I'm back from hell

Chapter 134 Harvest summary, fight for the country

after an hour.

Nanyang Village, Li Xiang's home.

There were three people lying on the ground, all unconscious.

"There is no monitoring here, and you can find the location accurately?"

Xia Yu looked at the scene of the reunion of mother and child, her beautiful eyes twinkled slightly, and she became more interested in the person behind the website who provided the news.

Unexpectedly, there are such talents in China.

"Miss Yu."

"This guy is nicknamed 'Brother Dog', and he calls the higher-ups every half hour."

Hong She picked up one of the young men and said, "As long as he is caught, Gao Weiguo will not know what's going on here in a short time."

"Take him."

Xia Yu nodded and said, "Go to Dongling Pharmaceutical Factory."

On the road.

"You did the right thing about Xiao Ai."

"Right now, you leave Shunyang City immediately with your things. I'm afraid the Gao family will attack you in a short time. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

Xia Yu hung up Xiaonan's phone, frowning slightly.

"Sister Yu, what's the matter?"

Hong Snake asked.

"Xiao Ai refuses to join."

Xia Yu knocked Brother Gou unconscious before speaking.


Hong She nodded, not surprised.

"You seem to have expected that?"

Xia Yu couldn't help asking.

"It's not hard to guess."

Hong She shrugged and said, "This little girl hasn't experienced beatings from society, let alone accept some of your actions."

"If I'm not wrong, she refused to join because of the baby boy?"

Hearing this, Xia Yu couldn't help giving Hong She a high look.

This team finally has someone who can help her share some things.

It will also be easy to talk to.


She nodded and said, "Her xinxing still needs training."

"Do not."

Hong She shook her head, having a completely different understanding: "I'm afraid it's too late."

"What do you mean?"

Xia Yu frowned.

In the last days, no matter how holy a person is, they can be transformed.

She just felt that if Xiao Ai couldn't change her mind before the end of the world broke out, she could only give up.

After all, she doesn't have that much time for a person to grow up.

Leaving a Holy Mother in the team will cause far greater harm than its own ability.

"Miss Yu."

Hong Snake said, "You seem to have forgotten the country."

"It seems to have forgotten that the citizens of our country are very patriotic."

Xia Yu came to a sudden.

"Do you think she will join the country?"

she asked.


Hong She nodded affirmatively: "Sister Yu attracted her because she also has supernatural powers, right?"

"How did you know?"

Xia Yu was quite surprised, she felt more and more that she had underestimated Hong Snake before.

"When I fled to the land in the center of the pond, I was about to be overtaken by the big snapping turtle. The speed of the boat suddenly increased a lot. At first I thought it was my potential explosion, but then I realized..."

"Not really."

"Someone help me."

"Moreover, that strange power is very similar to the power that I run when I cast the ability, but it is slightly different."

Hong Snake recounted in detail: "Later, water arrows and ice arrows appeared inexplicably, and every time there was such a strange force."

"And Xiaonan is not a supernatural being."

"So, it's not hard to guess."

Xia Yu came to a sudden.

"She is an ice-type power user."

She said: "It's quite rare. If it is properly cultivated, it will be a great force."

Hong Snake quite agrees.


Cannot be used for oneself.

Then, no matter how good the ability is, it is useless.

"She will regret it."

he opened his mouth to speak.


Xia Yu didn't care whether Xiao Ai would regret it, and said flatly: "We are all adults, and we must be responsible for our own choices."

"I hope she can shine for the country."

The last sentence is sincere.

The stronger the country is, the better the living environment for her and her team will be in the last days.

What's more...

The east corner is lost, and the mulberry elm is harvested.

Although Xiao Ai is good, Hong Snake is not bad, or even better.

The harvest of this operation has been extremely rich, and she is very satisfied.

The harvest of this operation then appeared in my mind:

First, the shell of the snapping turtle is an excellent material for shields, which can be used for both offense and defense, and is of great value.

Second, the corpses of the two psychic beasts, the flesh and blood contained spiritual energy.Even if you leave the fog event, you can increase your strength by devouring their flesh and blood.

Third, the number of five first-grade crystal nuclei, six mutant beast crystal nuclei, and eleven ordinary mutant crystal nuclei exceeded expectations.

Fourth, Xiao Ai's life-saving kindness.With this woman's character and character, most of them can keep their word.

Fifth, Hong Snake joined.This is the biggest gain of this operation. As for this person's loyalty, as long as he gets resources such as the spirit servants, there is no need to worry about this?
Sixth, the newly acquired more than 1000 million yuan is the smallest of all gains.

Seventh, that website!This is one more channel to get information, which is especially important to her.



"Ai Cao, you said you just participated in the 'fog event'?"

Gao Zhengting looked at the girl in front of him, and a bright light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and asked.


Mugwort, also known as "Xiao Ai" in Xia Yu's mouth, she nodded heavily.


Gao Zhengting was ecstatic in his heart, and asked, "Tell me about what happened inside."

"it is good."

Wormwood nodded.

10 minute later.

"Isn't Hong Snake from Xie Shaokun's team?"

"Besides Xie Shaokun, Xiaonan, you, Hong Snake and Xiaohua, there is another woman!"

"Why did the woman disappear after the fog event cleared?"

Gao Zhengting got a lot of useful information at once, especially that mysterious woman, who is probably the person behind the scenes controlling Xie Shaokun!

This... is simply a surprise!
He stared at the wormwood, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked, "Do you know that woman? What's her name?"

"That's a big deal."

However, Ai Cao, who had been very cooperative just now, shook her head at this moment.

"What do you mean?"

Gao Zhengting's eyes sank, and he said, "Are you going to help a bunch of bad guys?"

"They're not bad people."

Ai Cao shook her head and said, "You don't have to force me, I won't tell you her identity."


Gao Zhengting clenched his fists suddenly, then took a deep breath, controlled his irritable emotions, and said again in as calm a tone as possible: "Okay! I won't force you!"

"What about you? Why don't you join them?"

He decided to take his time.

Dealing with a girl in her 20s who just graduated, he has patience and confidence.

"Mismatched ideas."

Ai Cao said: "They are too cold-blooded and selfish, but I..."

"Want to be on the side of the country."

"Fight for the country!"

"very good."

Gao Zhengting nodded. This is a good young man in the new era: "Now, our country has set up a special organization, and anyone with ability can join."

"As long as you absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth fast enough, I can apply for you to join."

"Of course, if you have abilities..."

"never mind."

"You probably haven't heard of what a supernatural power is."

The chance of a psychic being born is so pitifully small that it can't be overstated to describe it as one in a million, but he actually has hope for wormwood?


"Does this count?"

Wormwood flicked her fingers lightly, and the water in the glass suddenly gushed up like a fountain, and what was even more weird was that they all turned into ice the next moment.

An ice sculpture is formed.

Gao Zhengting froze in place, like a statue.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

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