I'm back from hell

Chapter 383 Round 2

According to Xia Yu’s speculation:

First, civilians, maybe not eight, but seven, or even six.

Secondly, one of the vice president of the website and Qingshen Yishi must have lied, or even both of them may have lied.

Third, her and Xiaohua’s tasks can be completed regardless of whether they clear the level or not. After all, until now, no one has given Xiaohua 'hundred-year ginseng'.

In the following time, everyone discussed it for a while, but there was still no better way.


Those who are willing to cooperate have already cooperated.

Those who are unwilling to cooperate will not cooperate no matter how much they say.

Now it is different from the early days of the Mist Incident, when everyone did not understand the Mist Incident, and even did not believe it at all. At that time... you were fooled, and the other party might believe you instead of the 'voice' in your head, and then tell you your own identity and mission.

just now.

Even if someone tells you, you still have to think about it a little to see if what the other person says is right or wrong.

"Benefactor, how do you think this situation should be resolved?"

The pink editor asked.

Although everyone discussed preliminary countermeasures, she still wanted to seek more useful countermeasures as much as possible for the sake of safety.

not to mention.

Since Xiaohua has such terrifying strength, she must also be a person with a 'story'.

That kind of people……

No one dares to underestimate him.

Everyone's eyes are also projected.

However, they will be disappointed.

Xiaohua shook her head.


The peach red editor didn't ask any more questions and said, "Then let's go to the top floor and wait, just in case the sound of talking or walking here, or the human presence attracts the fish underwater."


Immediately, everyone went upstairs together.

after that.

Everyone is busy with their own things.

Some people were talking in low voices, some were silent and thinking, and some were frowning and looking at others...

The fish under the boat also ate up all the corpses in the water, even the bones. Since everyone on the boat was nervously waiting for the one-hour time limit to arrive, there was no movement at all, so these fish also There was no attack on cruise ships.

As for the human touch...

Everyone is on the top floor of the cruise ship, far away from the bottom of the water. Moreover, the human smell does not spread directly towards the bottom of the water, but spreads evenly to the area covered by the fog incident. These fish are trying to determine where the human smell comes from under the water. , simply can’t be done.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The cruise ship next door seemed to be experiencing some kind of drama. The five people were wandering around like blind men, bumping into buildings from time to time, colliding with each other from time to time, and screaming from time to time. It looked extremely weird.

The fish in the water swarmed away.

Start attacking the cruise ship over there.

I do not know how long it has been.

The tiger stood up and wanted to go to the toilet.

Lao Liu and Huo Yanyan also stood up one after another.

The three of them went to the toilet together.

Return soon.


The three of them did not dare to stay away from the crowd for too long.

Xia Yu closed his eyes and ran the ancient guidance technique, and began to absorb the spiritual energy of the world and increase his strength.

at last.

An hour passed like this.

"coming soon!"

"Amitabha, I hope I can pass the test. As long as I can pass the test, I will be a vegetarian for the next year!"

"God bless you! Bless you! I will definitely make you more powerful in the future."


Editor Taohong, Miaomiao and others all spoke out, looking pious.

have to say.

The words of this group of authors’ prayers are also extremely different.

Xia Yu was extremely calm.

Since you have done everything you need to do, why bother praying at this time?

"game over."

"Ten people completed the mission and passed the level."

"The three losers will be exempted from punishment."

A mechanical voice sounded in everyone's mind, and it was extremely cold.




"Keep your voice down! If we attract those fish, we will be in trouble."

"Yeah, I'm just so excited. That's great."


Everyone spoke out one after another.

Even the calmest vice president of the website could not help but wave his fist at this moment and said: "Almost! Almost, we failed."

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Ten people are required to complete the task to pass the level.

Now, it happens that ten people have completed the task, this...

What a close call!

"So, who lied?"

Huo Yanyan stared at Brother Bao and Qingshen Yishi, and asked: "What is the mission of the liar?"

