I'm back from hell

Chapter 349 Xia Yu’s breakthrough

The next day, in the morning.

In a dilapidated church located in a valley, unlike the bright sunshine outside, it looked extremely dark and exuded some kind of weird smell.

There were spider webs all around, and dozens of black spiders were swimming among them, as if they were visiting their own back garden. Each one of them was larger than an ordinary person, and combined with their ugly appearance, they looked particularly ferocious.

And in such an environment.

The top position is the Pope.

Five people were sitting around the tables and chairs below.

They are another vice-pope and four elders of the Holy See.

This is the group of people who currently control the power of the Holy See.

Even the envoys of the Holy See are not qualified to come here!

Those so-called envoys are just 'strong foreigners' they have attracted, and naturally they are not qualified to appear here.

"Currently, we have only five envoys left in the Holy See."

"Two more strongholds have been uprooted."

"A Vice-Pope has died."

"The total number of casualties is three hundred and thirty-three."


Each cold number was mentioned, making the atmosphere in the church more solemn and solemn.

"That woman did it all!"

"Your Holiness, please make your decision."

"And that country to the east! They are actually putting pressure on us! At present, their overall strength cannot be underestimated, and they also possess ancient guidance techniques and other foreign information, which we urgently need, so... we We cannot disrespect their opinions.”

"I found something fishy in the death of another Vice-Pope! I suggest an internal investigation!"


These voices kept ringing in his ears, and the Pope felt noisy. He glanced at everyone with a cold look and said four words...

"A bunch of trash!"

There was silence in the church.

Everyone's expressions were different.

They are not only the highest level of the Holy See, but also the top powerful class in the entire West. No matter who they are, they are heavyweights and have their own glorious past achievements.

But at this moment...

But they dare not say "no" in front of the Pope.


Their talents are not very good, and the highest ones are only at the upper-middle level.


None of them are psykers.

Just like the last vice-pope who was killed by Mr. Jin, they just took advantage of the power they had before the Mist incident and formed alliances with major Western power organizations to occupy their current position.

Exploiting the strong men of the new era.

Scavenge a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures and supply them to yourself, so that your strength can be rapidly improved.

at the moment.

The strength of these people has all reached the peak level of the first-grade spiritual realm.

of course.

In today's troubled times, the prestige and power of the past alone cannot keep squeezing the rising powerhouses.

You know, in the huge Holy See, there are many ambitious and powerful people like Mr. Jin, but... even people like Mr. Jin do not dare to completely overthrow the Holy See.

Don't dare to kill the Pope!


In addition to the fact that Western interest groups have gathered together to control hot weapons and various resources, and have become a trend, there is another reason:

The Pope is very strong!

The strength has reached the peak level of the second-grade spiritual realm!

Still a psyker!

Excellent physical talent!

He is the real first person in the Holy See!

and so……

When the Pope scolded them as 'a bunch of trash', these elders and the Vice-Pope did not dare to speak.

Don't even dare to fart.

"Give up the fight."

"Stop all other plans and do your best to find traces of that woman."

"Three days later."

"I want to know where she is and what she is doing!"

"When the time comes... call the envoys and together we will surround and kill the woman."

After saying that, the Pope disappeared out of thin air.

Extremely fast.

It was so fast that no one could see his trace clearly.



three days later.

Because of the information provided by Zhao Guohui and the information he obtained from the killed members of the Holy See, Xia Yu killed a total of 3,333 members of the Holy See in the past three days.

Among them, there are nearly 3,000 ordinary members of the Holy See.

There are more than 300 members at the first-level spiritual realm.

There is one envoy to the Holy See.

There are two elders of the Holy See.

Five of the Holy See strongholds were uprooted.

The great west.

All the major forces are waiting and watching, and the powerful people who were originally planning to join the Holy See have all postponed their pace of joining. This has caused the growth rate of the Holy See's members to decline rapidly.

In addition, members of the Holy See were killed one after another.

One goes down and the other goes up.

In the past few days, instead of increasing, the number of Holy Sees has dropped a lot.


There are also various chain reactions:

First, some members of the Holy See, in order to avoid being killed, either took sick leave, or actively carried out orders and went out to do things, and were unwilling to stay in the stronghold.

Secondly, some wealthy businessmen, military and political personnel have also slowed down their cooperation with the Holy See.

Third, the forces that were originally hostile to the Holy See began to take action one after another, actively uprooting the Holy See's strongholds, actively hunting down Holy See members, and actively sabotaging the Holy See's actions.

They also took the opportunity to strengthen themselves.


In short.

great influence.

Mr. King listened to Elizabeth May's report, smiled and said: "Everything went well."


"None of this is out of your control, Mr. Jin."

"The old and immortal guys in the Holy See thought that the murderer of the Vice-Pope was that woman, and the two sides started fighting, which was very lively. And..."

Elizabeth May flattered: "My only competitor has also been pushed to the position of vice-pope, attracting the attention of all parties."



the other side.

Xia Yu was cooking in a family's kitchen and was not in a hurry to take action again.

