I'm back from hell

Chapter 370 The disciple of God reappears

Chapter 370 The disciple of God reappears (Update th)

Life saved.

However, I don’t know when I will wake up.


Hearing this, Gao Zhengting's secretary breathed a sigh of relief.


This is not the worst outcome.

Just when she was thinking about what to do next, everyone around her fell asleep one by one?

This scene made Gao Zhengting's secretary instantly smell the danger.

Before I had time to say anything...


She was knocked unconscious.


A sound broke through the air.

An afterimage disappeared into the hospital corridor.

A 'crash' sounded.

Gao Zhengting's secretary felt like his body was covered with water. He woke up with a jolt. When he opened his eyes again, what he saw was...


"Who wants to steal the thousand-year-old spiritual ginseng?"

A hoarse voice sounded.

Gao Zhengting's secretary was startled and turned around to look, but she touched something sharp and the skin on the back of her neck was scratched. She gasped in pain and dared not move again.

"answer my question."

The hoarse voice sounded again.

"You...I...I don't know."

Gao Zhengting's secretary was originally in a panic, but after hearing this question, he quickly calmed down, showing extraordinary psychological quality, and said: "I am just a little secretary next to Gao Zhengting, I don't know these things..."


The sound of penetration sounded.


Gao Zhengting's secretary immediately let out a shrill scream.

She knew that her neck had been stabbed at least three inches!

The other party really dares to kill himself!

"answer my question."

The hoarse voice sounded again

"You...who are you?"

Gao Zhengting's secretary asked.


The sharp dagger penetrated deeper.

Gao Zhengting's secretary felt dizzy and almost fainted. She finally... felt a little scared.


She still shook her head and said, "I really don't know, please let me go."

If the top secrets of the Gao family are leaked, they will definitely die, and their family members will also be implicated!

and so……

No matter how scared she was, she would never say anything.


Xia Yu noticed that Secretary Gao Zhengting's body was shaking, but his mouth was very strict, which was obviously not right.

Immediately, she guessed something and said, "If you die, your family will not live long after the end of the world."

"Since you have such a tough mouth, then I will help you."

As she spoke, she continued to pass the dagger in her hand forward without talking nonsense.


"You are Xia Yu!"


Gao Zhengting's secretary thought of something and said, "Although you pretend to sound like a man, you are Xia Yu!"

Xia Yu was silent.

In fact, her identity is not difficult to guess.

First of all, she is suspected to be the person who killed Gao Zhengting.

Furthermore, the secretary's strength has reached a level close to the first-level spiritual realm. He can quietly knock out her subordinates and take her away. This strength...is at least the peak of the first-level, or even the second-level. level.

There are not many warriors whose strength reaches this level.

"You really don't want to live anymore."

She still spoke in a hoarse voice.

As he spoke, cold murderous intent enveloped him.


Gao Zhengting's secretary's pupils shrank, and he instantly realized that he had just said a very stupid thing, and said with an ugly face: "I...I can tell you."

"Let me go, okay?"

If Xia Yu's identity had not been guessed, she would have had a chance to survive.

just now……

She had absolutely no chance of surviving, but was extremely eager to survive.

"it is good."

Xia Yu agreed.

Similar to the situation of Secretary Gao Zhengting, she had seen him many times before, so it was not surprising.

"It's Gao Jianguo!"

"Gao Zhengting's father!"

"He doesn't understand the general situation and is a selfish guy."

"The clan has long said that they are not allowed to rob the country's resources, but he refused to listen. In the end, he asked the Gao family to wipe his ass."

Gao Zhengting's secretary obviously had great opinions on Gao Zhengting's father. Once he made a decision, he told all the information about Gao Zhengting's father: "If it weren't for Gao Zhengting being the backbone of the Gao family, he would have been kicked out of the Gao family long ago. go out."

Now, Gao Zhengting has been killed, and the Gao family is in turmoil. Even Gao Zhengting's father was killed...

There should be no suspicion on her head.

and so.

After thinking about it, she finally compromised.

"I need to know the location information of Gao Zhengting's father."

Xia Yu said: "You'd better not lie to me, otherwise... you know the consequences."

Gao Zhengting's secretary said: "Well... Gao Jianguo's whereabouts are just like his son's. It's hard to find."

Hearing this, Xia Yu frowned.

Just one Gao Zhengting cost her a lot of attention, and she didn't want to meet a second one.