"Next, we will definitely play the second round. If we don't take advantage of this period to figure out these things, I'm afraid it will be difficult to pass the next round."

Everyone knows this.


How to break the situation?

I couldn't break the situation just now, but now I can?

Things are more complicated than imagined.

Xia Yu frowned and thought.

A known:

1. One person must lie in the play between the vice president of the website and Qing Shen Yi, so who are the other two liars?

Second, currently, in addition to civilians, five people have appeared, namely: Wang Xiaorou, Wang Fu, Zhuo Fan, Baotou and Cheng Yun.

One woman, four men...

next moment.

Before Xia Yu could continue thinking, everything went dark.

This is true for everyone.

Then, the mechanical, cold voice appeared in everyone's mind, but the voice was different.

Xia Yu's side.

'Position: Pharmacy apprentice. '

'Location: Tangling Street. '

'Mission: Survive. '

'Limited time: one hour. '

'Known plot: A poor boy - Zhuo Fan, because of his family background... In the end, Zhuo Fan was named on the gold medal list and became the number one scholar in the gold subject, but he has not returned. Wang Xiaorou is looking forward to it in her boudoir, and is getting thinner day by day. The prince's father has an ominous story Premonition, everyone in the palace and the surrounding people also started gossiping, saying that after Zhuo Fan was in high school, he despised Wang Xiaorou and abandoned him. Wang Xiaorou helps her neighbors a lot on weekdays and is a living bodhisattva in everyone's hearts. This incident made everyone very upset and they just hoped that their gossip would not come true. You, too, are one of them. '

'Tip 1: Only ten or more people completing the task will be considered a team pass. '

'Tip 2: People are unpredictable, don't tell others about your plot tasks and identity. '

'Tips 3: Mission failed, dead. If the team clears the level, the loser will survive. '

'Tip 4: Please pay attention to the plot development and figure out everyone's identity. This will help you survive in the second round of the game. '

'Games start. '

Here we go again?

Except for the location, everything else is the same.

What's going on?

Xia Yu frowned.

The next moment, there was a noise in her ears, she opened her eyes suddenly, and then...


She was actually on the so-called 'Donngling Street'.

There are antique buildings all around, and pedestrians are all wearing ancient costumes. The shops on both sides can be heard selling goods, which is very lively.


"The rules are so strong. Even the scene can be restored."

Even Xia Yu couldn't help but murmur quietly at this moment.

After the shock.

She quickly gathered her thoughts, her eyes were like lightning, and she quickly locked onto the 'Prince's Mansion' not far away, and strode towards it.

She just raised her foot.

The sky turned dark.


"The flow of time is also faster!"

Xia Yu frowned.

This is more like the incident in Peach Blossom Village!

"Lan Caihe, what are you doing?"

"Come back quickly and collect the dried medicinal materials in the courtyard."

"It's going to rain."

Immediately, a rough voice came from behind.


Xia Yu didn't pay attention at first, but then he realized, wasn't he just the pseudonym 'Lan Caihe'? ! !

She looked back.

Just see.

A middle-aged man whom he did not recognize at all was staring at him.

Xia Yu: "..."

At this moment, she understood: the person in front of her was the shopkeeper of the pharmacy, and she was the apprentice here.

I just don’t know…

Why does this pharmacy recruit female apprentices?

She didn't think about it carefully and immediately responded: "Okay."

Immediately, Xia Yu glanced at the sky. It was covered with dark clouds and there was indeed a tendency of rain.

She quickly returned to the backyard of the pharmacy and silently moved away the herbs that were drying in the yard.

The shopkeeper didn't say much.

The reason why Xia Yu is so obedient...

It's because she knows that the so-called shopkeeper and those people walking on the street just now are probably the so-called 'NPCs', characters who evolved according to the rules according to a certain plot.

My identity may belong to the original plot, or it may be temporarily inserted.

No matter which one it is...

If you don't listen to the shopkeeper, you will probably be punished by the rules.

And she is not willing to fight against the rules.

