I'm back from hell

Chapter 388 The plot resumes

Xiaohua never imagined that the danger would come from behind, from the cruise ship next door!

It is still struggling to kill the mutants.

Xia Yu sensed the danger immediately, and she frowned slightly.

at the moment.

At this critical period, she must not stop operating the Burning Heaven Technique, which means she must not move.

Otherwise, it will be burned to ashes immediately!

A miserable death!

Very miserable!

With super strong willpower, she conveyed certain emotions to Xiaohua.


Feeling the emotion conveyed by her master, Xiaohua turned around suddenly.


It saw that Zheng Qian had swung the golf club hard and hit the golf ball.

The golf ball flew out and went straight to Xia Yu's temple!

At such a close distance, Zheng Qian often used golf clubs and golf balls to aim and shoot at things in the distance, so...he hit this shot very accurately!


Xiaohua's face changed wildly.

In desperation, she left the Resentful Corpse directly.

At an extremely fast speed, he stopped in front of Xia Yu's temple.


The golf ball hit the little flower hard.

There was a thump.

The area where Xiaohua was hit was slightly dented, causing the entire face to be somewhat deformed.


It still managed to stop the golf ball.

Xia Yu was not injured.


The low roar of the resentful corpse came from behind.

The little flower also wanted to roar, but it couldn't do it, so it could only roar towards Zheng Qian!



When Zheng Qian saw a face flying towards him, he was so frightened that his soul almost flew away. He turned around and ran away, not even throwing away his golf clubs.

Just now.


Everyone's eyes went dark.

The mechanical, cold voice sounded again.


Everyone looked stern.

Especially Xia Yu!

start again?

Didn’t you clear the previous plot?

What's the plot now?

You won’t have to start a new plot again, right?

In her current state, how can she play a new plot?

next moment.

'Identity: Zhao Xiangning. '

'Location: Zhao's backyard, Zhao Xiangning's boudoir. '

'Mission: Revenge. '

'Time limit: one hundred hours. '

'Known plot 1: Zhao Xiangning, the daughter of the Zhao family, is very good at military strategy. She is known as the female Zhuge. Her father is the Taiwei of the dynasty, holding military power and is very powerful. Zhao Xiangning was the Taiwei's favorite daughter. She was originally good friends with Princess Taiping. Until one day three years ago, she and Princess Taiping recruited a group of warriors from the Western Regions to compete with each other. She was severely beaten by the other party. She fainted and never woke up again. He only retained his vital signs but could not open his eyes. The warrior from the Western Regions has been beheaded in public. From then on, Captain Zhao lived in seclusion and became aloof from the world, as if he was deliberately staying away from the world. '

"Known plot 2: Yin Cuicui used a human skin mask to kill Mrs. Zhuo, pretended to be Mrs. Zhuo and escaped from Huang Jie's pursuit. She also killed Zhuo Fan and the prefect, and then sneaked back to the capital. Huang Jie knew that the matter was serious and immediately Rushing back to the Prime Minister's Mansion. The Prime Minister was furious and finally spared his life and ordered him to find Yin Cuicui and make meritorious service. Because it was Huang Jie who captured Yin Cuicui and handed him over to the Prime Minister before, and Huang Jie had the most contact with Yin Cuicui. Know best.”

'Tip 1: Only two or more people completing the task will be considered a team pass. '

'Tip 2: People are unpredictable, don't tell others about your plot tasks and identity. '

'Tip 3: Regardless of whether the team successfully passes the level, the loser will die. '

'Tip 4: Please pay attention to the plot development and figure out everyone's identity, which will help you survive in the game. '

'Tip 5: There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, and evil people will eventually be punished. '

'Games start. '

Xia Yu's heart sank to the bottom.

New plot!

Although it's not completely unknown, it's not far off.

More importantly...she is a 'vegetative', how can she get revenge?

And...the warrior from the Western Region has already been beheaded in public, why should she be allowed to take revenge?

Does this mean that the real murderer has not yet been brought to justice?

Not even sure who it is yet!

This start is simply hellish!

The rules are based on the fact that she has obtained the rules resources and her own strength and ability are too strong, so is she deliberately suppressed?

