I'm back from hell

Chapter 324: The spiritual fruit is obtained and Xia Yu arrives

"This guy is actually a psyker!"

"No wonder I can join Xia Yu's team!"

Gao Mengmeng looked jealous.

Why are all the good things being shared by Xie Shaokun?


Xia Lin also woke up, but was extremely weak and needed to continue to use the entry-level guidance technique to recover.

Xiaonan and Han Sanguang were by their side, and at the same time...

One person climbed up the tree, and the other person sat cross-legged on the ground, looking around, looking for the mutated beast that had just killed the 'green man'.


Xie Shaokun, on the other hand, was familiar with the power while looking around for the mutated beast, trying his best to eliminate the danger.

Although the mutated beast saved him, everyone agreed that it was just a 'mistake'.

The mutated beast is bloodthirsty and has a relatively low IQ. It is a ruthless character who only knows bloodthirsty killing and cannot be retained.


Seeing this, Gao Mengmeng sighed.

She patted her 'son' and said, "Whether you survive or not depends on you."


After saying that, before the Rottweiler could react, she disappeared.

The Rottweiler whimpered softly and lay on the ground, not daring to move.


It didn't have much luck.

He was quickly found by Xie Shaokun.


The only smart thing about it is that when it was about to be found by Xie Shaokun, it knew that its strength was relatively weak and that it had to make a sneak attack to gain a chance of survival for itself.

Therefore, it jumped out decisively.



Xie Shaokun reacted very quickly and immediately blocked its attack with his shield.



He was directly kicked to death by Xie Shaokun.

Two hours later.

"It seems there is really no danger."

"That's great. Xie Shaokun, thank you! Thank you!"

"It's terrible. Without Xie Shaokun and the others, our entire army would have been wiped out."


The last twenty or so people who survived walked out of the temple one after another, waiting for a long time with great anxiety, and finally determined that there was no danger.

Completely relieved, we started discussing.

"I'm going to make a video and put it online. It will definitely go viral."

"What a great idea! I want to take pictures too! If you have money, let's make money together!"

"Aren't you afraid of death? What if there is still danger?"


The driving force of money was still strong, and five people stood up and started shooting videos.

Others were envious and timid, but did not dare to move.

Inside the temple.

At this moment, there are only Gao Mengmeng, Su Wei, Zhao Qiankun and Zhao Qiankun's confidant.


Su Wei knelt directly on the ground and begged for mercy: "Miss Gao, I betrayed those men just to survive. Please let me live."

On the side, Zhao Qiankun did not dare to speak at all.

"You don't need to beg me for your life."

"After all, the people you killed were all your men. What does it have to do with me?"

Gao Mengmeng walked towards Su Wei with a smile but not a smile, and said lightly.

Logically speaking, since she said she wouldn't be angry, there should be no danger.



However, Su Wei sensed an increasingly murderous intention, as if he had entered an ice cave where the temperature was constantly dropping. He trembled all over and said quickly: "Don't be impulsive."

"Miss Gao, don't be impulsive."

"We have something to talk about."

"I know! I know!"

His mind was spinning, and he finally figured out what the problem was, and said, "I shouldn't have lured the blood-sucking monster into the Great Hall."

"It was my fault."

"Please let me go!"

Hearing this, Zhao Qiankun suddenly understood why Gao Mengmeng wanted to kill Su Wei.

"Give me a reason."

Gao Mengmeng came to Su Wei, slowly raised his chin, and asked, "Otherwise, you will have to die here."

"I believe that your family will not hold you accountable if they see you die in the fog incident. After all, in the fog incident, any accident may happen."

"What's more, this fog incident is more dangerous than imagined."

"Bang bang bang."

Su Wei was so heartbroken that he didn't dare to talk nonsense. He knelt down and kowtowed frantically: "I'm still useful. I must be useful. I can't think of anything else I'm useful for. Wuwu..."

"Miss Gao, if you want me to do anything, just say it and I will do everything I can."