Time passes quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the sky darkened completely. Fortunately, Xia Yu moved quickly enough and had already collected all the medicinal materials in the courtyard.

She just wanted to leave.

A familiar voice rang in my ears: "Shopkeeper Liu, what did you say? The century-old ginseng was taken away?"

'It's the third-shift beast—Zhao Jinkun! '

'He mentioned century-old ginseng? ! ! '

Xia Yu frowned suddenly.

The plot moves forward!

"My boss."

"You said before that the century-old ginseng was shipped from the capital by someone else. As long as someone holds the token, they can take it away."

Shopkeeper Liu said: "Isn't it?"


The third watch beast frowned and asked in a rather urgent tone: "Do you remember what the other person looks like?"

"do not remember."

Shopkeeper Liu shook his head and said, "The man covered his face and lowered his head, as if he didn't want to reveal his identity."

"We have seen this situation before. After all, century-old ginseng is of great value. It is understandable that the other party does not want others to know his identity."

The third watch beast was silent for a moment.

"What time? Do you remember?"

he continued to ask.


Shopkeeper Liu said cautiously.


Midnight Beast rushed out of the pharmacy to see if there was any suspicious person on the street.


It was dark and there were almost no people on the streets.

Looking back, shopkeeper Liu was no longer in the pharmacy.

It seemed as if everything that had just happened was just a flower in the mirror, all fake, which gave people a creepy feeling.


The third watch beast trembled subconsciously.

Especially when he saw the two red lanterns hanging in front of the palace, like the eyes of two giant beasts that could choose to devour anyone at any time, he couldn't help but tremble in his legs.


Xia Yu left quietly.

She did not go to see the third watch beast for three reasons:

First, he is worried that the third watch beast will think that he is the one holding the token.

Although he can explain it clearly when shopkeeper Liu comes back the next day, who knows what will happen tonight?

Secondly, she has already guessed that the three-shift beast is still Cheng Yun selling medicine, and it is estimated that the mission will not change.

The only question is, how did the Sangemon know about the century-old ginseng?

Thinking about the introduction of his identity in his prompt this time, and even the known plot has changed, obviously...

The three-shift beast also got an extra hint.

Third, the most important thing now is to sneak into the Wang family!

According to her speculation, Wang Xiaorou and his father must be in the Wang family.


If Wang Xiaorou is in danger, who will kill her?

As long as you know the identity of the other party, you can even take action to sabotage the other party's move.

In short.

No matter what, having more information will help you start the next round of the game.

after all.

She can't always be a commoner!

This fog incident lasted for five days and five nights. Who knows what the plot will be like and how many rounds it will take?

Because she was anxious, she did not meet Xiaohua.


Xia Yu easily sneaked into the palace.

The rules did not suppress her strength, and the high walls of the palace were nothing to her.


When she wanted to go deep into the palace to find the room where Wang Xiaorou was, a scream suddenly came from deep in the palace.



Xia Yu's expression condensed and she quickly approached the direction where the scream came from.

An ominous premonition lingered in my mind.

Followed by.

The palace was in chaos.

One minute later.

Xia Yu stood on the eaves of a roof, looking at the lighted room in front of her, her pupils shrinking slightly.

inside the house.

The author named Meow Meow's head rolled to the ground, looking directly at herself. On the other side... was her body wearing a red wedding dress, sitting in front of the dressing table!

Candlelight flickers.

The faint smell of blood drifted into his nose with the wind.

There were screams, cries, vomiting... chaos all around.


Xia Yu's heart trembled slightly.

Although I was used to seeing all kinds of bloody killings in my previous life, seeing this scene in such an antique building gave me an even stronger visual impact.

Taking a deep breath, she calmed down and quickly scanned her surroundings, but found no trace of the murderer.

She could only turn her gaze to Meow Meow's body again.


'Miaomiao lied, is she Wang Xiaorou? '

Xia Yu never expected that the female author named Miaomiao would actually lie.

Can't tell at all.

