I'm back from hell

Chapter 187 Game and Growth

In order to find Sam Odyssey as soon as possible, Xia Yu chooses to go up to see what the other person looks like as long as he is a foreigner.

after all.

She had already made a mental note of what Sam Odyssey looked like.

There are not many foreign friends in Huayang City, and there are even fewer foreign friends on Nanjiang Road.

and so.

She quickly noticed the back of Sam Odyssey.

Quickly chased after him.



A shout came from behind.

Xia Yu paused, and subconsciously turned her head to look behind her.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl rushed over and shouted: "Are you Xia Tian's sister?"

Xia Yu didn't respond to the other party, but quickly turned her head to look at the target person she just locked.


What about people?

She frowned suddenly, and strode over.

Just now, the target person was crossing the road, how could the effort of turning his head disappear out of thin air?

Unless the other party noticed the abnormality and cast a special ability!

So, she rushed forward decisively.


"Ability! This is the fluctuation that is unique to the ability when it is cast, and this person is nearby!"

Xia Yu's pupils shrank, and he immediately confirmed that the opponent was Sam Odyssey. He immediately tensed up and scanned his surroundings.


The fluctuation when the ability is cast disappears immediately.

In an instant, Xia Yu lost his target.

Just now.

"What are you running for?"

Lin Xiaoxiao chased after him and asked, "Do you know Paul?"


Xia Yu frowned: "You mean that foreigner just now?"


Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Xia Yu vigilantly, and asked, "What's your relationship with him?"


Xia Yu smelled a strong 'smell of vinegar', understood something in his heart, and asked, "What about you? What is your relationship with him? Why have I never heard him mention you."

"Oh, colleague."

Lin Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief.

This made Xia Yu more sure of his guess.

"We just met at the bookstore."

She said, "He is studying the history of our country and is very interested in the beggar emperor."

Xia Yu frowned.

She didn't understand why Sam Odyssey approached Lin Xiaoxiao?
"Do you know Xia Tian?"

While thinking, she casually perfunctory Lin Xiaoxiao.

"We are classmates."

Lin Xiaoxiao said, and introduced Lan Caihe who caught up to Xia Yu, who was a little cautious: "This is Lan Caihe, my best friend, and also a good friend of Xia Tian."

Xia Yu didn't pay attention to it at first, but suddenly thought of something:

You are classmates with Xiaotian, and you are also classmates with Wang Zhe, right?
Wang Zhe is the son of Wang Shang!

and so……

Sam Odyssey wouldn't want to get close to Wang Zhe's classmates to lure Wang Zhe, then use Wang Zhe to lure Wang Shang, and finally kill him?

It's not because she's so smart that she directly deduced this point.

It was because she had been thinking about a question: If she were Sam Odyssey, how would she break the situation in the current situation?

Since Sam Odyssey wanted to assassinate Wang Shang, he must have a clear understanding of his connections and other information, and even knew through his own channels that the military was protecting Wang Shang.

Rushing into Wang Shang's side to carry out the assassination mission is undoubtedly the lowest and most unwise behavior.

So what should be done?
Xia Yu immediately thought of at least ten ways.

And now.

Now that it is known that Sam Odyssey approached Wang Zhe's friend on his own initiative, it is not difficult to guess the other party's purpose.

After figuring this out, Xia Yu had his own plan in an instant: follow the plan!
"I have something else to do."

She resolutely said goodbye and left.

"It's rude."

Lin Xiaoxiao muttered.

"We were the ones who stopped him rashly on the street first. How can we blame him for being impolite?"

Lan Caihe said.


"You are Aiwujiwu."

"I like Xia Tian, ​​so I feel that the people around Xia Tian are fine. You are looking at people with a filter."

Lin said with a smile.


Just as Lan Caihe wanted to defend himself, Lin Xiaoxiao interrupted him directly: "Okay, okay, don't explain."

"Let's go shopping."

"It's hard to catch up with the weekend, so we must have a good time."

The two women left hand in hand.

in the dark.

Sam Odyssey frowned, looked at the back of Xia Yu's departure, and said to himself: "First followed me, and then pretended to know me."

"Tsk tsk."

"What is your purpose?"

When talking and laughing in the coffee shop just now, he had quietly installed a miniature bug in Lin Xiaoxiao's bag, so he could hear the conversation between Xia Yu and Lin Xiaoxiao clearly.

