I'm back from hell

Chapter 354: Huge Harvest

Xiajia Village, next door to the base.

In the room rented by Xia Yu and others.

In addition to Xia Lin and Charis Damayo, Xie Shaokun and others were all present, including Hong She!

He was involved in the fog incident a few days ago. The fog incident lasted for a full twenty-two hours, and it was in a different world where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was extremely abundant.

There is also the ancient guidance technique to assist.

Hong She's injuries have been repaired to some extent, and now they are basically healed.

You know, before entering the foggy incident...

Hong She had just come out of danger, her insides were almost shattered, and she could only barely open her eyes, unable to move.


How terrifying is the way the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can repair injuries!

As for the others...

They all also entered the fog incident, and not only their injuries were repaired, but their strength was also greatly improved.

In short.

At this moment, everyone's appearance is completely new.

However, everyone... including Xie Shaokun, is a little less flamboyant than before, and a little more low-key and restrained.

"Sister Yu."

Xie Shaokun said: "The construction of the base has come to an end."

"Only the top third floor is still under construction."


Xia Yu nodded.

This doomsday survival base has three floors above ground and four floors underground.

It was originally planned to cost only 20 million, but later due to various reasons, it cost more than 30 million.

Much more than that.

However, the reason why it is so much more...

The main reason is that Xia Yu added some requirements midway and additionally reinforced the base.

"You can say hello to Zhao Guohui and ask him to provide us with guns, food, water, medical drugs and other items. Just make a list."

She made arrangements.


Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan nodded.

In terms of liaison with Zhao Guohui and others, two people are basically responsible.

"Sister Yu."

"Aren't you doing this to tell Zhao Guohui that we have a base?"

Hong She asked with a frown.

"I've been exposed."

Xia Yu said.


Everyone was stunned.

"literal meaning."

Xia Yu said: "Originally, Zhao Guohui had already guessed my identity, but I kept denying it and didn't want to leave any clues."

"Later, so many things happened, Zhao Guohui must have further confirmed my identity."

Everyone came back to their senses and nodded.

Think about it too.

Zhao Guohui is so powerful and has the country's backing. It is indeed not difficult to determine Xia Yu's identity.

of course……

If Xia Yu had been acting alone, then... it would be impossible for Zhao Guohui and the country to determine her identity.


Xia Yu looked at Han Sanguang and said, "You tell me."


"Sister Yu."

Han Sanguang nodded and said: "Brother Snake, didn't you want to meet the new team member - Xia Lin?"


"Hasn't he been tested? I heard that he has been with you through life and death."

"What? Is there something wrong with him?"

Hong She was not stupid, he quickly reacted and asked.


Han Sanguang nodded and said, "He has a problem."


Everyone frowned.

Among them are Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan!

"He is from the Gao family."

Han Sanguang's words were astonishing.


Xie Shaokun stood up suddenly.

That time when he was chased by Gao Zhengting, he was as embarrassed as a lost dog. Although he did not receive any real damage, Gao Zhengting was also punished afterwards.

But this does not mean that he is not angry!

Since then, he has not had a good impression of Gao Zhengting.

The same goes for Hong Snake.

after all……

He had been exploited by the Gao family before. Later, his mother was kidnapped by the Gao family and almost got into trouble.


Because this is China, a society ruled by law, and the Gao family is deeply involved in the country and plays a decisive role in all walks of life, especially...

There are also Gao family members at the top!

Therefore, it is simply impossible to touch the Gao family.

I can only endure it.

"The Gao family is really haunted."

Hong She asked: "Have you found out what the Gao family wants to do?"


Han Sanguang nodded and said without any nonsense: "Do you still remember the 'Yangta Park' incident? The reason why Sister Yu's prediction was wrong is because two forces followed us into it, causing unknown factors to appear in the fog incident. Variety."


"You mean...one of the forces comes from the Gao family?"



Right now.

Xia Yu continued: "The other force is basically confirmed to be people from the Nightcrawler organization."

"night Stalker??"

Everyone frowned.

“Isn’t this organization suppressed by the state and no longer exists?”

Su Qian asked everyone's questions.


"Some people don't want to see the Nightcrawler organization that was finally established just disappear."

Xia Yu said calmly: "What's more, they also roped in a master."


everyone asked in unison.


Those who can be described by Xia Yu as a 'master' must not be weak in strength.

"I don't know exactly who it is."

"But... Zhao Guohui and I both suspect it is Gao Mengmeng."

Xia Yu said.

"Gao Mengmeng?"

"is her!"

"The woman who can control the mutants?"

"This woman is very powerful!"


Everyone spoke out their impressions of Gao Mengmeng with serious expressions.

"big sister."

"Caught them?"

Xiaonan asked.


"Zhao Guohui said that a group of people were found smuggling away a few days ago."

Xia Yu shook his head and said, "This group of people is probably them."

Fleeed abroad?

This is indeed their best way out.

Moreover, the foreign environment is indeed suitable for them to develop and grow.

Everyone nodded.

As long as Gao Mengmeng and others don't provoke them, the two sides can always live in peace.

"As for Xia Lin's matter, just pretend you don't know."

