I'm back from hell

Chapter 190 The 1th Fog Event Outburst

the next day.

Huayang International Auto Show.

Although it is an international auto show, all major brands have their cars on display, and there are even car models, but this is not a magic city or a capital after all.

The most obvious difference is the flow of people here!

After Xia Yu and Xiao Hua sneaked in, they walked around again, roughly estimating the number of people at the auto show at this moment, including the staff, it was only two to 3000 people.

Of course, this number is already quite a lot, especially in places like Huayang City.

"Outbreak time: twelve o'clock at noon."

"Duration: one day and one night."

"Sources of danger: mutants, mutant beasts, and puppeteers."

"Danger level: 5 people survived."

"Opportunity: The essence and blood of the crystal core and the puppet's heart."

Xia Yu began to recall the relevant information of the No. 11 fog incident and analyze it further.

Burst time:

It is now 11:30 in the morning. Many people have begun to leave the exhibition hall and go out to eat. The flow of people is declining rapidly. At 500 o'clock at noon, the flow of people in the exhibition hall will reach the lowest value, with a maximum of [-] remaining. people.

The vast majority of them are staff.


One day and one night, this was a fog event that lasted for a long time. Even a month later, there were few fog events that lasted as long as one day and one night.

It is an excellent opportunity to improve your cultivation.

She wanted to take advantage of this time to get closer to the second-grade psionic realm.

Source of danger:

Mutants have nothing to say, as long as there are people who have never entered the fog event, there will definitely be mutants.

As for mutant beasts, pets are generally not allowed to enter indoor exhibition halls, but if you put your pet in a pet bag or pet box, you can bring it in.

Just walking around, she found at least three cats, two dogs, a pet turtle and a hamster.

As for the puppet master, the puppet family who can manipulate other creatures is the puppet master.

Their body is a heart the size of a baby's fist, also known as the heart of a puppet.

There are two ways in which they control people.

First, obtain the blood of living creatures and integrate it into the heart of the puppet to complete the control.

Second, the puppet heart climbs onto the living beings, penetrates into the living beings' bodies without destroying the surface tissues of the living beings, and replaces the living beings' hearts, thereby disguising itself as the living beings, because the brains of the living beings are not destroyed, only occupying the living beings The heart, so the creatures still have their own behavior habits, language ability and wisdom.

Even more difficult to distinguish than ghost slaves.

Therefore, this kind of control method is the most sophisticated and it is difficult to see the clues.

Levels of danger:

In the last life, the reason why five people survived was because the people who had no mutations were controlled by the puppet master. down.

In the end, it was not that the puppet master was merciful, but because after the fog incident, the five people and the puppet master belonged to two different worlds, and were automatically cut off from each other, thus getting rid of control.

and so……

This fog event is dangerous.

"Especially for me, it's even more dangerous!"

Thinking of this, Xia Yu frowned slightly.

In this fog incident, the reason why the puppet master insists on controlling human beings:
First, it needs to find a heart that has been tempered by spiritual energy, increase its own density, and thus strengthen its own defense.After all, if the density is high enough, weapons cannot penetrate it, and it is difficult to destroy it.

Second, it needs to devour crystal nuclei to improve its strength.

Mutants have crystal nuclei!
It can determine which mutant has a crystal core by sensing the spiritual energy fluctuations of the crystal core.

However, its own strength is not enough to deal with mutants head-on.

Controlling mutants?
Mutants have no blood and cannot be controlled!
Therefore, we can only control humans, help hunt down mutants, and obtain mutants with crystal nuclei!
"My heart has been tempered by spiritual energy for a long time, and it is the puppet master's favorite."

"I am strong enough to kill mutants easily. I am the puppet master's best puppet."

Xia Yu looked serious.

The way to get rid of the control of the puppet master has not been researched by the human beings in the previous life for ten years. They can only try their best: don't let the puppet heart enter the body!
Don't let your blood be obtained by the puppeteer!

The reason why Xiao Hua was brought here this time, instead of Xie Shaokun and others, was because Xiao Hua was a resentful corpse, and the blood in her body had already dried up, so she would not be controlled by the puppet master.

able to help her better.

"As for the chance..."

There is no need to mention the crystal nucleus. The blood essence of the puppet heart can control other living beings. This is very important. Xia Yu absolutely wants to get it: "This is also the most important reason for me to take such a big risk to come to this misty incident. reason."

"It must be obtained."