Open the phone gallery.

Find a photo.

The above is Wang Zhe's network.


His eyes locked on Xia Tian: "Since you are Xia Xia's sister, it seems that Wang Zhe can be attracted through you?"

The thought flashed through his mind.

"Let's find out what your origin is first."

Sam Odyssey's ability to live up to now is not only related to his strength and abilities, but also related to his caution. Then he made a call.

After a while.

"Ordinary people?"

"Accidentally participated in a mist incident?"

"Not an official figure?"

He got three key clues about Xia Yu.

As long as those who participated in the fog incident and survived, it was not easy.

It is very likely that the other party also has abilities!

"Isn't it an official secret line?"

Sam Odyssey is cautious.

Whether it is or not...

I can only give up Lin Xiaoxiao's line.

He couldn't even lure Wang Zhe through Xia Yu, because he didn't know Xia Yu's abilities, so if he approached rashly, something might happen!

What a hassle.

He pinched his eyebrows and said, "There is only another way."

In the next three days.

Lin Xiaoxiao took the initiative to contact Sam Odyssey twice, but did not get any response, which made her very annoyed: "Ignore me again?"

This situation is similar to when he pursued Wang Quanzhi!
It hit her hard!
On the contrary, Lan Caihe breathed a sigh of relief, and comforted: "You just haven't met your true love, and it's time for the college entrance examination soon, so you should focus on your studies."

There was nothing abnormal on Wang Shang's side.

Xia Yu, who had been following Lin Xiaoxiao, did not notice Sam Odyssey anymore.

"Is the other party going to give up?"

She frowned, confused, thinking about the news she had received in the past three days:

A total of thirteen homicides occurred in Huayang City.

According to eyewitness accounts and surveillance, it is basically determined that Sam Odyssey did it.

This shows that this person has not left.

Still waiting for an opportunity.

It is worth mentioning that.

these three days.

No one touches porcelain anymore.

Taxi is no longer a scam.


"Jingle Bell."

The phone rings.

"Miss Yu."

Xiaonan’s voice came from the phone: “The giant snapping turtle’s shell has been built. It can be held in the hand, held in the arm, and can be disassembled into six pieces. Each piece is as big as a pot lid. It’s big enough to assemble. .”

"Brother Kun tried it, and he can shrink behind it."

"Besides, the tortoise shell weighs only about thirty catties, which is not too heavy for Brother Kun."


Xia Yu nodded.

When she met the big snapping turtle in the "Zoo Incident", she immediately took a fancy to the other's turtle shell and thought it was very suitable to be used as a "shield".

It's just not easy to hold.


Afterwards, she asked Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan to bring the shell of the snapping turtle to Zhao Guohui, and asked him to help build it.

So far, the finished product looks good.

"Leave it to Xie Shaokun."

"It's a gift I gave him to break through to the first-grade Psychic Energy Realm."

Xia Yu spoke.

"Thank you, Miss Yu."

On the other end of the phone, Xie Shaokun cheered excitedly: "I will definitely live up to your trust."

Xia Yu nodded and hung up the phone.

His eyes once again turned to Lin Xiaoxiao who was in class at school, and his brows were slightly frowned.

Although she never delayed her training during this period, she didn't want to continue following her because... Sam Odyssey probably gave up the choice of using Lin Xiaoxiao to lure Wang Zhe and then Wang Shang.

"It really doesn't work."

"I can only give up the deal with Zhao Guohui."

Xia Yu wants to get heavy weapons like rocket launchers from Zhao Guohui, there are many ways, there is no need to kill Sam Odyssey.

However, she was a little worried that the other party's assassination of Wang Shang would affect Xia Tian!

Thinking like this, she called Xia Tian.

"Are you back?"

"Not back yet?"

"Well. Then stay a little longer."

"It's nothing, I'm just telling you, you have to study hard. There must be students who study well in other schools, so you should communicate well."

"Also, you can't come back just because a classmate or a good friend calls you, and delay your study."

"It's nothing interesting, it's just the superficial meaning! What nonsense, stop talking, hang up."

The phone hangs up.

Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately decided not to follow Lin Xiaoxiao anymore.

pondered for a while.

"One day with Wang Shang."