Xia Yu was lying on the bed, running the Burning Heaven Technique, driving the spiritual fire in her body to temper her body, and thinking about the rules:

First, the duration of this mission was extremely long, reaching one hundred hours. This means that it is very difficult to complete the plot this time.

Second, according to the development of the plot, it was Yin Cuicui who killed Zhuo Fan, Mrs. Zhuo and the prefect in the end!

It seems that the previous plot hint, "There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, and evildoers will eventually be punished" refers to this.

the other side.

Zheng Qian, who was originally being chased by Xiaohua, was shocked when the scene in front of him suddenly changed dramatically. He took a closer look.



Looking at the antique scene in front of him, he was stunned: "New plot?"

Immediately afterwards, he showed a look of ecstasy.


First, the face that attacked him would definitely be involved in this plot, so... he would have a chance to kill him back! Unless the other party is playing a ghost or monster.

Even if the other party plays the role of a ghost or monster, he is sure to kill the other party.

Since there are ghosts and monsters, there must be Taoist priests and monks!

Second, the woman who swallowed the rules resources will probably be in this plot, and she might be able to take away the other party's rules resources by then.

Third, since there is a new plot, there will definitely be new rule resources!


Zheng Qian also knows what the current situation is.

Because on another cruise ship, he, Hu Dajun and others also experienced a similar plot.


It happened in Beijing!

It happened in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

the difference is.

Previously, he played the role of a servant in the Taiwei's Mansion, and now he plays Huang Jie, an aide in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"You even got promoted!"

"Tsk, tsk."

Zheng Qian thought of his mission and immediately summoned the prime minister's secret guards.

According to his experience, everyone on the ship will be involved in the plot.

According to the known plot provided by the system, the general direction of the plot this time is: Yin Cuicui seeks revenge from Princess Taiping, and the forces of the Prime Minister's Palace and Princess Taiping seek Yin Cuicui.

That is to say...

In this plot, the main characters known so far are: Huang Jie, Yin Cuicui, Princess Taiping, and maybe the Prime Minister!

"Sit back and wait!"

Zheng Qian suddenly thought of an idea: "Yin Cuicui will definitely harm Princess Taiping!"

"As long as we stay by Princess Taiping's side, we will definitely be able to catch Yin Cuicui."

"Master Huang."

The subordinate reminded: "Princess Taiping doesn't know about our previous house arrest of Yin Cuicui. If we send someone to ambush Princess Taiping, then..."

"Princess Taiping already knows about this."

"When the time comes, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to the Prime Minister."

Zheng Qian wanted to say: 'It's none of my business'!

The result is the next moment.

The Prime Minister pushed open the door and said, "We must not let Princess Taiping know about our house arrest of Yin Cuicui!"


Zheng Qian nodded immediately.


He was a little strange. There was something wrong with the behavior of the prime minister in front of him!

Not quite an NPC.

What he didn't know was that the person playing the role of Prime Minister... was none other than Chief Editor He!

And this moment.

Editor-in-chief He looked at Huang Jie in front of him and frowned, feeling a little strange: There is something wrong with the behavior of Huang Jie in front of him!

Not quite an NPC.

The current situation is.

Neither of them knew each other's identity, but it did not affect communication.

"Then...then we send people to guard in the dark?"

Zheng Qian asked.

"Can it be done?"

Chief Editor He asked: "Princess Taiping also has powerful guards around her, right?"


Zheng Qian's eyes flashed, and he became more and more sure that the person in front of him was probably not an NPC, because... wouldn't the Prime Minister know how strong his subordinates are?

Also, there was a prime minister in the plot he participated in before. Anyone who plays the prime minister as an NPC knows how strong his subordinates are.

He also orders things in an orderly and orderly manner, and at first glance he looks like someone who has been in a position of power for a long time.

of course.

Although Zheng Qian was suspicious, he was also a little confused.

If the person in front of me is not an NPC, then who is it?

He remembered that there were no living people on the two cruise ships!

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister."

The leader of the secret guards reminded him: "The secret guards you have trained are all your dead soldiers. When people are not afraid of death, the combat power they display is extremely terrifying."

Hearing this, Chief Editor He frowned and asked again: "A life in exchange for a life?"