"I have other plans."

Xia Yu brought the topic back and said.


Everyone nodded again.

Immediately, Xia Yu signaled Han Sanguang to continue.

Han Sanguang said: "Xia Lin has told the Gao family about Sister Yu, which means that the entire Gao family knows Sister Yu's identity."

"Also, what Sister Yu said so cutely just now..."

"She also knows Sister Yu's identity."

Su Qian and others finally understood why Xia Yu said that she was most likely exposed.

"The Holy See also knows my identity."

Xia Yu added again: "So... there is no need to continue to conceal your identity now. What we have to do is how to take precautions while basically showing our cards."

"It does not affect our action plan."

There was no change in everyone's faces.

To them, it doesn't matter whether Sister Yu is exposed or not. After all...

Sister Yu has now reached the third-level psychic realm, and with the help of the Mechanical Wings, her combat power is terrifying, and the country will not be as frantic as the Holy See who directly bombs urban areas indiscriminately.

and so……

As long as Sister Yu is in the city, nothing will happen!

"The second thing."

After telling what he had exposed, Xia Yu changed the topic and continued: "We suffered heavy losses during this trip to the West."

"Ghoul, I finally got it, but it's just gone."

"Xiaohua, lost her body. Although a resentful corpse has been found to replace it,... its strength has dropped sharply."

"You guys almost got lost there."

Everyone's expressions instantly became solemn.

"I bear the main responsibility for this operation."

Xia Yu said aloud.

"Sister Yu!"

"It's mainly me..."

"not me……"

"Sister, I..."


Xie Shaokun, Xiaonan and others all spoke out.

Xia Yu waved her hand to signal everyone to be silent, and said, "You can just reflect on and summarize your problems yourself. Now let's talk about my problems."

Everyone shut up.

"I underestimated everyone in the world."

Xia Yu was silent for a moment, summed up his problem in one sentence, and said: "I will correct my problem in the next actions."

Everyone looked at each other with concentration.

Sister Yu is so perfect that she is reflecting on herself, so they should reflect on themselves even more!

Sister Yu is correcting herself, and they should correct themselves even more! Su Qian's eyes flashed slightly.

Originally, she thought there was something wrong with Xia Yu, but it was hard to say anything. Now... what she didn't expect was that Sister Yu would admit her mistake in public so neatly.

This impressed her greatly.

At the same time, doing so will also set a good example and make the team stronger!

For a while.

She recognized Xia Yu's leadership abilities more and more.

Seeing everyone's reflective expressions, Xia Yu nodded imperceptibly, then changed his tone and said, "Of course, we have gained a lot from this operation."

"First of all, everyone's character has been tempered."

"Furthermore, the addition of Charice Damayo will definitely increase the combat effectiveness of our team to a higher level."

"In the end, we destroyed the Holy See and proved to the world that I am powerful. There are many benefits of being invisible, let's not mention them for now."

"Let's just talk about the benefits..."

As she spoke, she first took out a handful of beads made of purple cloud wood. Without introducing them in detail, she said, "Let me talk about my harvest first."

"I got this from the Holy See when I was dealing with the Holy See after you returned home. There is also the spider silk that I got in the Holy See's lair, but... those spider silks are being forged by Zhao Guohui and I haven't gotten them yet."

"My strength has also been upgraded to the third level."

"I also found out about the mysterious wood carvings."

Mysterious wood carving?

Everyone subconsciously turned their attention to the red-eared turtle sleeping in the corner.

Now, it has unknowingly grown to the peak level of the second grade, and has become the top three combat power in the team!

Xia Yu felt that it was necessary to inform everyone about the situation, so she did not hide it.

ten minutes later.

After Xia Yu's narration and explanation.

Everyone looked surprised and felt extremely heavy.


There are still divine disciples and divine envoys in this world... It turns out that 'He' still exists in this world... It turns out that this world is so dangerous...

"The purpose of my telling you is mainly two points:"

Xia Yu said: "First, you must be careful after encountering him and don't surrender rashly."

"Second, I hope you can hand over the wood carvings to me, and I can exchange them with you for resources!"


Everyone looked stern.


Xia Yu nodded and continued: "Tell me about your gains."

Their gain?

Everyone looked expectant and confused.

next moment.


Xiaohua took out a jade box containing six cordyceps from her backpack.

Everyone's eyes widened, and there was excitement on their faces that could not be concealed.


Xia Yu did not whet everyone's appetite and said directly: "This is your reward."

"You have sacrificed a lot for this operation, and you deserve this."

Xiaohua distributed the jade boxes containing cordyceps to Xie Shaokun, Xiaonan, Su Qian, Hong She, and Brown Bear Man respectively, among which...

Xie Shaokun got two jade boxes.


He asked in confusion: "Why do I have two?"

"You deserve the most credit for this operation."

"Deserve this."

Before Xia Yu could speak, Hong She was the first to speak.

If it weren't for Xie Shaokun in this operation, he would be dead!

Su Qian nodded decisively.

The other party saved his man's life, which was a great contribution, and he recognized it very much.

The brown bear man also nodded.

