I'm back from hell

Chapter 310 A good show

"You mean..."

"The proprietress of Taohuaju and the little girl with a round head were caught???"

A strange color flashed in Xia Yu's eyes.

Xiaohua nodded.

Xia Yu was a little surprised.

When entering the fog incident, she clearly told the women in the car:

First, there is a buyer among them.

Second, the fog can isolate all perceptions and is the best place to avoid the Peach Blossom Demon.

Just be a normal person.

You won’t leave the mist rashly, right?

Unless something happens!


Xia Yu said, "Go and see what's going on."

This case is obviously not over yet.


She's here to speed things up!



The two of them soon arrived not far from Peach Blossom Residence, ignoring the 'people' coming and going, 'resurrected from the dead', and instead stared at the situation inside Peach Blossom Residence.



Next to the peach blossom tree inside Taohuaju, stood Manager Chen holding two kitchen knives. Surrounding him were the tightly tied guide boy, Chen Xiang, the leg-shaking man, the proprietress of Taohuaju and Wanzi. Head little girl.

among them.

Hu Xuanxuan was also beside Manager Chen and was not tied up.

"so many people."

Xia Yu narrowed her eyes and instantly guessed Manager Chen's plan: to threaten her with life!


His threats were of no use to Xia Yu!

“I’m responsible for front-facing attention.”

"You are responsible for the sneak attack."

Xia Yu whispered.

Xiaohua nodded and disappeared.

Just when Xia Yu was about to step forward...


The steps stopped.

His brows furrowed slightly.

I saw that the long-haired woman who passed by the door of Taohuaju, just like the previous few days, suddenly stopped, turned around and came to the door of Taohuaju.

"Dong dong dong."

Knocked on the courtyard door.

"What does she want to do?"

A look of surprise flashed in Xia Yu's eyes.

If this is a game, then this long-haired woman is the NPC in the game. NPCs have no emotions, only "settings", so...

Every move of this long-haired woman is driven by rules.


What do the rules want women with long hair to do?


Manager Chen and others in the courtyard became stern when they heard the knock on the door.


Manager Chen asked.

"I'm looking for someone."

The long-haired woman spoke out.

"Huh? This voice doesn't sound like Xia Yu."

Hu Xuanxuan and Xia Yu stayed together for a relatively long time and made an immediate judgment.

"Indeed not."

The proprietress of Taohuaju also wanted to survive, so she actively said: "It's not Zheng Ziyu, Gao Ying and Zhang Yun."

"Who could that be?"

Manager Chen frowned.

"Dong dong dong."

The knock on the door sounded again.

"who are you?"

Manager Chen asked again.

All he has to do now is delay!

Wait until dark!

Although he didn't know much about what happened last night, he also knew that the other peach blossom demon must have been severely injured and might even have been killed.

As for Xia Yu and others, they must have been injured.

If two tigers fight, both sides will lose.

and so……

As long as it gets dark, he will be the 'master' here!

"I'm looking for someone."

The long-haired woman spoke again.

The tone, the pitch, the content of the words...are all exactly the same.

It was as if a robot was answering.

Manager Chen’s brows furrowed even more, and he obviously realized something was wrong, and said, “I won’t open the door if you don’t say your name.”

"I'm looking for someone."

The long-haired woman spoke again.

This time, the tone became more urgent.


Manager Chen's heart skipped a beat and he was afraid to speak out.

"I'm looking for someone."

The long-haired woman spoke out for the fourth time.

As expected, the tone this time was more urgent, and even the knock on the door became urgent and filled with a hint of irritability.


Due to excessive force, the courtyard door shook extremely violently, giving people the feeling that it might break at any time.


Immediately afterwards, the courtyard door really shattered, as if it had been blown up by a grenade, shattering into countless pieces of wood.

Everyone in the courtyard was shocked.

Then, what frightened them even more was that the person entering the courtyard turned out to be...

Long-haired woman! ! !



Manager Chen and others can be described as having a broken liver and gallbladder.

Because everyone knows that this woman is a ‘dead person’!

When a 'dead man' comes to your door, everyone knows that nothing good will happen.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Manager Chen asked tremblingly.

"I'm looking for someone."

The long-haired woman spoke out.

