These four rather old spirit apes are all at the peak of the first-rank spiritual energy realm!

This group of spirit apes had their own strategies to deal with the situation after the ape king left.


The powerful ape king left with several spirit apes at the peak level of the first-grade psionic realm. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Xia Yu would never waste it.

She decided to do it.

And be quick!

Otherwise, Xie Shaokun and others will inevitably be in danger of life.

She glanced at the positions of the spirit apes around her, and quickly simulated the battle plan in her mind.

next moment.



Xia Yu took out three steel needles from his pocket and threw them out at an extremely fast speed.

This is specially made by Zhao Guohui with the help of her, and it is most suitable for sneak attacks.



The sound of entering meat sounded without warning.

Three spiritual apes with the strength of the first-grade spiritual energy realm fell on their backs and fell downwards.

"No no no."

This scene instantly attracted the attention of all the spirit apes.


But at this moment, Xia Yu quietly approached 'Hou Er Niang'.

The three spirit apes who died were not chosen randomly by her, but rather carefully.

First of all.

They are not weak.


Their positions are particular, and they can clearly see Xia Yu's path leading to 'Hou Er Niang' at this moment. If they don't die, they will definitely be able to see Xia Yu's whereabouts.

even so.

Xia Yu also felt unsafe.

and so……

"call out."


She threw it casually, and three more stones flew out.

With lightning speed, he shot and killed the other three adult spirit apes whose strength was close to that of the first-grade spiritual energy realm.

Because three spirit apes died just now, this group of spirit apes was on high alert, and it was basically impossible to kill three spirit apes at the first-grade spiritual energy level again.

Therefore, Xia Yu took the next best thing, aiming to create chaos.

Shot and killed three weaker spirit apes.

as predicted.

"No no no."

The group of spirit apes roared angrily, and a spirit ape whose strength was at the peak level of the first-grade psionic state gave an order to look for the murderer everywhere.

Such provocative behavior trampled on the authority of their spirit ape clan.

Never allow.



At this moment, Xia Yu, who was only a few feet away from 'Hou'er Niang', made another move.

And this time.

She didn't hold back her hands anymore, and with six steel needles between her fingers, she threw them fiercely. The target this time...

It was the four aged and decrepit spirit apes guarding the side of 'Hou'er Niang'!

After the shot.

She didn't stop, took out six steel needles and threw them again.


Then, she rushed out, like a cheetah, and rushed straight up.

"No no no."

The four aged and frail spirit apes sensed the danger immediately. Although they were old and frail, they were very vigilant. They immediately swung their claws and slapped the steel needles off.

never thought.

There are six more steel needles hidden behind the six steel needles just now, and they flew towards after them.


There was no time for the four spirit apes to react at all.



The six steel needles, without exception, all penetrated into the bodies of the four spirit apes.

One of them was stabbed in both pupils and screamed in pain. It didn't fall down immediately, but went mad instantly.

The second one was stabbed between the eyebrows, and its body staggered back a step, as if it had been exhausted, it died suddenly on the spot.

The other two responded in a timely manner, one was stabbed in the ear and the other was stabbed in the face, and their combat power was hardly affected.


What they don't know is that the real danger is yet to come!

Xia Yu bullied himself and approached, and the blood butterfly in his hand easily pierced the forehead of the spirit ape that was stabbed in the face.

Kill another one.

Four to two.

Another one was abolished, and its combat power dropped drastically.

"No no no."

The spirit ape whose ear had been stabbed roared and rushed towards Xia Yu.


Just as Xia Yu was about to fight, he noticed that the crazy spirit ape was approaching 'Hou Er Niang'!
Once let it overturn the 'stone altar', when the time comes...

A lot of 'monkey stuffing' is bound to be wasted!
Moreover, the difficulty of collecting again will rise linearly.

and so……

"call out."

Without any time to hesitate or think, she decisively threw the blood butterfly in her hand.


The spirit ape, who was waving his arms wildly, trembled all over and fell to the ground.

There was no more movement.


The spirit ape whose ears were pierced also took this opportunity to come to Xia Yu, waving his paws.

Xia Yu grabbed his wrist with his left hand, raised his right foot, kicked him, and then did a backflip to open the distance.

