Once Hong Snake pulled the trigger, the female saleswoman would almost be doomed after entering another world.

Xia Yu knew this.

Xie Shaokun knew.

Xiaonan knows.

Even the second sister-in-law guessed it.

But the saleswoman, who was one of the parties involved, didn't know the seriousness of the situation. Instead, at this moment, she hoped that Hong Snake would shoot her!
It seemed to her that the shot went down.

I will not die.

Instead, you get three benefits:

First, the company's condolence money, and the basic salary during the subsequent recuperation period.

Second, the shooter needs to pay compensation. According to her estimation, the shooter is not short of money, so this will be larger than the compensation!
Third, the person she helped cover will definitely be grateful to her. I don't know if the other party will give her extra money to thank her, but the other party will definitely buy the property from her, and she will be able to draw a commission from it.

The other party can also help her introduce customers.

In short, this is simply a good thing that kills three birds with one stone.

As for the candid video...

She clearly saw that the other party had already deleted it, the kind of deletion without traces.

and so……

"Shoot me."

The saleswoman couldn't wait any longer.


However, at the next moment, everyone's eyes went blank.

When I opened my eyes again, the surrounding scene completely changed. Where is the high-end sales department?

They seem to be in a virgin forest.

The surrounding forests are unusually thick and towering into the sky.

Weeds are overgrown under the feet, and the rocks are densely covered. Walking in it is bound to be extremely slow.

Xia Yu, Xie Shaokun and others sensed the spiritual power of heaven and earth for the first time!




This is their first feeling!


Xia Yu gave a low drink.

Everyone pushed and loaded the bullets one after another, and took precautions.

"Miss Yu."

"Do you want to hide it on the spot?"

Hong Snake suggested.

"Do not."

"You keep an eye on the others, and if there are mutants, kill them immediately."

"Try not to have additional casualties, and don't make a big fuss!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Yu quickly climbed up the towering tree beside him, came to a very high position, and looked around.

The place of entry.

All are towering trees.

In the distance, from time to time, there will be one tall ape after another jumping from one tree to another, with exceptional agility.

These apes are well-proportioned and perfectly proportioned, as if they were born warriors.

What they are most proud of is their explosive power.

last life.

Xia Yu was inspired by observing the spirit ape, and his explosive power had a breakthrough.

Now, she has raised her explosive power to an extremely high level, but she still dare not be careless when facing the spirit ape.

Withdraw your thoughts and gaze.

She soon discovered that there was a pile of rocks with no trees in the area near the edge of the fog.

There are jagged rocks and dense boulders, which are extremely suitable for human combat, and can greatly weaken the advantage of the spirit ape's extreme flexibility in the trees.

Moreover, with the back against the mist, the pressure can be reduced by half, and there is almost no need to worry about the spirit ape attacking from behind.


Xia Yu quickly descended from the tree.

And this time.

Xie Shaokun and others have killed all 57 mutants.

The rest of the people are all normal.

"so little?"

Seeing this, Xia Yu was quite surprised.

Although most of the people here are murderers with amazing physical fitness, according to past experience, it can at most reduce the mutation rate by one or two points.

As it is now...

Never encountered before.

"The bodies of this group of people are very adaptable to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

"We were lucky."

Xie Shaokun said proactively.


"It's a good sign."

Xia Yu nodded and said, "Follow me!"

After speaking, she went straight to the pile of rocks.

Xie Shaokun, Xiaonan and others quickly followed, followed by Second Sister-in-law and Brother Dong.

The big troops move.

Others followed suit.

After all, in an unfamiliar area full of dangers, those who are confused will choose to follow the crowd.


On the road a few hundred meters away, everyone soon encountered a spirit ape.

"No no no."

It excitedly jumped down from the tree and went straight to Xia Yu at the front!

high speed.

Only Xie Shaokun and others reacted.

However, they haven't waited for them to sound a reminder.


Xiaohua had already jumped up, and the long knife in her hand directly split it in two.



One of them inadvertently saw the bloody scene of the spirit ape turning into two halves, and screamed out of fright.

Hong She just wanted to turn around and scold.


Xia Yu quickened her pace.

"Sister Yu, don't you want to deal with the corpse of this spirit ape?"

Hong Snake asked.

"No need."

Xia Yu said without looking back, "Just stay here."


Hong Snake was a little puzzled, but didn't say anything.