Gao Zhengting's secretary immediately said, "It just so happens that I know his location."

Xia Yu: "..."

A few minutes later.


Xia Yu, who learned Gao Jianguo's location, didn't waste time. He knocked Gao Zhengting's secretary unconscious with a blow and walked away.

The woman was not killed because she wanted to keep her promise.

In front of the enemy, keeping one's promises is a fool's errand.

The real reason to let this woman go is...

This woman would never dare to reveal what just happened.


Xia Yu directly informed Su Qian and Ah Xiong, who were very close, to go to Gao Jianguo's location immediately, capture him alive, and ask him if he was the one behind the robbery of the thousand-year-old spiritual ginseng.

When Xia Yu returns to Huayang City.

Su Qian and Ah Xiong have finished. Not only did they confirm that Gao Jianguo was the one behind the robbery of the thousand-year-old spiritual ginseng, but they also found out another thing from Gao Jianguo: Gao Jianguo was the person behind the human trafficker organization Zhang Yun provided. The biggest black hand!


"What a coincidence?"

Xia Yu was silent for a moment, then said: "Then don't kill him yet, send it to Xiaohua to improve her strength."

"There are also other human traffickers in this organization. Catch them all."


Su Qian naturally understood what Xia Yu meant and said, "But...Sister Yu, we may not have enough manpower here."

She has power and manpower abroad, but not at home.

Hear the words.

Xia Yu frowned.

This incident reminded her: Although the team has strong people, there are too few people and many things are inconvenient to do.


Thinking of Su Qian's abilities, she asked, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

"Sister Yu."

"A few days ago, several forces came to me, all of whom I have cooperated with before. They didn't know where they got the news that I had joined Xie Shaokun's team, and they wanted to continue to cooperate with me. One of the forces has a lot of people. They are spread all over the country, but there is a lack of top experts to take charge.”

Su Qian said: "Alliance martial arts school."

"Do you want……"

She didn't say the rest, but the meaning was obvious.

Xia Yu was silent for a moment and then said, "Okay."


"They can only become our subordinate forces. We only provide them with information and opinions about the outbreak of the end of the world, and they must obey our orders."

"Of course, they can also buy things like crystal cores, entry-level guidance techniques, and ancient guidance techniques."


Su Qian nodded.

What Xia Yu actually means is that the relationship between the two parties is just a transaction, very pure.


Su Qian's news came over: the alliance martial arts school agreed.

Xia Yu was not surprised by this.

three days later.

In an abandoned factory.

Xia Yu looked at the more than two hundred traffickers below and said calmly: "Let's get started."

It would be a shame for these human traffickers to die.

She had no sympathy for them.


Xiaohua took action directly and stuffed the black jade Buddha into the first person's body.


A shrill scream sounded.

Immediately, the terrible scene happened again.

For Xia Yu and others, this scene was extremely familiar, but for this group of traffickers, it was their first time seeing this scene, and you can imagine the shock in their hearts.

"Second sister-in-law, is that all?"

"There are more than just these people in an organization of human traffickers, right?"

Hong She, who was standing next to Xia Yu, asked.

"that's it."

Su Qian said: "This number is already quite large."

"You know, there are more than one organization of human traffickers."

Hearing this, Hong She nodded.

This is true.


"Let me go! Let me go!"


The screams and resistance below could be heard constantly.

"Sister Yu."

Hong She turned his attention to Xia Yu and said, "When will the fog incident break out next?"

If you have nothing to do, ask in advance.

"Three days later."

Xia Yu said.

"Shall we act together this time? Or separately?"

Hong She asked.


Xia Yu said: "The fog incident I want to participate in this time is quite special."

"It's too dangerous for you to go."

"The fog incident I arranged for you is more focused on fighting."

"Sister Yu, what you mean is that the fog incident you want to participate in is a 'fight of wits'?"

Hong She asked.

"more or less."

Xia Yu nodded.

"Then are there any natural treasures in the mist incident we participated in?"

Hong She asked.


Xia Yu shook his head.


Hong She did not show any disappointment, but said helplessly: "Sister Yu, before the end of the world breaks out, will there be any treasures from heaven, materials and earth?"

He also wanted to increase his strength to the level of the second-grade spiritual realm.

Yipin always feels too unsafe.


Xia Yu said, "You should take advantage of this fog incident to get familiar with the 'combat suit'."


Hong She thought of that set of equipment and couldn't help but admire: "Sister Yu, your brother is simply a genius."