'Father! '

Xia Yu turned his gaze to Wang Fu, who was completely dumbfounded, and frowned slightly: "Is it Editor Shao?" ? ? '

She was even more confused.

I thought it would be the vice president of the website or the person who is deeply in love but also a drama, but it turned out to be neither of these two people?

Is it Editor Shao?

At this moment, she was completely confused.

It feels like all previous speculations have been overturned.

'Could it be...'

'Has everyone's identity changed this time? '

Xia Yu thought of a possibility.

She was still a civilian because there were so many civilians. It was normal for her to change her identity from one civilian to another.

The third watch beast is still Cheng Yun, that might be just a coincidence.

'Anyway, two people have now been identified. '


'Go find Xiaohua! '

Xia Yu didn't stop and left in a flash.

At this moment, Editor Shao was vomiting wildly and feeling cold all over.

'Really dead! Really dead! 'Miaomiao' who plays Wang Xiaorou is really dead! '

'My mission is to protect my daughter. If I don't complete it, I will die. '

'I don't want to die! '

'I don't want to die! '

His face was full of despair.


In the astonished eyes of everyone in the palace, they turned around and rushed out of the palace.

the other side.


Xia Yu has already met Xiaohua.

Communicate through gestures.

Xia Yu learned Xiaohua’s information:

Identity: Rouge shop clerk.

Location: Tangling Street.

Mission: survive.

Time limit: one hour.

The information behind it is exactly the same as what I know.


“Identity changes.”

Xia Yu frowned suddenly.

What is certain now is:

First, this time the identity has changed.

She hasn't understood the rules of change yet, but what is certain is that some people's identities have changed, and some people's identities have not changed. The previous speculations cannot be counted.

Second, this time, everyone gets more and more detailed information than before.

Although it is different from before, there are similarities. Some of the information left behind by each other's identities on the ship can still be counted.

For example, take the task of catching a head: if someone gives it a century-old ginseng, you must obey the other person's orders.

As for the tasks of Wang Xiaorou, Wang Fu and others...

Unable to count.

Because Xia Yu didn't know who lied when they were on the boat.

To be cautious, no one can be trusted!

"This fog incident is more difficult than imagined."

Xia Yu frowned.

The main reason is that we cannot know the whole plot, and many things cannot be further deduced.

This is difficult to do.

"Wait a minute."

"There are still more than forty minutes."

She signaled Xiaohua to leave, go find the Taohong editor and others, and then monitor them in an effort to eavesdrop on some information.

As for her, she plans to do the same.

Ten minutes later.

Its daybreak.

The rain also stopped.

There were gradually more people on the street.


And Xia Yu hasn't found anyone yet.

This place is too big, and Editor Taohong and others didn't know what was going on, and they didn't come out in the middle of the night, so it was normal that they couldn't be found.


Instead, she saw a group of detectives quickly entering the palace through the darkness.

Apparently he was on a case.

among them.

The person in the lead is Editor-in-Chief He!

He was upright and looked majestic, but he was out of breath after running for a while, and his physical condition was much worse than that of the catcher behind him.

'Editor-in-chief He became the head catcher? '

Xia Yu's eyes flashed slightly, and she thought secretly in her heart: What was the meaning of that round on the boat? What are the purposes of rules? Is it to test everyone’s xinxing?

And then assign identities according to each person's xinxing?

This is the most likely possibility!


Xia Yu could only return to the pharmacy.

As soon as they arrived, they saw the pharmacy manager pushing open the door and Xia Yu climbing over the wall.

Wait inside in advance.

"Lan Caihe, you..."

"What's going on with you? Why are you so wet?"

Shopkeeper Liu originally wanted to arrange the task, but he found that Xia Yu's clothes were wet, especially because the clothes stuck to her skin, which made him look even more slim. This made him frown: "What a decent person!" "What a decent person!"

"Why don't you change it quickly?"

"Shopkeeper, I'm fine. Do you think this is done?"

Xia Yu didn't pay attention.

Not only does time flow quickly here, but clothes also dry very quickly.