Together with the others, they hurriedly followed Xia Yu's footsteps. The hearts of the others were all shrouded in fear, and they were so nervous that they trembled all over.

They're in luck.

After that, he didn't meet a spirit ape, and soon arrived at the area of ​​the pile of rocks.

"Take the time to arrange the formation, find a favorable position, and prepare for the battle."

Xia Yu quickly ordered: "This fog event will last for more than two hours."

"We will definitely be discovered by the spirit ape."

"At that time, a bloody battle will still be unavoidable, so it's better to take this opportunity to seize favorable terrain."


Hong She and the others understood in seconds.

Xiaonan guarded hot weapons such as firearms, bullets, and grenades, while Xie Shaokun and Xiaohua were looking for a favorable position, while Hong Snake abandoned the female salesperson and went straight to the second sister-in-law.

"Second sister-in-law."

"Cai Dong."

"Give you two choices."

"First, let your people surround us and serve as the main force in the next battle. We will assist from the side. As for who can survive to the end, it can only depend on fate."

"Second, you guys hold together, we won't interfere, and we won't care about you."

Hong Snake said quickly: "It's not too late, you need to make a decision as soon as possible."


The second sister-in-law and brother Dong were still in shock, and didn't adapt to the visual impact of this sudden change of environment for a while, but they were people who had seen the world after all.

And before entering here, I had some psychological preparations.

Therefore, I quickly reacted and began to think about which of the two options was more beneficial to me.


The two of them understood that Hong She pulled them in for the purpose: cannon fodder!

These two plans, no matter which one they are, their identities are cannon fodder!
Thinking of the strong and extremely fast spirit ape just now, the second sister-in-law knew that what they were facing would be a brand-new species, and the rumors of the 'alien space' invasion must be true.

"I choose the first one!"

She spoke first.

"I'll choose the first one too."

Brother Dong also nodded, and added: "I hope you can ensure the safety of my second sister-in-law and me."

"Do not."

Hong She grinned and said, "I don't know if I can survive, so how can I protect you?"


Hearing this, the second sister-in-law and Brother Dong realized that the risk factor of this operation was extremely high.

"Can we use guns?"

The second sister-in-law looked at the firearms of Xia Yu and the others, showing an eager look: "My marksmanship is not bad, so I should be able to help you."

"No need."

Hong She shook her head resolutely, and said, "Do you still remember the little sister who was secretly photographed just now? She is a sharpshooter. As for how good she is...you will know soon."

After speaking, he suddenly patted the big millstone of his second sister-in-law Feng Yun, and said, "It feels good."

"If you can leave alive, I will make you my woman."

"From now on, I don't need to be my second sister-in-law. I'll call her Mrs. Snake!"

"It's not a bad name, haha."

Seeing his leaving back, the second sister-in-law narrowed her eyes, flashing a dangerous light.

Not even the dead husband dared to shoot her like that.

What's more, in this large crowd?

However, she still suppressed the killing intent in her heart, and waved to one of the burly men who looked like a brown bear, and ordered: "Let the brothers protect Brother Snake and the others."

"When in danger, don't retreat, hold on desperately."

"As long as you persevere until the end, 500 million for each living person and 1000 million for each dead person will be credited to the account on the same day."

The brown bear man pointed to the vicious people they had found, and asked in a low voice, "Those people are also treated the same?"


"Moreover, I can erase their sins and let them live like a normal person who has never committed a crime."

The second sister-in-law promised.


The brown bear man leaves.

Soon, the vicious and vicious people they found all showed a trace of vigor and fighting spirit.

No one showed any signs of fear.

On the other hand, Brother Dong, although he may have paid a lot of money, his subordinates and the vicious people he recruited still have their own ideas.

The fighting spirit is not high.

"The third from the left."

"While fighting for a while, you capture the female saleswoman who was pointed at by Brother Snake just now, and torture and ask who is the sneak photographer."

"Remember, you must save the life of the sneak shot!"

"Whether we can live or not depends on them."

Brother Dong patted Zuo San'er on the shoulder.

"Brother Dong, do you still believe me?"

Zuo San'er was a little surprised.


Brother Dong grinned and said, "Facing a strong man like Brother Snake, no one can harden his mouth."

"I understand."

"After this incident, if you, me, and Wang Kang survive, then we can get together and leave without contact."

