I'm back from hell

Chapter 301 Peach Blossom Demon?

There were fewer people in every room.


They are all people who have looked in the mirror under the peach blossom tree!

Xia Yu's pupils shrank, and she realized what was going on with the noise last night: "Using peach blossoms to catch people? There was very little movement during the whole process?"

"Could it be that... the rules really created a peach blossom demon?"

"Or maybe there are aliens coming out?"

If it was the latter, then fortunately, Xia Yu was confident enough to kill the foreigner.

If it was the former, Xia Yu still had to play with the rules to survive.

Xia Yu still felt a sense of urgency about what happened last night and showed a nervous expression.

What's more, ordinary people who don't know anything?

"Why are you the only ones okay?"

Chen Xiang and others were frightened and turned their attention to Zheng Ziyu, Hu Xuanxuan and Gao Ying.

They also stood up last night.

Everyone saw it.

"Last night, we...we...we didn't know what happened."

Zheng Ziyu panicked.

She, Hu Xuanxuan and Gao Ying looked at each other with fear. Even Hu Xuanxuan, who was looking for excitement, was frightened.

"It's all your fault."

Zheng Ziyu finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to blame Hu Xuanxuan: "You have to look for excitement. Next time you want to die, can you go alone?"

"I told you I don't want to look in the mirror, why do you insist on dragging me along?"

"I...I didn't know it would be like this."

Hu Xuanxuan accepted her mistake and gave in subconsciously.

"I think you did it on purpose!"

Zheng Ziyu refused to give up, and there was something wrong with her mentality.

"Shut up you."

Being stared at by so many people and constantly criticized by her best friend, Hu Xuanxuan suddenly turned pale and scolded: "If I meant to harm you, why would I want to get involved with you?"



Zheng Ziyu was speechless for a moment.

Mainly because I didn't expect that Hu Xuanxuan was obviously the one at fault. Why could she be so confident?

Gao Ying on the side took a deep breath and chose to be the mediator: "Okay, there is no use in arguing. It is a waste of time."

"The daylight hours are not long."

"We managed to survive last night, can we survive tonight!?"


Zheng Ziyu collapsed and cried.

Hu Xuanxuan remained silent.

"Beauty, weren't you keeping vigil last night? Did you see anything?"

Zhang Yun turned her gaze to Xia Yu and asked, "Did you stay up all night?"

  Everyone's eyes were cast over.

Last night, the night watchman in their room either saw nothing or disappeared. All hope now lies in Xia Yu.

"I did not sleep all night."

Xia Yu said with a tired look: "I heard crying outside the courtyard yesterday. Later I saw the fire in the sky and heard the crying of a woman and a child. They were all in that direction!"

She pointed in the direction of Xiaochen's family and continued: "I also heard faint movements from other rooms."

"It's just that soon there was no movement in your room. I thought your people were going to the bathroom, so I didn't pay attention."

"What's more, it's too dark, I can't see anything clearly, and the information I know is very limited."


Everyone turned pale.

According to Xia Yu, a lot of things obviously happened last night.

"You...so many things happened, why didn't you call us?"

"That's right! If you called us, maybe this kind of thing wouldn't happen."


For a time, everyone headed by Chen Xiang began to complain about Xia Yu.

Xia Yu calmly glanced at these people and said, "I call you? What if I call you and I get targeted? What if I call you and nothing happens, and you will blame me for disturbing you. Is it your sweet dream?"

"Don't you also have your own night watchman? Am I the only one who watches the night?"

The crowd was silent.

"Maybe just out?"

"Aren't we going to arrest those seven people? Just go and find them."

Manager Chen stood up again and began to act as a peacemaker.


"We still have 32 people."

"I suggest splitting it into three batches."

"I agree."

"We will definitely catch those seven people. Then we will interrogate them carefully and we will know everything."


Everyone quickly came up with the results of the discussion.

The people in Taohua Village were divided into three groups. As the guides of the three groups, they led Manager Chen and others to explore Taohua Village.

Xia Yu rubbed his eyebrows and followed suit.

"You don't take a rest?"

