I'm back from hell

Chapter 229 Do You Want To Marry Me?

"how can that be?"

Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan were both stunned.

"It's determined by physical talent."

Xia Yu said calmly: "Han Sanguang's physical talent is too strong. After the breakthrough, his weight, strength, speed and soul may be twice or even three times that before the breakthrough!"

"As for Hong She... her qualities in all aspects are only about double what they were before the breakthrough."


Hearing this, Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan were both shocked. Their eyes changed when they looked at Han Sanguang again, and they finally understood the reason why Xia Yu had attracted Han Sanguang before.

too strong!
"After that, every time there is a realm breakthrough, the gap between the two sides will further widen."

Xia Yu added.

Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan were completely silent.

Words can no longer describe the shock in my heart.

At the same time, the two of them also felt greater pressure and secretly warned themselves: they must not slack off, there are too many talented people in this world.

If you slack off a little, you will be surpassed.

Shake it off!

Not to mention.

Don't be afraid that others are more talented than you, just be afraid that others are more talented than you and work harder than you!

Thinking of Han Sanguang's desperate efforts in these two mist incidents, the two of them couldn't wait to go training now.

Another 3 minutes of fighting.


Hong She finally found an opportunity and captured Han Sanguang.

The battle is over.


"Brother Snake is still awesome."

Han Sanguang said with a smile: "My skills are not as good as others."

Hong She was silent.

Skilled as a human?
He just heard what Sister Yu said, and he felt deeply powerless. He also became more determined to follow the path of a strong soul.

of course.

The improvement of physical fitness cannot stop.

Finding the right position in the team has always been something he is good at.


Taking a deep breath, Hong She adjusted her mentality, smiled, patted Han Sanguang's shoulder, and said, "The main force of the battle will be left to you and brother Xie."

"I play support."


Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan came forward to congratulate him.


Han Sanguang is a part of the team, and his teammates' strength becomes stronger, which only benefits them and does no harm to them.


The status of everyone in the team is quietly changing.

Xia Yu is happy to see the success and will not interfere too much.

She is also very clear about her position in the team: absolute voice, absolute control, absolute strength suppression, and provision of advanced intelligence.

Calm your mind.

She continued to feel another change after her breakthrough: weight!

From 159 pounds to 208 pounds, my body shape has not changed, I don’t even have any big muscles, but my vest line is clearer.

At this moment, her body density had reached a terrifying level.

It would be difficult for an ordinary person to pierce her body with a sharp weapon!

Xia Yu also noticed a problem: "The realm is a bit empty."

She had already expected this. After all, she had taken the Evil Thought Fruit and Lark Grass one after another, and even achieved a breakthrough with the help of Lark Grass.

Although there are no side effects, there will be problems with the realm of emptiness.

It is necessary to solidify the foundation by exercising and absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Two days later.

Xia Yu was exercising at school when she received a call from Su Qian.


The two met on an off-road vehicle.

"You broke through?"

A look of surprise flashed between Xia Yu's eyebrows.

You know, when they were separated last time, Su Qian was still far away from the first-level spiritual realm.

this time……

Actually broke through directly?
Catching up with the speed of Hong Snake!

This shows that this person also has a chance!

"I just relied on my power and connections abroad to get a resource."

Su Qian briefly described the situation casually.

No hiding.

Hearing this, Xia Yu nodded.

Although Su Qian said it lightly, the opportunity for a breakthrough was bound to cause a bloody storm, and would be accompanied by various secret transactions.

The risk factor is extremely high.

This can be seen from the brown bear man's cracked tiger's mouth.

"What I'm curious about is, how did Sister Yu figure it out?"

Su Qian asked back.

"See you a lot."

Xia Yu told the truth.

Su Qian: "..."

According to the information she received, there are less than a thousand masters in the world who have broken through to the first-level spiritual realm!

And they are also distributed around the world.

Why have you seen Xia Yu so much?
"Hong She broke through?"

Su Qian thought of something and asked.


Xia Yu added: "Han Sanguang also made a breakthrough."


Su Qian's pupils shrank.

I worked hard and spent a lot of money. I thought I could surpass Hong She, but what happened?
Not even Han Sanguang surpassed him!


