I'm back from hell

Chapter 159 That Pretty Flower



After fighting again.

Xia Yu and Xiao Hua have completely gained the upper hand.

A resentful corpse who can only stand on one leg and attack with one hand, his combat strength has been weakened by more than half, how can he be the opponent of Xia Yu and Xiao Hua?



1 minute later.

The corpse in pajamas was completely dismembered and could only lie on the ground and struggle.

There is no longer any threat to Xia Yu and Xiao Hua.



"Have the ability to fight head-on!"

The evil ghost in the pajamas resented the corpse once again, it obviously did not expect to lose in this form in the end.

Xiao Hua conveyed the meaning of his words to Xia Yu.

"Incompetent rage?"

Xia Yu couldn't help smiling, and said, "Give me your method of controlling the corpse."

The ghost's voice sounded again: "Let me go."

Xia Yu: "Yes."

Evil ghost: "How can I trust you?"

Xia Yu: "You have to believe it."

Evil ghost: "..."

It doesn't know when the fog will dissipate, so it can't know that it can escape by delaying time.


Xia Yu didn't wait for the ghost's response, and spoke calmly.


"call out!"


She didn't talk nonsense, and flicked her wrist.

The eight mouthparts flew out and instantly sank into the head of the corpse in pajamas.


The miserable scream of the evil spirit resounded.


Eight mouthparts reappeared in Xia Yu's palm.

"Why don't you say 'one'? You say 'one' and I surrender!"

"Human woman, I can make your dreams come true!"

"As long as you sleep by yourself."

"At that time, I will also tell you what you want to know."

The evil spirit's attitude changed drastically, and he was trembling.

"call out."


After Xiaohua's 'translation' was completed, Xia Yu shot out eight mouthparts again without any hesitation.


The evil spirit screamed again.

"Dreams come true?"

Xia Yu looked at the resentful corpse in pajamas with mouthparts all over his face, and said lightly, "You still want to lie to me with the hotel's taboo? Do you think I will believe it?"

"Even if you have similar abilities."

"I don't need either."

Mainly, she was worried.

I will not gamble rashly!

"Give you one last chance."

Xia Yu said coldly: "Say."

"If I say so, you won't let me go."

The evil ghost sees it more clearly and is more stubborn: "Even if I die, I will never tell you that formula!"

"no way!"

Hearing this, Xia Yu nodded and said, "Since you don't want to say it, then don't force it."


In the next moment, the blood butterfly in her other hand flew out and went straight into the head of the corpse in pajamas.


The evil spirit was completely out of his wits.

Xia Yu pulled out the bleeding butterfly, and his eyes fell on the corpse in pajamas who was still struggling and trying to attack.

Next, how to fix it?

Xiao Hua started to suck the Yin Qi released by the evil ghost.

The degree of completion of the fifth metamorphosis soared again.



After more than ten seconds, Xiao Hua had already sucked up the Yin Qi.

The completion of the fifth transformation has also reached 80%!

This was beyond Xia Yu's expectation.

I didn't expect this evil ghost to contain so much Yin Qi, which was completely beyond imagination.


Xiaohua's combat power has once again increased.

"Try to see if you can control this resentful corpse."

Xia Yu ordered.

Xiaohua did as she wanted.

She didn't have the means to control the corpse just now, so she could only paste it on the face of the corpse in pajamas to forcefully control it.

never thought.

The pajamas corpse has strong resistance.

The two sides fell into a tug of war.


At this moment, Naier's husband, who had escaped from Xiao Hua's control, started to suck the grievances of his pajamas and resenting the corpse on his own.


The deadlock was broken.

As the resentment of the corpse in pajamas continues to decrease, the resistance of the corpse in pajamas weakens.

Just about 3 minutes.

Xiaohua completely controlled the resentful corpse in pajamas, letting him release his grievances for Naier's husband to absorb.

A few more minutes passed.

The resentful corpse in pajamas completely turned into a female corpse in pajamas.


Xiaohua returned to Naer's husband again.

next moment.

Xiaohua sends a signal: Naer's husband's strength has directly surpassed his peak period, and... his resistance to Xiaohua has become much stronger.


Xia Yumei's eyes shrank slightly, and she tightened the blood butterfly in her hand. Finally, she was worried, and five crystal nuclei appeared in the palm of her hand again!

She is ready to destroy Naer's husband at any time!

Naier's husband lost his obsession, and his resistance was not as strong as that of pajamas.

What's more, Xiaohua is now stronger again.

and so……

Xiaohua quickly controlled it.


Seeing this, Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief, sweating on his forehead.

With her current combat power, she can't even fight against the corpse in pajamas, let alone against Naer's husband who is beyond his peak?
Once out of control.

The consequences could be disastrous.

10 minute later.

"That beautiful flower hasn't appeared yet?"

Xia Yu searched the hotel, but found nothing: "Could it be a rule-based resource?"

shook his head.

Rules resources are not so easy to be born.

Could it be that the person who survived in the previous life lied?


A frightened fool cannot tell a lie.

"Wait a moment."

Xia Yu remembered one thing.

It is very strange that evil ghosts and scholar ghosts gather together, but they are not in the same group.

There must be a reason for a group of unknown ghosts to gather together.

Probably just to get that 'pretty flower'!
But what about the flower?

"Little Hua, dig into the ground!"

Xia Yu pondered for a while before giving the order.

There, it is the only place that has not been explored.

After half an hour.

Xiaohua, whose combat power is comparable to that of a second-grade spiritual changer, can dig very deep even with her hands, not to mention that she still has tools.

at last.

When digging to a depth of more than 30 meters underground.

Water appeared.

There were also spiritual fluctuations.

However, what Xia Yu felt the most was not the fluctuation of psionic energy, but... the throbbing in the depths of the soul!

No wonder

Xiaohua also sensed it, and had a greedy thought.

"Soul resources?"

Xia Yu guessed in her heart and looked forward to it more and more.

Xiao Hua continued to dig.

Soon, a flower that looks like purple or black, between reality and illusion is found.

It flies upwards at great speed.

Xiao Hua grabbed it, only to find that her palm had passed through the flower.

Didn't catch it!

With this delay, this beautiful flower flew several meters upwards.


Xiao Hua's face immediately separated from Na'er's husband, and endless Yin Qi surged around her body, covering him at an even faster speed!



However, although Xiao Hua wanted it very much, she still suppressed her desire and sent it to Xia Yu.

"Soul Lingzhi!"

Looking closely, Xia Yu recognized the flower at a glance.

An unconcealable look of joy appeared on his face...

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