She began to pay attention to the staff here, and analyzed the characters and relationships of these people in advance, so as to find out the puppets manipulated by the puppeteer and the puppets whose hearts were replaced by puppet hearts.

XX car showroom.

You can get carbonated drinks for free here, and the service is very attentive. In addition, this brand is a high-end domestic brand with relatively beautiful models, so many people come here.

watch cars!

Take the car!


Another man with a backpack stepped forward to get a carbonated drink.

"Feel sorry."

The female worker in charge of distributing carbonated drinks said with an apologetic face: "The carbonated drinks have been distributed, and a new batch of carbonated drinks will be brought in after one o'clock in the afternoon."

"Oh well."

The man with the backpack didn't care either. He pushed aside the crowd and came to the showroom of this brand, ready to experience it in the car.

But as soon as I sat in the driver's seat and adjusted my seat, I looked up and saw the staff distributing carbonated drinks handing two bottles of carbonated drinks to a foreigner.

He frowned.

"There was ice cream before, but carbonated drinks now?"

"really interesting."

"It's been so long that I don't know how to stand up!"

The man with the backpack confirmed that the foreigner was not a staff member, but just an ordinary person watching the car. That's why he had such a mentality. He couldn't help but get out of the car to reason.


Everyone's eyes were attracted to the past.

It even made some people around who were planning to leave the exhibition hall stop and stay, wanting to see the excitement.

Even many live broadcasters, car bloggers and other new media staff came to hear the news and took out their own shooting equipment, hoping that things would get serious quickly.

After all, this kind of thing is naturally topical, if there is a big problem...

The traffic is definitely not small!

next moment.

Unexpectedly, a woman climbed to the roof of a showroom, held up a banner in her hand, and cried loudly: "SS cars, unrestrained price cuts, pay back my hard-earned money!"

"Don't buy their cars. I just picked up the car the day before yesterday, and today they downgraded the sales by [-] yuan! Isn't this a scam?"

Immediately, it attracted the attention of many people.

Those new media workers got tangled up.

They have also heard about the price cut. There have been a lot of turmoil across the country in the past two days, but this is the first time this has happened at an auto show. If the conflict is more intense, the traffic will not be small.

and so……

Go there or stay here?
Before they could think it through, the staff of the car brand surrounded them one after another and began to fight with each other. When the security guards of the exhibition hall rushed over, they quickly moved out of the way.

Let the security pull the woman off the roof.

For a while, there will be trouble.

It’s not lively.

Xia Yu looked at it for a while, then turned away and looked at other car brands.

"Beauty? Buying a car?"

"Our brand's cars are now in the discount season. I also plan to rush the performance and give you the biggest discount."

The TT brand car salesman took the initiative to stop Xia Yu who was passing by and introduced him.

Xia Yu was not in a hurry to leave, but wanted to see what kind of people the staff of this brand were. She glanced at the other party's work card, and knew that the other party's name was Wei Wei, and asked, "How much is the landing?"

"Sit down first, and I'll do the math for you."

Wei Wei invited with a smile on his face: "We also provide free drinks here."

"You have been in sales for so many years, and you don't know the landing price of the biggest discount?"

Xia Yu shook his head, raised his foot and wanted to leave.


"Beauty, don't go."

"Isn't I giving you the biggest discount? No one else has given this price, so I need to recalculate... Hey, okay, I can probably estimate it."

"But it's not very accurate, 47!"

Wei Wei originally wanted to explain, but seeing that Xia Yu was really leaving, he quickly changed his mind and offered a price.

"Too expensive."

Xia Yu kept walking.

"What is your psychological price for a beauty?"

"Tell me the number, and I can help you apply to the manager."

Wei Wei saw that Xia Yu was a bit difficult to deal with, so he didn't ask "where do you live" and "how did you get here" like other people, but went straight to the core of the routine.

"Looking for a manager?"

Although Xia Yu has never done this job, but he has stayed in the last days for so long, he can tell the opponent's routine at a glance: "Are you just going to drink water?"

"Uh... what are you talking about, beauty?"

Wei Wei's eyes flashed, and he hastened to promise: "It seems that the beauty knows a lot of our routines, but don't worry, I will never play those fancy routines."

"Well, I'll give you the lowest price agreed by the manager: 47!"

"As long as you agree, I can help you apply."


Xia Yu had already fully understood the other party's routine, and he still kept walking.