Is following Xia Yu the best choice?
The person she was before was not worthy of joining.

What now?
Su Qian didn't ask, but took out two test tubes of blood, one of which was still warm.


Xia Yu raised his eyebrows, shook the still warm blood, and asked, "Blood of a living person?"


Su Qian nodded and said, "I brought it here conveniently. It doesn't cost anything."

Like Hong Snake, he is very good at getting things done.

Overfulfilled what I ordered.

Xia Yu nodded with satisfaction, put away the two test tubes of blood, got out of the car and left.


After Xia Yu left, Su Qian leaned on the passenger seat, crossed her long legs on the center console, turned on the lighter, lit a lady's cigarette, and said, "Let's go."

"Go find Hong She."

When the car starts.

A college student was attracted by the cigarette, and then his eyes were fixed on Su Qian's long legs in black stockings, and he could no longer move away.


"What a cute college student."

Su Qian smiled lightly, no longer interested in teasing the other party in the past.


Immediately, the brown bear man stepped on the accelerator.

The sound of the engine roaring like a wild beast pulled the college student back from his thoughts and muttered: "It's still very cold, but he is wearing black stockings."

"Women are really not afraid of the cold for the sake of beauty."

"I'm not afraid of getting cold legs either."

not far away.

Hearing his complaints, Xia Yu's eyes flashed.

You think others will be cold, but you don't know that it is your short-sightedness. Others dress like that, they are really not cold.

She recovered her thoughts and threw the black jade Buddha into the test tube containing the blood of the dead.

Watch intently.

Black Jade Buddha, no response!


"Things are taking a turn for the worst."

Xia Yu was quite helpless: "The Black Jade Buddha can only create Yin Qi by absorbing active blood."

Looking at the tube of living blood, her interest was greatly reduced.

However, considering that the blood of living people will lose its activity if it is left out of the body for too long, it is probably too late to rush to find Xiaohua now, so...

She still threw the black jade Buddha into the blood of living people.


What happened next was something she didn't expect at all!

In a flash.The blood in that test tube was sucked up.

"So fast?"

Xia Yu's eyes narrowed, staring at the black jade Buddha, looking forward to its next changes.

Not surprisingly.

The black jade Buddha turned into the blood jade Buddha, and a familiar world appeared on that side.

the difference is……

The yin energy produced by the Blood Jade Buddha is very rich, several times richer than the real Hong Yang!
"Why is that?"

Xia Yu felt that it was absolutely necessary for her to conduct in-depth research. She quickly took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Su Qian, asking about the source of the living blood in this test tube.

Su Qian quickly sent a file and added: "Sister Yu, I can catch him in front of you and let you take his blood."

Since we are going to do experiments and research, samples are naturally indispensable.

However, Xia Yu would not randomly conduct experiments on living people.

and so……

She did not reply immediately, but looked through the person's file: XXX, a fugitive, killed seven people in the country, including infant babies, and then absconded with public funds. He was protected by Country X and has always been at large...

"it is good."

Xia Yu decisively sent a message.



at the same time.

In a dark basement.

A corpse was lying quietly among them. Looking closer, this corpse was none other than Hongyang Zhenren. Originally, this corpse should be in the Criminal Technology Laboratory of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

But now, it appears here.

A pair of withered hands inspected the body of Master Hongyang and then pulled away.

A hoarse voice came out: "To be killed by a stone blow, the person who took action must be at least a first-level spiritual master."

"The reason why the blood was sucked dry must be related to the Black Jade Buddha."

"The person who took action must have discovered the magic power of the Black Jade Buddha, so take it away. Find out who the person who took action is, and you must take back the Black Jade Buddha!"

"I hope it doesn't fall into Zhao Guohui's hands."


The person behind him immediately agreed.



"What did you say?"

"You want to marry me?"

Hong She was shocked at first, and then said without hesitation: "You finally figured it out! Second sister-in-law!"

"You still call me Second Sister-in-law?"

Su Qian leaned coquettishly in Hong She's arms, nuzzling against her.

"It's mainly the word 'sister-in-law' that has a special appeal to me."