As for the cold... As someone with a third-level psychic ability, this little rain is nothing.


Shopkeeper Liu frowned, but without saying anything, he asked Xia Yu to start business.

Xia Yu hesitated for a moment, then asked while working: "Shopkeeper Liu, Wang Xiaorou was killed, do you know?"

Since Shopkeeper Liu can instruct her to work and communicate with herself, she should be able to ask him some things, right?


"I found out last night."

Shopkeeper Liu sighed and said, "It's making a big fuss. I heard that all the policemen in the city have gone."

"I haven't left yet."


"You think she is such a good person, how could she suffer such a disaster!"

"Who the hell would kill such a living Bodhisattva! Alas!"

He gritted his teeth.

It can be seen that he is really angry and is not acting.

"At the beginning."

"Our pharmacy ran out of water, and it was Miss Wang who helped us build it with money. Our owner is Miss Wang, who we fell in love with at that time."

Shopkeeper Liu continued.

Xia Yu nodded, echoed a few words, and then asked: "Shopkeeper Liu, there is one more thing..."

at this time.

A guest has arrived.

Xia Yu remained silent.

A few minutes later.

Three poles in the sun.

Guests leave.

Xia Yu frowned.

The time passed so quickly, and customers coming to buy medicinal materials from time to time, and I couldn't even ask a few words in broad daylight.

"What did you want to ask just now?"

Shopkeeper Liu asked proactively.

"I want to ask about Zhuo Fan."

Xia Yu said.

She was keenly aware that Wang Xiaorou was not the key point in this plot.

Zhuo Fan is the one!



The shopkeeper snorted coldly and said, "He's not a good person!"

After saying that, he looked out the door with some fear and saw no one. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said in a low voice: "You may not know."

"How did Zhuo Fan catch up with Miss Wang in the first place?"


"Shopkeeper Liu, do you know?"

Xia Yu asked.

"Of course I know."

Shopkeeper Liu said: "Don't our boss like Miss Wang? Naturally, we need to find out what kind of person this Zhuo Fan is."

Xia Yu listened attentively.

"Zhuo Fan is just a poor boy. When he went to the city to earn money to support his family, he met Wang Xiaorou and got evil thoughts."

"Then inquire about Wang Xiaorou's preferences."

"I learned that the other party likes poetry and songs, likes neat scholars wearing white clothes and holding folding fans, likes to participate in annual poetry gatherings, and other hobbies. Guess what?"

Shopkeeper Liu asked himself: "This table fan actually dressed up like this, spent three years writing three poems, and then found out where the poetry meeting was held."


"Then he took the opportunity to strike up a conversation with Miss Wang. After that, he established a poor but inspiring image, and then... Miss Wang admired him very much and provided money to support him."

"After that, the two of them kept in close contact. I don't know when... this guy captured Miss Wang's heart in one fell swoop."

"A man with a scheming mind."

"One is a simple woman."


As he spoke, he shook his head and did not continue.

The meaning couldn’t be more obvious!

Xia Yu knew that shopkeeper Liu was deliberately belittling Zhuo Fan.

Zhuo Fan may be poor in other aspects, but he is indeed a poor but inspiring person.


It can be seen from this incident that Zhuo Fan is definitely not simple.

He is a scheming person.

"Now, this Zhuo Fan has become the number one scholar."

"But he never came back."

"The meaning couldn't be more obvious."

"I don't know about Miss Wang's death this time..."

Shopkeeper Liu didn't dare to say any more.

Xia Yu's eyes flashed slightly.

Even the NPC said this, is it possible... Wang Xiaorou's death is really related to Zhuo Fan?

Another guest came.

Shopkeeper Liu continued to be busy.

Xia Yu was thinking secretly.

Wang Xiaorou died, and the mission naturally failed. There is a high probability that the royal father will also fail the mission. In other words, next...

Only one person can be allowed to fail the mission.