"Please let me go."

"Seeing as I have worked hard these days without any merit, just let me go."


"You are too timid."

"I was just kidding you."

Gao Mengmeng suddenly covered her mouth and chuckled.

Zhao Qiankun and the other two: "..."

Su Wei had the urge to scold Gao Mengmeng and wanted to press Gao Mengmeng to the ground and rub him hard. He resisted and instead cried with joy: "Thank you! Thank you!"

Seeing this, Gao Mengmeng's eyes flashed with boredom, and she finally understood Xia Yu's mentality.

When you are strong enough to take the lives of the weak in your hands.

I often think about things...

No longer bound by morality.

Just rely on your own likes, dislikes and behavior style.

"what a pity."

"Xia Yu and I have different behavior styles, and she doesn't like me either."

"Otherwise, if the two of us work together, we may be even more powerful than the Holy See in the West."

Gao Mengmeng's thoughts couldn't help but fly away.

for the rest of the time.

There is no more danger in the park. Xie Shaokun and others improve their strength by practicing the ancient guidance technique.

Su Wei and Zhao Qiankun used entry-level guidance skills to improve their strength.

As for those ordinary survivors...

Let go completely.

They went around 'touching corpses' and shooting videos...

Time passed by minute by minute.

Outside the fog.

Dozens of law enforcement officers isolated the place, and outside the isolation zone there were a large number of media and spectators.

After an unknown amount of time, Xia Yu appeared with Xiao Hua.

"It should be over soon."

"At this point in time, the spiritual fruit should also appear in the fog incident."

"With Xie Shaokun's strength, there should be no problem."

Xia Yu's eyes fell on the mist.

This line.

Her purpose is to test her understanding of the rules to what level she has reached.

By the way, you can further understand the rules by contacting the fog.

"Make some noise."

Xia Yu gave instructions.


The little flower disappeared.

One minute later.


In a deserted place, there was the sound of a grenade explosion.


Screams spread, and everyone's attention fell on the direction of the explosion.


Xia Yu ducked and came near the mist.

The moment you step in.

She felt a hint of 'amiability' and vaguely saw the flow of the fog, and was immediately shocked: "It turns out that the fog inside the fog is not evenly distributed."

“And it’s still flowing.”

"Thick fog, the power of rules is stronger. Light fog, the power of rules is weaker."

This discovery made her extremely happy.

Before, Xia Yu's eyesight went dark when she entered the fog. Now she has improved so much, which shows that her perception of the fog has reached a new level.

It can be seen that this 'Peach Blossom Village Incident' greatly improved her understanding of the rules.

Although Xia Yu still couldn't be allowed to enter the mist incident, she was already very satisfied.

"Keep going, I'm afraid it won't be long before I can go in and out freely."

She was looking forward to this day.

In the following time, Xia Yu relied on his extraordinary talent in comprehending the power of rules and continued to comprehend quietly.

The mist blocked out the sounds, which allowed her to perceive things better.

Get into the zone faster.



Time continues to pass.

a moment.

Changes finally occurred within the fog.

In the sky, spiritual energy fluctuations appeared.


The first person to notice this was Gao Mengmeng. Her first reaction was: "Is the fog incident going to end?"

However, the surrounding fog showed no signs of fading away. Instead, the spiritual energy fluctuations in the sky became more and more intense, which made her instantly realize that something was wrong.

The other person who noticed something strange was Xie Shaokun, but he immediately opened his eyes and whispered: "The spiritual fruit is about to appear!"


Xiaonan, Han Sanguang and Xia Lin opened their eyes one after another, stood up, and immediately clenched the firearms in their hands, ready to fight and fight.

Although there is no danger around, but...

It's out of habit.

They will still be on alert immediately.

"Be careful of the giant willow."

Han Sanguang reminded.

Everyone looked and saw the giant willow waving its branches, trying to reach the spiritual fruit in the sky, where the spiritual energy fluctuations were getting stronger and stronger.


