I'm back from hell

Chapter 200 Everyone Suspicious

The girl whose hand was scratched was named Zhang Lulu, and she was also the person who Xia Yu suspected might have her heart replaced by a puppet.

In other words, this incident happened.

Two people can be eliminated at once.

The range of people who might have their hearts replaced by the Puppet Hearts was suddenly narrowed down to four.

This was beyond Xia Yu's expectation.

and so……

Next, she plans to take the initiative!
"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Fart! Who deliberately dug his good nails like that? And deliberately scratched the back of my hand? What on earth do you want to do?"

"I... I really didn't mean to."

"Thankfully I still believe you and sleep with you, no matter who you are!"

At this moment, the two women didn't know what happened, and the quarrel started.


Xiaohua suddenly took action and knocked out the girl who scratched the back of her hand with her nails.


Zhang Lulu was startled, obviously she didn't expect Xiaohua to attack so harshly.

Others finally heard the noise one after another. They got out of the car and turned on the flashlight. Many of them were sleepy-eyed, and some were even yawning.

None of them knew why.

Xiaohua didn't explain, she went to the pile of dead people to dig out belts one by one, and also found a long rope.

Then he came back with these things.

The girl who had just been knocked unconscious, Lin Xiaoxiao and Dong Bin were all tied up.

"What is this for?"

"I don't know. It's so strange. What did these people do?"

"Slit the back of your hands? Then you don't have to tie them all up, right?"


The backpack man and others were puzzled. Even after learning what happened from Zhang Lulu, they still didn't understand Xiaohua's actions.

Xiaohua still had no explanation and came to the crowd without saying a word. She first pointed at the man with the backpack and then pointed at an empty vehicle not far away.

"You want me to sleep there?"

The man with the backpack widened his eyes and asked in confusion.

Xiao Hua nodded.

The backpack man scratched his head and asked, "Why."

Xiaohua took out a pistol.


The crowd exclaimed.

Obviously he didn't expect that the benefactor still had a gun in his hand!

The man with the backpack was pointed at a gun and did not dare to say any more nonsense and quickly went to the vehicle designated by Xiaohua.

Followed by.

The muzzle of the gun in Xiaohua's hand pointed at Ma Wenwen, and then pointed at another empty vehicle not far away.

Ma Wenwen followed the instructions with doubts on her face.

Followed by Lu Shiwen.

Finally, there is Aunt Li.

"Aunt Li also has a problem?"

Seeing that Aunt Li was also in a separate vehicle, Li Xinran's eyes flashed and she asked.

Xia Yu didn't answer her.

Because, she instigated Xiaohua to do all of this.

next moment.

Xiaohua suddenly took action under the doubtful gazes of everyone.

Extremely fast.

Moreover, because the distance is relatively close, so...




Wei Wei's five colleagues did not put up any resistance and were all knocked unconscious.

"This...what is he going to do?"

"Who knows, he looks like a lunatic."

"Shh! Keep your voice down! He has a gun!"


Watching Xiaohua continue to tie up all five of Wei Wei's colleagues, Aunt Li and others started talking again, but they didn't dare to speak loudly for fear of being heard by Xiaohua.


Xiaohua still heard it.

I saw him turn around and look at the backpack man, Ma Wenwen, Lu Shiwen and Aunt Li. He first took out the jade box, and then pointed at the five people with the jade box.

The crowd was stunned.

However, Li Xinran reacted, and his tone was much higher: "Do you suspect that weird heart replaced the heart of one of them?"

Xiao Hua nodded.

Zhang Lulu was so frightened that she took a step back subconsciously and asked, "Didn't you put that heart in a jade box?"

"Did it escape?"

Xiaohua shook her head.

The crowd frowned.

Xia Yu opened his mouth and guided everyone: "You mean, there is a second heart?"


Hearing this, everyone's eyes widened and their whole bodies couldn't help but tremble.

They all turned their attention to Xiaohua, hoping that the other party would shake his head.


Xiao Hua nodded.

Everyone is like mourning for an heir.

Lu Shiwen was so frightened that she cried on the spot. The pear blossoms were covered with rain and her makeup was all stained with tears.

The faces of the other three were equally ugly.

I was terrified.

Who is it?

Apart from fear, Ma Wenwen looked at the other three people. Finally, her eyes wandered several times on the backpack man and Aunt Li, and finally...

"It must be her!"