Thinking about it on the other hand, ten of the thirteen people must complete the task to complete the level. It seems difficult, but in fact... most of the civilian tasks will be completed. Only Wang Xiaorou, Wang Fu, Zhuo Fan, Baotou and Cheng Yun can complete the task. The player may fail the mission.

Right now, Wang Xiaorou's mission to help his father is likely to fail.

Oh, right.

If the previous three-shift beast did not lie, then the mission corresponding to Cheng Yun's identity is to obtain Wang Xiaorou's body and mind, and now Wang Xiaorou is dead, which means that the third-shift beast must fail.


The actors who play Zhuo Fan and the head catcher must complete their tasks!


After reasoning until now, Xia Yu fell silent.

According to the current situation, it seems that I can only help Zhuo Fan and the actor who plays the head catcher? ? ?

If you don't help, you will definitely not be able to pass the level.

There is no way to proceed to the next round.

If the next round is not carried out, the plot of this round will inevitably be repeated, and people will probably continue to die.

Until everyone around him is dead.

This was obviously not what she wanted to see.

"Wang Xiaorou is dead, so help Zhuo Fan and the head catcher." '

Xia Yu made a decisive decision.

She is not a kind-hearted person. In this case... she naturally has to make the best choice for herself.


Two thoughts popped into Xia Yu's mind:

First, who was the person who killed Wang Xiaorou? Is it a ghost?

Second, the next thing to do is to track the head catcher and see who gave the head catcher something?


Coming again soon.

At this moment, more than half an hour has passed, and the final time limit is getting closer.

Shopkeeper Liu and the people on the street disappeared again.

The eerie and dead silence was restored.


Xia Yu's goal this time was very clear, and he went straight to the Yamen.

as predicted.

Editor-in-chief He was in the yamen, but the detectives were nowhere to be seen.


Editor He did not solve the case, but tightened his clothes, held the long knife in his arms, and lay on the rocking chair to get ready for sleep.

as ordinary people.

The day was spent all day, and the night was very sleepy.

After all, time flows very quickly here, and energy consumption will also accelerate. It is difficult for ordinary people to stay up all night after one day.


Xia Yu did not disturb Chief Editor He, but quietly walked around the yamen.

Explore the terrain thoroughly.

after that.

She turned around and left, meeting Xiaohua.

Xiaohua: Nothing was found, and no trace of anyone was found.

Xia Yu frowned but didn't say anything.


It's bright.

There are still about ten minutes left until the end.

At that time, it was not dark yet.

What Xia Yu didn't expect was...

On this day, new changes finally occurred.

Zhuo Fan appears!

She learned this news from a customer who bought medicine: "Zhuo Fan is back and he was crying so hard. I thought that he was really not the murderer. We might have misunderstood him."


Shopkeeper Liu obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't say much.

After the customer leaves.

He whispered in a low voice: "Zhuo Fan came back just to act in this drama and get rid of suspicion."

"If you ask me, this Zhuo Fan..."

"Definitely not a good bird."


Xia Yu agreed without saying anything more.

Many of what Shopkeeper Liu said are highly subjective and cannot be believed in full. Moreover, what Shopkeeper Liu just said clearly has no evidence and is all based on speculation.

"The shopkeeper's."

"I have a stomachache. I need to go to the toilet."

Xia Yu said.

"it is good."

Shopkeeper Liu nodded and didn't stop him.

Xia Yu came to a deserted corner, left the pharmacy, and sneaked into the palace quietly. With her memory, she easily arrived at the room where Wang Xiaorou was killed.

it's here.

Only Wang Fu and Zhuo Fan.

That is, Editor Shao and...

Deep love is also a play!

'It's him? ’

Xia Yu's eyes flashed slightly, obviously she didn't expect that the identity she was playing was Zhuo Fan. She couldn't help but guess: 'Isn't he the one who lied on the cruise ship last time? '


Qingshen Yishi and Editor Shao didn't know that there was another person on the eaves, communicating in a low voice,

Deep love is also a drama: "Editor Shao, your mission must have failed. If you don't want to die... it's best to cooperate with me to complete the mission. As long as I can complete the mission, our team can pass the level."

