I'm back from hell

Chapter 313 Who is the buyer?


Xiaowen picked up the toothpick on the side and stabbed it into his arm under the watchful eyes of Xia Yu and others.

"what are you doing!"

Zheng Ziyu was about to stop him, but Xiaowen stabbed his arm faster.


Most of the toothpicks were pierced into the arms.

Blood overflowed, just...


Xia Yu soon discovered the anomaly:

First, there seemed to be very little blood on Xiaowen's wound.

Second, Xiaowen didn’t frown during the whole process.

"Are you stupid?"

"Does this child have masochistic tendencies?"

"How are you? Is it okay? Go to the hospital quickly!"


Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan were immediately anxious, even a little panicked.

But Xiaowen calmly pulled out the toothpick.

"Don't pull it out!"

"It will bleed!"

Zheng Ziyu reminded.


It's too late.

Xiaowen pulled out the toothpick, and then...

Only a small amount of blood flows from the wound.

Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan were both stunned.

"You don't feel any pain?"

Xia Yu's eyes flashed and he asked.


Xiaowen nodded and said, "I just felt like something stung me."

"It doesn't hurt at all."

All the girls were shocked.


Can you do this?

"So, sisters, don't worry."

"With my current strength, coupled with my fearlessness and super-fast blood coagulation function, I am not afraid of those big children at all."

Xiaowen became very creative.


Xia Yu nodded and added in his mind: With your current character, you do have the ability to stand on your own.

As long as you are not unlucky, your future achievements will not be too low.


"So you are so awesome."

Zheng Ziyu said with surprise on his face.

"I'm jealous."

"It turns out I'm the only one who doesn't have any special abilities."

Hu Xuanxuan was a little disappointed.

It seems that her physical fitness has only improved a lot, but her facial senses have not improved much. She is neither afraid of pain nor has super-fast blood coagulation function.

Zheng Ziyu hurriedly comforted her.

Since she survived and gained the 'special ability', her relationship with Hu Xuanxuan, instead of getting worse, has actually gotten better.

Xia Yu turned his attention to Xiaowen, took out three wads of cash from his backpack, and said, "This is thirty thousand, let me help you."

"No need to pay it back."

Thirty thousand in cash is a drop in the bucket to her.

However, using it to invest in a person with special abilities is always a good deal.

It is worth mentioning that.

She originally had the idea to win over Xiao Wen, but she felt that he was still too weak and his physical talent was only average. Moreover, this so-called 'special ability' was not a supernatural power, but a certain way that the rules had modified her body. strengthen.

The strengthening effect is very strong for ordinary people, but compared to people with super powers...

Still a lot worse.

and so.

She wanted to invest to see if Xiaowen could grow.

See this.

Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan looked at each other and hesitated.

"Thank you sister."

Xiaowen said: "I will pay you back double the amount."

"No need."

Xia Yu shook his head and emphasized: "I'm not short of money."

"This is an investment in you."


This time, Xiaowen understood what the key point of Xia's words was, and couldn't help but nodded, and stopped arguing about 'pay back the money or not'.

At this time, Zheng Ziyu also thought about it and said, "I will withdraw two thousand yuan for you in a moment."

"Sister, I only have a savings of , so..."

"Thank you sister."

"I have these thirty thousand, which is enough."

Xiaowen shook his head and refused.

"That's it."

Zheng Ziyu nodded.

Hu Xuanxuan, who was on the side, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, turned into a close sister, and began to tell Xiaowen what he should pay attention to next.

Zheng Ziyu was also involved.

Xia Yu didn't speak.

Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan are still very concerned about money, which is normal.

When they know the truth about this world, and when they know how to make better use of their unusual bodies, then... money will not be difficult for them to earn.

As for wooing the two of them...

She had never had a similar thought.

Because both of them have inferior physical talents.

Zheng Ziyu's greatly improved 'five senses perception' is of great use, but it's a pity that her personality is a little bit virginal, which Xia Yu cannot tolerate.

"Tell me about calling the police."

After Zheng Ziyu, Hu Xuanxuan and Xiao Wen finished their discussion, Xia Yu took the initiative to bring the topic to the matter of calling the police and said, "I suggest calling the police."

"Also, I suggest you join the country."

Although Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan have different physical talents, their current physical fitness and the 'special abilities' gained after experiencing the baptism of rules and resources are definitely a big bonus.

It was impossible for Zhao Guohui not to be moved.


"Can we still join the state?"

Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan were stunned.

Xiaowen also listened very carefully.


Xia Yu nodded and said: "Hasn't the country issued an announcement recently? Fog incidents are happening everywhere. Naturally, there will be many people like you who have survived the fog incidents and gained special abilities, or whose physical fitness has been greatly improved. of survivors.”

"If the country wants to deal with the aliens in the Mist Incident, in addition to warriors, it also needs survivors like you."


"How do you know this!?"

Hu Xuanxuan felt that the door to another world had opened for her. She couldn't help but widen her eyes and asked with surprise on her face.

"You can get this information with a little inquiry."

"If you know the person, you will know more, in more detail."

In order to prevent Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan from doubting herself, Xia Yu couldn't help but ask: "Don't you usually care about these things?"