Gao Ying asked.


Xia Yu shook his head and said, "I'm scared to stay here alone."

Hearing this, Gao Ying nodded and said nothing more.

In this weird place, anything can happen. Acting alone is undoubtedly courting death.


The courtyard door opened.

"I go!"

Everyone's expressions changed when they saw a little girl in ragged clothes lying at the door, with a sallow face and skinny muscles.

Soon, someone recognized the little girl.

"is her!"


"Aunt Wang's girl."

"Yes! Aunt Wang's family has always been very patriarchal. Ever since this girl was born, she has never eaten anything delicious and often wears shabby clothes. I heard that she often eats leftovers from Aunt Wang's family."

"What's this! This girl needs to wash and cook. If she makes a slight mistake, no, no matter whether she is wrong or not, she will be beaten often."

"Alas. Poor little boy."


Everyone was talking, but no one stepped forward to save the little girl.

after all.

No one knows whether this little girl is alive or someone who has been "resurrected from the dead"!
  It is worth mentioning that the street at this time was just like yesterday's daytime, with people coming and going, and it was very lively, and many familiar faces appeared.

Including the long-haired woman on the phone.

as well as……

The long-haired woman stopped, looked at everyone with a sweet smile, and asked: "Hello, how can I get to Peach Blossom Forest?"

Everyone was suddenly horrified, their soles felt cold, and they all took a step back.

The people she looked at all looked away or shook their heads to show they didn't know.


The smile on the long-haired woman's face faded and she took a deep look at everyone.

Everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and many people felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

The long-haired woman left.

Everyone looked better now.


Everyone's hearts became extremely solemn, and the fear in their hearts did not weaken at all.

Xia Yu's eyes flickered, and curiosity arose in her heart: These people appear during the day and disappear at night. What is their role? Simply to scare people?

She thought it was impossible and looked at Xiaohua.

Xiaohua started to make gestures and told Xia Yu exactly what happened last night. During this period, everyone had divided into three groups and dispersed.

Xiaohua took action again and took Xiaowen away.

five minutes later.

Xia Yu has obtained last night's information from Xiaohua:
  First, everyone who was in Taohuajuwai last night was arrested.

Among them are people who have never looked in the mirror under a peach blossom tree and people who have not come to Peach Blossom Residence to 'take refuge' before, such as Xiaochen's family.

Second, all the people who were captured were sent to Qingfeng Residence.


Xia Yu's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Two people instantly came to mind: the blind old woman and her son. From the beginning, she felt that there was something wrong with these two people, so she did not have too much contact with them. Unexpectedly, this time the rules would eventually point to these two people.

After carefully recalling the situation at that time, there were three questions:

First, when Xia Yu walked past the blind old woman, there was no sound of footsteps or other sounds, and the wind direction at that time was blowing from the blind old woman's side to Xia Yu's side.

Let me ask, how did the other party know that she was here?

Second, the boss of Qingfengju peeked at Xia Yu from the dark for a while and then showed up. Xia Yu was very familiar with this greedy look. This was also the reason why she sternly refused to live in Qingfengju.

Third, the boss of Qingfengju came to Taohuaju before and then disappeared. If he died, forget it. If he didn’t die, why didn’t he return to Taohuaju?
  "Are they the secret masterminds of this disappearance?"

"They can't take advantage of the rules, right?"

Thinking of the boss of the 'Cangbaozhai Mist Incident', Xia Yu did not rush directly to Qingfeng Residence impulsively, but planned to guide everyone there.


There are 11 people in Xia Yu’s group:
  Xia Yu, Zheng Ziyu, Hu Xuanxuan, Gao Ying, Manager Chen, the guide guy, the proprietress of Taohuaju, Zhang Yun, the little girl with a ball head, Chen Xiang and another villager from Taohua Village.

They walked on the street, looking left and right, but found nothing.

"Are we just walking on the street like this?"

"You can't find those people."

Gao Ying frowned and said.

Manager Chen nodded in agreement, looked at Chen Xiang, and asked, "I, can you take us around the homes of these residents?"



