I'm back from hell

Chapter 155 The Last Toilet

Xie Chengyong.

While looking for someone who might be on the fourth floor, he looked curiously at Sister Hong who was following behind him, and couldn't help but ask, "Why didn't you hide like Master Hong?"


Sister Hong pursed her lips again. At this time, her lips had even begun to dry out, and faint blood oozes from the cracks: "I'm afraid of ghosts."

"That master is unreliable at first glance, and he is old, and his yang energy must be insufficient."

"Ghosts are generally reluctant to get close to people with strong yang energy, so I will follow you."

Xie Chengyong froze.

For this reason, he thought that the other party thought he was stronger, so he felt more secure following him.

"What the hell is there?"

He shook his head, obviously in disbelief.


"I didn't lie to you."

Sister Hong spoke about her experience just now.

"The girl who came into your room seemed to see something and was scared to death?"

"You can't see anything?"

The more Xie Chengyong heard it, the more he didn't believe it, and he couldn't help but said: "Isn't this one of the hotel's taboos? I am the boss here, and I can tell you clearly that the taboos in this hotel are all fake."

"So, there's nothing wrong with it."


"No no no."

Sister Hong shook her head frantically, and said, "I wanted to leave later, but something grabbed my neck. No matter how I tried, I couldn't touch the hand that pinched my neck."

"Later, the face of that fair and handsome boy downstairs flew in front of me!"

"I'm going to be scared to death."

As she spoke, she shook like a sieve.

Apparently, just the memory scared her to death.

Xie Chengyong thought it was nonsense at first, but when he saw the clearly visible, green and purple finger prints on Sister Hong's neck, he couldn't help frowning, and then saw Sister Hong's terrified face...

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong here?"

He pointed to his brain.

Miss Hong: "..."

If it was before, she would have slapped her across the face, and would have scolded: You are the only one out of your mind!Your whole family is mentally ill!
But now, she won't.

Already scared out of my wits!

"After I go out, I'll pay for it, you go and have a look."

Xie Chengyong saw that Sister Hong didn't speak, and felt that he was right, so he couldn't help but tease her.


Sister Hong was anxious and angry.

Why don't you believe me!

She didn't bother to explain anything. She felt that the man in front of her was unreliable. She couldn't help but look back at the iron gate, hoping that the two people who saved her would survive the battle on the third floor.

next moment.

There was a loud noise downstairs, as if the wall had been smashed through.

"What happened?"

The faces of the two of them changed, and they were both surprised and uncertain.

"It seems to be a real hit."

Immediately, Xie Chengyong said, "How much hatred does this group of people have?"

Sister Hong showed a worried expression.

It's a pity that she didn't know anything, but more blood appeared from the crack on her lip, and it had already started to drip down her lips to the ground.




She could only keep pursing her lips, and even bit her lips into her mouth.

Xie Chengyong continued to search for one room after another.


He came to the deepest part of the corridor. This is a public toilet, regardless of gender, and there is no urinal.

There are four toilets in total.

"If not here..."

Xie Chengyong frowned: "Could that person be Master Hong?"

If Master Hong just lied and didn't stay on the fourth floor, but went down to the third floor without his knowledge, is it possible that the person who 'harmed' him was Master Hong?

This is not impossible.

Especially thinking that he clearly used Master Hong as a 'meat shield' to block Xia Yu's attack, but Master Hong never retaliated against him from the beginning to the end.

Just now, I found a room and got in, and closed the door tightly.


The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the possibility of Master Hong harming him was very high. Suddenly, the guilt of treating Master Hong as a "meat shield" just disappeared, and a sinister thought came to him instead.


Xie Chengyong kicked open the first toilet door.

no one.


Kick open the second toilet door.

no one.


At this moment, Master Hong's screams came from the corridor behind him.


Xie Cheng bravely came to the door of the toilet, staring at the direction of Master Hong's screams, his expression changed.

Room 404!

is there!

He rushed up without hesitation, not even having time to check the last two toilets.

Because his movements were too sudden.

Sister Hong behind her didn't even have time to keep up, so she just stayed alone in the toilet.


Her face changed, and she just wanted to catch up.

A chill came from his back.


Immediately afterwards, the door of the last toilet slowly opened.

In the darkness, I couldn't see anything, but Sister Hong somehow sensed something coming out of it!

She screamed, her adrenal glands soared, and she burst out with amazing potential, and rushed out of the toilet at a starting speed comparable to that of Su Shen.


Xie Chengyong, who had just rushed a few meters away, was full of question marks, and couldn't help but look back.

Don't know why.

Seeing Sister Hong's disheveled hair, her face as white as paper, and her mouth full of blood, he felt a twitch in his heart, feeling a trace of fear.

One word came to mind: Ghost!

"What are you yelling at?"

Immediately, Xie Chengyong came back to his senses and felt that he had made a fuss, so he couldn't help slowing down, and after Sister Hong followed, he asked.


"There is a ghost in the toilet!"

Sister Hong kept looking back, her face pale.


"Sick again?"

Xie Chengyong asked.


"It's in the last toilet! She's coming out! Coming out!"

Miss Hong insisted.


Hearing this, Xie Chengyong hesitated for a moment, slowed down again, and said, "Is there someone? It seems to be the one who hurt me!"

"It must be him!"

As he spoke, he glanced at room 404 again, and heard Master Hong's screams still coming from inside, then he gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "Let's go!"

"go back!"


Sister Hong shook her head crazily, the blood on her lips was all on Xie Chengyong's body: "I won't go, I won't go!"

"Afraid of a bird's egg."

"With Lao Tzu here, even if it is a ghost, I will stab a bloody hole in it!"

Xie Chengyong waved the switchblade viciously, and strode towards the toilet.

Sister Hong didn't keep up this time, but retreated crazily, preparing to open the iron gate to find Xia Yu and Xiao Hua!

The fourth floor is too dangerous!
"I want to see if you are a human or a ghost!"

"Get out of here!"

Xie Chengyong didn't care about Sister Hong, so he went straight back to the toilet and went straight to the last toilet.

At this moment, the toilet door is closed tightly.

Xie Chengyong frowned, but still kicked him away.

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