"It's out of reach."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The location where the spirit fruit appeared was still quite far away from the giant willow.

As long as the spiritual fruit falls vertically, the giant willow will definitely not get it.

This can save Xie Shaokun and others a lot of trouble. After all, Juliu is a psychic implant and is of great value. If it can be 'preserved', it would be the best thing.

If Juliu can really participate in the fight for the spiritual fruit, there will inevitably be a fight, and it is not impossible to destroy Juliu.

"what is that?"

"What a beautiful fruit, I really want to eat it."    "Yes, Gulu..."


It was the ordinary people who finally discovered the anomaly.

Most people couldn't help but look greedy, swallowing saliva, and even started to think of ways to reach the spiritual fruit.

A handful of people frowned. Although they were eager to get the spiritual fruit, they keenly sensed the danger and subconsciously stepped back.

one second.

two seconds.


As time goes by.

The spiritual energy fluctuations emitted by the spiritual fruit in the sky are getting stronger and stronger, and the spiritual fruit has become shaky. This makes everyone completely sure of one thing: the spiritual fruit is going to...


"Prepare to snatch!"

Xie Shaokun and others, who had already arrived directly under the spirit fruit, quickly made preparations.

Others were crowding around.

"Step aside!"

"Or I'll shoot!"

Xie Shaokun raised the gun in his hand and shouted at these people.

Not at all.

Many people have lost their minds in front of the spiritual fruit, a treasure of heaven and earth that can make the soul exude "desire".


Han Sanguang didn't bother to talk nonsense to these people, so he shot the person at the front in the thigh.


The person who was shot lost his legs on the spot, fell to the ground, and screamed: "Ah! Murder! Murder!"

The threat of death made him regain his senses and retreat in horror.


The gunshots and screams also woke up the others a lot. The forward steps suddenly stopped, and many people began to retreat. However, nearly half of the people still stayed in place, with eagerness to try on their faces, and some even had red eyes. , may pounce at any time.




Han Sanguang fired again.

Shoot three people in a row.


Suddenly, these people finally realized they were afraid and retreated one after another.

"The spiritual fruit must be obtained."

"No accidents are allowed."

Han Sanguang said.

Xie Shaokun and others nodded.



Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan climbed into the tree with guns in hand.

Han Sanguang and Xia Lin just stayed below, their dark guns pointed at the people around them.

next second.


The spiritual fruit falls.

Everyone's expressions became condensed.


It was also at this moment that a gunshot rang out.


Han Sanguang was shot in the chest on the spot and fell on his back.

Xia Lin took a step back with shock on his face, trying to find the murderer.


The gunfire rang out from the crowd, and the crowd was in chaos because of the gunfire, and the murderer could not be found at all.

not to mention.

At the same time, there was a 'bang' and gunfire sounded again.

He was shot in the back and fell to the ground.

"Come on!"

The group of people who were closer were already salivating for the spirit fruit. Seeing the opportunity coming, they rushed forward: "Let's go together!"

"They have..."

"Da da da."

Gunshots rang out.

And the gunfire this time was extremely intensive.


"It hurts! It hurts!"


The screams sounded again, one after another, one after another.

As soon as the crowd tried to rush forward, they were all knocked to the ground, and the people behind them were so frightened that they retreated crazily.


Han Sanguang was shot in the chest, but his heart was not damaged. Moreover, he fell directly to the ground the moment he was shot because he was worried about being shot a second time.

It has to be said that no one can compare to him in terms of survival.


At some point he took out the micro-charger and pulled the trigger to shoot.

"And microflush?"

Gao Mengmeng frowned.

Just now, she saw Xie Shaokun and Xia Lin discarding the micro-charge, and when she saw Han Sanguang throwing the micro-charge on the ground, she thought it was out of bullets.


Han Sanguang picked up the micro punch and swiped it?

Her plan to take advantage of the chaos to snatch the spirit fruit was shattered, and she needed to consider a question: Should she rush forward and snatch the spirit fruit?