"I'll give it a try. Once you become familiar with it, your combat effectiveness will definitely increase dramatically."

"Especially that mechanical wing."

Su Qian nodded in agreement.

The brown bear man on the side also nodded.

Under normal circumstances, he won't speak, let alone express opinions, unless like now... it can really improve his combat effectiveness.

"This auxiliary weapon will not affect the 'balance' rules of the fog event."

Xia Yu said: "This will definitely greatly improve your chances of survival in the fog incident."

Su Qian and others nodded again.

at this time.

The Yin Qi produced by the first person's blood begins to be released.

The completion of Xiaohua's sixth transformation began to improve...

Three hours later.

All the human traffickers were drained of blood and died.

The completion rate of Xiaohua's sixth transformation also reached 69%!


Because the resentment among these human traffickers is far beyond ordinary people, so...

Xiaohua's strength is still comparable to that of a master at the peak level of the first-grade spiritual realm, and she has not yet broken through!


This time, we are even closer to the second-grade spiritual realm.

Xia Yu is sure to upgrade his strength to the second-level spiritual realm before participating in the next mist incident!


Everyone dispersed.

Xia Yu took Xiaohua and began to wander around the city.

after one day.

Xie Shaokun and Han Sanguang returned with a dozen human traffickers. After Xiaohua absorbed the grievances of these human traffickers, her strength finally reached a level comparable to the second-grade spiritual realm.


Xia Yu asked Xiaohua to absorb the resentment by herself, while she stayed in Xiajia Village while teaching Xie Shaokun and others how to use nail guns, stun guns, and mechanical wings...

While waiting for the completion of the base!

That's right.

The base is almost completed!

In your spare time.

Xia Yu flipped through the news to see the specific situation in the country.

She hadn't understood in a long time.

A certain blog is ranked No. 1 on the hot search list.

Official announcement: Before the end of the world, there are three final fog events. Have you got the qualifications to enter the fog events?


Xia Yu didn't expect the official to reveal the news directly. She was a little surprised, so she didn't think much about it and clicked in to read the comments.

"What?! Only the last three times? And the qualification to enter the next fog event has been taken away! Oh my god, if I had known it, I wouldn't have hesitated!"

"It's all my roommate's fault! If you insist on telling me that the party won't be wrong if you wait, I'll listen to him, wuwu... cry to death!"

"The quota for next time is said to be more than 100,000. How can this be enough? Oh my god!"


Xia Yu did not click to read the comments below.

She looked at the second most searched list:

Official announcement: Relocation to the new city has begun. How is your living experience?

This announcement is two days old and has a lot of comments.

Xia Yu clicks to view.

"I have lived here for a day and I feel very good. It is very clean, and there are no public stalls or stupid properties here. The greening here is much better than expected, and... you may not have imagined that the security here is It’s not ordinary, there are surveillance cameras in front of every house, so you’ll be fine even if you don’t close the door!”

"I'm envious of the upstairs! I haven't moved in yet, but I've also looked at the situation at home. It's really nice and well-decorated, and there's even Brother Bing in the community! I'm really looking forward to moving in! It's too unsafe outside now, and it could happen at any time If a fog event occurs, once we are enveloped in it, we won’t be able to survive.”

"Alas! You guys are still grabbing the house, but I can't afford it, and... I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to get the quota for the next mist incident. What should I do?"


Under normal circumstances, opportunities will be monopolized by the upper levels.

In this land, with the efforts of Zhao Guohui and other leaders, opportunities will be given to the public. This requires the public to have the mentality and courage to dare to try, otherwise... no matter how many opportunities there are, they will not be yours.

and so.

Xia Yu decisively exited the comment area.

The above gave you the opportunity, but if you didn't seize it, that's your own problem, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Complaining is useless.

She is also very curious about what happens next...

How will the higher authorities deal with those people who failed to get the quota?

To know.

Even if all the hundreds of thousands of places are given to ordinary people, only 300,000 to 400,000 people in the three batches of fog events will be able to detect who is a mutant, who is a psychic, and who is a psychic.

By the time……

What to do with the remaining billion people?

What Xia Yu didn't expect was that the third most searched question was about this point:

After the end of the world, what should we ordinary people who failed to grab a spot do?

This problem should have just appeared, and it has become popular very quickly.

Xia Yu clicks to view the comment area.