Next came Xia Yu and Xiaonan.

Everyone agreed.

Xie Shaokun was about to give the jade box to Xia Yu to settle the account, but Xia Yu waved his hand, indicating that he didn't have to worry.


Han Sanguang looked envious.

These days, he did not participate in this operation due to injuries and monitoring Xia Lin. Although he participated in two fog incidents, his strength has been improved.


How can there be a heavenly material and earthly treasure?

Just now.

Xia Yu's voice sounded: "That giant willow tree is a spiritual implant. The country promised to give us three treasures of heaven and earth that are comparable to the blood spirit Gu. Do you still remember?"

Everyone nodded.

"Thousand-year-old spiritual ginseng counts as two, and purple spiritual leaves count as one."

Xia Yu said: "They were all swallowed by me."

"In other words, it is equivalent to me owing Xiaonan, Han Sanguang and Xie Shaokun each a treasure of heaven and earth that is comparable to the blood spirit Gu."

"Besides, I still owe my little girl a lark."

Brothers settle accounts clearly.

This is her code of conduct.

Everyone nodded again.

"Sister Yu."

"This cordyceps is for you."

Xie Shaokun finally found an opportunity and handed over a jade box: "In addition to the heavenly material and earthly treasure you owe me, we have settled the account."

Originally, because of the Ancient Daoyin Technique, he owed Xia Yu two heavenly and earthly treasures that were comparable to three larks.


Xia Yu nodded and handed the jade box to Han Sanguang: "We have settled the account."

"Thank you, Sister Yu!"

Han Sanguang nodded, overjoyed.

did not expect……

In the end, I can also get a treasure of heaven and earth.

With it, I have the opportunity to increase my strength to the peak level of the first-grade spiritual realm!

Relying on superior physical talent and ancient guidance skills, the strength of these fog incidents has been greatly improved. It can be said that with every breath, the strength will be improved, far beyond the ten days and a half of ordinary people's hard training. results.

Now, he has completed most of the first-level spiritual energy realm.

"This is what you deserve."

Xia Yu shook her head.

"Sister Yu."

Su Qian raised the two jade boxes in her hands, one of which she got from the brown bear man. She said, "Axiong has also written off the account."

"Second sister-in-law, you..."

The brown bear man thought that Su Qian was writing off the accounts himself, but he didn't expect that he was writing off the accounts for himself. He was just about to stop him.


"Don't listen to me?"

Su Qian asked.

The brown bear man frowned and was about to say something else...


Hong She patted the brown bear man on the shoulder and said, "You still don't understand the second sister-in-law's temper?"

"Take it."

"You deserve this too."

The brown bear man finally agreed.

The worst thing is, I will give the treasures of heaven and earth to my second sister-in-law later!

He has made up his mind!

"Axiong, cancel the account."

Xia Yu handed one of the jade boxes to Xiaonan, along with three beads made of purple cloud wood: "Write off the account?"

"Good! Good!"

Xiaonan agreed without hesitation.

I got two Cordyceps and three psionic weapons all at once, which was so exciting!

"Let's just call them Ziyunzhu."

Xiaonan said happily after learning that these beads were made of purple cloud wood.

Purple cloud beads?

Nice name.

Xia Yu nodded and said, "Then it's called Ziyunzhu."

She then looked at Xie Shaokun and others and introduced the various magical uses of Cordyceps.

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this.

They couldn't help but take it.

Xia Yu did not stop him, but asked Su Qian and Brown Bear Man, who did not have Cordyceps, to carry another trophy in this operation: the crystal core!

It is worth mentioning that……

When dividing the Holy See's assets with 'Langtou' or the country, because she asked for all the Cordyceps, the crystal core only got part of it, a total of 10,000.

Other resources were not obtained at all.

For example: real estate, money, arms, mutant beasts, mutant implants...

She and the country don't really need things like real estate.


Resources such as mutated beasts and mutated implants can be used by the country for experiments, which is quite useful.

Generally speaking, both parties in this transaction have what they need.


Su Qian and Brown Bear Man did as they were told.


The two men took the sacks out of the car one by one and buried them in the corner of the yard.

And then.

Xia Yu directly planted the big flowers and the second flowers on these crystal nuclei!


Su Qian's eyes widened.


Are so many crystal nuclei just used as 'nutrients' for Dahua and Erhua?

What a luxury!

"The apocalypse is about to break out."

"They have to grow up quickly."

"The current strength is far from enough."

Xia Yu explained calmly.

Su Qian and the brown bear man nodded.

Although I don’t know what it will be like after the end of the world, but...

The stronger the big flower and the second flower guarding the base, the better.


The big flowers and the second flowers, which were more than three meters high, swayed a little.

Apparently it sensed the crystal core below!

Xia Yu stared at them, she could sense the intimacy and obedience from them.

I couldn't help but recall information about them:

Strength: First-grade psychic realm.

Type: Ghoul.

Fed by the crystal core, they are now brutal and murderous, and must eat flesh and blood every day to be honest and obedient.

Especially likes to devour human flesh and blood.

All in all……

They all indicate one thing:

They have become ghouls!

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