I'm back from hell

Chapter 270 Obtained the ginseng fruit


In this world, only the last laugh is left.

Full of irony.

Xia Yu watched the other party enter the fog, and did not continue to take action. Instead, he calmly landed on the roof of a large truck and sat cross-legged.

Maintain your voice.

Gao Mengmeng took the opportunity to rush over, handed all the mouthparts to Xia Yu, and asked: "The paper man ran away? Will it rush out soon?"


Xia Yu took the mouthpiece and responded affirmatively.

"Ah? This..."

"How about this?"

Gao Mengmeng asked.

Xia Yu was silent for a moment and did not speak. Instead, she handed one of her mouthparts to Gao Mengmeng.

Gao Mengmeng: "..."

What does it mean?
Do you want me to wish for happiness?
She was a little flustered.

After all, the combat power displayed by the paper man is so terrifying that he cannot even be killed by explosives. He can also hide in the ground or in walls, making him impossible to defend against.

In this case, once she is targeted, she is almost certain to die.

and so……

Gao Mengmeng held the mouthpart in her hand tightly, feeling that she must save herself!

Taking a deep breath, she made preparations.

First, let those mutants without crystal cores disperse to find equipment that can make the mouthparts gain great acceleration in an instant and to know the whereabouts of the paper man.

Equipment that allows her mouthparts to gain great acceleration in an instant can enhance her combat effectiveness, threaten the Paper Man, and prevent the Paper Man from attacking her.

Knowing the whereabouts of the paper man, she can avoid and stay away from the paper man, thus saving her life.

Second, continue to swallow the crystal core!
Increase your strength quickly!
"Captain Xia."

"Can all the crystal nuclei this time belong to me?"

"I want to improve my strength as soon as possible."

"I'll leave the crystal core to you next time."

Gao Mengmeng was afraid that Xia Yu would not agree, so she quickly said: "I'll give it back to you twice as much!"

"it is good."

Xia Yu saw Gao Mengmeng's thoughts at a glance. Instead of embarrassing the other party, he nodded and said, "No need to count the quantity."

"Next, just give me back a thousand crystal nuclei."

one thousand? ? ?
Gao Mengmeng's pupils shrank.

From the approximately [-] mutants who have just been petted, it can be inferred that the chance of crystal nuclei being born is only about one in ten. With such a small probability, if you want to collect a thousand crystal nuclei, then...

Need ten thousand mutants?
The area covered by the fog incident this time has only two to three thousand people, right?

It would be good to be able to gather 300 crystal nuclei. Adding in some of the crystal nuclei in the brain nuclei of mutant beasts, there are only more than 200 crystal nuclei, and giving Xia Yu two-thirds is just over [-] crystal nuclei.

According to her previous promise, she would return twice as much, which would be more than 400 pills.

In the end, Xia Yu asked for a thousand pills?

Really greedy!

She had no choice. Although she felt very unhappy, she could only nod in agreement: "Okay."


Xiaohua handed the crystal cores in her backpack to Gao Mengmeng. These were the few she got after killing the mutants.


Seeing this, Gao Mengmeng's mouth twitched.

I didn’t expect you to stick to the rules and say give it all to me, but you really gave it all to me.


She didn't waste any time and started swallowing it directly.




With hundreds of crystal cores in her belly, her strength has increased by at least three points.

This obvious improvement in strength made her more confident in her own strength and believed in herself more, but she also knew...

This is not enough!

Far from enough!

Continue taking it.

2 crystal nuclei entered the belly.

Her strength increased by three points again.

At this time, her overall quality was already stronger than Xiaohua's, not weaker than Xia Yu's full-out burst, and her combat power was at an upper-middle level among the creatures in the second-grade spiritual realm.

3 crystal nuclei entered the belly.

As expected, Gao Mengmeng's strength improved by another three points.

At this moment, she was obviously stronger than Xia Yu and Xiaohua, and she was at an absolutely superior level among the creatures in the second-grade spiritual realm.

For a moment, she felt so powerful that she could punch the licker and kick the paper man.

She knew that this was caused by the surge in power...


Or rather...


"not enough!"

Gao Mengmeng kept hinting to herself.

However, there are no crystal cores left for him to take, and even the crystal cores of those mutated beasts have been swallowed up.

Another three hours passed.

By absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, her own strength has been slightly improved.

"Don't come out!"

"Let me absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for a while and increase my strength."

