inside the car.

"Why do you call him a monster?"

"Yes, how did you judge? He looks no different from a normal person!"

The backpack man and Ma Wenwen asked.


Li Xinran recalled everything that happened just now, but found no evidence that her husband turned into a monster, everything was the result of her imagination.

What if I guess wrong?
That's my husband!


The backpack man asked.

Li Xinran took a deep breath, and in the eyes of the two, explained the situation just encountered.

Hearing this, the backpack man and Ma Wenwen looked at each other and both felt that Li Xinran might be making a fuss out of a molehill. Especially Ma Wenwen, she said: "When people face fear, it is understandable that they will do any abnormal behavior."

"Besides, your husband never hurt you from beginning to end."

"In the end they chased you, probably because they didn't want you to get out of the car and be eaten by those monsters."


Li Xinran could not refute.

It's just her intuition that made her still believe in her own judgment.

The man with the backpack glanced at the car at the booth next door, and said, "Whether your husband is abnormal or not, everyone is safe for the time being."

"The next thing we want to think about is what should we do to get out of here."

On this point, Li Xinran has the right to speak.

"We have been in and out of the fog several times, and every time we come out, we are in the venue, which means...we probably won't be able to get out at all."

she said.


Ma Wenwen was a little desperate.

The man with the backpack was not worried, and said: "Listen, the benefactor who saved us is still fighting, and his strength is very strong. If we can kill all these monsters, we may not be able to survive."

Ma Wenwen asked back: "But...but even if we survive, there is not much food here, how long can we carry it?"

The backpack man was silent.

Li Xinran couldn't help asking: "Who can defeat those monsters?"

The backpack man recounted their experiences.

"I see."

Li Xinran nodded, and said, "If it takes too long, the country will definitely notice the abnormality and find a way to rescue us. We just need to reduce consumption and delay as long as possible."


The man with the backpack said, "Instead of thinking about these uncontrollable things here, we should think about how to help our benefactor kill those monsters."

"Car hit."

Li Xinran said: "Our car is a million-dollar luxury car. Although it's not an off-road vehicle, it's definitely not bad. It also has enough horsepower. It won't be a problem to kill a dozen monsters."

"My driving skills are not good."

The man with the backpack flashed his eyes, and shook his head decisively: "I didn't pass the driver's license test."

Ma Wenwen also shook her head hastily, and said, "I can't do it, my legs will go weak when I see those monsters."

Li Xinran: "..."

Is this how you want to save your benefactor?
Ha ha.

Show off the benefits of tongue.

Who wouldn't?
"Let me do it."

Seeing the man with the backpack and Ma Wenwen looking at her, Li Xinran's heart skipped a beat, and she was inexplicably alert. A familiar threat of death lingered in her heart, and she blurted out.

"Thanks a lot."

Ma Wenwen breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

The man with the backpack even gave a thumbs up and said, "Heroine!"

Li Xinran breathed a sigh of relief when the strange feeling just disappeared, and she hurriedly got out of the car.

Come to the driver's seat.

"What do you mean?"

When the backpack man and Ma Wenwen saw Li Xinran coming to the driver's seat of another car, they immediately frowned and asked.

"Oh, nothing."

Li Xinran explained: "There is an injured and unconscious person in your car. If I drive into a monster, I will inevitably hurt her, so... you better not go."

"I go by my own."


After speaking, she started the vehicle.

At the same time, he checked his body to make sure there were no wounds, and then looked inside the car. There was no abnormality, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

At the beginning, I went to the car where the backpacker was waiting for others. One was to prevent my husband from getting in the car and harmed these people; the other was because of the sense of security. After all, people like to cuddle together when they are in danger.

However, this group of people gave her a familiar death threat just now, which was the same as her husband gave her. How could she dare to continue to ride in the same car with them?

So, she decisively went to another car.

next moment.


Step down on the accelerator.

Li Xinran drove the car straight out of the booth and came to the main road. Sure enough, he saw a man slaughtering those monsters heroically.

That's right.

It is slaughter!

A single punch can blow a monster's head off.

