I'm back from hell

Chapter 161 The Ninth Fog Incident Comes to an End

Chapter 161 The Ninth Fog Incident Comes to an End


The man in the front had a shattered knee and fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

The people behind were so frightened that they all stopped.

The scene was quiet.

How dare you shoot!
Fortunately, no one died!
This is the thought that popped into everyone's mind at this moment.

"We don't like being around other people."


Hong She pointed to the yelling guy lying on the ground, smiled as gently as possible, and said, "Like him, he was destroyed by me, lying here."

The people rushing over immediately backed away in fright.

Everyone thought that Hong Snake was a lunatic.

"You are so powerful, why don't you save us?"

A chef asked with a knife in his hand.

"Save you?"

Hong Snake asked back, "I am your father?"

The chef hesitated and gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare to speak harshly.


At this moment, a man wearing glasses and a white shirt raised his hands high and shouted with a full face of 'filial piety': "Help me."

Everyone: "..."


Hong Snake grinned, who would not be happy to have a son for nothing?

"Talents like you are qualified to survive."


He said, "Father is very worried about people like you, so I can't save you."

Shirt man: "..."

He was embarrassed and ashamed for a while, but he didn't dare to complain. Instead, he laughed along with him and asked, "Father, can I get closer to you?"


Hong Snake nodded.

"Thank you dad."

The Shirt Man was grateful.

As long as he died later than the others, he had a good chance of surviving.

After all, Hong Snake and the others had strong fighting power and high killing efficiency. They had hunted and killed dozens of monsters in a short period of time, which was obvious to all.

Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan frowned.

Hong Snake has this habit?
They always felt that this was not good, but it was not easy to refute Hong Snake at this time.




Suddenly, several people behind the crowd shouted loudly.


Hong Snake fired again.


There was a blood hole in the shirt man's knee, and he couldn't help screaming.

Everyone: "???"

The man in the shirt had an extremely ugly expression, and a stern look flashed in the depths of his eyes looking at Hong She, but he tried his best to cover it up, and asked as calmly as possible: "Why?"

"I said, I must be like him when I think about it."

Hong Snake pointed to the first person who was hit in the knee just now.

The shirt man was silent.

The crowd was also silent.

"What about those people who just called daddy?"

"come on."

While fighting, Hong Snake invited: "I still have five bullets here, if you miss them, there will be none."

Nobody moved.


"The monster is coming!"


In the next moment, a mutated teddy dog ​​with red eyes quietly approached the crowd, charged swiftly and began to slaughter.

In the blink of an eye, the necks of two people were cut off.

Explain here.

This red-eyed mutant beast is very alert, knowing that there is a little girl in the high point who can threaten its life, so it quickly shuttles through the crowd, not giving the other party a chance to lock itself.


More and more people were killed.

The scene is chaotic.

Everyone subconsciously wanted to rush to Hong Snake and Xie Shaokun for protection.


Seeing this, Xie Shaokun's expression changed.

It would be a bad thing if he was really rushed over by this group of people!
Because the red-eyed mutated beast was among the crowd, but he couldn't find any trace of it. Once it got close to it... it would cause a sneak attack, and he would be seriously injured.

If it is serious, you will die!


His worries were superfluous.

Because, seeing Hong Snake's cold eyes and the black muzzle of the gun, the crowd could only turn around and run towards it, not daring to approach it.

Xie Shaokun: "???"

At this moment, he finally understood the benefits of being so ruthless before Hong Snake.

In this case, it is to make others fearful, so as not to put yourself in a dangerous situation.


Hong Snake spotted the red-eyed mutant beast immediately, and jumped on it without hesitation.

Don't be afraid to die!

It would be a serious problem to keep a mutant beast of this level of strength.

Must be killed asap!
As for my own life...

He is very confident in his abilities, and he is also very confident in his two teammates, Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan, so he rushed directly.

Do not hesitate!

It was also because of his decisiveness that the red-eyed mutated beast couldn't leave in time, so it was a beat slower.


Gunshots sounded.

Shoot it in the crook of the hind leg!
Xiaonan knew that it would be too difficult to kill with one blow, especially with so many humans around, so she chose to weaken the opponent first.

It has to be said that her combat experience is much richer than before.

This trick.

Works great.

It further slowed down the speed of the red-eyed mutant beast, and let Xie Shaokun rush over in time.

The three join forces.

after a few seconds.


A mouthpart pierced fiercely into the forehead of this red-eyed mutant beast.


A scream.

It fell hard.


Seeing this, Xie Shaokun breathed a sigh of relief.

The death of the last red-eyed mutant beast also indicates that the last variable no longer exists.

The same is true.

The next 10 minutes was their massacre show, a large number of mutant beasts and mutants were killed.


The three of them started to move, actively looking for mutant beasts and mutants in the room and corners.

More than 20 minutes passed.

In the area covered by the fog event, there are no mutant beasts and mutants anymore.

And those who survived...

There are more than a dozen of them.

Unexpectedly, two of them were the same guys who had been shot through the knee before.

Because they were shot through their knees, they didn't have time to escape, and they were relatively close to Xie Shaokun and others. After the red-eyed mutant was killed, their situation was extremely safe.

On the contrary, those who escaped attracted other mutant beasts and mutants, and were far away from Xie Shaokun and others, so the death rate was extremely high.

see this scene.

Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan looked at each other, and their impression of Hong Snake changed a little.

Although they still don't agree with Hong Snake's ruthlessness, it has to be said that Hong Snake's approach does have merit.

Hong Snake glanced at Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan, and didn't care much about what they thought of him.


Is the most important.

Moreover, he was so ruthless just now, there is also a deliberate element, the purpose...

Very simple.

This team lacks someone like him who does the 'dirty work' for the captain.

If he comes to do the 'dirty work', he will have a clear position and an irreplaceable role in the team in the future, so that he can stay in the team longer.

Another hour passed.

The mist event is over.

On their side and Xia Yu's side, there were no accidents this time, but...

There was an accident in Shunyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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