After communication, Gao Mengmeng also knew that she was at an intermediate level in absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so she kept praying that the paper man would come out a little later.

Just now.


Strong spiritual energy fluctuations suddenly appeared in the sky.

Gao Mengmeng raised his head suddenly.

She saw a fruit suspended in the air, and at the same time... she also saw Xia Yu, who had opened her mechanical wings and jumped into the air!

At this moment, Gao Mengmeng understood the purpose of everything Xia Yu had done before.

I understood why Xia Yu's attitude was a bit strange.

She is envious!

Even want to take action!

But when I thought about the fact that there were paper people watching in the dark, Xiaohua and Xia Yu also had thermal weapons on them. Those thermal weapons might be of no use to the paper people, but...

It worked for her.

So, she calmed down and chose...

Wait and see.

May be……

A flash of light flashed deep in Gao Mengmeng's eyes, and she had some other thoughts.

Outside the fog, in a corner.

The moment the ginseng fruit appeared, the paper man showed his head again, and then quickly approached the tall building closest to the ginseng fruit, and then...

Climb the stairs!

Crazy climbing stairs!


Two layers.


It's fast.


Xia Yu, who had been prepared for a long time, was faster than it.

With the help of her legs and mechanical wings, she was more than twenty feet above the ground in the blink of an eye.


He stepped on the window sill not far away, knocking off a piece of the window sill, and then...

Get a sudden acceleration.

The highway rose nearly ten feet again.

It is only three feet away from the spiritual ginseng fruit.

this moment.

She finally focused her attention on her surroundings.

She instantly spotted the paper man who was about to overtake her on the tall building opposite her. With a flash of her eyes, she pretended to make a mistake and failed to control the mechanical wings, so she circled in the air one more time.

next moment.

The paper man's eyes lit up, his potential suddenly exploded, and his speed soared.

Reaching a height slightly higher than the Spirit Ginseng Fruit, he jumped suddenly and floated out of the wall, approaching the Spirit Ginseng Fruit.

It wants to take advantage of Xia Yu's mistake and get the spiritual ginseng fruit!
This is the ginseng fruit.

As long as he gets it, Paper Man will have the confidence to directly reach the pinnacle level of the third-level spiritual realm. When the time comes...

Aren't you just torturing Xia Yu casually?

This kind of throbbing from the soul made it extremely excited, and it coincided with Xia Yu's mistake. How could it not take the opportunity to get the spiritual ginseng fruit?It never expected that Xia Yu would still want to plot against it at this time.



It saw more than ten mouthparts flying towards it.

Among them, there is also a blood butterfly! ! !


The paper man exclaimed, with a look of horror on his face.



Xia Yu has always been fast, accurate and ruthless. As long as he seizes the opportunity, he can kill the enemy immediately.

No mercy.

The sound of 'Puff, puff, puff' kept ringing out, and soon it resounded throughout the entire world.

at this last moment.

"I fought with you!"

Knowing that he was bound to die, the paper man showed a look of madness, twisted his body with all his strength, and pounced on Xia Yu!

Xia Yu had already expected it, and the moment he took action, he dodged in all directions.


Before dying, the Paper Man turned his scarlet blood into blood drops all over the sky, covering an area of ​​more than ten feet in radius.

Xia Yu tried her best to dodge, but was still contaminated by a drop of scarlet blood.


She frowned slightly, quickly grabbed the ginseng fruit and put it into the jade box.


He swooped down, landed firmly on the truck, and quickly sat cross-legged, using the ancient guidance technique to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth with all his strength.


The scarlet blood water transformed by the paper man was far beyond that of the ordinary blood shadow clan. Although Xia Yu tried his best to use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to consume the scarlet blood water, it could only slow down the spread of the scarlet blood water.


The scarlet blood covered Xia Yu's calf and continued to spread upward.

The speed is also much faster than before.

a lot of.

Just when Xia Yu was fighting against the spiritual energy of heaven and earth with all his strength...

The boy's mother rushed over and even took the initiative to touch the scarlet blood! ! !

Xia Yu frowned and reminded: "The scarlet blood this time is very powerful, you are looking for death!"

A look of fear flashed in the boy's mother's eyes, and then she gritted her teeth and said, "You have helped me so much, and I want to help you too."

Seeing the scarlet blood spread to the top of her thighs in just three to five seconds, she was shocked and quickly added: "If I die, I hope you can give the things in my RV to my parents and father-in-law. Mother-in-law, let them have enough money in their old age."