The voice returned to calmness.

Manager Chen: "..."

"Who are you looking for?"

he asked.


The long-haired woman stared at Manager Chen, raised her arm and pointed at the guide guy.


The guide boy's eyes widened, obviously surprised: "You...that...I..."

Not only him, but others were also surprised.

"for you!"

Manager Chen felt a chill running down his back when he saw the long-haired woman looking directly at him. He didn't dare to say any nonsense, so he directly untied the ropes tied to the guide boy and pushed him out.

The guide boy didn't dare to take a step forward.


The long-haired woman is so weird.

"Are you stupid?"

Chen Xiang on the side couldn't help but cursed: "If you stay, you will definitely die at night. If you leave, you might still survive!"

"You're still hesitating!"

Hearing this, the guide boy's eyes lit up, and he immediately bowed crazily to Chen Xiang to thank him: "Thank you! Thank you for the reminder!"

With that said, he turned around and left.


"Wait a moment."

Chen Xiang reminded: "You guy, aren't you afraid of this woman?"


The guide boy nodded and admitted.

"I'll accompany you!"

"You tell this woman to let me leave too, and then we will be together."

"You can also have someone to take care of you."

Chen Xiang stated his purpose.

Everyone: "..."

You are so scheming!

Manager Chen wanted to kill Chen Xiang with a knife, but he did not do so, mainly because he did not know the attitude of the long-haired woman, and he did not dare to act rashly. "Well……"

The guide boy also reacted at this time, but as Chen Xiang said, he was indeed scared and did need someone to take care of him, so he decisively looked at the long-haired woman and asked, "Can you take him away with you?"

The long-haired woman didn't respond.

See this.

Chen Xiang felt anxious and quickly said, "She agreed."

Everyone: "???"


Chen Xiang winked at the guide guy.

Upon seeing this, the guide boy reacted, stepped forward and dragged Chen Xiang away, away from Manager Chen, and then began to help him untie the rope.

Manager Chen: "..."

He was stared at by the long-haired woman and felt very scared, but he could only acquiesce in this situation.


With his acquiescence, Hu Xuanxuan immediately rushed to the guide guy and said, "I'll be with you too. After we get out, I will be your girlfriend."

With the departure of the guide boy and Chen Xiang, there are only four people left here. She is likely to become Peach Blossom Demon's 'food' tonight, so...

Must escape!

Everyone: "???"

Manager Chen was also stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the proprietress of Taohuaju also jumped up and down to get away from Manager Chen, and at the same time shouted: "I am also willing to be your girlfriend, second or third girl!"

Everyone: "..."

"Get back here!"

Seeing this, Manager Chen was so angry that he dragged the proprietress of Taohuaju back: "Believe it or not, I will chop you down?"

Hu Xuanxuan's departure has left the Peach Blossom Demon with insufficient food tonight. If the proprietress of Taohuaju runs away again, he will have to make up the meal by himself, and there won't be enough food for the Peach Blossom Demon!

and so……

Since both sides are facing death, it’s better to risk everything now!

"Hu Xuanxuan! Chen Xiang!"

"You can only take one of these two people away."

Manager Chen looked at the guide guy, waved the kitchen knife in his hand, and shouted: "Otherwise, I will risk my life! I won't let you leave even if I die!"


The guide boy was confused.

How come I still have a choice?

"Take me away!"

Chen Xiang hurriedly said: "I gave you the idea, I reminded you!"


"I'm a man. We take care of each other and you feel more secure."

"is not it?"


Hu Xuanxuan's voice was much louder because she was too excited.

She knew that she would definitely die if she went back. Even if she was not eaten by the peach blossom demon, Manager Chen would beat her to death.

So she must fight for a chance of survival for herself at this moment: "Handsome guy, don't listen to him!"

"Chen Xiang is a fat guy. If you cooperate with him, if you encounter danger, he will definitely use him as a backstop."

"And I'm a woman!"

"If there's any danger, I'll be your backer!"


"I'm not bad looking, am I?"

"I want to be your girlfriend! I can marry you!"

"If you don't believe it, we can find a place to do that kind of thing when we go out!"

Everyone: "..."

I have to say that Hu Xuanxuan also worked hard.

