Chapter 263

eat human?

Eat blood shadow clan?

Gao Mengmeng's face changed slightly and asked: "What race is this?"

The Blood Shadow Clan was already giving her a headache, and she felt extremely difficult to deal with. There were actually monsters that preyed on the Blood Shadow Clan! ! !


Xia Yu spoke.

"It even eats the incorporeal Blood Shadow Clan?"

Gao Mengmeng still couldn't understand: "How does it determine the location of the Bleeding Shadow Clan?"

"The smell of blood on the Blood Shadow Tribe." Xia Yu said, "Although it is very light, but in front of the Licker's amazing sense of smell, it is very..."


"Blood smell?"

Gao Mengmeng frowned.

As a special body of a mutant, its own strength is in the second-level spiritual realm, and its sense of smell is already extremely terrifying. It can be said that... the sense of smell of beings with strength below the third-level spiritual realm is basically not as good as hers.

However, it still couldn't smell the blood of the Blood Shadow Clan.

Is it...

The licker's sense of smell is comparable to that of a creature in the third-level spiritual realm?

Scanning the surroundings warily, Xia Yu continued to introduce: "It is a reptile creature that looks like a lizard. Its tongue and tail are its most powerful weapons."

"The bulge on its body contains a lot of venom. Once it is splashed... the consequences will be disastrous."

"That's it?"

Gao Mengmeng asked.

Xia Yu did not respond directly, but continued: "Just now, I met the Blood Shadow Clan with the strength of the second-level spiritual realm. If a licker appears here...its strength must have reached the third-level spiritual realm."

Gao Mengmeng's expression condensed.

Third level spiritual energy realm, how powerful is that?
Xia Yu glanced at Gao Mengmeng's expression out of the corner of her eye and didn't explain anything. Even she, a licker in the third-level spiritual realm, didn't dare to be tough.

It is worth mentioning that the lickers devour living people and blood shadows. In addition to filling their stomachs, their strength will continue to increase.

This is another main reason why Xia Yu hunted the Blood Shadow Clan.

"Nowadays, all the living people in the fog are probably dead, and aliens will appear soon."

"We have to be careful."

Xia Yu spoke.

Gao Mengmeng nodded and secretly mobilized the mutants to surround them on guard.




In the next few minutes, Xia Yu killed three more blood shadows one after another.

The boy's mother came to the roof of the car and stayed with Xia Yu and Gao Mengmeng.

Because Xia Yu wanted to evacuate.

As for the three pools of scarlet blood on the ground, just wait for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to wear it away, but the next moment...


A reptile creature about three meters long and one meter high with strong limbs emerged from the mist. It really looked like a lizard, but the difference was...

First, its whole body was as scarlet as a cooked lobster.

Secondly, it is covered with dense "pimples" all over its body. These pimples are quite protruding and large. Along with the low-frequency beating of the heart, it is also beating at a low frequency, and it feels like it may explode at any time.

Especially when you know that these 'pimples' on its body are filled with deadly venom, you are even more scared.

Don't even want to come close.

How to fight this?
Third, its mouth is very large, with densely packed sharp teeth and a slightly exposed long scarlet tongue, which is actually covered with colorful barbs.


He raised his head to the sky and roared.

The entire area shrouded in the fog incident was covered, and everyone's eardrums were greatly impacted.

Ordinary people, if they got too close, would probably go deaf on the spot.

It’s not easy to avoid being noticed!

"'s the Licker?!"

Gao Mengmeng was greatly shocked and asked.


Xia Yu frowned, immediately grabbed the boy's mother, and said, "Let's go!"


As soon as she finished speaking, she stepped on the roof of a car and quickly disappeared.

Gao Mengmeng followed closely behind.


At this moment, screams came from a building not far away.


The licker instantly rose from the ground, jumped more than ten feet, and landed heavily on a car, flattening it directly, and its sharp claws penetrated the roof of the car.

Immediately, it jumped up again.

He crashed directly into the building where the screams came from.




This licker is like a tank, running rampant, not afraid of anything, destroying everything in its path, and it is also extremely good at speed.

