I'm back from hell

Chapter 121 Xie Shaokun's Growth

After the first few minutes of chaos, many living people began to gather, seeking the protection of the strong, which is the subconscious behavior of the weak.

Layers of 'meat shields', in a sense, made the situation of Xia Yu and others safer.

Xia Yu also saw this clearly, so she ordered: "Xie Shaokun, Xiao Hua, leave this to me, you can fight freely, and hunt down as many mutants as possible."

"Remember, don't get too far away."


Xie Shaokun nodded heavily.

Xiao Hua directly pushed the door and went down.

at the same time.

Chen Hang felt insecure staying outside the car, and frantically slammed on the window: "Xiao Ai, save me, let me in, please."

Just now, Xie Shaokun and Xia Yu kept ignoring his request, and his voice was hoarse, so he could only turn to Xiaoai for help.

"I don't want anything to happen to you either."

Xiao Ai in the car hesitated for a moment, then shook her head decisively and said, "But this is not my car, I can't make the decision."

Chen Hang begged with a bitter face: "Don't you know each other? Please help me beg..."


Xie Shaokun kicked it to the ground and shouted: "You know how to hide at a young age, go, kill these monsters with me."

"Huh? I dare not."

"Please let me go, I can give you money, my dad is very rich, you know, energy companies make a lot of money, I..."

Chen Hang didn't dare to resist at all, begging for mercy tremblingly.


Xie Shaokun didn't have time to waste with him, but directly raised his gun, aimed at the white-haired man who had been afraid to look at him, and shouted: "Aren't you very arrogant when you bully women?"


"Follow me to kill monsters."

"Otherwise, I'll kill you!"

The other party was one of the men he beat up in the restaurant.

"I...I dare not...Why do you order me to do things?"

The white-haired man resisted, and at the same time looked at the snake man, hoping that the snake man could stand up for him.


He saw that the snake man had got into the bottom of the car.

White-haired man: "..."


Xie Shaokun pulled the trigger and fired a shot into the sky.


"I'm going! I'm going!"

The white-haired man raised his hands high and shouted with his eyes closed.

How can there be the arrogance and domineering when harassing and beating women before?
"And you! You! You!"

"Everyone come with me!"

Xie Shaokun pointed his gun at several other people.

It has to be said that these people were really lucky, and none of them turned into mutants.

But at this moment.

They are also extremely miserable, because they need to face monsters and suffer from fear.



Xie Shaokun has experienced the last mist incident, and his heart has become much colder. When he kills the mutant, he will pay attention to guarding the people around him.

He finally understood that the danger in the mist incident was not only mutants and other monsters, but also fellow human beings!
"Strength and combat experience have improved a lot."

Seeing Xie Shaokun killing with ease, Xia Yu couldn't help but nodded.

Leaving her and fighting independently has given Xie Shaokun a lot of training. He is completely different from him who just participated in the Mist incident.

Just 2 minute.

Xie Shaokun killed more than [-] mutants by himself, and he was able to maintain his sanity, not to go up, and always ensure that there were people on his left and right.

He glanced around, and many killed humans also stood up one after another, becoming mutants.

In the case of ebb and flow.

The number of mutants has only decreased by a dozen.

The situation is not good.

More pressure.

"It's going to speed up."

Xie Shaokun shot with all his strength and killed 2 mutants in the next 23 minutes. It has to be said that this level of killing efficiency is extremely high.

Just when he was about to continue killing, an alpaca came roaring.

His face was covered in blood.


"Variant beast!"

"Good come!"

Xie Shaokun did not retreat but advanced, facing the alpaca whose speed and strength were much stronger than him.

Relying on his relatively rich combat experience and strengthening abilities, he actually fought back and forth with the opponent, and even had a slight upper hand.

It's only ten seconds.

The two front legs of this alpaca were all cut off.

Only two hind legs remain.

Can not move.

Seeing that he was about to be slashed to death by Xie Shaokun...


A squirrel with bloodshot eyes rushed straight from the slope.


Xie Shaokun's pupils shrank. He had just shot with all his strength, and he had no time to dodge. He subconsciously stretched out his left arm to block in front of him, and at the same time, the saber he cut out stabbed sharply.


Under the strengthening of the ability, the down jacket on his left arm became as hard as iron, which slightly blocked the squirrel's claw like a meat hook, and of course it was only slightly blocked before being scratched.

Immediately afterwards, his skin was torn open.

Blood flowed out.

Just when the squirrel's sharp claws were about to go deeper...


Finally the saber pierced through the squirrel's jaw.

through the skull.

The squirrel's paw stopped suddenly and lost all strength.

It turned into a dead body and fell to the ground.



Two more mutant beasts rushed up.

One left and one right.

Very threatening.

Xie Shaokun didn't have time to adjust, let alone kill the broken-leg alpaca, and stood up again with the knife, ready to fight.

"Fuck you."

Suddenly, he was kicked in the back, and his center of gravity was unstable.

"It's a white-haired man!"


Xie Shaokun was careful enough, but he was still bullied. He gritted his teeth angrily, but he didn't have time to think about it, because the two mutant beasts had already taken the opportunity to attack.

However, he was overwhelmed once, and he was still on guard after all. The moment he lost his center of gravity, he turned around and grabbed the foot that was kicking his back.


The white-haired man's complexion suddenly changed.

"You forced me!"

"You forced it!"

"go to hell!"

Xie Shaokun exerted all his strength, but he actually pulled it off the ground and slammed it towards the mutant beast on the left.

But he rolled with the trend, avoiding the pounce of the mutant beast on the right.

Perfectly resolve the crisis!

But the white-haired man was not so lucky, his face was scratched by the mutant beast's claws, and even a piece of his face bone was cut off.


In the midst of fear and pain, he exploded with amazing potential, and even grabbed the opponent, trying to throw him away from his face.


A large piece of flesh and bone was taken off the face.

He screamed in pain.

This heart-piercing pain almost made him faint.

However, what he didn't expect was that there was even greater pain and fear!

The mutated beast swung its front paws, and easily cut open the white-haired man's forehead, revealing the brain tissue structure inside. It looked as if it had been...

One eye was opened!


He screamed again.

Seeing Xie Shaokun killing another mutant beast before he died, he immediately stretched out his hand to ask for help.


Xie Shaokun didn't even look at him.

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