"It's hard to give a solution from above, but...I guess I will give some suggestions. In any case, we still have to rely on ourselves to survive in the end. I suggest that everyone prepare weapons and ropes in advance. The ropes are used to tie us up. For myself and my family, once the apocalypse breaks out and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth pours in, no one knows whether they will become mutants!"

"Woo... I don't want to become a mutant! What should I do! Who can tell me what should I do? Wuwu... I just want to live well! I don't want to experience the apocalypse! I will never complain again996 life, I want the life of 996!"

"We still have to cheer up! None of the above are giving up, they are all working hard. Do we have to give up? If we give up, we will definitely die! If you become a psychic or a psychic, you will be turned into a mutant If the person's relatives are killed, wouldn't you be even more miserable?"


All in all.

There are many people who are actively facing the end of the world. After all, in this land and with the efforts from above, there is still hope of survival.

Of course there are negative people, and there are quite a few of them, especially for those who are already world-weary, the arrival of the end of the world is their carnival!


'Under the control of public opinion', negative comments are rare.

Xia Yu continued to browse the hot searches:

Fourth on the hot search list: The best advice for facing the end of the world - join the army!

No. 5 on the hot search list: Cherish the people in front of you. If you don’t have time to be filial, be filial as soon as possible. If you haven’t confessed your love yet, express your love as soon as possible!

No. 6 on the hot search list: Thousands of people died in Huayang Changqiao Hospital. Were your relatives and friends there?

No. 7 on the hot search list:...



After reading the top ten hot searches, Xia Yu found that there were more rational people on the Internet, and it was obvious that everyone was more restrained.

among them.

There are many strategies for the end of the world.

There are many announcements.

Regarding this point, even if there is no control and comment above, it will be like this, after all...

In the face of the unchangeable historical process, working hard to face and welcome it is what most people should do.


Even Xia Yu, who had been reborn, felt deeply powerless.

In the face of the general trend, no matter how powerful an individual is, it will not help.

In this regard.

What she can do is to spread more news that is beneficial to the public and try to provide Zhao Guohui with more time and place for the fog incident to occur.

And there is...

Continue to improve your strength!

When the end of the world comes, gain the strength to protect yourself, your family and your friends!

Just when she was in trance.

"Sister Yu."

Xie Shaokun's voice sounded.

"what's up?"

Xia Yu asked.

"Your uncle came here because the base may have been completed."

Xie Shaokun said.


Xia Yu nodded, calculating the time, it was almost time.

She took out the cash from the house, walked towards Xia Hongzhong, and asked, "Uncle, this is the remaining balance."


Xia Hongzhong didn't even count, and said, "Xiaoyu, the house your boss built here is a base for survival in the apocalypse, right?"


Xia Yu didn't hide anything and said, "I just found out a few days ago."


"He is so rich, why not buy one in the new city? What kind of base will he spend money to build here?"

Xia Hongzhong asked curiously.

"I asked about this too, but the boss didn't say anything."

Xia Yu shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Xia Hongzhong knew that he had asked about something he shouldn't have asked, so he immediately stopped, changed the subject, and said, "Xiaoyu, we have been notified."

"The day after tomorrow, we will participate in the fog incident."

"Yes." Xia Yu nodded and said, "Congratulations, uncle, for getting the spot."

"Thank you for the reminder."

"There are already many big bosses who want to buy our places, but we will not agree."

"It's not that I'm worried about being discovered by the superiors, but... no matter how much money you have, it's nothing when it comes to your life."

Xia Hongzhong saw it clearly. He also knew that it was almost time for him to leave and said, "I have completed the base with high quality and quantity."


"Xiaoyu, I hope we can meet in the new city."

"must be able to."

Xia Yu nodded.

Looking at Xia Hongzhong's leaving figure, she was extremely convinced of this, but...

Very few of Xia Hongzhong’s family members are alive to see each other.

"Sister Yu."

"Shall we go to the base and take a look?"

Xie Shaokun's voice sounded again, full of expectation.

Xia Yu turned around.

He found that Su Qian, Hong She, Xiaonan, Charis Damayo and others were looking at him expectantly. Apparently...

They also hope to enter the base and have a look!

"it is good."

Naturally, Xia Yu would not displease everyone.


"Go! Go! Go! I even prepared a firecracker!"

"My mother made a big meal! Let's have a good meal at the base today!"

"It will be great to live in a big house in the future! Haha!"


Everyone roared excitedly.