She pointed to Aunt Li and said, "The three of us have always been together and have never been separated at all."

"There is nothing abnormal. We can confirm each other."


The backpack man and Lu Shiwen also nodded.


Aunt Li was obviously panicked, but she knew that it was absolutely impossible for her heart to be eaten: "I didn't! I have never felt that my heart was eaten."

"Are you joking?"

The man with the backpack asked: "You are already controlled, how could you admit that your heart was eaten?"

"You and I……"

Aunt Li talked for a long time. When she saw Xiao Hua approaching step by step, she suddenly became even more panicked and said quickly: "It's really not me! Are the three of them really together all the time?"

"I remember that man named Brother Kun went to the toilet alone!"

"I still remember that Lu Shiwen had been in a coma before, and she was also alone during the coma."

Lu Shiwen only shook his head and cried.

Ma Wenwen pointed at Aunt Li's nose and cursed: "Shut up, old woman, it's you! If we are separated for a short time, what about you?"

"Don't you act alone more often?"

"Aren't you more suspicious?"

Aunt Li suddenly didn't know how to refute, she just kept waving her hands and saying "not me", "I can swear" and other meaningless words.

How could she be a match for Backpack Man and Ma Wenwen on her own?
Soon he was completely at a disadvantage.

Just when everyone was doubting Aunt Li...

Li Xinran suddenly whispered: "I didn't feel threatened by Aunt Li, nor did I feel the weird feeling from her that my husband was watching me before."

Xia Yu's eyes flashed.

She originally believed in Li Xinran, but after hearing this sentence, she thought of another possibility: Aunt Li and Li Xinran, one is a puppet, and the other is the person whose heart was replaced by the puppet's heart?
The two are a team!

Therefore, Li Xinran speaks for Aunt Li!

There is a reason why Xia Yu has such a guess: her heart is more attractive to the puppet heart, so the puppet heart will definitely try its best to get close to her.

Eat her heart!

Aunt Li and Li Xinran have always been with her.

certainly.If what Li Xinran said is true, then the second puppet heart must be in the body of one of the backpack man, Ma Wenwen and Lu Shiwen, and... the other two must have become puppets.

In this case, it is normal for the three of them to help each other talk.

"No one can believe it."

After analyzing it, he still couldn't pinpoint whose body the puppet's heart had entered. Xia Yu pondered for a moment and then gave the order in his heart again.


The little flowers moved accordingly.

The dark muzzle of the gun was instantly pressed against Aunt Li's heart.


Aunt Li screamed in fright and fainted.

Xiaohua glanced at Aunt Li's body.

As a result, no abnormality was found in the back of Aunt Li's heart, and no puppet heart was found around her. Aunt Li was still breathing.


Isn’t it Aunt Li?

Xia Yu frowned.

Li Xinran shook his head and said: "It's not impossible to scare that weird heart out using the previous method, but it's just that we found the wrong target."

"And, again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again."

"It's impossible to succeed the third time you use this method."


Xia Yu nodded, not planning to use this method again.

But, how to tell which one of the backpack man, Ma Wenwen and Lu Shiwen has had his heart replaced?

only see.

Xiaohua leaves Aunt Li.

Walking towards the backpack man, Ma Wenwen and Lu Shiwen.

"What do you mean?"

"We're fine!"

"Don't come here!"

Seeing this, the three people immediately panicked.

Especially Ma Wenwen, the reaction was even greater.

"The first weird heart beats extremely powerfully, and the second weird heart is definitely not bad either."

"Then, the heart of a person whose heart is replaced by them must be very fast! Very powerful!"

Li Xinran thought of something and suggested: "You can tell who has a problem by taking the pulse."


Xia Yu knew that this method was useless.

The puppet clan has existed for so many years, and they have long encountered methods of testing heartbeats such as "taking the pulse" and "feeling the chest", and have evolved countermeasures.

They can control their heartbeat at will.

Only when you are hit hard will you lose control.

However, she still controlled Xiao Hua to walk towards the backpack man, Ma Wenwen and Lu Shiwen step by step, wanting to see how these three people would react.

All three of them looked panicked at this moment, and kept begging for mercy. They even refused to stretch out their arms, looking like 'I have a heartbeat problem, don't come here to test me'.

The acting was too fake.

Xia Yu couldn't stand it any longer, and became increasingly certain that there was something wrong with these three people.