It only takes three to five seconds.

From where the screams came, there was the sound of a fierce fight.


Not the sound of a fight.

Instead, there were the sounds of vases breaking, teapots knocking to the floor, and tables and chairs being smashed.

All in's just the sound of random collisions.


The next moment, Xia Yu looked back and happened to see a tongue piercing the outer wall and scarlet blood spilling in the air.


The blood shadow clan in the room were killed.


And full of violent aesthetics.

A fighting style unique to Lickers.



The licker smashed the glass, and its four claws were like four steel nails, embedded in the wall, and then... it crawled swaggering outside the building! ! !

"It would be nice if there was an RPG."

"I really want to give it a shot."

Gao Mengmeng looked at the extremely arrogant licker and said.

Xia Yu's eyes flickered but she said nothing.

The three of them quickly hid.

"What's next?"

Gao Mengmeng asked: "Are we just going to wait like this? We will be discovered sooner or later!"


Waiting means waiting to die.

Because the licker's sense of smell is extremely abnormal. Not only is it extremely sensitive to the smell of blood, it is also sensitive to human smell. Smell is its way of finding food.

and so……

It must be broken.

Xia Yu's expression also showed a dignified look.

Although she has some information about this mist incident, but... the information is relatively limited. For example, she doesn't know that the licker who appeared in this mist incident has the strength of the third-level spiritual realm!
For example: She didn't know what level the strongest among the Blood Shadow Clan had reached.

Everything depends on guesswork.

"hold on."

After pondering for a few seconds, Xia Yu finally made a decision: "There is no way to leave this area, the area is small, and there are a lot of Blood Shadow Clan, they can't just wait to die like this."

"We will definitely fight back."

"You want to wait for them to fight and then get the benefit?"

Gao Mengmeng looked surprised and asked.


Xia Yu nodded without hesitation and said, "Only in this way can we defeat the two powerful enemies with minimal losses."

Gao Mengmeng quite agrees with this, but...

"When will this fog incident end?"

she asked.

"Don't think about the possibility of surviving until the fog incident is over."

Xia Yu shook his head.

First, the fog event will not end for nearly ten hours. During this period, the lickers have already walked through every inch of the land here.

There is nowhere to hide.

Secondly, the spiritual ginseng fruit, the natural treasure born from this mist incident, is urgently needed by Xia Yu and must not be given away.

And if you want to get the Spirit Ginseng Fruit... it's best to deal with all the alien races before it appears.

just in case.

Therefore, no matter what the reason, we cannot wait for the fog incident to end.


Gao Mengmeng took a deep breath and secretly issued an order to keep the mutants under his command as far away from the lickers as possible, while also seeking information.

2 minute later.

"A total of 17 blood shadows were found, and their locations are..."

Gao Mengmeng's voice sounded: "Excluding us, there are at least 32 people alive, and their locations are..."


Xia Yu disappeared.

The little flower that had already 'fished' and killed several Blood Shadow Tribes also disappeared.

5 minute later.

"Seven Blood Shadows died, and 7 more Blood Shadows were discovered. There are currently 2 Blood Shadows left, and their locations are...three of them were killed by us."

Gao Mengmenghui reported: "Excluding us, there are at least 21 people alive, and their locations are..."

Xia Yu and Xiaohua took action again.

And this moment.

The entire Nanling Street was silent.

Even the sound of fighting was gone.


Everyone in the Blood Shadow Clan was aware of the danger, and no one dared to make a sound for fear of being killed by the lickers.

As for the survivors, they were even more trembling and dared not speak out for a long time.


The Licker could not find the Blood Shadow Tribe through movement, but could only use its sense of smell. All he could see was... it kept twitching its nose, and its crawling speed was not slow.


Just smell the smell of blood.

It found three humans, one of whom had a wound on his body, and the smell of blood came from his body.




"Climb quickly! Help."

"I fought with you."

Shouts and screams sounded at the same time.

After three seconds.

There was the sound of chewing, and all other sounds suddenly stopped.

The battle is over.


Xia Yu glanced at the place where the movement was coming from and looked back calmly.

