfinished building.

Came to a teahouse in the city.

"This way."

Chen Ziqi waved at Xie Shaokun who was standing at the door, and shouted.


Hearing her loud voice, Xie Shaokun felt bad.


Everyone in the teahouse looked over, and many of them even frowned. He touched his nose in embarrassment, hurried forward, and said in a low voice, "Sister Chen, you..."

"Didn't I tell you, don't call me sister, it's easy to call me old, just call me Ziqi or Xiaoqi."

Chen Ziqi said angrily.

"Oh, good."

"How about some tea I just brewed."

Chen Ziqi felt a little nervous. After all, she was just cramming and just learning the tea ceremony.

Is the tea ready?
Xie Shaokun swallowed all the words he wanted to persuade, and then said embarrassedly: "Ziqi, have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No, I just arrived too. I didn't expect us to have the same hobby."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that we are so destined."

outside the teahouse.

Xia Yu was sitting in the car, because the one-way perspective effect of the car film was excellent, so Xie Shaokun and Chen Ziqi didn't know who was in the car, or even if there was anyone in the car, but she could clearly see the two people in the car. people.

"Is she Chen Ziqi?"

Seeing this girl talking and laughing, she was very active, obviously interested in Xie Shaokun, Xia Yumei's eyes flickered slightly, and she had three guesses in her mind:
First, love at first sight.

Second, just simply admire Qiang.

Third, ulterior motives.

She has always speculated about others maliciously, especially when she saw that this woman was having physical contact with Xie Shaokun intentionally or unintentionally, facing a poor straight man like Xie Shaokun who looked ordinary, he was still talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Xia Yu is even more certain that this woman has ulterior motives!
As for what's on your mind...

She can't read minds, so naturally she doesn't know.

"I hope you don't die."


Xia Yu stepped on the gas pedal, left the spot, and went to find Xiao Ai.

She has never objected to team members falling in love, which is a natural physiological reaction, as long as it does not affect team unity, team safety and team tasks.

Xie Shaokun caught a glimpse of Xia Yu's car leaving, and it looked familiar. He was about to take a closer look at the license plate, but Chen Ziqi attracted his attention. When he wanted to look again, the car was gone.

He regained his composure, focused on Chen Ziqi again, and said, "I came this time mainly to thank you for stepping forward and saving my sister. So, next, I will treat you to dinner."

"That won't work, I beg you. You saved my life!"


"I have made all the arrangements. After drinking tea in a while, go to have a meal. I know there is a restaurant that is super delicious. Then we will go to Shaqiao to watch the night lights. It is very beautiful. We will go to Wanda at nine o'clock in the evening. Watch a movie."

Is it a bit late?
Although Xie Shaokun was a straight man, he naturally wouldn't say such words. He just nodded in agreement and said, "You were really brave at that time, and you dared to rush forward at that time."

"Maybe it's because of my work. I'm used to protecting children."

Chen Ziqi said.

She still has lingering fears in retrospect. At that time, she felt that Xie Shaokun could save her and make him owe her a big favor. It was a chance to change her fate.

So I gambled.

Fortunately, the bet won.

"Oh? What's your job?"

"Teacher, what about you?"

"I, I... I don't have a job, a vagrant."

Chen Ziqi nodded.

In fact, I don't believe it at all.

With a gun in his body and the ability to move freely in urban areas, Xie Shaokun's identity is definitely not simple.

However, she is not in a hurry, sooner or later she will pry Xie Shaokun's mouth open.



the next day.

Unfinished building.

"big sister."

"Both the big seedling and the second seedling are blooming!"

Seeing Xia Yu coming, Xiaonan shouted in surprise.


Xia Yu was overjoyed, and quickly walked in front of Sunflower.

"We can't call them Da Miao and Er Miao in the future, they should be called Da Hua and Er Hua."

Xiaonan said excitedly.

Xia Yu: "..."

big flower.

Two flowers.

Plus the little flower behind her.

This reminded her of a word: three flowers gather at the top.

Xia Yu calmed down and instructed: "From now on, continue to get three crystal nuclei every day."

"Also, you drip a drop of blood every day, mix it with water, and water the big flower and the second flower, so that they won't bite you in the future."

Plant ghouls need to be watered with blood mixed with water every day before they bloom, so that they can recognize their masters. After flowering, they don't need to be watered with blood mixed with water every day, just need to do it from time to time.

At this time, you can also let other people pour water with blood to avoid being attacked by them.

"Huh? Flowers can bite people?"

The little girl was startled.


Xia Yu said: "Bitting people is nothing, they can still eat people."

Now, Dahua and Erhua are just bigger than normal sunflowers, and they don't have 'sharp teeth' yet, so they don't have the conditions to eat people, wait...

That's it!

Xiaonan was even more surprised, and got to know Dahua and Erhua who got along day and night again.

"Let Xie Shaokun do the same, so as not to be bitten."

Xia Yu looked around and asked, "Where is Xie Shaokun? Haven't gotten up yet?"

Xiaonan said, "Brother Kun said he went to sleep at a friend's house."

Xia Yu: "..."

"Tell him, don't forget to practice the gun."

She left a word, then turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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