Chapter 137
the next day.

Xia Yu took the jade box from Xiaonan's hand, opened it, and the surge of spiritual energy that rushed to her face made all the cells in her body exude 'desire': "Yan Lingguo!"

The rock spirit fruit, with a rock-like outer skin, is off-white and the size of a fist. It is a common psionic fruit in different dimensions. The energy inside it is relatively violent, so it is not suitable for ordinary people to consume. It is suitable for creatures of the first-grade spiritual energy level and above.

To put it bluntly, it is a big deal in alien spaces.

However, not all psionic beings are qualified to take such high-grade goods, let alone human races that are regarded as 'food' by creatures from different dimensions!
"It's not suitable for Xiaotian to take, even Xiaonan can't take it rashly, otherwise it's easy to explode and die."

"Xie Shaokun can barely digest part of the energy."

"As for me……"

Hearing the sound of Xie Shaokun's Adam's apple wriggling, and feeling that many people outside the car were staring at him with salivation, Xia Yu took it directly without hesitation.

The rock spirit fruit melts in the mouth.

It turned into majestic energy and poured into her limbs, crazily transforming her body.

ten minutes later.

Completely digested.

Xia Yu felt that his physique had improved significantly, which was equivalent to the effect of my ten days of training in a different dimension.

Because of her previous life, she has an extremely accurate perception of her own strength, and she can clearly perceive that she has already completed 25% of the first-grade Psychic Energy Realm.

You know, in the whole 'zoo' incident, she only completed 1% of the first-grade spiritual energy level by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

It can be seen from this that the effect of the rock spirit fruit...


Xia Yu was extremely satisfied.

"big sister."

Xiaonan couldn't help swallowing, handed the phone over, clicked on a video, and said, "Uncle Zhao personally ordered me to show you."


Xia Yu glanced at it, his pupils shrank suddenly, and blurted out: "Blood Spirit Gu!"

This is a means of controlling people!

Gotta get it!

She quickly picked up her mobile phone and edited the text message.

The sincerity of the other party is very high, as a transaction, Xia Yu naturally needs to come up with a large enough bargaining chip.


call out.

call out.

call out.

call out.

Zhao Guohui received four text messages.

Article [-]: The end of the world will break out in three months.

Article [-]: As far as I can provide, the events of the fog in the next half month are as follows.

Three days later, the Fanghai Bridge Incident broke out in Donghai Province. The exact time is unknown. It was dangerous... Fifteen days later, at 10:30 in the morning, a fog incident broke out in the central square of the central city. Dangerous: blood bees, the number exceeded a hundred.

Article [-]: The crystal nuclei will be detonated by the powerful instantaneous heat energy, resulting in a violent explosion of spiritual energy, which can cause damage to creatures including but not limited to ghosts.The more psionic energy in the crystal nucleus, the greater the power of the psionic energy explosion.

Rule [-]: Blood Spirit Gu, give it to me as soon as possible.


Seeing the first text message, Zhao Guohui's expression was extremely serious.

Seeing the second text message, his eyes lit up: Xia Yu really knew the information about the misty incident in other places, but... it seemed that he didn't know everything.

When he saw the third text message, he was taken aback.

The 'explosive' he was thinking of, the secret that a certain country didn't want to disclose, turned out to be so simple.

As for the fourth text message...

"It seems that the value of this blood spirit Gu is very high."

Zhao Guohui's thoughts changed, but he didn't feel that he was at a loss, because...

These news are more important to him!

Both parties have what they need!

He edited the text message and sent it to Xia Yu: "Within ten days, the Blood Spirit Gu will definitely be delivered to you."

Xia Yu: "Five days."

Zhao Guohui: "Seven days!"

Xia Yu: "Five days!"

Zhao Guohui: "I will try my best!"

The next two days.

Xia Yu continued to contact Daoist Wu, using money to open a way to find the place where the Yin energy of the province gathers.

one place.

two places.


It has to be said that there are really many places where Yin Qi gathers in this province, and we have found four places where Yin Qi gathers.

The degree of completion of Xiaohua's fourth transformation is finally...

Came to 98%!

That's right, it has only increased by one point!


"The last three points are more difficult than the last."

Although Xia Yu had expected it, the difficulty was beyond her expectation.

"This way..."

She frowned.

There are only four days until the next mist incident. At this rate, I am afraid there is no way to help Xiaohua complete the fourth transformation.

Three more days passed.

Another seven gathering places of Yin Qi were found.

The completion of Xiaohua's fourth transformation has reached 99%!

Then, news came from Daoist Wu: The place where the Yin energy gathered in this province is gone!
its stuck.

Fortunately, Xiao Hua didn't absorb much resentment these days.

"We can only wait for tomorrow's fog event."

In Xia Yu's mind, the basic information about the "Internet celebrity hotel incident" that will be entered tomorrow:

Source of danger: Unknown ghosts, mutants, whether there are mutant beasts and mutant implants.

Danger level: One survived.