Most of them have never been to the base and don’t know what it’s like inside. Although some people have been, the base had not been built at that time and could not see its full picture, so...

Everyone of them is looking forward to it!

"it is good."

"Today, I will satisfy you all!"

Xia Yu said.

"Oh hoo!"

Everyone cheered again.

A group of people quickly arrived at the base, including Hong She's mother!

Two minutes later.

Everyone appeared in front of the base gate, looking at the heavy steel door and the ordinary house design. I don't know why... everyone's hearts became more and more 'heated'.

This will be their future home!


Xia Yu took out the key and opened the base door.

What comes into view is the lobby on the first floor. It is already filled with furniture. It does not look empty, but it is not popular. The ground is paved with steel, which is similar to that in the new city.

Everyone walked inside and looked around curiously.

"The first floor is the lobby, where we hold meetings."

Xia Yu introduced: "The second and third floors are all used for offense and defense, so basically all the thermal weapons stored there are."

Everyone nodded.

Xie Shaokun then said: "Firearms, grenades, rocket launchers, explosives... Zhao Guohui has already prepared these thermal weapons for us that Sister Yu asked for."

"Just wait until the construction of our base here is completed."

"When the time comes, it will be shipped in."


Everyone nodded again.

"And nuclear weapons."

Xiaonan added: "It has been approved by the above and can be shipped to us in advance. However... they require us to use it either during the fog incident or after the outbreak of the apocalypse."

"it is necessary."

"Zhao Guohui and the others can rest assured about this."

"That's right! We can still control this point of propriety."


Hong She and others nodded.


Xia Yu said: "The first floor below is divided into four areas: living area, fitness area and battle area. After the outbreak of the apocalypse, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will fill every corner of the world. Exercise, compete... these big Range of motion can improve our strength faster."

"Of course, the most important thing is to practice the ancient guidance technique."

Everyone already knows this very well.

"Minus two floors."

Xia Yu took everyone to the second floor and said, "This is mainly a place for cooking, eating and entertainment. There is a billiard room, projection room, VR, chess and card room... everything."

"Sister Yu."

"Can I buy a doll clamping machine?"

Xiaonan asked.

Everyone: "..."

The apocalypse has broken out, do you still have the leisure and elegance to hold a doll? ? ?

"it is good."

Xia Yu nodded and said, "Okay. Xie Shaokun, you will be responsible for purchasing three units later."

"it is good."

Xie Shaokun nodded.


"Thank you, big sister."

The little girl clapped her hands excitedly.

Everything in the base is carefully designed by Sister Yu and is basically useful. If you want to add anything, you must tell me.

After all, it takes up space.

of course……

It's up to you to decide what you put in your room.

"The third underground floor is where materials are stored."

Xia Yu took everyone to the third underground floor. There were no rooms here. It was like a supermarket. There were many steel welded shelves inside to store things.

Just now...


Haven't had time to place it yet.

"There are three cells here, a backup generator...and an area temporarily used to store supplies."

Xia Yu came to the fourth underground floor and spoke.

What everyone didn't expect was that there was someone locked up in one of the cells?

"Chen Wei."


"As long as she gets your body tissue, she can basically control you."

"She was the one who killed Gao Zhengting."

Xia Yu gave a brief introduction: "She was also the murderer of the serial murder case in Shunyang City before."

Everyone's pupils shrank, with different expressions.

"All right."

"Come back to the first floor with me."

"Next, I have something to say."

Xia Yu didn't give everyone too much time to think and spoke.


Everyone nodded.


Everyone came to the ground floor and sat on the sofa respectively, waiting for Xia Yu's instructions.


Xia Yu said: "Here at the base, weapons, supplies, and more prisoners will be brought in next... Therefore, before the apocalypse breaks out, there must be two people permanently stationed in the base."

Everyone nodded.

this is necessary.

They also don't want their 'home' to be stolen when they go to participate in the Mist Incident.

"Don't worry."

Xia Yu knew what everyone was worried about and said: "This place will be equipped with robots, as well as Dahua and Erhua guards. Even if a master of the first-level psychic realm comes in, he will definitely die."

Thinking of how terrifying Da Hua and Xiao Hua were now, everyone nodded.

Have you ever seen two flowers that can stretch and contract, bend and straighten?

Have you ever seen a flower that is about five meters tall and can eat an adult?

Have you ever seen a flower that is not afraid of being chopped by an axe?


And these are just some of the abilities of Big Flower and Little Flower!

"As for what you are worried about..."