One kick can blast the heads of two monsters.

And it moves quickly.

Monsters can't get close at all.

Not only was it unable to hurt the man, it was even unable to hurt the two women next to him.


"It seems that we don't need our help?"

Li Xinran was stunned.

How can a human being be so strong!
Even the king of special forces can't do this, can he?

After thinking about it, she still drove into it.

In less than three seconds, the speed of the car soared to 100 yards.




Amidst Li Xinran's screams, there was a heavy impact, and several mutants were knocked out on the spot.

He slammed into other mutants hard.


A large group of mutants fell.

But Li Xinran didn't let go of the gas pedal, the luxury car rolled over the group of mutants and crashed into the new mutants.

In order to prevent herself from hitting the strong man who was killing the mutants, she flicked her tail, knocked several mutants away again, and then accelerated again.

The engine roared like a beast.

The tires were running at high speed and accelerated instantaneously, causing the two mutants with their heads under the tires to die suddenly on the spot.



With her help, Xiao Hua's pressure dropped sharply, and her efficiency in killing mutants was higher.

5 minutes passed.

The hundreds of mutants here were all killed.


"we won!"

Lin Xiaoxiao cheered and shouted excitedly.

Just now, she was really scared.

At this moment, because of being overly excited, she even took the initiative to hug Xiao Hua.


But he was pushed away by Xiaohua.

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled awkwardly.

On the side, another woman who was protected by Xiao Hua sat on the ground slumped, with her face buried in her knees, crying loudly.


Finally survived.

Just now, she was extremely frightened, but at this moment she suddenly relaxed, her mentality completely collapsed, and she could no longer control her inner emotions.

Not only her.

The staff of the TT car brand, headed by Wei Wei, a total of 6 people, all broke down emotionally and cried loudly.

In other places, the survivors who came out one after another all cried out.

They all thought that the danger was over, and released their emotions to their heart's content.

For a time, there was a cry in the entire exhibition hall.

in another car.


Xia Yu's eyes flickered when he heard the movement outside the car.This moment.

Her condition has also returned to its peak.

"Little flower."

"Check how many survivors there are."

"Check every corner again, in case there are still mutants."

Xia Yu thought about it.

Xiao Hua immediately followed suit.

His bravery just now overwhelmed everyone and gave them a sense of security.

So at this moment, when they saw him walking around, everyone followed him spontaneously.

Xiao Hua didn't stop her.

Xia Yu didn't stop her either.

So everyone acted together.


After killing a mutant who was trapped in the car and a mutant who just came out of the fog, all the mutants in the exhibition hall were finally killed.

"It is true that the monsters here should be cleaned up, lest any of us accidentally get hurt by it again."

"These damned monsters should all be killed!"

"It's really scary. I originally thought that something was wrong with my wife a few days ago. She became fierce and domineering, and even started to punch and kick me. I didn't expect that she was a monster. It looked like this, and there were already signs. It just happened suddenly today."


For a while, everyone talked and said everything.

"A total of 18 survivors, not a lot."

"All the mutants were killed."


Xia Yu received the message from Xiao Hua and continued to issue orders: "Collect the crystal core!"



Xiaohua took out the dagger, cut open the heads of the mutants one by one, and searched for the crystal nuclei inside.

Everyone was talking about it.

It suddenly became quiet.

Some people can't understand, why should these dead monsters be abused?

Although these monsters are very hateful and damned, but the dead are the big ones, is it really okay to abuse them like this?
Some people were simply intimidated by Xiaohua's violence.

Some people were confused, they guessed that Xiaohua should have other purposes.


When Xiaohua picked up the first crystal core, many people showed surprise: "This should be his purpose of cutting the monster's head, right?"

"I didn't expect these monsters to have these things in their heads. Are they useful?"

"How about we help him, after all, he saved us."


Everyone spoke up again.

Under the leadership of Huang Shengli, some courageous people took the initiative to help Xiaohua find the crystal nucleus despite the fear and nausea.


Xiaohua's figure flashed, and the dagger in her hand pointed at these people.

