I'm back from hell

Chapter 124 You must not die

Chen Hang.

In order to survive, he has been watching all directions and listening to all directions, and his nerves are tense all the time.


Because of this, he immediately found a skinny hedgehog stalking.

The thorns on this hedgehog's body are sharp and sharp, like large silver needles, but these 'thorns' are much less, only half of the original.

It looks rather funny.

But Chen Hang didn't dare to be careless, but frantically slapped the off-road vehicle: "Help, help, there are monsters coming! Open the door quickly, I don't want to die."


No one opened the door.

"You cold-blooded bastards, you will definitely die a bad death, a bad death!"

Chen Hang's face was full of resentment.

He kept walking, resisting the pain in his body, jumped straight onto the boat by the pond, and paddled desperately.

"Take me with you."

The snake man actually crawled out from the bottom of the car at this moment, his clothes were extremely worn out, a lot of hair and a large piece of scalp fell off, his face was bruised, and he looked very miserable.

He desperately crawled towards Chen Hang.


Chen Hang finally found a chance to survive, how could he stay and wait for death?

Not to mention that his relationship with the snake man is not in place, even if he is his own father, he will not stay.

"I'm just an ordinary rich second generation. I have nothing but money. If you want to survive, go to those people in the car. They can save you."

He paddled furiously.


The hedgehog glanced at Chen Hang, showing fear, and turned its gaze to the snake man.

"Help me...boom...help me..."

The snake man was so frightened that he hurriedly slammed on the car door.


The doors didn't open, and the windows didn't even come down.


The hedgehog approached cautiously, and found that the humans in the car hadn't moved. Slowly, he relaxed and began to charge.

"No, don't come, don't come."

The snake man still wanted to hide under the car, but then he thought that the hedgehog was so small that he could easily get under the car, and he would die at that time, so he could only randomly touch the gravel beside him and slam it at him.


Hedgehogs that move at high speed are simply not something he can hit.


The snake man only felt that the god of death was approaching, and subconsciously closed his eyes and screamed.



A shot rang out.

The high-speed moving hedgehog sensed the danger of death, and reacted in panic.



All the remaining thorns on his body shot out.




Seeing this, the little girl who was exposed on the roof of the car shrank back immediately.

Numerous pinholes appear in the doors.

Fortunately, this car is an off-road vehicle with heavy doors, otherwise it might be penetrated.

"thanks, thanks."

The snake man was stabbed in the shoulder, right chest and abdomen by three thorns. Although it was very painful, he did survive. This feeling of surviving after the catastrophe made him grateful.

"Sister, you are too risky."

Xie Shaokun glanced at the hedgehog who was already dead through the car window, and said with lingering fear: "Be careful, the mutant beasts here have too many offensive methods."


Xiaonan nodded, poked her head out again, set up her spear, and was ready to shoot at the red-eyed mutant beast that besieged Xia Yu.


A huge impact exploded abruptly.

The off-road vehicle seemed to be rear-ended by a car behind. Although it was in a braking state, it still jumped forward for more than one meter and crashed into the guardrail of the pond in front.

The car, which was already on the edge of the pond, suddenly fell into the danger of falling into the pond.

"Come on!"

At this time, regardless of Xia Yu's warning, he had to leave the car. Xie Shaokun took the lead, opened the car door and jumped down.

At the same time, Xiaonan and Xiaohua also jumped out of the car.

Xiao Ai was a beat slower.


The car was hit again, this time the impact was not as strong as before, but it still caused the car to smash into the pond guardrail, and most of the car body came to the slippery slope and slid uncontrollably towards the inside of the pond.

"Come down!"

Xie Shaokun stepped on the bulge on the slope, desperately grabbed the handle of the car, trying to stop the car from sliding, and then yelled at Xiao Ai who hadn't got off the car yet.

Xiaonan tacitly focused on the goat that was about to attack again.

"Red-eyed Mutant Beast!"

Her small face changed, and she was just about to pull the trigger.


Xiaohua rushed up.

Holding the goat's horns, the two sides began to wrestle.

On the other side, Xie Shaokun had great strength, and the car weighing several tons was still not something he could handle.

However, Xiao Ai got out of the car in time while holding the baby boy, but her foot slipped, and she fell on the slope and rolled towards the pond.

"Be careful."

Xie Shaokun let go of the handle of the car, grabbed Xiaoai, and dragged her up little by little.

But his feet slipped, and he almost fell. In desperation, he could only use his fingers to grab the gaps and protrusions, but how could his fingers support the weight of two adults and a baby boy?

It looks like it's about to loosen up a little bit...


"Let you not save me, haha."

Chen Hang, who was several meters away from the shore, sneered happily.

"To shut up."

Xiaonan pointed the gun directly at him and shouted tenderly.


Chen Hang's laughter stopped abruptly, and then he knelt down on the boat as if changing his face, slapped himself on the face, and said, "I was wrong, don't kill me, it's all my fault."

"I should fight."

"Get the boat over here, quick!"

Seeing that Xie Shaokun couldn't bear it anymore, Xiaonan eagerly gave orders to Chen Hang.


Chen Hang's eyes flashed, and he pretended to agree, but actually moved slowly. He was deliberately delaying time!

Xiaonan shot directly and hit the water beside Chen Hang, causing ripples in the water.


Chen Hang yelled in fright, this time without Xiaonan's urging, he moved quickly, and took Xie Shaokun, Xiaoai and the baby boy in her arms in time.

Four people in one boat.

Fortunately, the boat is not small, and it is more than enough to carry four people.

Seeing hundreds of thousands of cars gradually sinking into the water and turning into soaking cars, Xie Shaokun felt distressed: "My car."




At this moment, several mutant beasts rushed up and began to besiege Xiaohua!
Xiaonan didn't care about Xie Shaokun's situation, and began to assist Xiaohua in fighting, but...

"call out."

A stone flew from the sky.


She injured her wrist and almost missed her grip on the gun.

"It's you!"

Xiaonan exclaimed and saw the newborn monkey squatting on the tree.

"call out."

What responded to her was another stone.

The little girl barely escaped and was in a panic.

"Little girl, get into the water!"

"I'm going to help Brother Hua!"


Xie Shaokun roared.



Xiao Nan was hit on the thigh by the stone, and the pain was unbearable, and she groaned.


She had no choice but to stay and die, so she resolutely slid down the slope into the pond, drenched all over.

Seeing this, the little monkey just wanted to rush up, but looked at the pond with fear, and finally chose to give up.

"Go to the center of the pond. You can shoot from a long distance there. It's too dangerous here. I'm afraid I can't protect you."

Xie Shaokun pulled Xiaonan into the boat, gave an order, then jumped out of the boat, reached the roof of the car, exerted his strength again, grabbed the bump on the slope, and quickly climbed up.

Without Xiao Ai and the baby boy dragging him down, he easily climbed ashore.

on board.

Chen Hang rowed desperately.

Xiaonan quickly wiped the water off her face, then turned her head to look at the center of the pond...

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