"What if you are not strong enough and are discovered by Princess Taiping's guards while you are lurking beside Princess Taiping?"

The leader of the secret guard: "..."

What happened to the Prime Minister today?

Why don't you believe us so much?


Editor He just wanted to be as considerate as possible, especially when he thought that the little flower girl had a gun in her hand, he was even more worried about his men.

No matter how fast you are, can you be as fast as a bullet?

and so……

"Wait until she kills Princess Taiping, then capture her!"

Editor He lowered his voice and spoke.

The secret guard leader's pupils shrank and he immediately responded.

He is the leader of the Prime Minister's soldiers, so he naturally has to obey the Prime Minister's orders.

Even if you have to go up a mountain of swords and go down into a sea of ​​fire, it is your duty to do so.


On the side, Zheng Qian, who had been silent, waved his hand and said, "I still have something to say with the Prime Minister."

Hearing this, Chief Editor He glanced at Zheng Qian, and then nodded towards the secret guard leader.

The leader of the secret guard turned and left.

"what's up?"

When the back of the secret guard leader disappeared, Chief Editor He looked at Zheng Qian and asked.

"You are not an NPC, are you?"

Zheng Qian didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point.


Hearing this, Editor-in-Chief He's pupils shrank, his eyes narrowed, he stared at Zheng Qian, and said, "It seems you are not either."


Immediately, he figured out something, pointed at Zheng Qian and said: "You are a survivor on another cruise ship!!!"

Zheng Qian's eyes flashed slightly.

"It seems you are a survivor on another cruise ship."

Hearing Editor He say this, he also reacted and asked curiously: "I checked your cruise ship and only found two women, but I didn't see you."

Editor He's eyes darkened, anger flashing in his expression.

"Those two women want to harm me."

"So I jumped to Hanayang Island."

As he spoke, he opened the clothes on his right arm.

A row of sharp tooth marks appeared on the right forearm, deep enough to see the bone, and blood stains around the wound could also be seen.

Before, his right arm was only injured, but later it was completely healed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. However, he just encountered a green-eyed mutant beast on Huayang Island.

As a result, his right arm was bitten off directly!

"I was bitten by a mutated beast on Huayang Island."

"Fortunately, I am smart and armed, otherwise I would have been left on Huayang Island."

Chief Editor He said.

He didn't lie.

The green-eyed mutant beast was indeed killed by him, because it was seriously injured for unknown reasons, and Chief Editor He 'picked it up'.

after that.

Chief Editor He dug out the crystal core of the green-eyed mutant beast and carried it with him.

"Then it seems that we have a common enemy."

Zheng Qian said.


He exaggerated what happened before and put all the blame on Xiaohua.


Chief Editor He nodded.

On Huayang Island at that time, he was busy dealing with the green-eyed mutant beast and had no time to observe what happened between Xiaohua and Zheng Qian.

and so……

No matter what Zheng Qian said at this time, he could only nod his head in response.

As for whether he believed it or not... he certainly didn't believe it.


Now we can work together to deal with Xiaohua and Lan Caihe!

"Unexpectedly, Lan Caihe finally got the rule resources."

"How abominable."

Editor-in-chief He said: "We worked tirelessly and fought with our lives, but in the end we got the advantage of this woman. It's really unacceptable."


Zheng Qian felt angry just thinking about it now. He said, "So, we must work together to kill them next!"


Editor He nodded.

The two reached an initial agreement.


"Didn't you say you have a companion?"

"What about people?"

Chief Editor He asked.

"I don't know what role he plays."

Zheng Qian said.

"Then let's first talk about the plots we each experienced."

"I always feel that the plots we each experienced are connected to each other."

Chief Editor He said.

"it is good."

Zheng Qian nodded.

The two of them told their own stories.

Let’s not mention Chief Editor He’s plot for the time being. Let’s just talk about Zheng Qian’s previous plot:

From the beginning when Yin Cuicui's father helped the Prince Consort make a human skin mask, to when the Prince Consort got drunk and raped a woman, only to be beaten up by her husband. Princess Taiping killed the Prince Consort and the woman whom the Prince Consort raped in order to bring justice. and the woman's husband, and then killed Yin Cuicui's parents. After that, Yin Cuicui fled and was rescued by Huang Jie back to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Later, Lieutenant Zhao was feared by the emperor because of his excessive power.