Editor Shao was obviously confused and asked: "Really?"

Shen Qing Yi Shi Xi nodded firmly and said, "That's natural. Why did I lie to you?"

Although Editor Shao was confused, he still had basic IQ. He asked: "What is your mission? What if you kill me?"

Deep love is also a play: "..."

"Editor Shao, you have no choice."

He has no unnecessary nonsense.

Obviously, he has a secret, or his mission cannot be revealed.


Editor Shao opened his mouth, feeling increasingly pained and desperate.

This feeling of being manipulated by the other party is really uncomfortable.

"The flow of time here is wrong."

Qingshen Yishixi said: "You don't have much time to think about it."

"Before dark, if you don't cooperate with me, my mission will not be completed. If I die by then, our team will not be able to pass the level, and you...will definitely die too!"

Editor Shao rubbed his face vigorously, then gritted his teeth, stared at Qingshen Yishixi, and said: "I was the one who gave you a 100 yuan guarantee for your book."

"Your editor should have told you about this, right? Your editor does not have the power to sign a guarantee of 100, he can only decide the guarantee of 30 and less."


Deep affection is also a play and nodded.

He also knew about this.


"I've never been sorry to you."

"I hope you do not lie to me."

Editor Shao was begging.

The arrogance I had as an editor-in-chief is completely gone.


"I will not lie to you."

Deep affection is also a play, he said with certainty.

"it is good!"

"I promise you!"

"I will hand over all the Wang family's properties to you."

Editor Shao spoke up.

Qingshen Yixi raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing joy, and said: "Come, let's sign a contract and press our fingerprints."

above the roof.

Xia Yu frowned even more tightly: "Wang Xiaorou died, Zhuo Fan not only did not think about avenging Wang Xiaorou and finding the murderer, but he coveted the palace's property." '

'What is certain is that Zhuo Fan is not a good person. '

'However, it is still unclear whether Wang Xiaorou's death is related to Zhuo Fan. '


She left quietly.

Because she stayed away for too long, she was scolded by Shopkeeper Liu.

And in the meantime...

Xia Yu felt that there seemed to be an extra 'thing' beside him, and he was also being targeted by this 'thing'. The alarm bells in his heart rang loudly, and he actually felt the threat of death.

Until shopkeeper Liu continued to arrange work for her.

When the 'thing' leaves, the threat of death also disappears.


From then on, Xia Yu was extremely certain of one thing: that 'thing' was Linggui. Once he is fired by Shopkeeper Liu, he will probably be killed by Linggui!

In other words, the NPCs here can affect the lives of 'players' like her! ! !


This discovery made her break out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, she was very cautious from the beginning, especially respecting the NPCs, and did not rely on her strength to do whatever she wanted, otherwise she would probably be 'out' early.

'No wonder my mission is to 'survive'! '

'It turns out that for a 'civilian' like me, the danger comes from NPCs! '

Xia Yu couldn't help but think of a possibility: Will those 'players' playing the role of civilians provoke NPCs and eventually be killed by ghosts?

If that's the case...

So can their team still complete the mission?

Slope westward day by day.

"time up!"

"game over."

"Three people failed the mission, but ten people completed the mission and passed the level."

"Among the losers, two will be exempted from punishment and live."

"One death."

A mechanical voice sounded in everyone's mind, and it was extremely cold.


Xia Yu didn't have time to think too much.


It was dark again.

Followed by.

Xia Yu discovered that he appeared at the original location of the cruise ship again.


She glanced around quickly.

Dongcheng Chuchu and Qingshen Yishixi and others are all there, but the actor who plays Wang Xiaorou is missing - Miaomiao.

There was no body of hers around.



There was a strange movement in the river.

Xia Yu's eyes widened suddenly. She thought of something. She stood up and rushed to the fence nearby to look at the place where the sound came from.


Her pupils shrank.