"No no no."

The spirit ape attacked again.


A black muzzle was aimed at it.

Before it had time to react by dodging, it was shot between the eyebrows on the spot and fell on its back.

Died extremely suddenly.

This is the oppressive power displayed by hot weapons in front of weak creatures.




Now that the gun was fired, Xia Yu didn't be stingy anymore and kept pulling the trigger.

He shot and killed the spirit apes that rushed up from all around him one by one.


She took out the jade vat from her backpack, which was specially made by Zhao Guohui to hold the 'monkey brew', and it was always carried by Xia Yu himself.

Just to prevent it from being broken.

When the first bullet clip was exhausted, Xia Yu had already taken out the jade vat.

By the time the third clip was fired, nearly half of the 'monkey brew' had already been poured into the jade vat

When the sixth bullet clip was exhausted, all the 'monkey brew' was poured into the jade vat, and the storage was over. Xia Yu put the jade vat back into the backpack.

Full harvest.

Putting the backpack back on her back, Xia Yu couldn't help being a little surprised as she felt the weight in it.

Apparently, I didn't expect there to be so many 'Hou'er Niang' here, almost filling up the jade vat.

It seems that this group of spirit apes are very hardworking.

"No no no."

When the surrounding spirit apes saw Xia Yu take away the "monkey brew" they worked so hard to brew, they became anxious, overcame the fear in their hearts again, and launched another round of charges.




Xia Yu didn't talk nonsense, and continued to take out the magazine, pull the trigger, and aim and shoot.

Kill a way.

Until all the ten magazines were empty, she threw away the pistol, held the blood butterfly again, and easily killed the spirit ape blocking the way.

You know, she just killed all the spirit apes of the first-level spiritual energy here, and even those spirit apes who were close to the first-level spiritual energy were killed a lot.


All are weak.

No threat to her at all.

Another minute passed.


Xia Yu had already completely escaped the siege, speeding up to the pile of rocks, quickly distanced herself from the 'chasing soldiers' behind her.

Dozens of interest time.

She completely got rid of the 'chasers' behind her.



pile of rocks.

The new round of offensive lasted for 5 minutes.

Of the 33 people in the first batch and the second batch, only the last one remained at this moment.

It turned out to be the bald man.

This is beyond everyone's expectations.

"Time is up."

"Let me go to the back!"

The bald man shouted at Hong Snake.

"The third batch is on top."

"Baldhead, come and rest."

Hong Snake glanced at the bald head with interest, and gave an order.

In the battle just now, the bald head did not flinch, but showed bravery. The reason why he survived was not only luck, but also his relatively strong physical fitness, ruthlessness, and strong experience in saving his life.

So, he survived.

Simply put, this is a lucky and capable person.

"Go up! Quick!"

The third batch was 15 people led by the second sister-in-law.

It is worth mentioning that there is no big brown bear in this batch, because the second sister-in-law asked the big brown bear to lead the team in order to prevent the fourth batch of murderers from being defeated.

This is obviously an expression of extreme confidence in one's own strength.

In fact.

Her strength was indeed beyond everyone's expectations.


It was just a face-to-face meeting, and she unexpectedly punched the spirit ape forcefully, stabbing the saber in her hand into the neck of the spirit ape.

Injury for life!

This action instantly aroused the bloodiness of the 14 murderers around.

A woman can still kill the spirit ape.

Why can't they?

Could it be that they can only become prey to be slaughtered?
Do not!
They are going to be hunters!




The bloody courage of the crowd, coupled with the bullets of Hong She and the others and Xiao Hua's blocking of the reinforcements, made Spirit Ape, who was already in an absolute advantage, fall into a disadvantage.

Falling back!

Another minute passed.

The second sister-in-law took a full 12 people back to repair, that is to say, in the 5 minutes just now, the third batch of talents lost 3 people!Although the rest of the people are all injured, they can still fight.

The fourth batch where the brown bear man was in took his place.


They are braver.

Yi Yi waited for a long time, adapted to the bloody scene, and realized that the spirit ape is not so invincible, and his mentality has changed. Moreover, the spiritual power of heaven and earth is constantly transforming the body, and his strength has improved.

and so……

They were fighting, and even started chasing and killing the spirit ape!