Chen Xiang showed fear and said, "These people disappear at night and appear during the day. It's so scary. I don't dare to deal with them."

"If you want to fight, you go and fight."

The crowd was silent.

Asking others to do something is inherently unrealistic.

The Virgin Bitch is disgusting, but a righteous person will not be annoying.

"it is good."

"I come!"

Manager Chen struggled for a while, but finally made up his mind and said, "When we go in later, you must come with me."

"it is good."


"Do not worry!"


The eyes of everyone looking at him were full of admiration and gratitude.

Zheng Ziyu, in particular, looked at Manager Chen with a hint of admiration in her eyes: rich, handsome, capable, brave, and willing to stand up and take responsibility at critical moments.

Such a man...

Unfortunately, she got married.


So what about getting married?
  I want to pursue love bravely!


Manager Chen stepped forward and asked an old man who was selling candied haws in front of his house with a face full of panic and nervousness: "Uncle, my son has run away, can you help me?"

"I wanted to see if you had any at home."

"Do you suspect that I have your child in my house?"

The old man frowned, shook his head and said, "I don't have one at home."

"Grandpa, please..."

Zheng Ziyu didn't know where the courage came from, and she begged for help.

"Is that your son too?"

asked the old man.

Manager Chen: "..."

A look of embarrassment flashed deep in Zheng Ziyu's eyes, she nodded sharply and said, "Yes, can you help me?"


Grandpa nodded.

Before anyone could show their joy, he spoke again and said, "One hundred yuan."

Everyone: "???"


Manager Chen took out his wallet from his pocket, and there were several red tickets in it.

"it is good."

The old man nodded happily and moved away.

Everyone: "..."


When everyone walked out of the grandfather's courtyard, their brows were furrowed.

"Does each of our families need to spend fifty dollars to open a road?"

Chen Xiang was the first to speak: "I don't have so much cash on me."

In the current situation, the mobile phone has no signal and cannot pay online, and he said that he has no cash. What does it mean?
  He didn't want to pay.


Zheng Ziyu revealed his thoughts mercilessly: "Aren't you from here? Where is your home? You must be in business too, right? How can you have no cash at home!"


"Cough cough."

Chen Xiang coughed dryly.

"At this time, do you still care about money?"

"Besides, fifty yuan isn't much, right?"

The more Zheng Ziyu talked, the angrier he became.

"You can pull it down."

Chen Xiang shook his head without hesitation and said: "Fifty yuan is not much, but if it's fifty yuan for one family, it's one thousand for twenty families!"

"The 11 of us split it equally."

“Everyone can’t spend more than a hundred.”

Zheng Ziyu's calculations were good.


Chen Xiang hesitated.

"I paid for this."

Manager Chen didn't want to waste time and urged: "Where is your home? Go to your home to get the money, let's hurry up."

"it is good."

"That's what you said."

Chen Xiang's eyes lit up, but he was still worried and said, "Write me an IOU."

Everyone was immediately dissatisfied.

"it is good."

Manager Chen nodded without hesitation and said, "But you have to hurry up."

"We don't have much time."

"it is good."

Chen Xiang nodded and pointed forward: "Right in front."

"You go home and get the money."

"Let's search first."

Manager Chen said, he still had several hundred dollars in cash in his hand.


"I don't dare to be alone."

Chen Xiang had a look of fear on his face.


Everyone frowned, and their impression of this person became even worse.


It's normal to be scared at this time, so...

In the end, everyone divided into two groups.

In the face of money, the villagers of Taohua Village happily agreed to everyone's request to find someone at home.

ten minutes later.

Manager Chen and others have already searched for six companies relying on cash.

I have to say that everyone's efficiency is still very high.

Chen Xiang and others also came over with cash and IOUs, and then...

Manager Chen signed the IOU.

After some discussion, everyone divided into two groups and searched for people on both sides of the street at the same time.

If there is any abnormality, speak up immediately and the other party will quickly provide support.

This will double the efficiency of finding people again.

I don't know how long it took.

Everyone spent all the cash on hand, but the seven people were still not found.

At this time, they had arrived near Qingfengju...

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