"It's making a big fuss now!"


Hu Xuanxuan took a sip of water with some embarrassment.

Zheng Ziyu then said: "In that case, we can only call the police."

Xia Yu: "..."

If you don't call the police, won't law enforcement be able to find you?

Don't be naive.

"Xia Yu, what are you going to do?"

Zheng Ziyu asked.

"I've joined a team."

Xia Yu shook his head and said, "Non-state organizations."

Ah? ? ?

Everyone was stunned again.

Obviously, the news they received at this moment was completely beyond their understanding, and it also allowed them to re-understand the world.

"We are really frogs in the well."

Zheng Ziyu smiled bitterly.

"The main thing is that we are so well protected by the country."

Hu Xuanxuan glanced at Xia Yu thoughtfully and said.

She finally understood why Xia Yu performed so well in the mist incident. It turned out that she already knew so much information.

this moment……

She felt a sense of urgency.

Desperate to learn more about the Mist Incident!

She also felt a sense of crisis.

What should you do if you are forced into a fog event next time?

She doesn't want to wait to die!

Having experienced death once, she knew how terrifying it was to face the fear of death.

As for Xiaowen...

Her eyes flickered, and while she was eating ingredients she had never eaten before in the hot pot, she was thinking about her future path.

Despite her young age, her mind is not simple.

The four women were silent.

Ten seconds later.

"We don't have jobs anyway."

"no income."

"How about... joining the country?"

Zheng Ziyu was the first to speak: "The country will definitely pay us wages."

Hu Xuanxuan added: “Moreover, we can also get more information and training from the state.”

"That's why I suggest you join the state."

Xia Yu said: "After all, anyone can harm you, except the country."

"of course."

"Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are fights."


"Wish ya'll good luck."

We are all adults and there is no need to speak clearly.

Hearing this, Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan nodded one after another with solemn expressions on their faces: "Thank you."

Just now.

Xia Yu received a message from 'customer service': 200 million, giving you Zhang Yun's position.

Xia Yu raised an eyebrow, so expensive?

Customer Service: Zhang Yun is suspected of being a psychic. Her physical fitness is much higher than that of ordinary people. Moreover, she seems to be avoiding something and deliberately avoiding surveillance, so it took a lot of effort to find her. Xia Yu nodded, with a look of surprise on his face.

Customer Service: Another thing is that I am quite busy now and I am not short of money, so I will gradually reduce the information provided.

Xia Yu frowned.

She can understand it, after all, with the advent of the end of the world, money is no longer valuable.

If it were her, she would choose to trade by means of 'bartering' or 'providing information and asking the other party to help with things'.

Customer service: Next, if you want to get the news, you need to do something for me.


Xia Yu was not surprised and replied directly: Yes.

Customer Service: Refreshing.

Xia Yu didn't say anything, but transferred the money to the other party's account, and soon got the location information about Zhang Yun.

"I have something to do."

"I'm leaving."

"If anything happens, you can contact me again."

After saying that, she stood up and left without waiting for responses from Zheng Ziyu, Hu Xuanxuan and Xiaowen.

"Hey, this..."

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"I guess something really happened and I left without eating hot pot."

"It's okay, it's okay! Didn't we already leave our contact information anyway? We'll contact you then."

"She knows a lot, and she is probably on the same team as the veteran king. We will have more contact in the future."


Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan were communicating.

Xiaowen on the side listened silently.

A few minutes later.

While the three girls were eating hot hotpot, they were discussing the process of the Peach Blossom Village incident and what to do in the future.


Zheng Ziyu's ears twitched slightly, as if she heard someone talking about them:

"Yes, it's them. There were four of them just now. The most upright one left, and there are only three left."

"Okay, put away your dirty thoughts. Don't forget our purpose. Who has money?"

"That little girl costs tens of thousands."

"Little girl?"

"Yes. I'm sure of it."

"Then it will be easier. When the time comes, let's stick to the old rules, grab the money and leave without hurting anyone."

"it is good."


After listening, Zheng Ziyu's eyes widened suddenly, and she subconsciously wanted to look in the direction of the sound. Then she was worried that the other party would notice that she had found the other party, so she turned her head halfway and then stopped.

Then he subconsciously lowered his voice and said, "Xuanxuan, Xiaowen, we are being targeted."


Hu Xuanxuan lost her composure for a moment, feeling a little scared and panicked: "How about calling the police?"

On the contrary, Xiaowen was a little excited and asked: "Sister Ziyu, tell me what you heard."

Three minutes later.

Hu Xuanxuan said: "Are we still two adult men? We are both women, and one of us is still a child. This..."

"What's wrong with women? Women must be weaker than men? What's more, we are not weak."

Xiaowen interrupted and said: "Sister Xuanxuan, haven't you tested your own strength? You can lift the bed at home by yourself, which is much stronger than an adult man."

"They should be afraid of you."



Hu Xuanxuan was stunned for a moment, forgetting that she was very powerful.

However, she still didn't dare to take action.

Zheng Ziyu looked at Xiaowen with a strange expression and asked: "Xiaowen, what do you mean...you...you want to fight with them?"