Enter a cake shop.

Inside the counter, there are all kinds of cakes, sizes, patterns, and types of cream... Each cake is different. In the center of the glass counter, there is a large castle, covering an area of ​​three square meters.

Here, there are two living people, one from the Blood Shadow Clan.

The purpose of the Blood Shadow Clan's coming was naturally to kill those two living people, but...

Because the Lickers were too powerful and arrogant, the Blood Shadow Clan, who were originally prepared to take action, chose to wait and wait for the two of them to be alone before attacking them one by one.

Make as little noise as possible.

never thought.

Xia Yu is here!

"No hands?"

"Waiting to be alone?"

She quietly entered the cake shop, but was the first to find the two people hiding behind the cashier. She glanced around, only to find an alien at the door of the cake shop who had been arranged by Gao Mengmeng to keep an eye on the situation inside the cake shop. The changer did not find the Blood Shadow Clan.


After Gao Mengmeng discovered that Xia Yu had entered the cake shop, she issued an order to let the mutants leave and made a noise.

"Xiaoyu is gone?"

The two women at the counter breathed a sigh of relief: "That's great. I thought I was going to die here just now."

Xiaoyu, their colleague, immediately turned into a mutant after the fog incident broke out, and began to bite the surrounding former colleagues.

Fortunately, the two people at the counter reacted quickly and were able to survive. Of course... they were very lucky.

This survived.

They didn't know that there was a blood shadow clan in the cake shop.

"Really gone."

"Come on, come with me to the toilet."

"This...can't you bear it any longer?"

"I can't bear it, please."

"Okay, okay, you're so annoying."


The two quietly approached the toilet.

I don't know.

All this is under the surveillance of Xia Yu and the blood shadow clan.


Until the two of them entered the toilet, there was still no trace of the Blood Shadow Clan.

"Where are you hiding?"

Xia Yu frowned slightly.


The two women walked out of the toilet, safe and sound.

Then, they came to the cashier again. The difference from before was that one of the women with a ponytail was leaning against the wall.

The other person was sitting on a stool with his legs stretched out straight. It was obvious that he was a little numb from squatting just now and was not comfortable and wanted to relax.

next moment.


The sound of penetration sounded strangely.

The ponytailed woman leaning against the wall suddenly opened her eyes. Just as she was about to scream in pain, a bloody hand covered her mouth.

The fresh smell of blood filled the air, Xia Yu's brows moved slightly and her wrist flicked.

Make a decisive move!


The blood butterfly came out of his hand, like a bolt of lightning, piercing the ponytailed woman's eyebrows.

Penetrate it.

into the wall.


The ponytail woman trembled all over, her eyes lost color, and her body seemed to have been drained of all strength and collapsed, but because part of the blood butterfly still stayed in her brain, so...

She didn't fall to the ground.


A lot of blood flowed down the wall.

very many!


The woman sitting on the stool had her eyes wide open and a look of shock on her face, because...

She discovered that the blood on the wall was overflowing from the wall!

Still overflowing!
Raising her head, the stool girl saw the bloody hole between her colleague's eyebrows, and was immediately startled.

The stool was overturned to the ground.

Just as she was about to scream, a tall figure appeared.

"You'd better keep quiet."

"Otherwise, those man-eating monsters will hear the sound and come."

"When the time comes, you will be eaten."

Xia Yu's calm voice sounded.

The stool girl immediately covered her mouth and watched with horror as Xia Yu 'plucked' her colleague off the wall. Only then did she see the blood butterfly on the wall.

"you you……"

She stammered, but did not say the words "Why did you kill?"

Xia Yu wiped the blood butterfly, glanced at the scarlet blood on the ground, and left a message: "If you don't want to die, just leave here."

"The sooner the better."

"The smell of blood will attract man-eating monsters."


Just as the stool girl was about to say something, her eyes suddenly blurred.

The woman who just spoke disappeared.

It was as if everything that had just happened was fake. She was stunned for a moment, then thought about what Xia Yu had left, and left nervously.

Scarlet blood on the ground followed closely...

(End of this chapter)

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