Resources: rich yin energy, unknown resources.

The reason why there are so many "unknowns" in the information this time is because the person who survived the previous life became a fool, and kept saying "ghosts", "ghosts", "beautiful flowers" and so on. Words provide no other information.

"No matter what the 'pretty flower' is, the yin energy contained in this incident will definitely help Xiaohua complete her fourth transformation, and even go one step further."

The difficulty of the fourth metamorphosis is so great, let alone the fifth metamorphosis?
Next, if Xiaohua wants to continue to transform, she must either encounter a place of gathering shade in reality for a hundred years or even a thousand years, or go to the fog event to absorb it.

There is no other way.

Xia Yu began to think about her means:

Blood butterflies, mouthparts and crystal nuclei are enough to deal with ghosts.

In the past few days, she has been consuming the flesh and blood of the spirit-changing beast, which has further improved her strength, and she has completed 25.5% of the first-grade spiritual energy realm.

That's right, it's only up 0.5%!

This is also impossible, the spiritual energy contained in the flesh and blood of the spirit beast is too limited.

Coupled with Xiaohua, it is enough to deal with any accidents.


Returned to the community.

Xia Yu has been away from home for the past few days, falsely claiming to be on a business trip, and today he is finally free to go home.


As soon as he entered the door, he saw his younger brother putting the food on the table.

She likes to eat preserved egg tofu, pan-fried soft tofu, pickled fish and ribs soup.

"So many dishes?"

Xia Yu's eyes brightened.


Xia Tian said with a smile: "You just stepped on the meal time to come back?"

"I thought you'd have to wait a while."

Xia Yu is a little greedy, grabbing the chopsticks and wanting to sandwich egg tofu.


Xia Tian unceremoniously patted the back of his sister's hand, of course, without much force: "Wash your hands! Wash your hands!"

Xia Yu stretched out his hand and wanted to fight back, but was avoided by Xia Tian.

"come over."

"Let me take a picture, or the family law will take care of me."

Xia Yu said unreasonably.


Xia Tian said helplessly: "Sister, you are too shameless, you still bring such a thing?"

As he said, he could only stretch out his hand reluctantly and unwillingly.


Xia Yu called back, and immediately smiled, with a cute look: "It's more or less the same."

As she spoke, she suddenly stretched out her hand to touch Xia Tian's small biceps, and exclaimed: "Xiaotian, you seem to have become stronger?"

Xia Tian's eyes flashed.

Since getting the Soul Jade, his brain has gotten faster and faster, and his body has gotten better and better. He has more energy to study, research, practice nail guns, and exercise.

"Even the country is advocating fitness. As a law-abiding and patriotic three-good student, I naturally have to respond."

He talked nonsense, and brought the topic to his sister by the way: "On the contrary, you are out of work. Why are you so busy? You only go out for a few days."

"Another girlfriend got married."

After Xia Yu washed her hands, she started to eat directly. As for the reason for leaving... She didn't bother to think about it, so she just applied it from last time.


He immediately looked serious, stared at Xia Yu seriously, and said, "Sister, next time you leave, you must tell me in advance, you don't know how dangerous it is outside if you don't watch the news."

"Recently there was another news: a group of men asked a girl to drink with her, and the girl called her boyfriend, but the boyfriend came and got beaten up."

"You don't even have a boyfriend, it's even more dangerous."


Xia Yu didn't listen to a single word of what came next, she was used to her brother's complaints long ago, but it felt a little pleasant to her ears, so she ate while listening.

I eat too fast.

By the time Xiaotian realized it, she had already eaten all of her favorite preserved egg tofu.


Xia Tian said with a dark face, "You can't eat too much preserved eggs, it will make you stupid."

Xia Yu: "My IQ is too high, it's better to be stupid."


He thinks he is smarter, but when facing his sister, he is always helpless, feeling like he can't do anything.


In the end, he could only pinch the space between his brows and give up the topic: "Don't forget to go for a run tomorrow."

"At that time, I will take you for a run with my friends."


Xia Yu nodded.

These days, although most of the time is on the road, the driver is Xiaohua, which does not prevent her from exercising in a small area in the car, but the effect is not as good as usual.

Going for a run tomorrow is also good to stretch your fists and feet.

"and many more."

She thought of something and asked, "Didn't you read it earlier?"

Xia Tian had already thought of the reason, and said: "I should remember it all. I want to exercise and exercise, so I applied to the school not to have morning classes, and the school agreed."

"Study is good, this privilege... tsk tsk..."

Xia Yu didn't know what to say anymore, but she respected Xia Tian's choice.

Moreover, she has also experienced the pain of morning reading. Not only can she not remember anything, but she also tortures herself. She hates morning reading.

"Sister, is it time for you to start school soon?"

Xia Tian casually asked.



Xia Yu was taken aback for a moment, but then he came to his senses and said uncertainly, "Is it the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

She is still a college student.

to go to school.


Almost forgot school time?

(End of this chapter)

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