It's not that her hands are itchy and she wants to show off her cooking skills, or that she's greedy, but because...

This spirit flower fish is a spiritual creature from another dimension!

Flesh and blood contains pure energy!

She got it from a Holy See stronghold.


A bowl of fresh and delicious fish soup is served.

It is fresh and smooth in the mouth and has a good taste. Of course, more importantly, every piece of fish meat contains pure energy, which is much purer than imagined.

With the improvement in strength, Xia Yu's appetite now increases a lot.

I swallowed a whole fish and drank all the fish soup.

She had just eaten and was eighty-nine percent full.

"The strength has improved again."

After carefully sensing the body being transformed, Xia Yu shook his head and said, "It's just a little slow and can't help me break through to the third level."

However, the progress increased by 1%.

It's better than nothing.

"The injury is healed."

"Strength has improved."

Now Xia Yu's overall combat power has exceeded the peak level.


At this moment, Xiao Hua came in through the window.

In the past few days, another gain for Xia Yu was that she helped Xiaohua find a corpse full of resentment. The owner of the corpse was a Westerner.

I don’t know why, but I was soaked in formalin by a Holy See stronghold.

Xiaohua applied it to it, showing a strength comparable to that of a first-level spiritual master. Although it was far inferior to the previous resentful corpse, it was Xiaohua's best choice at the moment.

Moreover, as these days pass, Xiaohua continues to collect resentment, which makes the strength of this resentful corpse continue to increase. I believe it will not take long to reach the peak level of the first rank.

"Is there anything unusual around here?"

Xia Yu asked without looking back while putting the pots and pans into the dishwasher.

Xiaohua shook her head.

Wait until everything is cleared up.


Xia Yu pushed open the door and went out, preparing for the next round of attack.

She was going to speed up.

Wait a few more days, and the next batch of fog events will break out.

Among this batch of mist incidents, she had to join in one.

and so……

She must try to get rid of as many members of the Holy See as possible before going back.

of course.

Everything must be based on your own safety.

Even if they can't destroy the Holy See this time, it doesn't matter. After participating in the next fog incident, they will most likely go abroad to deal with the Holy See.


After the next mist incident, her strength will also reach the third level.

By then, we will be more confident in dealing with the Holy See!

"Jingle Bell."

Suddenly, Xia Yu's cell phone rang.

Caller ID: Zhao Guohui.

She answered without hesitation.

"Remember what I told you last time: using the 'wolf head' lurking within the Holy See to help you re-invent the Holy See, right?"

Before Xia Yu could respond, Zhao Guohui's voice sounded again: "That's right."

"This is approved!"

"I won't tell you the specific situation. In short...'Wolf Head' gave important information about the Holy See: Just tonight, the pope, elders and deputy pope of the Holy See will go to the headquarters for a meeting."

Hearing this, Xia Yu's eyes narrowed slightly.


Don't miss it!

"I'll send you the location in a moment."

Zhao Guohui's voice sounded: "This matter is absolutely confidential, and no more than one person knows about it."

He hesitated.


His voice sounded again: "Although the 'Wolf Head' plan is one of the top secrets, just in case..."         "Be careful when you act!"


"In order to help you go smoothly during this operation, I have applied for another Purple Spirit Leaf for you."

"Hopefully it helped you."

"Tonight, the purple spirit leaves will be transported to the west, and I will send you the location later."

"wrong number."

Xia Yu hung up the phone.

as usual.

However, she knew that Zhao Guohui this time...

Very helpful!

The location of the Holy See headquarters!

‘Wolf Head’ is enabled!

Bring the purple spirit leaves over here!

No matter which one of these three points it is, it is crucial.

Fortunately, she chose to trade with Zhao Guohui and did not stand against him rashly.

Xia Yu quickly sent Zhao Guohui basic information about the next batch of fog events and matters needing attention.

Evening comes.

"Purple Spirit Leaf!"

Xia Yu also finally got the purple spirit leaf.

She took it in her mouth without hesitation, and it tasted astringent.


The purple spirit leaves immediately turned into wisps of green energy, spreading along Xia Yu's tongue and spreading throughout the body.

this moment.

Her consciousness became extremely clear.

This is a unique phenomenon after taking Zi Ling Ye: Lingtai Qingming.

That is, in excellent mental condition.

last life.

There are some powerful people who collect and use purple spirit leaves for healing and assisting breakthroughs, with wonderful results.

This also made Zi Ling Ye, a natural treasure with a value comparable to that of Cordyceps, extremely popular, and its value continued to rise, eventually reaching a value comparable to that of Fire Ganoderma.


For Xia Yu, there is little need for the effect of 'Lingtai Qingming'.


Feeling the overwhelming energy flowing into her limbs, she calmed down and waited for the breakthrough to come.

In her last life, her strength broke through to the level of third-grade spiritual energy, so there is no need to wait for the so-called 'breakthrough opportunity' for this life's breakthrough!

As long as your cultivation level reaches its peak, you will be able to break through to the next level naturally.

as predicted.

