I'm back from hell

Chapter 149 The Baby Hurts

Chapter 149 The Baby Hurts

"It's great that someone is playing with the baby again."



"There was your aura in this room before. You are the masters of this room? What should I do? I just want to kill the people who drop by."


"I smell the same kind of breath, are you my kind?"

The little boy looked at Xiao Hua curiously, and asked, "Why don't you go kill people in your own territory, why do you come to my place! Hmph! Do you want to grab food from the baby?"

"Baby is not so easy to bully!"

Xiao Hua remained silent.

Xia Yu said, "How do you know the taboos here?"

The little boy ignored her at all, continued to stare at Xiao Hua, even stood up, pinched his waist angrily, and stared at Xiao Hua, as if he could stare Xiao Hua away.

Do you know each other?

What is similar?Is Xia Yu also a ghost?

my mom!
Xia Hongwei, who was lying on the ground beside him, was stunned, feeling that his whole body was not well, and his world view was overturned.

Originally, facing the ghosts alone, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he felt that he was bound to die. Then he saw Xia Yu and the two rushing in, igniting the hope of life, but now he sank severely.

Do you still want to die?
Feeling like riding a roller coaster, Xia Hongwei's emotions completely collapsed.

Tears were streaming down from below.

"Could it be that your law of killing coincides with the taboo here?"

Xia Yu frowned slightly.

What a coincidence.



The little boy finally noticed Xia Yu.

It was mainly the words 'law of killing' that aroused its interest.

"Can you see me too?"

"You are not my kind."

"Why can you see me too?"

The little boy walked around Xia Yu curiously, his body easily passed through the wall, and finally came to Xia Yu's front, and said, "You can really see me."


"so fun."

"I haven't encountered a situation where a human sees me."

"Now you have met." Xia Yu said flatly, "Answer my question."

"We are just a group of lonely ghosts. I don't know why we came to this space. In order to prevent internal strife, we follow the taboos here to kill people."

The little boy didn't hide it, or it didn't feel the need to hide it, so he just said it directly: "My strength is relatively weak, and I can only be assigned to the taboo of killing people when I visit the house."

Is it distributed according to strength?

It's kind of interesting.

Xia Yu nodded and said, "Understood."

"its not right."

"You are also a ghost, why didn't you come out when the 'food' was distributed before? And why did you mix with a human?"

The little boy's thinking jumped a lot, and soon he looked at Xiao Hua and asked, "You are very strong, and you can definitely allocate more food."

Xia Yu said flatly, "I brought him here, so he naturally wants to follow me."


"So you're great?"

The little boy looked at Xia Yu again, and then suddenly thought of something, his face changed suddenly, showing a look of fear: "Baby knows!"

"You are the human who killed the hanged ghost!"

"you're good!"

"Can you not kill the baby?"


Xia Yu shook his head indifferently.

"Then go to die!"

The little boy suddenly showed a serious look, and his whole body became hideous and terrifying. He directly hugged Xia Yu's thigh and started sucking crazily.

Xia Yu: "..."

She silently recited the nameless mantra, and the little boy couldn't inhale anything.

You must know that the power of this nameless formula is determined according to the level of psionic life. Now that her strength has reached the first-grade level of psionic energy, the power of the nameless formula will naturally increase.

I can't deal with the hanged ghost, but I can deal with the little boy in front of me with ease.


After sucking for a while, the little boy looked confused.

Can't suck?
What's the matter with this woman?

"For the sake of your telling me the news, I will kill you myself to give you a good time."


The blood butterfly in Xia Yu's hand stabbed down fiercely, as fast as lightning.

Once hit, the little boy must be out of his wits.

It turned into endless yin energy and became the nourishment of the little flower.


What she didn't expect was that the little boy exploded at an astonishing speed, moved several meters across in an instant, left the bathroom, and came to the next room.


Xia Yu's beautiful eyes narrowed.

What a great speed!

"Kill it!"

"Quick fight!"

She gave a low drink.


Xiaohua didn't talk nonsense, she left the corpse directly and went after the little boy.

As for Xia Hongwei, his consciousness was completely plunged into darkness.


Room 208.

"Come on!"

"Dead! Dead!"

Sister Hong had already confirmed that the fashion girl was dead, she was so scared that she turned around and ran away.

But as soon as he ran to the door, he suddenly found that his neck was pinched by a pair of small hands!
"Uh uh uh……"

She scratched desperately with both hands, trying to break away the little hands on the neck, but no matter how she tried to grab them, she couldn't touch them.

Can only struggle desperately.

Endless fear and despair emerged in my heart.

She is just an ordinary person, facing such a weird situation, besides waiting for death, she is still waiting for death!

No way.


Just when she was desperate, she saw a child's face appearing in front of her.


Fear crawled all over her body like ants in an instant, and Sister Hong trembled violently, feeling that this face and the pair of small hands on the neck came from the same dirty thing.

She fainted on the spot.

"Don't kill the baby, or the baby will kill her!"

Seeing Xiaohua's face flying in front of him, the little boy immediately screamed.

He was terrified.


Xiaohua didn't stop at all.

"You humans don't care about your own kind?"

The little boy realized that the life-saving means he thought of on the spur of the moment didn't work at all, and he realized that it was not good.

next moment.

When its fingers were about to be dug into Sister Hong's neck, the whole body trembled.

Its face was covered with small flower stickers.


"It hurts baby to death."

"The baby is just hungry to eat some food, why did you kill the baby? Why?"

"We are the same kind, why do you listen to a human being."


The little boy yelled unwillingly, his voice getting smaller and smaller.

Finally disappeared completely.

In just a few seconds, he was sucked dry, and his soul flew away.


It was also at this moment that the other four ghosts in the hotel set their sights on Room 208 again.

"It's that human again!"

"Do you want to join forces to kill her?"

"Right now we can only cooperate with it on the fourth floor, but will it cooperate with us?"

The three ghosts, the scholar, the eldest lady, and the child, who had just killed two people, looked a bit ugly: "Try it, we can't sit still and wait for death."

(End of this chapter)

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