Taiwei Zhao's son was relatively mediocre. After Taiwei Zhao passed away, it would not be too late for the emperor to deal with Taiwei Zhao's influence. But Taiwei Zhao's daughter, Zhao Xiangning, was a heroine.

He fought with his father since childhood and grew up in a military camp. He is very good at military strategy, outstanding in martial arts, brilliant in literature, and knows how to govern a country.

It can be said that he is an all-round talent.

More importantly, she won the hearts of the soldiers under Zhao Taiwei.

Although Zhao Xiangning is a daughter and cannot inherit Taiwei Zhao's power, her younger brother, Taiwei Zhao's son, listens to her very much.

and so……

For the sake of the family, Taiwei Zhao, and for the sake of their own wealth and life, the officers and soldiers under Zhao Taiwei came up with an idea: let Taiwei Zhao's son gradually take over the power of Taiwei Zhao, and then let Zhao Xiangning assist.

Never thought about it.

This plan was overheard by Jin Yiwei and informed the emperor.

The emperor summoned Princess Taiping overnight and plotted to destroy Zhao Xiangning.


Princess Taiping agreed.


It happened that Zhao Xiangning was beaten into a "vegetative state" and kept lying in bed.

In the above plot, the key characters in it have all been played by Zheng Qian, Hu Dajun and others.

"So to say……"

Editor-in-chief He said: "Little flower girl, is it possible that she plays one of the three Yin Cuicui, Zhao Xiangning and Princess Taiping?"

"The man named Hu Dajun is probably playing...the emperor?"


Zheng Qian nodded and said, "I think so too."

Editor He was silent for a moment.

"What should we do now?"

he asked.

Zheng Qian said: "Of course we must complete our mission first."

"My mission is to catch Yin Cuicui."

"What about you?"

Editor-in-Chief He did not hide anything and said, "I have two tasks."

"First, catch Yin Cuicui."

"Second, get rid of Captain Zhao."


Hearing this, Zheng Qian frowned and said, "Your...your second mission is very difficult."

"Isn't my secret guard very strong?"

"Just assassinate the captain."

Editor-in-chief He was not too worried.

Zheng Qian: "..."

He reminded: "Lieutenant Zhao was a powerful general in the army when he was young. Although he is old now, he is still very powerful in combat, and his guards are all strong men in the army."

"Although your secret guards are not afraid of death, they may not be able to successfully assassinate them."

"So, I suggest you find another way."

Hearing this, Chief Editor He frowned suddenly.

So strenuous?

This was obviously something he didn't expect.

For a moment, he felt that this matter was more complicated and difficult to handle than he imagined.

"What do you suggest?"

he asked.

"This person, Taiwei Zhao, has evil intentions."

Zheng Qian's words were astonishing.

"How to say?"

Editor He frowned and asked.

"I used to work as a servant for Taiwei Zhao, and I found that Taiwei Zhao was not really far away from disputes. He had discussed things with his generals and advisers many times in the middle of the night."

"Oh, right."

"There are also Ministers of the Ministry of Official Affairs and Ministers of the Ministry of Industry, who have also met Zhao Taiwei secretly."

Zheng Qian thought about the news that his identity had been discovered before, and couldn't help but lower his voice and said: "Now, so much time has passed, maybe... they will take action in the near future."

"When the time comes, the emperor's army will kill him."

Chief Editor He nodded.


"Didn't you say that the man named Hu Dajun might be playing the role of the emperor?"

"We can see him!"

"Let him force the Lieutenant to start an uprising in advance!"

"In case 100 hours have passed, we haven't killed Captain Zhao yet."

Then, he thought of something and said.


Zheng Qian nodded.



Hu Dajun.

He was originally on the third floor of the cruise ship, ready to snatch the rules resources at any time, but suddenly his vision went dark.

Entered the plot.

Opening his eyes again and looking at the antique bed tent, he couldn't help but be startled, and then he came to his senses: "Again?"

"Is it over yet?"

He looked sad.

This kind of plot game is similar to a "live-action scripted killing". Every time I play a round, I feel terrified, for fear that I will be eliminated.