Huang Shengli and others hurriedly backed away in fright, waved their hands and said, "Brother, don't get me wrong, we just want to help you."

Xiaohua was unmoved, and stared at everyone indifferently.

Huang Shengli and others could only give up.

Everyone just looked at Xiao Hua and cut open the heads one by one.

a moment.


Xia Yu in the dark frowned.

Because she found that the heads of many mutants had been cut open, and none of them had crystal nuclei in their heads, not a single one, which was obviously abnormal.

"It was the puppet master who sensed the energy of the crystal nucleus, did he do it in advance?"

She quickly made an analysis, and guessed: "It's normal."

"Don't worry about Xiao Hua, just continue digging for crystal nuclei."

Another ten minutes passed.

All crystal nuclei were taken out.

A total of 25 pieces were obtained.


"However, it's still acceptable."

Xia Yu nodded, thinking about another question: "Where's the Mutant Beast?"

The news passed by Xiao Hua just now.

Those cats and dogs are all dead.

Only pet turtles and hamsters are missing.

Where did they go?
In the previous life, those survivors made it clear that there were mutant beasts, but in this life, why did the mutant beasts disappear?

Is it because Xiao Hua showed her great strength and acted as a deterrent?
Xia Yu agrees with this point of view.

Because mutant beasts are more likely to develop wisdom and know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Ordinary mutant beasts will definitely be frightened by Xiaohua's strength, which is comparable to the second-grade psychic realm.

It's normal not to show your head.

and so……

There is also a threat in the dark.

However, it didn't have much impact on her and Xiao Hua.

After all, they are all very powerful.

As for those ordinary people... they can't care so much anymore.


Xia Yu pushed open the car door and muttered to himself, "Find the puppet master!"

What she didn't notice was.

On the other side of the car, a wooden sculpture was lying alone on the vehicle pedal.

Accompanying Xia Yu to leave step by step.

The wood carving also turned little by little, its scarlet eyes always looking towards the direction of Xia Yu.

next moment.


A skinny animal about 12 centimeters long jumped onto the car pedal. With its short tail and furry appearance, you could vaguely tell that it was a hamster.

Those red eyes, skinny body and vigorous figure showed that it was a mutant beast.

For some reason, it fell in love with this wood carving, opened its mouth, and tried to eat the wood carving's head.

"call out."

Immediately afterwards, the wooden sculpture disappeared the moment it came into contact with the red-eyed hamster's teeth.


Then, the surrounding spiritual energy poured into the red-eyed hamster's body.



The red-eyed hamster screams in pain.

It is indeed quite wise, because it is trying its best to control its barking at this moment, not to bark so loudly, so as not to be noticed by Xiaohua and cause a fatal disaster.


Thinking of Xiaohua's terrifying figure, it still felt uneasy, endured the pain in its body, turned around and jumped into the mist not far away.

The moment it disappeared.


Xia Yu's figure flashed over, looking at the direction where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered just now, his brows were deeply frowned: "What happened just now?"

"Isn't the wood carving in the same car as Wei Wei?"

The psychic energy of heaven and earth gathered crazily, and there was a lot of movement. This situation was very similar to what she and Wei Wei had experienced before.

and so……

She was almost certain that the movement just now was also made by wood carvings.

Glancing at Wei Wei Mingming in the crowd, Xia Yu frowned even tighter: "It didn't follow Wei Wei?"

Thinking of the creepy situation before, she began to recite the nameless formula silently with a solemn expression, so as to avoid any further accidents.


Nothing unusual this time.

Moreover, she really analyzed a detail that she had overlooked before: "When I threw the wooden carving out, the gathering of spiritual energy from heaven and earth no longer happened."

This shows that only when wood carvings are placed on the human body can the spiritual energy of heaven and earth be gathered and enter the body.

Once you leave the human body, such abnormalities cannot appear.

and so.

Near here just now, there were not only wood carvings, but also people?

more likely...

"Variant beast!"

Xia Yu's eyes narrowed slightly: "It's that pet turtle or hamster that I haven't been able to find for a long time!"

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