"However, before that, you and my three brothers still need to work together."

"Overcoming difficulties together."

"Thank you Dongge."

Zuo San'er was moved and nodded heavily.

Wang Kang on the side was puzzled and asked, "Brother Dong, what does it have to do with our survival if we catch that saleswoman?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

Brother Dong didn't explain too much, but continued to order: "Go and organize Manager Wang and others, and let them stand in front of us."

"In any case, these people can also be our meat shields."

"Give us a buffer time."

tough enough.

Wang Kang's heart trembled, and he went to do it immediately.


Nearly 200 people began to move in an orderly manner.

Manager Wang finally came to his senses, and wanted to approach Hong Snake with a flattering face, but was stopped by Brother Dong: "Outside, Brother Snake is kind and friendly, and I can chat with you a few words."

"Here, you are not qualified to talk to him."

"If you have anything to say, just say it here."

Manager Wang's eyes flashed, and a look of dissatisfaction flashed deep in his eyes, but he didn't dare to show it at all. He pursed his dry lips and said, "This big brother."

"Where are we?"

"Any weapons? I'd like a knife."


Brother Dong was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Wang Kang, send the extra knives to Manager Wang and others."

"it is good."

Wang Kang nodded.

"Thank you very much."

Manager Wang lowered his voice and said, "Brother, can I stand with you? How much is it, you can set a price. I am the cousin of Director Liu of the XX Bureau. If you need me in the future, just ask me."

Brother Dong glanced at Manager Wang with a half-smile, and then...

"Fuck off!"

Kicked him to the ground, and cursed: "If you force Lai Lai here again, I will chop you up."

Manager Wang scrambled away in fright.

"Brother Dong is not stupid."

Hong She said, "I didn't keep a timid and weak person by my side."

Xia Yu on the side was about to say something, but his eyes suddenly focused, he looked to the front left, and said in a low voice, "Here we come! Remember, don't use a gun first! Be quiet!"

"The main purpose is to kill the opponent's vitality."


"You go first."

"Let these people get used to the bloody battlefield."

she added.


"Is the opponent so strong?"

Hearing this, Hong Snake was very surprised.

What Xia Yu said is enough to show that he attaches great importance to the spirit ape family that has not yet shown up.

"Do as I say."


Xia Yu repeated it without any explanation.


Hong Snake nodded quickly.

next moment.


There was a shrill scream in the distance.

Because the coverage area of ​​this misty incident is quite large, in addition to Xia Yu and others, there are people other than the sales office, and they were also forcibly brought into another world.

It is self-evident what will happen after encountering the spirit ape.


Then, without accident, screams continued.

And it's getting closer and closer to everyone.

The sound was like a reminder.

Everyone's heartstrings were tense.

Xia Yu sat on the boulder at the highest point, and beside her was Xiaonan, who was lying on her stomach, looking for a shooting angle. She ordered, "Xiaonan, is the silencer installed?"


Xiaonan replied: "I didn't expect the silencer, which is useless to many snipers, to come in handy at this time. I almost didn't bring it."

"This kind of battlefield is different from the real battlefield."

Xia Yu said calmly: "The range is relatively small, and the field of vision is not wide."

"It's time to really test you."


Xiaonan wiped the sweat from her palms nervously.

Although her marksmanship is very accurate, she still gets nervous every time she enters the state, and with her current level, she cannot kill the red-eyed mutant beast before entering the state.

Of course, she is still young, her heart is not yet mature, and she has a lot of room for growth. It is already extremely difficult to achieve this step.

If she hadn't experienced the loss of her mother and participated in many misty incidents, she might not even have the xinxing now.

"They are all animals that have invaded our homes."

"If you don't kill them, they will kill you, your friends and relatives!"

Xia Yu noticed Xiaonan's movements and spoke.

Thinking of her dead mother, the hatred hidden in Xiaonan's heart welled up again, and the scar that had just shown signs of healing was uncovered again.

Almost instantly.

She is in the mood!
Seeing this, Xia Yu withdrew his gaze and stopped talking.

She deliberately uncovered Xiaonan's scar, which is cruel, but she had to do it because...

Hatred is the catalyst to promote human growth, and it can exercise the mind most quickly!
The little girl has made great progress.

But not enough.

Xia Yu only needs to give Xiaonan love and care so that she will not lose herself in hatred.

next moment……

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