Hong She said with a smile.

"As you like."

"Dead pervert."

Su Qian slapped away Hong She's dishonest hands and said, "Let's just hold the wedding in these two days."


Hong She was dumbfounded.

"When the time comes, it's up to you to do whatever you want."

Su Qian asked: "What? Don't you like me? Don't you want to marry me?"

"Are you lying to me?"

The voice fell.


The brown bear man standing nearby loaded the bullet, his eyes showing indifference to life, and his whole body exuded a frightening aura.

Hong She was very familiar with this look and aura.

However, he had nothing to fear.

But when he felt a chill between his legs, he hurriedly looked down and found that a half-foot-long double-sided blade had appeared in Su Qian's hand, flying under his body.

His eyelids suddenly jumped.

"Second sister-in-law, you want to remain a widow."

Hong She's Adam's apple rolled and she forced out a smile.

"My skills are very good."

The second sister-in-law flicked her wrist, and the tip of the double-sided blade touched Hong She's chin, causing Hong She to raise her chin upwards, but this still did not stop him from talking: "After the wedding, I want to feel you Technology."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

The second sister-in-law patted Hong She's face with the side of the double-sided blade and said with a charming smile, "We are on the same level now."


Hearing this, Hong She's pupils shrank, and then she thought of something and said, "It seems that the second sister-in-law is more capable than imagined."


The second sister-in-law flipped her wrist, and the double-sided blade disappeared, as if by magic, and she left Hong She's body and stretched, showing off her figure.

A sentence popped into Hong Snake's mind: thin branches bear fruit, which is delicious and not harmful to the fire.

"From now on, whether it's in bed or off the bed, I have the final say."

Second sister-in-law said.


Hong She raised the corners of her mouth slightly, but without retorting, she said, "Okay."

"If there are any other requirements, please tell me."

The so-called final say in bed depends on your own ability.

The so-called having the final say under the bed also depends on your own abilities.

No matter how good you say it now, it's useless.


The second sister-in-law stretched out her slender fingers and said, "Help me try to join your team."


Hong Snake nodded.

Regardless of strength and background, the second sister-in-law meets the criteria for joining the team. Now that she is married to him, her loyalty is also guaranteed.


The second sister-in-law stretched out her second finger and said, "I have the final say when you want to have a child."

"no problem."

Hong She nodded and said, "As long as you can give me a child."

"Is there any more?"


The second sister-in-law shook her head.

"Let's go."

"Get the certificate and go."

Hong She patted her second sister-in-law's plump buttocks and said.

"In this day and age, what kind of certificate do you still need?"

The second sister-in-law said: "As long as you let me join your team, we will be considered husband and wife, and we can enter the bridal chamber."

"it is good."

Hearing this, Hong She's eyes flashed, she stood up and left, saying, "I'll go find Sister Yu and ask."

Now that things have come to a head, the second sister-in-law’s purpose has become extremely clear: she wants to use her body and resources to join the team!

have to say.

very realistic.

However, he didn't care, but liked it very much.


Direct enough!
Moreover, he also needs the help of his second sister-in-law!

"Second sister-in-law."

"Will he look down upon you?"

asked the brown bear man.

"You mean I exchanged my body for a place on the team?"

The second sister-in-law said: "Hong She will not look down on me because of this, and I don't care what other people think."


She said with a slightly solemn expression: "This time, in order to obtain those two resources, we handed over all our power."

"Those foreign capitalists who are aggressively collecting these resources and recruiting first-level psychic realm masters will never let us go."

"If we don't join Xia Yu's team, it will be difficult for us to survive."

The brown bear man frowned.

"Although Xia Yu's team is small in number, they are all the best among the best."

"Of course, the most important thing is that Xia Yu has the ability to predict the future! What does this mean? I don't need to say anything more, right?"

The second sister-in-law then said: "We must join her team!"

"Even hand over the second resource!"


"I'm sorry for you."

The second resource was originally meant for Brown Bear Man, but in case Xia Yu disagreed with her joining the team, she could only keep this resource.

"Not wronged."

The brown bear man shook his head: "You can commit yourself to Hong Snake, so what does it mean to me?"

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