"Who stays at the base and who goes to participate in the fog incident... I have also considered it."

Xia Yu continued.

Hearing this, Xie Shaokun and others looked stern.

This is the issue that everyone is most concerned about.

"There is no need for anyone to guard here during this fog incident!"

Xia Yu said.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and after thinking about it, they understood.

after all……

There is nothing in the base.


Xia Yu looked at Hong She's mother and said, "Auntie must find a place to hide."

Everyone nodded and said, "That's right. The disciples of the Fox-Faced God and the Golden Roc God may come here at any time, and we must ensure Auntie's safety."

"I will arrange this place."

Su Qian said.


All has been discussed.

"As for next time and the next time."

Xia Yu said: "Then we need to take turns."

"This is your obligation."

Everyone said in their hearts: Sure enough!

This is also the most suitable arrangement they can think of.

Although I am a little unhappy, but...

There are only two fog events before the end of the world. After that, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will fill the world. Even if they do not participate in the fog events, it will not affect their ability to become stronger.

"Next thing."

Xia Yu continued: "The next batch of fog events."

Everyone looked stern.

"You also know."

"Zhao Guohui wants more people to participate in the fog incident, so... there will be many people in the fog incident you are going to participate in next."

Xia Yu said.

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

The meaning of this sentence is: There will be no natural treasures in this foggy incident!

"Sister Yu."

Xie Shaokun asked: "Can we help Zhao Guohui deal with those mutants and mutant beasts?"

"This is your own decision."

Xia Yu did not stop or advocate: "I won't care."

Xie Shaokun nodded, looked at Hong She and others, and asked: "Anyway, resources and foreign races will not appear in this batch of fog events. Why don't we separate and stay together in the fog events."

Hearing this, everyone frowned slightly, and then they understood what Xie Shaokun meant: to help Zhao Guohui, or in other words, help the common people survive the fog incident better.

No surprises!

"it is good."

The little girl nodded first.

Then came Hong She, Su Qian and Ah Xiong, and then Han Sanguang and Charis Damayo.

As for Ayigullan and 'Doudou'...

"I can."

Ayi Gulan said.

Xie Shaokun and others looked at each other.

"I'll go with Aygulan."

Xiaonan said.

"it is good."

Everyone nodded.

Ayigulan's expression was slightly gloomy. Although she did not have much sanity left, she could still sense everyone's emotions: they were worried about her!

"When you perform well, they will feel relieved."

Xia Yu had always been more concerned about Ayi Gulan's mood, so she immediately spoke up and took the initiative to comfort him.

Hearing this, Xie Shaokun and others also spoke out: "Ayigulan, we didn't do it on purpose, it's just... you are a mutant and you took a lot of crystal cores. For the safety of the people, so..."

"I know."

Ayigulan said arrogantly, looking much better.


Xia Yu continued: "The mist incident I want to participate in is more dangerous, so Xiaohua and I will still participate."



into the night.

In Zhao Guohui's office.

Because this batch of fog events will involve six figures of people, so...

He specially summoned Qian Yihao, Chen Xiao, Wang Quanzhi and several other promoted confidants.

"One of you is responsible for a fog incident."

"I'm with Chen Xiao."

Zhao Guohui said.


Qian Yihao and others nodded. They already knew this.

"And that's it."

Zhao Guohui said: "Xie Shaokun contacted me and said that their team was willing to help us handle the fog incident."


Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

They didn't know this news.

"I just got the news before the meeting."

Zhao Guohui said.

"That's great."

Qian Yihao said: "Let them separate and strive to have one of their people in every fog incident."

"That's right!"

Chen Xiao, Wang Quanzhi and others also nodded.

They have all seen the fighting power of Xie Shaokun and others, and they can only describe it in four words: ashamed of themselves!

Having them around makes you feel more at ease!


Zhao Guohui nodded.

"Team Zhao."

Chen Xiao reminded: "The Gao family suspects that Gao Zhengting's death was caused by Xie Shaokun's team leader."

"We are so close to Xie Shaokun's team now, will it be possible..."

"Do not worry."

Before Zhao Guohui could speak, Qian Yihao snorted coldly and said: "When Gao Zhengting was not dead, the Gao family did not dare to offend Xie Shaokun and his team."

"What's more, Gao Zhengting is dead."

"Qian Yihao!"

"Watch your words."

Zhao Guohui looked solemn.