There was a head and a corpse floating in the water.

Who is it if it’s not Meow Meow?

Her head and body were covered with fish.

These 'fish' are extremely ferocious and are biting at Meow Meow's head and body like crazy.

'I see! '

'We haven't really entered the ancient world, it's all just an illusion. '

'The rules force me into the illusion. '

'And what happens in the illusion, the rules will be enforced. '

'Ultimately it affects reality. '

Xia Yu understood: "The reason why that strange thing happened before the cruise ship next door must be because of this."

And this moment.

Dongcheng Chuchu, Qingshen Yixi and others had come to their senses. After hearing the movement in the water, they came to the railing one after another, and their faces changed wildly.

"This... the three people who failed the mission will survive, which means one person will die."

"The person who died was Meow Meow."



Everyone was deeply shocked, their faces were extremely ugly, and many people cried.

Others who failed the mission breathed a sigh of relief.

After a few seconds.

Xiaohua made a gesture.

Everyone looked at Xia Yu.

"Little flower girl means..."

Xia Yu said: "The next round of plot may start at any time. Let's seize the time to talk about our respective situations in this round of plot."


Everyone nodded.


Tiger: "It scared me to death! At first I found myself in the bank, and I was so scared that I didn't dare to move. But I was forced to work, and I was exhausted. I didn't even know what happened, and this round was over. I passed the level."

Lao Liu: "My experience is similar to yours. I was working in the Liu Mansion. I worked for two days and couldn't sleep well at night. Damn, he's such a loser."

Editor Taohong: "I work as a maid in the Liu Mansion. I was frightened when I heard that Wang Xiaorou died. When we were on the cruise ship, I played Wang Xiaorou."

next second.


Everyone's eyes were on him.

Obviously, no one expected that the Taohong editor would play Wang Xiaorou.

This fooled everyone.

Including Xiayu!

"Cough cough."

Editor Taohong knew that she had let slip, and hurriedly said: "I didn't mean to lie to you. The task I got is to be with Zhuo Fan and survive."

"I realized then that it might not be that simple."

"So I subconsciously hid my identity and mission."

"As a result, I later found out that others had also hidden their identities and missions. I didn't even know who Zhuo Fan was... So, everyone passed the level."

No wonder you were so active in organizing everyone to get together, explain their identities and tasks, and actively wanted to help everyone complete their tasks.

Everyone sighed in their hearts: people's hearts are separated from their bellies.

Xia Yu asked aloud: "How did you know your identity as a civilian?"


"Because that voice gave me a reminder: Wang Xiaorou has been kind-hearted since she was a child and has helped many people. Many civilians are grateful to her. If she asks civilians for help when she feels in danger, she will definitely get help from civilians."

"So, when I was asked about my identity and mission, I immediately thought of civilians."

The pink editor has nothing to hide.

Now that you no longer play Wang Xiaorou and have cleared the game, there is no need to continue hiding this information.

Moreover, she also hopes that everyone will explain their identities and tasks and prepare for the next round together.

Xia Yu nodded, looked at the others, and reminded: "Our identities have changed, which means... our identities are likely to change in the next round."

"So, in order to better pass the next round, I suggest that everyone tell us their previous identities and tasks. In this way, we can also prepare for the next round."

Everyone nodded.

Only a few people including Dongcheng Chuchu and Qingshen Yixi frowned, looking thoughtful.


Everyone can play.

People with deep thoughts and deep palaces are not so easily fooled.

The vice president of the website was the first to speak: "I was really playing the role of the king's father before, and my mission was really to protect Wang Xiaorou from harm."

"I'm playing a civilian this round."

Xia Yuxin.

Editor Shao said: "This round, I will play the role of the king's father. Alas... I'm scared to death."

Everyone's eyes are on Qing Shen Yi Shi Drama.


Deep love is also a lie.

"Cough cough."

Qing Shen Yi Xi also knew that he was in the wrong. He coughed dryly, looked at the vice president of the website with an apologetic look, and said...

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