Xia Yu hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "I'll teach you a secret. Whether you can survive... depends on your luck."

"it is good."

The boy's mother nodded again.

Xia Yu lowered her voice and quickly told the boy's mother the formula of the ancient Daoyin technique.

The boy's mother also had the experience of being covered in scarlet blood, and after learning it, she quickly started functioning.


The body's absorption rate of spiritual energy from heaven and earth soared.


At this time, the scarlet blood had reached her neck.

Although the subsequent spread slowed down by three points, it soon spread to her mouth.

After taking several deep breaths in succession, the boy's mother became extremely emotionally stable. At the same time, she was sitting in the car beside her, completely relaxing and allowing her body to consume as little oxygen as possible.

next moment.

Scarlet blood spread to the tip of her nose.

And this moment.

The scarlet blood also spread to the tip of Xia Yu's nose.


come behind.

The two women try their best to fight, whether they will die or live... is unpredictable.

Gao Mengmeng.

When she saw the paper man die, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense nerves relaxed.

I prepared so much, but in the end I didn’t use it.

However, that's fine too.

Save problems.

Once a battle breaks out, the situation is unpredictable, so it is better not to fight.


She just saw Xia Yu being spread by the scarlet blood. Before she had time to think about it, she saw the boy's mother taking the initiative to share the scarlet blood.

Gao Mengmeng hesitated immediately.

I even think the boy's mother is a bit nosy.

What the other party did made her very embarrassed!
Should she be stained with scarlet blood?
after all.

If she goes, three people may die.

She doesn't want to die!

He hesitated for a moment.

Gao Mengmeng saw that Xia Yu seemed to be lowering her voice to say something to the boy's mother, and then...she felt that the boy's mother's efficiency in absorbing the spiritual energy of the world soared.

Gao Mengmeng's eyes lit up and she understood what Xia Yu had said to the boy's mother, and she was filled with envy.

just now.

She didn't want to go even more.

Because Xia Yu had been covered in scarlet blood to the tip of her nose and could no longer speak, she could not obtain from Xia Yu a method to increase the speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of the world.

"and many more!"

"There are also crystal nuclei!"

"I still owe a thousand crystal nuclei!"

Gao Mengmeng thought of something, so she did what she said. She took the initiative to approach Xia Yu and asked, "Captain Xia, how about making a deal?"

Xia Yu looked over.

Immediately afterwards, the ears were covered with scarlet blood.


Xia Yu is a second-level spiritual changer, and her hearing has been greatly improved. Although her ears are covered with scarlet blood, she can still hear Gao Mengmeng's words clearly: "I will help you share the scarlet blood. That thousand A crystal nucleus..."

"I don't owe you anymore."

"Also, I agreed to a request of yours before, and it will no longer count."


Xia Yu nodded without hesitation.

Just a thousand crystal nuclei and one request are nothing.

If you don’t want it, don’t want it.


Since Gao Mengmeng chose to be so clear-cut with her, she couldn't ask for more.

What's more, the situation at the moment is critical, and using a thousand crystal cores and a request to save a life couldn't be more cost-effective.

"it is good."

Gao Mengmeng did not hesitate and quickly approached.

There's a reason why she took the risk:

First, there is no need to give out a thousand crystal nuclei, and there is no need to respond to a single request.

Secondly, we have to cooperate with Xia Yu in the future. If we don't save him at this time, there will be a grudge between the two parties.


Just when she was about to be stained with scarlet blood, she thought of something again, pointed at the boy's mother, and said, "By the way, you also have to tell me what you just told her about, the method of speeding up the absorption of spiritual energy from heaven and earth."

Hearing this, Xia Yu frowned slightly.

Gao Mengmeng is a little too greedy.

If she didn't care about a thousand crystal cores and one request, then... coupled with the Ancient Guidance Technique, she would have some grudges.

of course.

At this moment, in order to survive, she didn't care so much. She just took a deep look at Gao Mengmeng and nodded in agreement.

"it is good."

Gao Mengmeng felt Xia Yu's eyes and felt that she seemed to have missed something important.


She couldn't care less about it.

Things have come to this point, and there is no room for her to regret it.

Quickly stained with scarlet blood.


All three of them were covered in scarlet blood.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The first one who couldn't hold on was the boy's mother...

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