I'm back from hell

Chapter 157 Resentful Corpse VS Resentful Corpse

"Do not kill me."

Xie Chengyong's shoulders were crazily bleeding.

He struggled to get up from the ground, tried to stand up but couldn't do it, and finally could only sit on the ground, begging for mercy with a face full of horror: "Xiaoxuan, you are Xiaoxuan!"

"This...how is this possible!"

"Aren't you dead?"

Xia Yu didn't move, she still stood there watching the scene, she saw five finger-thick blood holes on Xie Chengyong's right shoulder.

It stands to reason that this is not to death.

But Xie Chengyong was extremely weak, which could be heard from his voice.


The corpse in pajamas called 'Xiaoxuan' walked out of the toilet step by step, revealing its pale face under the light of the flashlight.

It was the woman in the portrait!

She came alive!

approaching step by step.

"Do not."

"Xiaoxuan, listen to me."

At this moment, Xie Chengyong didn't care about his injury at all, he covered his shoulder with one hand and his heart with the other, and said more and more weakly: "You insisted on pestering me and threatening me, and I did something stupid on impulse. "

"I don't want to go to prison, so... so I can only put your body in the wall."

"I was wrong, I really know I was wrong."

It turned out to be the case.

"Is this corpse in pajamas the graduate student that Xie Chengyong brought?"

Hearing this, Xia Yu instantly understood everything.

Back then, his ex-wife went to prison for burning down the hotel and spent several years in jail. The graduate student who had an affair with Xie Chengyong had no good fruit, and was actually killed by him.

It will be permanently sealed in this hotel.

If it wasn't for the fog event, I'm afraid it would never be discovered!

Xie Chengyong seemed to be injured badly, he couldn't even sit still, his hands covering his shoulders leaned on the ground, he was still fighting for the chance to survive, and said, "Please give me a chance to reform myself."


"I will only love you in the future, and I will never abandon you..."

As he spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller.

It seems that even if he is not killed by the corpse in pajamas, he will die slowly.

This made Xia Yu feel a little strange.

The shoulder was injured, so he wouldn't die, right?

Could it be that the nails of this resentful corpse have corpse poison?

The resentful corpse in pajamas did not give Xie Chengyong a chance to die slowly. She took a step forward and stepped on Xie Chengyong's head.


Xie Chengyong's head exploded on the spot.


Seeing this, Xia Yu frowned.

Revenge and hatred should be able to dispel grievances. If the resentful corpse has no grievances, its strength will inevitably drop sharply.

This fog incident... is coming to an end.


The next moment, Xia Yu found that the resentment of the corpse in pajamas had not diminished!

Even increased!


This unreasonable scene instantly made her realize that it was unusual.

Take a closer look.

Her gaze was fixed on Xie Chengyong's heart, where blood was still 'bubbling'. Although the exact location of the wound was unclear because of the light and clothing, she had a guess:
It is very likely that Xie Chengyong did not die at the hands of the corpse, but was stabbed in the heart by another person.

and so……

"There's someone in the toilet!"

Xia Yu stared at the dark interior of the toilet, and said, "Who is it? Who killed Xie Chengyong? Who has a grudge against Xie Chengyong?"

She couldn't help but think of what Xie Chengyong said about someone entering the fourth floor and almost killing him.

Moreover, the ghost on the fourth floor also needs a living person to possess it. Xie Chengyong is dead, but the ghost has not yet appeared.

What does this mean, isn't it obvious?

Before she could think about it, the resentful corpse rushed up.


Xiaohua greeted her.


The fists of both sides collided brazenly.

Not surprisingly, Xiaohua retreated three steps in a row, while Resentful Corpse in Pajamas only retreated two steps.

The gap in strength is clear at a glance!



The two sides fought again.

The speed is extremely fast, and in the weak light, the figures are staggered, and ordinary people can't see clearly at all.

Even Xia Yu needs to squint to observe.

She didn't act in a hurry.

There are three reasons:

First, she needs to rely on Xiaohua to try to find out whether there are other methods for resenting the corpse in pajamas.

Second, she needs to guard against the ghost in the dark!
Third, Xiaohua's strength is not weak, and nothing will happen in a short time.

The combat power of these two resentful corpses is not without horror. In just ten seconds, the entire corridor was completely destroyed.

The doors on both sides were destroyed, and sawdust flew everywhere.

The walls are full of holes.

"The resentful corpse's power, speed and defense are much better than Xiaohua's, and it even has combat experience not weaker than Xiaohua's!"

"How can the newly formed resentful corpse have combat experience?"

Xia Yu frowned.

I thought that Xiaohua could last longer with the help of combat experience, but I never thought that the resentful corpse also had combat experience, which put Xiaohua at a complete disadvantage.


She immediately discovered another abnormality: "Why do the corpses in pajamas... sometimes have stiff movements?"

This situation seems to be that someone is manipulating the corpse in pajamas, and the proficiency is not high.


At this moment, Xiao Hua was kicked and flew out, hitting the door of the room beside her.

The corpse in pajamas followed closely behind.

The two sides fought again in the room.


Xia Yu knew that he had to act as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Xiaohua might lose an arm or a leg, and this kind of injury cannot be repaired by relying on resentment.

Once an arm or a leg is missing, it will inevitably affect the combat effectiveness.

and so……


With the help of the faint light, she noticed a figure flickering in the toilet.


Xia Yu's whole body tensed up.


A hoarse and piercing laugh sounded.

A hunched figure came out of the toilet.

It's the cleaner!
is her!

Xia Yu's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously tightened the blood butterfly in his hand. Instead of moving, he chose to wait and see what happened. At the same time, he ordered Xiao Hua to give up attacking and defend with all his strength.


"Xie Chengyong!"

"You are finally dead, finally dead, haha..."

The cleaner came to Xie Chengyong's side as if there was no one else around, without any trace of resentment around her, she said: "Back then you betrayed me and got involved with your own students, and even sent me to prison with your own hands, have you ever thought about today?"

"You don't know how I got here all these years."

"You don't even know who I am when I stand in front of you!"

"I applied to be a cleaner here, and I worked hard just to find a chance to kill you."

"Now, I finally found it, and I finally ended the life of you, a bastard, with my own hands!"


Looking at the woman's white hair, wrinkled face, and rough skin, Xia Yu frowned deeply.

This woman doesn't seem to be possessed by a ghost?

Where did the ghost on the fourth floor go?

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