"Don't you want to test how powerful you are now?"

Xiao Wen asked: "If you are afraid, I will try it by myself."

"When the time comes, we can just separate."

"Ah... no... I'm not afraid, I... I... How could I let you, a child, face two grown men?"

Zheng Ziyu was the first to express his stance and said, "I will definitely stand by your side."

"Thank you."

Xiaowen thanked him.

Hu Xuanxuan took a deep breath and said, "I will also stand by your side. But...I...I don't know if I can do it, so..."

"I'll deal with one."

Xiaowen said: "Two sisters versus one."


Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan were stunned for a moment.

"Ok, deal."


"After we're full, let's relax before going out."

Xiaowen said.

I have to say, the hot pot is so delicious. It is the most delicious food she has ever eaten. She will definitely eat it often in the future.

Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan couldn't help but move their index fingers and chopsticks when they saw Xiao Wen eating so deliciously.

after an hour.

During this period, Xiaowen and the others ate enough and rested for twenty minutes.

"Let's go."

Xiaowen said.

Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan looked at each other and stood up nervously.

"take it easy."

Instead, Xiao Wen was comforting them, with excitement flashing in his eyes, and he said, "Don't let them see anything. We can catch them by surprise then."

"We can still gain the upper hand."


Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan were a little ashamed.

It was a bit embarrassing to let a child comfort them.

Xiaowen picked up an iron stick on the table, bent it, and wrapped it around his wrist.

The sharp end of the iron pick was exposed for five inches from the gap between her index and middle fingers. Because her sleeves were relatively long, it was just enough to successfully cover the tip of the iron pick.

It is difficult for outsiders to imagine that a thin little girl would have such a sharp weapon hidden in her hands.


Zheng Ziyu's eyes widened when she saw this scene. She felt that compared with Xiao Wen, she was really...


Weak in all directions!

A few minutes later.


A motorcycle roared from behind the three women.

The car had a forged license plate, and the two people in the car were wearing helmets. Obviously... they had done this more than once.

Especially recently, attacks have become more frequent.

Mainly, they found that the law enforcement officers were busy with the fog incident and the case handling efficiency was extremely low, so they became more and more bold.

The two of them stared at the bag in Xiaowen's hand. There... there was the money they wanted!


Zheng Ziyu was the first to speak and asked worriedly: "They are driving motorcycles, how can we fight them?"

"give it to me."

Xiaowen obviously had an idea.

"You? What do you want to do?"

Zheng Ziyu asked hurriedly.

Xiaowen didn't answer.

Just when Zheng Ziyu wanted to ask again...


The motorcycle behind him suddenly accelerated and passed by Xiao Wen. The man behind the driver stretched out his hand to grab the bag in Xiao Wen's hand.

But Xiaowen didn't take care of the bag at all, but kicked it out.

The timing was just right.


The man on the motorcycle snatched Xiaowen's bag, and Xiaowen also kicked the man on the motorcycle.


The front of the motorcycle swung from side to side, hit a curb, and overturned on the spot.

Xiaowen fell to the ground, his left hand rubbed violently with the ground, and the friction area became bloody.


As if she was unconscious, she stood up decisively and rushed towards the two people who fell off the motorcycle.

Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan reacted and rushed forward.

This 'fight' didn't take too long at all and was over quickly.

Because the two people on the motorcycle were beaten to pieces, their eyes were full of stars, and they had no fighting ability at all. How could they beat Hu Xuanxuan and Xiaowen?

He was directly pushed to the ground and brutally tortured.

A few minutes later.

"stop fighting."

"I'll give you the money back!"


The two begged for mercy.

"Let's go."

Xiaowen found it boring and turned around to leave.

Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan also had a deeper understanding of their own strength and became more courageous. Seeing Xiaowen leaving, they did not think of taking these two people to the law enforcement bureau.



In a mutton soup restaurant deep in a certain street.

Zhang Yun was eating hot mutton soup and dipping sesame seed cakes with relish.

My mind is still recalling the thrilling scenes in Peach Blossom Village.

"They actually chose me as the buyer."

"Does this mean that in reality, I am also a buyer who resells people?"

She learned about the fog incident from the Internet, but she didn't expect to encounter such a thing during the fog incident. She was really surprised: "Fortunately, I ran fast."

"Fortunately, I found Gao Ying in the end."

As a buyer, Zhang Yun was given the task of buying 88 people with million start-up capital.

Where to buy?

Channel : Seller.

Channel : Take action yourself.

Her physical fitness was relatively weak and she would be easily discovered by anyone who caught her, so from the time the fog incident broke out to the time she finally entered the fog, she did not dare to take action.

Fortunately, the seller is very helpful.

Finally, when she came to the fog, she had reached the target because there was still one person left, so... after it was completely safe, she found Gao Ying in the car.

Under a sneak attack, he was subdued.

Successfully gathered enough people.

Finally live.

She was sent out of the Mist Incident, and at the same time...

Zhang Yun found that her body had also changed.

Year-old reward rules:

A reward of 50 yuan will last one day; a reward of 100 yuan will last three days.

The author wants to hit the bestseller list and gain exposure for this book. Please help!

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