Just 3 minute.

Spirit Ape dropped dozens of corpses and was driven out of the pile of rubble.

Everyone got a chance to breathe.


"This group of bastard spirit apes is nothing more than that. I just killed two of them!"

"Hey, you're amazing, I just killed one."

"If this continues, we still have great hope of surviving."

"No way!"


For a while, everyone was in the mood to chat.

At the beginning, when they saw their companions falling down, they felt that death was very close to them, and they were afraid in their hearts. Even the group of murderers brought by the second sister-in-law were silent.

Now, they have been in for more than half an hour, and they have seen many deaths.

My heart is a little adapted and numb.

The second sister-in-law, Brother Dong and the bald man approached Hong She for a discussion.

"I feel that the spirit ape will have another large-scale attack."

"If we can withstand this wave, it will be much easier in the future."

"So... what do we do next?"


They all spoke.

At this moment, survival is the main priority.

All the previous unhappiness was forgotten.

"I know what you want to say."

Hong She saw what everyone was thinking at a glance, and said, "Don't worry, we will use grenades next."

"Help you relieve stress."

"Let me throw a grenade."

Xie Shaokun took the initiative to say: "My marksmanship is too bad, but I still have a lot of strength."

Hong Snake nodded.

Under the boulder, the second sister-in-law, Brother Dong and the bald man breathed a sigh of relief.

There are grenades.

Spirit Ape would probably be stunned.

Casualties are bound to be heavy.

It is even possible to be blown to pieces directly and no longer be able to form an effective offensive.

"How many people are left?"

Hong Snake asked.

"Including the three of us, there are 43 people in total."

The bald man said.

"Split into three groups."

Hong Snake said.

The crowd nodded.

This also maximizes power.

"The first group, 15 people, is made up of the fifth batch of you, Brother Dong, you go on top first."

"The second group, 15 people, consists of 14 people with bald heads. You follow the first group."

"The third group consists of 13 people. The second sister-in-law chooses 12 people to form. The person who looks like a brown bear will follow you."

Hong Snake suggested.

The combat power is evenly distributed.

The order of play is also fair.

Everyone had no objection and nodded one after another, but Brother Dong was a little nervous and scared.

However, Hong Snake acted as if he hadn't seen it.

Those who should be helped have already been helped, and he will not destroy fairness again.

Otherwise, it will only make people feel dissatisfied, which will affect the overall combat level and the entire battle situation. This is obviously not what he wants to see.


He waved his hands, then looked at the saleswoman lying on the ground, kicked her buttocks, and said, "Sit on your knees?"

"I'll put the gun on your shoulder in a moment, and hold the front end of the gun with your hand so that it doesn't slip off your shoulder."


At this time, the saleswoman was no longer as flustered, frightened, and paralyzed as she was at the beginning, and she even had the intention to seduce Hong Snake on purpose.


Hong Snake prefers women like the second sister-in-law.

Not interested in her at all.

"be honest."

He kicked the saleswoman's buttocks, and said, "Be careful that the gun goes off, it will blow your head off."

never thought.

The saleswoman held the barrel of the gun with her hand, moved back and forth, and said flatteringly, "If you don't wipe the gun, how could it go off so easily."

Hong Snake smiled.

If it weren't for this situation, it would be impossible for him to talk to such a beautiful saleswoman in his life.

He even looked forward to the end of the world.

Of course, before that, you still have to try your best to improve your strength and strengthen yourself.

"here we go again!"


"So fast!"

At this moment, Xie Shaokun's voice sounded, and he directly lifted a box of grenades, quickly looking for a suitable throwing distance.

Just landed.



The battle on Xiaohua's side has broken out.

A large number of spirit apes also appeared in the sight of everyone.

Before the pile of rocks.

Dozens of towering trees are densely hung with spirit apes.

Can't count how many there are.


Brother Dong and other people in the first group were all pale.


Hong She let out a yell and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Da da da.

Countless bullets poured out, and he even took out a submachine gun, put it on the saleswoman's other shoulder, and fired wildly.

With such a large number of spirit apes, even without aiming, they can still hit them!
Therefore, he does not pursue precision.


The saleswoman felt that her ears were going to explode, but she didn't dare to move.

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