Wei Weigang wanted to move forward, but Xiaohua reached out to stop him.

Wei Wei laughed dryly.

When Xia Yu and Xiao Hua left completely, he gave a disdainful 'cut' and said in a low voice, "Why are you pretending, do you really think you know our sales routines?"

"Actually, you don't understand anything."

These words.

Xia Yu could hear it naturally, she was not angry, but had a better understanding of the character of this male salesman named Wei Wei.

I walked around for a while again.

Time passed minute by minute.


It was eleven fifty-two.

But at this moment, the woman defending her rights on the roof of the SS car hadn't left yet, and the two parties stopped arguing and entered the process of discussing how to deal with it.

The man with the backpack also got an apology, and the manager of the XX brand even fired the female staff who distributed the carbonated drinks on the spot.

Except for some of the new media staff around here who are still here, more people have all left.

The place of entry.

The number of people in the exhibition hall has dropped significantly.

Only a fifth of what it was half an hour ago.

About 500 people.

"It's still too much."

Xia Yu frowned slightly.

More people means more mutants.

More variables!
"Xiaohua, let's separate first."

She said lightly: "Pretend not knowing."


Xiao Hua strode away.


What Xia Yu never expected was that as soon as they left, they met Lin Xiaoxiao!
"Sister Xia Yu."

Lin Xiaoxiao took the initiative to walk up, saying hello and scanning the surroundings, as if looking for someone.

Xia Yu nodded in response and asked, "Aren't you going to class?"

Lin Xiaoxiao casually made up a reason: "I feel a little uncomfortable today, so I asked for leave."

is it?

Xia Yu could tell at a glance that the other party was lying, but she didn't say anything more. Instead, she asked, "You came to me specifically, right?"


Lin Xiao smiled for a moment, then stopped covering up and asked, "Sister Xia Yu, do you know where Paul went?"

"Haven't seen him for days."

"He didn't respond to my messages either."

"do not know."

Xia Yu shook her head, she didn't want to entangle with the other party for too long, time was urgent, and she still had things to do: "I still have something to do, let's go first."

"Aren't you his colleague?"

"I'm just a temporary worker and I resigned two days ago."

"Uh...where is your company? Can you tell me?"

"I don't remember."


Hearing this, Lin Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth suddenly and asked, "Are you dating Paul?"

Girl, are you sick?

Xia Yu was too lazy to entangle with this woman, and quickly came to the showroom of the TT car brand.

She is going to sit in a car for the last time.

Close the car windows!

There are three reasons why I chose this place:

First, there is very little traffic here at the moment, there are only a few staff members, and there are no customers looking at the cars.

Second, this place is relatively remote, located in the corner of the exhibition hall.

Third, the TT car is an off-road vehicle with more horsepower, stronger, and more crashworthy.

"Don't go, you haven't answered my question yet!"

Lin Xiaoxiao chased after him.

She originally asked for leave because she was upset and wanted to go for a walk by herself, so she didn't let Lan Caihe accompany her, but when she walked near the exhibition hall, she saw Xia Yu!
So, I chased him in.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yu could not be found as soon as he entered the auto show, so he started looking around.

Now at last I found it.

How can you let the other party go?


"here we go again?"

"Have you figured it out?"

Wei Wei was eating his lunch box, when he saw Xia Yu approaching, he immediately greeted him warmly, but a look of disdain flashed deep in his eyes.

I thought: I thought you were really not impressed by the price I gave.

This time, I will make you pay for a car!

The worst case scenario is that you have to pay a deposit!
Xia Yu didn't want to think about Wei Wei's thoughts, so she walked directly to the driver's door, only to find that the car was locked. She turned around and said, "Open the door, and I'll go in and feel it."

"no problem."

Wei Wei took out the car keys, unlocked the car, opened the co-pilot's door casually, and sat in.

Xia Yu frowned slightly.

Stopped the urge to sit in the driver's seat and came to the back seat.

On the other side, Lin Xiaoxiao also got into the car, also sat in the back seat, and asked: "Xia Yu, are you having an affair with Paul?"

Xia Yu's eyes turned cold.

Lin Xiaoxiao was taken aback and dared not speak.

At that moment, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, as if death had strangled her neck, and she felt like she had difficulty breathing.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Wei Wei glanced at the central rearview mirror strangely, realizing that the two women behind him must have a story.

next moment.

"here we go."

Xia Yu touched the blood butterfly on the side of her leg...

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