Disadvantage: You will expose yourself!

Even if you grab the spiritual fruit, you will never want to follow Xie Shaokun and others to grab heavenly materials and earthly treasures again.

Moreover, with the caution and combat power of Xie Shaokun and others, she seems to be no match?

Benefits: Improve your strength in a short time!


As long as you follow Xie Shaokun and others to participate in the fog incident and get the crystal core, you can still improve your strength.

and so……

"never mind."

Looking at the shield in Xie Shaokun's hand and seeing the spirit fruit above Xie Shaokun's head, quite far away from her, Gao Mengmeng still suppressed her inner desire, put away the gun, and disappeared.

"Can you hold it back?"

Zhao Qiankun secretly looked at Gao Mengmeng with admiration.

next moment.

As expected, the spirit fruit entered Xie Shaokun's hands and was quickly stuffed into the jade box.

He and Xiaonan landed at the same time, checking the injuries of Han Sanguang and the other two, and at the same time being alert to the surroundings. There was an aura of danger all over their bodies.


The incident just now made them completely disappointed with the crowd!

No matter what, we saved you, but this is how you repay us?

The anger made Xie Shaokun almost go on a killing spree.

The little girl's eyes also flashed scarlet, and there was a voice in her heart that kept saying: "Kill these white-eyed wolves, kill them all!"

"Good people are bullied by others! Let me take your place and kill them all!"

"Do not impulse."

At this time, Han Sanguang reminded the two of them calmly: "Ordinary people don't have guns in their hands. We even confiscated a few guns from the previous group of 'green men'."

"Where did you get the gun?"

All the guns of Gao Zhilong and others were taken away.

Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan came to their senses and looked at each other with concentration.


Where did the gun come from this time?

"what do you mean……"

Xie Shaokun frowned.

The little girl then asked: "Only the first villain?"


Han Sanguang nodded.

"Look! The fog has dissipated! Let's go!"

"These people are crazy! They are killing people!"



Suddenly, there was a cry of exclamation.


Xie Shaokun and others looked up one after another.

The fog is gradually fading.

The fog incident is coming to an end!


Xie Shaokun roared, pointed his gun into the air, and fired three times.

He didn't want the murderer to escape in the chaos.


No one paid any attention to him.

Instead, he ran faster because of the gunfire.

"rest assured."

"There must be law enforcers out there."

"As long as the person holding the gun is not in the first-level spiritual realm, there is no way he can escape."

Han Sanguang said.

Xie Shaokun nodded.


The fog became lighter, and the crowd got closer to the fog.

Just now.

Xie Shaokun and others saw a familiar figure walking out of the fog.


"Sister Yu?"

"big sister?"

Everyone's eyes widened and they were confused for a moment.

According to their experience and the information they received, in the early stages of the fog becoming lighter, living beings cannot freely enter and leave the fog event unless the fog suddenly becomes very light.

This situation is rare.

Only when the fog fades to the point where it no longer affects the line of sight can we easily pass through it.


How did Sister Yu do it?


Xia Yu quickly found Xie Shaokun and others, swooped over, glanced at everyone, and asked, "Why were you two shot?"

Xie Shaokun first handed the spirit fruit to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu was not polite. In order to prevent the energy of the spirit fruit from being lost, he took the spirit fruit directly.

The spirit fruit melted in his mouth and turned into abundant energy, pouring into Xia Yu's limbs and bones.

Feel the changes in your body.

A look of surprise flashed in Xia Yu's eyes, and he asked subconsciously: "How come the energy contained in the spirit fruit is so abundant? This... this is as strong as twenty lark grasses!"


Xie Shaokun and others looked ecstatic.

"what happened?"

Xia Yu asked again.

The danger in the fog incident they participated in shouldn't be that great, and the corresponding treasures of heaven, materials, and earth shouldn't be so precious.

and many more!

She looked at Xie Shaokun, a look of shock appeared on her face: "Did you break through?"

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