"If there is no gain, then give up this transaction."

She drove away.

the other side.

Xie Shaokun put the turtle shell shield on his arm, and excitedly said to Xiao Hua: "Brother Hua, please give me your advice."


Xiaohua was not polite, she accelerated and kicked the turtle shell shield in front of Xie Shaokun.

This time, he used [-]% of his strength.

Xie Shaokun stepped back ten or so steps to stabilize his figure. His arm felt as if it was about to break off, and the force was transmitted to his chest cavity and internal organs, which made his blood surge and made him extremely uncomfortable.

"Brother Snake, have I made any progress?"

He didn't dare to let Xiaohua kick him again, but chose to take a rest and ask Hong She beside him.


A strange look flashed in Hong Snake's eyes, and he was quite shocked.

Although he was the first to learn about techniques such as 'instantaneous explosive power' and 'strength relief' from Xia Yu, but is it so easy to control every inch of muscle in his body?

He practiced for several days without any progress.

But Xie Shaokun's progress is extremely fast!
"Xie Shaokun, your talent in combat is really strong."

Hong She gave a thumbs up.

In this regard, he has to obey!
I finally understood why Xia Yu was the first to bring Xie Shaokun into the team.

Powerful abilities!
Powerful fighting talent!


It's so cool to have such a person as your subordinate, okay?

"I'm very weak, I have to encourage it."

Xie Shaokun shook his head, and after a short rest, he looked at Xiao Hua again: "Brother Hua, come again!"

During this 'Journey to Another World', Xiaonuan's almost falling, greatly stimulated him, made him realize his weakness, and realized that he was a little swayed before, so he must seize the time to become stronger.

Improve combat power!

"Jingle Bell."

Just then, his phone rang.

Xiaohua paused.


Xie Shaokun didn't look at the phone next to him, but looked at Xiao Hua and shouted.


This time, Xiao Hua still used [-]% of her strength.

Xie Shaokun still took a dozen steps back.

the difference is.

First, Xie Shaokun took half a step back.

Second, Xie Shaokun stabilized his figure faster.


He gasped for breath.

Only those who resist Xiaohua's kick can truly experience the horror of that kick just now.

At that moment, his essence, qi, spirit, and body all reached their peak state, and every muscle in his body tried to unload the force. This process took a short time, but it was hugely exhausting.

"I will take a break."

"Brother Snake, your Majesty."

Xie Shaokun realized that his body's ability to bear seemed to have reached its limit, and if he continued, he might be left with hidden injuries, so he decided to rest for a while.

I glanced at the turtle shell shield, but nothing changed.

This quality...

He handed it to Hong She.

"I do not need."

Hong She waved her hand: "I can't hold Brother Hua's kick either, I can't stand him even if he uses [-]% of his strength."

"Han Sanguang, let's fight."


The bald man skillfully put on protective measures.

Although every time he fights with Hong She, he will basically be abused, but in the process of fighting, he is also gradually improving his fighting awareness and fighting skills.

Therefore, he also hoped to fight Hong She.

A little more combat power.

In the future battle, there will be a little more possibility of survival.

One more chance to get out of control.



During the fight between Hong Snake and Han Sanguang, Xie Shaokun finally picked up his phone.

Is it Chen Ziqi again?
Xie Shaokun was not surprised by this.

Ever since Gao Zhengting invited the director of the orphanage and a few of his friends over, the director of the orphanage and his friends basically stopped contacting him.

Obviously, he was regarded as a 'bad guy'.

The only person who usually contacts him is Chen Ziqi.

Come to the corner where there is no one.

Call back.


"Shaokun, are you busy recently?"

"Well... yes, I'm a little busy, sorry I didn't answer your call directly, I just..."

"There's no need to explain. It's not your fault, it's because I didn't hold back and wanted to see you."


Xie Shaokun's heart warmed.

Otherwise, today's training ends here?


He shook his head violently, thinking in his heart: Only when I become stronger can I protect Xiaonan and Chen Ziqi.

Not meeting now is to meet more conveniently in the future.

"I'm sorry, Ziqi, I miss you too, but I'm really... very busy."

"It's okay, you can do your work, I just need to listen to your voice, and don't forget to have a good rest, eat well, and be kind to yourself, otherwise I will feel bad."

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