Although Qian Yihao disagreed in his heart, he still respected Zhao Guohui, obeyed the order, and changed his words: "The Gao family doesn't dare to do it anyway."

"I don't have the ability either."

"Moreover, are we ignoring the safety of the people just because the Gao family is not happy?"


Zhao Guohui agreed with Qian Yihao's last words and said: "Everything must make way for 'protecting the common people'."

"If there's any pressure, I'll take it!"


Chen Xiao nodded immediately, understanding Group Zhao's determination.

"Do not worry."

Qian Yihao tilted his head and looked at Chen Xiao and said, "The value of Xie Shaokun's team is far beyond our imagination. The country is willing to give them nuclear weapons. What do you think..."

"The Gao family dares to cause trouble?"

Chen Xiao and others were silent.

Even Zhao Guohui didn't say anything.

Since Gao Zhengting's death, the Gao family has shown extreme restraint, not losing their temper during the whole process, and the 'industry' belonging to the Gao family has not been divided up.

Even Ning Guoqiang's deputy will be continued by the Gao family!

In other words...

Gao Zhengting's death, on the face of it, didn't stir up any waves at all!

Even who the leader behind Xie Shaokun is has not been revealed!

This shows what?


The leader of Xie Shaokun's team must be protected to death!

The head of the Gao family and others are also very decisive and knowledgeable.

"A real big family never cares about the gains and losses of a city or a place. Everyone is just a bargaining chip to fight for and consolidate interests."

Qian Yihao said.


"Stop showing off."

Zhao Guohui said something to Qian Yihao.

"Cough cough."

Qian Yihao touched his nose and stopped talking.

Chen Xiao and others suppressed their laughter.

Only Zhao Guohui could make Qian Yihao feel defeated.

after all……

In front of 'mind reading', no one dares to be presumptuous.

Otherwise, the little Jiujiu in my heart will be seen through.

"The next meeting matters are divided into three steps."

Zhao Guohui withdrew his gaze and continued: "The first step is for everyone to discuss together how to better ensure the safety of the people in the fog incident that they are responsible for."

"The second step is to arrange the next work of the new city."

"third step……"



at the same time.

Huayang City, a bar.

It's extremely popular here at this time, or rather...bars all over the country are very popular these days.

after all.

The end of the world is coming, who doesn’t want to be cool?

Many people are not going to work!

If you don’t know whether you will live or die in the future, what will you do with the money? Shouldn't it be taken into a coffin?

Have a drink!

Eat the little meat!

Indulge your desires!


The bar is one of the places for entertainment.

In a certain deck.

Two men and one woman, the three of them drank wine while looking at the bodies twisting wantonly on the dance floor.

One of the men was wearing a floral shirt with three buttons unbuttoned and a very trendy hairstyle. He did not hide his desire at all and said: "You two."

"Have you chosen your prey?"

"The choice has been made."

The woman had gorgeous red lips and a plump figure. She pointed at one of the strong men and said, "He is very good. I want to enjoy him tonight."


"Are you disciples of the Fox-Faced God so immersed in vulgar taste?"

The other man frowned and said coldly.

Just like his abstinent outfit!


"You disciples of God Jinpeng are just pretending."

"If people don't have desires, then life will be too boring."

The man in the flowered shirt said: "Brother, you are not a sultry man, are you?"

"Keep your mouth clean."

"Do you believe I can help you tear it apart?"

The abstinent man's eyes turned cold, and he did not hide his murderous intention at all.

"What the hell..."

Just as the man in the flowered shirt was about to retaliate, the gorgeous woman covered his mouth and said, "Stop talking about it, you guy."

"We still have business to do."


"The strength of the brother in front of you is at the peak level of the third grade, you are no match for him!"


Hearing this, the man in the flowered shirt changed his expression and said, "Then he can have several women at night?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The abstinent man wants to take action.

The gorgeous woman couldn't help but glare at him, and hurriedly stopped the abstinent man, saying, "Brother, you don't remember the faults of others, so don't argue with him."

"Let's discuss how we can complete the mission."

"There's no rush."

The abstinent man said calmly: "Xia Yu's strength has reached the third level, and he has mechanical wings and psychic weapons. He is also surrounded by resentful corpses, Xie Shaokun and others."

"The three of us rashly killing him will definitely lead to death."


The man in the flowered shirt curled his lips.

The abstinent man's eyes suddenly turned cold and he said, "Do you really think I don't dare to kill you?"

(End of this chapter)

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