Manager Chen couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Hu Xuanxuan, you are really shameless to the extreme."

"In order to survive, what if I have to give up this little bit of face?"

"No shame!"

This was not the time to give in or give in. Hu Xuanxuan replied without hesitation: "Besides, I am shameless, but I am not a casual person."

"I've only had three boyfriends so far, and the one I'm talking about now has never touched me."


She looked at the guide guy and said, "You won't lose anything if you choose me."


Manager Chen hesitated.

First of all, what Hu Xuanxuan said is correct.

Furthermore, he didn't expect that Hu Xuanxuan, who had bowed down to him before and wanted to crawl on him, would dare to attack him at this time!

The guy who was guiding the way showed excitement on his face.

He has been single since he was born, and has not touched a woman for twenty-seven years. Suddenly he has the opportunity to pick up a girlfriend for nothing. This...

"You look like a piece of shit!"

"Maybe he has been played by the manager named Chen."

"You still have the nerve to say that you are clean?"

"I bother!"

Chen Xiang quickly belittled Hu Xuanxuan.


However, Hu Xuanxuan did not leave the lower class and scold him, but crossed her arms and looked like she was too lazy to explain. She just looked at the guide guy and asked: "I have said everything I should say. Believe it or not."

"You choose."


This scene made Chen Xiang so angry that he wanted to rush up and beat Hu Xuanxuan.

Scratch her face!


The ropes on his body have not been untied yet, and it is quite difficult to move.

"What a show."

Manager Chen no longer attacked Hu Xuanxuan, but watched the scene as if he were watching a show.

Anyway, it seems that the guide boy wants to choose one of the two. The Peach Blossom Demon's 'mouth food' is enough tonight, so he doesn't have to worry about dying.

Wait until night comes.

He is the king here!

When the time comes, we must kill everyone here!

At this moment.

Everyone's eyes were turned to the guide boy.

Except for the long-haired woman.


The guide guy just hesitated for a moment, then his eyes moved from Chen Xiang to Hu Xuanxuan.

"You...you choose a bad guy?"

Chen Xiang shouted.

"Shut up."

The guide boy slapped Chen Xiang in the face and cursed: "If you dare to scold my girlfriend again, I will beat you to death!"


Chen Xiang was stunned by the slap.

Mainly because it was too sudden.

Manager Chen and others were also extremely speechless at this moment. Are you calling them 'girlfriend'?

"Brother, I will definitely be good to you in the future."

"Brother, what's your name?"

Hu Xuanxuan was also stunned by this title, but she quickly reacted and stepped forward to hold the guide guy's arm, very intimately.

It's completely unlike a couple who have just confirmed their relationship and have no basis for any relationship.

"Um...you...just call me Aquan."

The guide boy scratched his head and said with a red face.

With just one glance, Hu Xuanxuan could tell that this 'new boyfriend' was a young man who had never been in love before. This was the best thing to do. She sweetly shouted: "Brother Quan, let's get out of here quickly."

"It's terrible here."

"it is good."

The guide boy reacted and realized that he was not out of danger yet. He immediately took Hu Xuanxuan's arm and ran towards the entrance of the courtyard. He was a little embarrassed to touch Hu Xuanxuan's hand.

The long-haired woman followed.

After arriving at the entrance of the courtyard, she walked towards the peach blossom forest without even looking at the guide boy or Hu Xuanxuan.


The guide boy looked confused.


Hu Xuanxuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Wouldn't it be better if she left? Do you really want to have anything to do with her?"

"In no mood!"

The guide boy looked at the back of the long-haired woman and felt inexplicably cold. He quickly shook his head and asked subconsciously: "Where should we go next?"

"There is no safe place in this damn place."


Hu Xuanxuan said.



The guide boy asked.

"Drive into the fog."

Hu Xuanxuan thought of the operations of Xia Yu and others last night, and suddenly had an idea, and said: "It is cut off from all perception there, and it is difficult for even the Peach Blossom Demon to find people in the fog."

"But...but wasn't the proprietress of Taohuaju caught?"

asked the guide boy.


"She was frightened because she had peach blossoms on her body, so she ran back to Taohuaju and wanted Manager Chen to save her."

Hu Xuanxuan obviously knows the inside story...

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