I'm back from hell

Chapter 115 The completion of the fourth transformation soars

"Are you a fortune teller?"

Xia Yu turned to look at the woman in front of her, and asked.

"Learned a little fur."

The woman nodded quickly: "If the girl wants to break through the current catastrophe, you can find my master, he will definitely help you, my morality is not good enough."

Naturally, Xia Yu didn't care about his morality, nor did he care about his ominous omen.

Because she knew what her catastrophe was: the fog event she was going to participate in next would be extremely dangerous, and even she might die.

Therefore, she planned to bring Xie Shaokun, Xiao Hua and Xiao Nan with her this time.

Let's deal with it together!
However, since the other party could see that he had an ominous sign, he obviously had some skills, which was why Xia Yu stopped.

"Take me to your master."

she said without a doubt.

Xiao Hua behind her stepped forward and picked the rope off the girl.

"it is good."

The woman thought that Xia Yu wanted to find her master to break the omen, so she immediately felt relieved, and even made a request: "However, before that, you need to help me teach those people a hard lesson."

"They took advantage of me when they tied me up!"

"What does it have to do with me?"

Xia Yu asked back.

"If you want to ask my master to get rid of the ominous omen, you must do what I say, otherwise..."

The woman frowned, she obviously didn't expect Xia Yu's reaction to be so slow, so she could only take the initiative to speak.

"Who said I came to your master to get rid of the ominous omen?"

Xia Yu asked again.


The woman was taken aback for a moment, then felt that she had figured out what was going on, and asked, "It's not shameful to ask my master to dispel the omen, what can I avoid?"

Xia Yu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he turned around and left.


The woman was very dissatisfied with Xia Yu's attitude. Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly felt like she was picked up like a doll: "Who? Don't touch me! Otherwise I..."

Look back.

It was the handsome man next to Xia Yu.

Suddenly silence.

Just touch it.

Anyway, it won't lose a piece of meat.

more than an hour later.


The woman pointed to the single-family villa in front and said, "My master is here to receive guests."

"Take me in."

Xia Yu ordered.


The woman was about to say something when she saw Xia Yu checking the bullets in the pistol. Thinking of the muffled sound she heard before, she was startled.

"What do you want to say?"

Xia Yu asked.

"Uh... nothing."

Women are much better behaved.

Take the initiative to open the door.

After greeting Master, I went straight to the topic: "Master, she asked you for help."

He also added: "Master, she saved me, so please help her."

Her master is an old man who is over half a hundred years old, and he looks quite immortal. He took a look at Xia Yu and asked directly, "Get rid of the omen?"

The woman just wanted to nod.

"Do not."

Xia Yu shook his head first, and said, "Master, please introduce me to a Feng Shui master."

"I want to find a place where Yin Qi gathers."

"The more the better."


You really don't want to break the ominous omen?
The female master had seen all kinds of strange guests, so she was quite calm at this moment, but asked a little strangely: "Miss, don't you understand the ominous omen?"

Xia Yu shook his head.

The female master no longer insisted, nodded and said: "Since that's the case, that poor man can help you too."

"According to the market, every time you find a place where Yin Qi gathers, you need a reward of one million yuan."

"You saved Xiaoxia, you only need to pay 50 yuan."


Now Xia Yu has no idea about money, because she still has more than 1000 million in her bank card, it's okay if she runs out, just get some more money when she enters the fog event next time.

"no problem."

She nodded, directly agreeing.

The completion of Xiaohua's transformation is far from being measurable by money.

"it is good."

"This is what Pindao knows, the three places where Yin Qi gathers."

Xia Yu's straightforwardness made the female master also unexpected. He didn't ask any more questions, and directly spread out the map of Huayang City and its surroundings, and clicked on three places.

"Scan code?"

Xia Yu memorized these three places and couldn't wait to verify them, so she took out her mobile phone and prepared to pay.

Why don't you pay after you check it out?

Xia Yu's straightforwardness once again surprised the female master, he shook his head and said, "Pindao doesn't know how to scan codes to pay, so I didn't get that code."

"Then cash?"

Xia Yu asks Xiao Hua to bring 150 million cash from the car.


Carrying so much cash with you?
The female master obviously didn't expect that he became more and more interested in Xia Yu for a while. He handed over his business card and said, "Pimpedao will help you contact colleagues. If you still need a place where Yin Qi gathers, welcome again."

Daoist Wu?
Glancing at the business card, Xia Yu nodded and left.

Daoist Wu withdrew his gaze, looked at Xiaoxia, and asked, "Xiaoxia, what's going on? She's not just your savior, is she?"

Xiaoxia nodded and told the situation again.


Daoist Wu frowned: "Abducted by debt collectors? Does this woman have a gun in her hand? What does such a person seek a place where Yin Qi gathers? Forget it, as long as there is no malice towards the poor, there is no need to ask more questions."

"Master, you don't need to spend so much money because I'm cheap."

"Don't worry, 50 is just the market price."




The first place is located in the mountains and forests, quite low-lying.

The Yin Qi was stronger than that of the high-rise building that was on fire, and the emotions conveyed by Xiaohua were obviously much more excited.

After smoking.

The degree of completion of Xiaohua's fourth transformation has increased rapidly from 6% to 12%.


Xia Yu suddenly felt that the value of 50 was worth it.


She drove away and went to the second place.

This is a deserted amusement park, covering an extremely large area. It is said that the park was closed for seven days because of a large-scale accident, and the child who died was the son of a certain important person.

After that, there was a lawsuit, and the park has not been able to open.


After that, it was completely forgotten.

At this time, the Yin Qi here is even stronger than the first place.

Xiaohua wandered here for more than an hour before she finished absorbing all the Yin Qi.

The degree of completion of the fourth transformation has increased from 12% to 20%.


third place.

It is a deserted village.

The Yin Qi here is similar to the first place.

Xia Yu didn't know much about this place, and didn't bother to learn about it.

Because the place is not big, it only took 10 minutes for Xiaohua to finish smoking.

The degree of completion of the fourth transformation has increased from 20% to 26%.

"In one day, it has increased by a quarter."

"If this continues, before the next mist event comes, there is hope for Xiao Hua to complete her fourth transformation!"

Xia Yu's beautiful eyes flickered slightly.

If Xiaohua can complete the fourth transformation, can the strength of the resentful corpse be improved?
Thinking of the extremely high risk factor of the next mist incident, she hesitated for a moment before making a decision.

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