Her cultivation progressed from 98% of the second-grade spiritual realm to 99%, then to 100%, and finally reached the third-grade spiritual realm easily.

The body undergoes an all-round transformation.

This feeling was extremely familiar, and Xia Yu enjoyed it very much.

Enjoy getting stronger.


She felt that her skin had become firmer and more resilient, even worse than cow leather.

Her weight is also constantly soaring, and her body shape is also evolving towards being more conducive to fighting and exerting strength...

Everything changes.

Xia Yu was intoxicated.

In her previous life, she was at the bottom of the human race, but not at the bottom because her strength was not at the bottom. However, in her last life, it took her a total of three years to upgrade her strength to the level of the third-level spiritual realm.

In this life, she only spent three months.


Xia Yu can confidently say that she is number one in the world!

Maybe, there are still people in this world whose strength has reached the level of third-level spiritual energy, but if they really want to fight... without using superpowers, she is absolutely sure to defeat the opponent.

Even if the opponent has superpowers, as long as they are not among the top ten superpowers, she is still sure to defeat them.


"Apart from me, are there really any masters in the third-level spiritual realm in today's world?"

Xia Yu couldn't help but murmur.

The reason why she has this idea is not that she looks down on other people in the world, but because along the way, she knows how difficult it is for herself.

Unless you are very lucky...

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to reach the third level of spiritual energy.

"Set off."

Xia Yu got into a car and Xiao Hua acted as the driver.

after an hour.

After Xia Yu completed the transformation of her body, she felt a lot of power surge inside her body. She immediately started to get familiar with it, and at the same time she became more confident in this operation.

It is worth mentioning that.

Because her body excretes a large amount of internal impurities and emits a peculiar smell, and it is not far from the target area at this time, so...

The two quickly came to a hotel.

Xia Yu took a shower.

Afterwards, the two of them continued to set off.



The night is getting darker.

a moment.

Holy See Headquarters.

Several figures flashed in.

Look closer.

The Pope, Vice-Pope and Curia Presbyters were seated in it.

The difference is that this time...

There are two less people here, totaling four.

"A bunch of trash!"

"It's been three days! There's still no trace of that woman, and you don't even know her name?"

The pope's face was full of anger.

The vice-pope said, "Your Majesty, I still know the name. That woman's name is Xia Yu."

"Someone over there passed us information about this woman."

"Who delivered the message?"

asked the Pope.


The Archdeacon shook his head.


The Pope scolded again: "I don't know anything about it! What use do you have?"

The vice-pope lowered his head and did not dare to refute.

"His Holiness the Pope."

One of the youngest elders, who was probably in his fifties, said respectfully: "Now that we know the other party's name and information, we can capture his family."

“Transform passivity into initiative.”

"Isn't the reason why we are so passive now just because the enemy is hiding and we are hiding?"

"His Holiness the Pope."

"My subordinates have already sent people to do it."

The Vice-Pope immediately spoke: "Divide the troops into four groups."

"First, attack Xia Yu's younger brother, Xia Tian."

"Second, attack several other people on Xia Yu's team."

"Third, attack Xiajia Village! That is Xia Yu's hometown, and Xia Yu's relatives are there."

"We also followed the clues and found out the location of the family of Xia Lin, a new member of Xia Yu's team. The fourth route is to deal with them."

Hearing this, the Pope's face improved a little.

"tomorrow morning."

"I hope to hear good news."

He said coldly, then turned to leave.

See this.

Another elder who had been silent until now, with white hair, stood up and said, "Your Holiness, I have something to report."


The Pope paused and sat down again.

The white-haired elder said: "My subordinates feel that there is something wrong with Elizabeth May."


"Tell me more about it."

The Pope frowned slightly and said.

He had some impressions of Elizabeth May, not because of her powers or her strength, but because his favorite grandson seemed to like Elizabeth May very much.

"My subordinates suspect that she has contacts there."

The white-haired elder said something shocking.


At this moment, everyone looked condensed.

They planted spies there and instigated many people to rebel. The same... similar methods will definitely be done there.

All along, they have been self-examining and taking precautions.


This method focuses on being extremely defensive.


The Pope urged impatiently.

The white-haired elder seemed to be aware of this and hurriedly said: "Just one day ago, I got a tip that they used the informant buried inside our Holy See - 'Wolf Head'."

"This person has a very high status."

"This is why Xia Yu was able to discover our strongholds one after another, and even discovered the locations of our other two elders."

Hearing this, the Pope frowned.

The same goes for the other two.

There was silence for a moment.

The Pope said: "Arrest Elizabeth May immediately and interrogate her!"

"You are personally responsible."


Elder Baimei's eyes flickered, he glanced at the door of the church, and then hesitated.


The Pope frowned, and the dissatisfaction in his eyes became more intense.

"My subordinates have sensed an opportunity for a breakthrough and want to attack the second-level spiritual realm in one go."

Elder Baimei talks nonsense.


The three popes were a little surprised.

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