Xiaohua didn't waste any time, came closer, knocked all three men with backpacks unconscious and tied them up.

After that, he first came to the man with the backpack, took off his shirt, and inspected the skin inch by inch, discovering many wounds.

After that, he came to Ma Wenwen and took off her clothes...


Zhang Lulu spat and cursed.

Aunt Li also felt that Xiaohua took advantage of others' danger, which was not the behavior of a gentleman, and it was too disgraceful.

"He wants to..."

Li Xinran's eyes lit up and he understood what the other party meant: "What a great idea!"


Xiaohua found a wound on Ma Wenwen's ankle, with a faint trace of blood remaining.

Li Xinran couldn't help but get closer, took a closer look, and said, "This wound looks like it was scratched by human nails. It doesn't look like it was made by a man-eating monster, nor does it look like it was scratched."

"She's supposed to be a puppet!"

Hearing this, Aunt Li and the two girls also understood what was going on. They realized that they had misunderstood Xiaohua, and they were immediately ashamed.

Xiaohua helped Ma Wenwen get dressed and came to Lu Shiwen's side.

Without taking off his clothes, he found a big wound on Lu Shiwen's arm.

It was a wound left when the mutant bit him.

"Still not sure!"

Li Xinran glanced at the backpack man, then at Lu Shiwen, and frowned.

Xia Yu looked calm.

Although this proactive attack failed to find whose body the puppet heart occupied, it prevented the second puppet heart from controlling more puppets and further narrowed the scope.

All in all, there is still a lot to gain.


Xiaohua walked to the middle of the backpack man and Lu Shiwen, holding the pistol and standing.

Always be alert.

Aunt Li: "Still can't find out whose heart was replaced?"

Li Xinran: "At least we can ensure that that weird heart won't harm anyone again."

Aunt Li nodded.

The girls looked at each other.

They discovered that there were only six people who were not possessed and controlled by the strange heart.

Everyone else was hit.

"Fortunately, it was discovered in time, otherwise we would have been in a terrible situation."

"The heart is so weird. It took so long to control so many people."


Three women in one play.

Let alone four women?
Li Xinran, Aunt Li and Zhang Lulu chatted among themselves. Although Xia Yu did not take the initiative to participate in the chat, if someone asked her, she would still respond twice.


Li Xinran still didn't quite understand why Xiaohua didn't feel her pulse and listen to the heartbeats of the three backpack men?
Ask Xiaohua.

Xiaohua just shook her head.

in the dark.

Another off-road vehicle that no one cares about.

Wei Wei slowly opened his eyes and locked his eyes on Xia Yu: "This woman is not simple."

He naturally had a panoramic view of everything that had just happened.

Thinking of how Xia Yu and Xiao Hua walked together before the mist appeared, and Xiao Hua helped Xia Yu stop him, he knew that the relationship between the two people was very close.

But at this moment, he pretended not to know him.

There is clearly a conspiracy.

and also……

Wei Wei turned his attention to Xiao Hua: "This man is ridiculously strong and doesn't look like a human being at all. Not only does he brutally torture those man-eating monsters, he is not even afraid of such a weird heart, and he can suppress them with all his strength."

"Finally, we prepared something like a jade box to trap it inside."

"Could it be that... they already knew that fog was going to appear here? They knew that something similar was going to happen here, so they made preparations in advance?"

Thinking of this, he felt a little weird.

After all, who can know what will happen in the future?

This is not a movie!
is reality!
However, the reality has already happened before his eyes, and he cannot tolerate disbelief.

"Two ways."

Wei Wei pondered for a moment, and finally analyzed that there were two paths in front of him: "First, surrender, maybe you can know a different world."

"This choice is extremely dangerous. It will be dangerous if you are not careful. After all, I am too weak."

"Second, stay away from the other party as much as possible, avoid contact with the other party, and escape from the dangerous whirlpool."


He can be absolutely sure of one thing: since these two people came here deliberately to wait for the fog and 'danger' to appear, they must know how to leave, or know very clearly...

The fog will definitely clear!

Thinking of this, Wei Wei's eyes flickered. He felt that he should take advantage of this opportunity to blackmail him again. No matter which way he chose, he had to have money on hand.

He didn't want to live the old days of working non-stop, working from eight in the morning to eight in the evening, being scolded by his boss every day, and having to fight with his colleagues.

His eyes looked at the backpack man's backpack again.

It would be great if I could steal it.

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