I'm back from hell

Chapter 127 Water Element Ability?Ice ability!

Chapter 127 Water Element Ability?Ice ability!

By the time Xiaonan realized something was wrong, it was already too late, and there was the sound of water breaking behind her.


A strange roar followed.

Her hairs were standing on end, and she felt like she was being watched by the god of death.


Xia Yu noticed this scene, and his pupils shrank slightly, but because the distance was too far, he couldn't help at all, so he could only keep getting closer, and promised to avenge Xiaonan after her death!

This is the fog event, and danger can be seen everywhere.

Death will appear at any time!



Xie Shaokun also noticed this scene, his face turned pale with fright, he even forgot to dodge the stone-throwing attack from the little monkey in the tree, his head was smashed in an instant, and blood flowed horizontally.

The smell of blood further stimulated the surrounding mutant beasts.

made his situation more difficult.

But he didn't care about this at all, his eyes were round and staring at Xiaonan!

It seems that he wants to take advantage of this last time to engrave her back in his mind.

It's too late to say.




The crocodile turtle broke through the water and crawled extremely fast. Just when Xiao Nan turned around, it bit Xiao Nan's calf with one bite, and the sound of meat piercing and bone cracking sounded at the same time.


After all, Xiaonan was a five-year-old girl, no matter how strong she was, she couldn't bear such pain and cried out in pain.

The big snapping turtle was afraid of the firearm in Xiaonan's hand, so it didn't carelessly when it succeeded in sneak attack. It swung its neck suddenly and threw Xiaonan into the water!
It wants to eat the little girl's 'food' in the water!

Just as it was about to enter the water, it immediately smelled a more delicious 'smell', turned its head suddenly, and looked at the baby boy in Xiao Ai's arms, showing a greedy look.

Jump up.

It aggressively bit the baby boy.

"You...you don't come here."


Xiao Ai backed away in fright, and the baby boy in her arms seemed to sense the danger, crying loudly.


No one can help her.

The snake man next to him, he had already climbed on the crooked neck tree, trembling.


The snapping turtle didn't waste any time. After turning around, it started to speed up, opened its bloody mouth, and went straight to the baby boy in Xiao Ai's arms.

next moment.

Just when everyone thought this girl was going to die.


"call out."

With Xiao Ai's screaming sounded again, several water arrows condensed in the water and struck the snapping turtle first. One of the water arrows accidentally hit its damaged eyeball .

More than three inches deep!

In the end, it collapsed and turned into drops of water and fell to the ground.


The second injury to the eyes made the snapping turtle scream even more, and it didn't care about attacking.


At this moment, everyone's minds were full of question marks, and their doubts were different.

Snake Man: What just happened?Why does the snapping turtle suddenly scream and stop attacking?
Xie Shaokun: What was that shot out of the water just now?Are there monsters in the water?

Xia Yu: It was Water Arrow just now?Could it be that Xiao Ai is...

"That water-type power user?!"

Her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, both surprised and delighted.

Originally, because of Xie Shaokun's 'saucy operation', she had no hope of whether the water-type supernatural being would come here.

never thought.

The water-type power user is Xiao Ai!
It turned out that she had known water-type supernatural beings a long time ago.

At the same time, she also thought of one thing: Even if she didn't stop it last time, according to the situation in the previous life, Xiao Ai probably wouldn't go to Jinlan International Hotel, otherwise she would definitely die.

How could it be possible to participate in this fog event?
"Fate is really wonderful."

Xia Yu came to the shore, ready to find a boat to rescue Xiaonan and Xiaoai.

After all, although Xiao Ai is a water-type power user, but has no experience in using it, let alone combat experience, he may be killed if he suddenly faces a mutant, let alone a red-eyed mutant beast?

"call out."


Countless water arrows turned into ice arrows and shot forward.

However, Xiao Ai's luck was not so good, and he was unable to shoot the injured eye of the snapping turtle for a long time, and it was difficult to hurt the snapping turtle when stabbing other parts, and the snapping turtle knew it was afraid, so it turned around and wanted to get into it. in the water.

Just get in the water.

Don't even try to kill it!

Seeing that it was about to dive into the water and flee, a black gun was aimed at its other eye, and the high-speed spinning bullet blasted it violently!

Crazy destruction of its brain tissue.


In the end, the snapping turtle fell heavily.

No more movement.


The snake man asked in disbelief.


Xiaonan sneezed, shivering from the cold, but still tightly holding the gun in her hand.

She has a fever.

Although his physique has been improved many times by heaven and earth psychic powers, it is much better than ordinary people, but if he suddenly enters the water in the winter, he will still get sick.

Moreover, the burning temperature is higher!
I have been persisting just now, but at this moment the strings in my heart are loosened, and I suddenly feel weak, listless, and cold all over.

"Are you OK?"

Seeing this, the snake man's eyes flashed, and he jumped off the tree immediately, wanting to take the initiative to help Xiaonan.

"do not come."

Xiaonan raised her gun vigilantly.

At this time, is there still such a big wariness?
This looks like a little girl about five years old?
The snake man stopped immediately, raised his hands, and said, "Little sister, don't be impulsive, I just want to help you sit down and rest."

"Thank you big brother, I don't need it."

Xiaonan resisted the discomfort in her body, and came to the side of the crooked neck tree, leaning her back on the trunk, holding the spear tightly, shivering with cold.

She has to hold on.

Hold on until big sister comes over!
She is relieved!

The snake man didn't get any closer, but kept his surroundings in case any monsters would jump out of the water, while looking at the ice slag at his feet, he felt very strange.

Why are ice arrows shot out of the water?


Seeing that the snapping turtle was killed, Xiao Ai breathed a sigh of relief.

She lay limp on the ground, feeling exhausted, yet still had to devote all her energy to comforting the baby boy in her arms.

"It's not a water ability!"

"It's an ice-type power user!"

Xia Yu's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she became more and more surprised.

Ice-type abilities are rarer and more aggressive. If they can be recruited, it will be a great help.



Xie Shaokun called out in surprise.


Another stone smashed his head to bleed again.


Xie Shaokun was so angry that he gritted his teeth immediately: "It's too much! Dead monkey, I ignored you just now, are you still in a good mood? See if I don't kill you!"

He jumped straight up.

With no scruples in his heart, he can also devote himself to the battle with all his heart, and his combat power suddenly increases.

the other side.

Xiaohua has already dealt with the goats, leaving only a few weak mutant beasts.

Killing them all is only a matter of time.

It seems that the overall situation is settled.

(End of this chapter)

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