He had long been fed up with this game.

just now.

Come again?

'You're here, let's clear the level first and then talk. '

Hu Dajun sighed in his heart.

Although he is not stupid, he is really not good at reasoning, let alone playing such brain games, so all he can think about at this moment is getting out alive.

As for rule resources...

As for plotting against others...

He never wanted to.

'My mission is...'to survive'? '


Hu Dajun frowned.

Every time his mission is to 'survive', his situation becomes very dangerous.

and so……

"Somebody come!"

he shouted.


The woman lying next to her stood up in a daze, revealing a large area of ​​skin and white. She looked at Hu Dajun and asked with a sleepy and flattering look on her face: "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

His Majesty?

Only then did Hu Dajun notice that there was a woman lying next to him.

The woman's bright eyes and white teeth are charming...

Being uneducated, he couldn't think of any more words. There was only one word in his mind: 'How beautiful! '

"A hundred times, a thousand times more beautiful than my yellow-faced mother-in-law!"

'wrong. '

'There is no comparison between the two! '

'Better than those female stars! And, it’s completely natural! '

and many more!

What did she just call me?

His Majesty?

At this time, the content of the rules prompt appeared in Hu Dajun's mind: his identity was the emperor.

"Such a noble status?"

"I, a common citizen with nothing, and a monthly salary of more than 8,000 yuan, can actually become the emperor?"

he blurted out.

"Your Majesty, what did you say?"

"How come I can't understand a word I say?"

The woman asked in a charming voice.

Everything she did was exuding supreme aura, especially since she was wearing very little at the moment.

Hu Dajun reacted instantly.


The woman obviously felt it. She pushed Hu Dajun's chest gently and said in a charming voice: "Your Majesty is worthy of being the emperor. You are really a dragon and a tiger." "I like him so much."

Hu Dajun: "..."

I'm the emperor, I'm so scared!

As long as I don't leave the palace, there's no danger at all, right?

just now……

I will never have the chance to marry such a lovely beauty in my whole life... no, eight lifetimes, let's enjoy it first!

Turn over and start 'tasting'.

For a moment, the red tent was billowing, the atmosphere was charming, and there was indescribable tenderness and sweetness.

Ten thousand words are omitted here.

I do not know how long it has been.

"His Majesty!"

The sound of the eunuch's voice came from outside the door.


Hu Dajun frowned and asked impatiently: "Who? What?"

At this moment, he finally knew what the "Gentle Country" mentioned in the book was, and he finally knew what the so-called poem "The spring night is short and the sun rises high, and the king will not go to court early from now on" means.

I really don’t want to get up!

"His Majesty."

The eunuch outside the door was startled, and he quickly knelt down, kowtowed and begged for mercy: "My slave deserves to die! My slave deserves to die! My slave..."

"Alright! Alright!"

"Hurry up and say something."

"If you delay my good deeds, I will kill you."

Hu Dajun interrupted him, not noticing that what he said was extremely rude.


The woman in his arms couldn't help but frown.

Just now I felt that something was wrong with His Majesty today, and now I feel even more so.


She didn't dare to say anything more, so she could only say nothing obediently.

As quiet as a kitten.

She is completely different from the one who worked hard just now.

"His Majesty."

"The Prime Minister has important matters to attend."

The eunuch reported.

"not see."

Hu Dajun frowned and refused without hesitation.

First, I am enjoying myself and don't want to leave the beauty.

Second, what if the prime minister assassinates him? Although it feels a bit ridiculous, for the sake of caution, I still don’t want to see it.

Third, he is reluctant to go out for fear of danger.


The eunuch outside the door did not dare to persuade him any more and turned around to leave.

Hu Dajun just wanted to continue to enjoy the beauty in front of him, but then he thought of something and ordered: "Move a thousand people from the Royal Forest Army to guard the surroundings."

The beauty in my arms: "???"

Eunuch outside the door: "???"



It's getting dark.

Editor-in-chief He and Zheng Qian failed in their interview and got on the carriage back to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"What does this dog emperor mean?"

Chief Editor He frowned and said: "He has always relied on me. No matter what happens, he will give up what he is doing and meet me immediately."

"What happened this time?"


"The more this happens, the more it means the other party is not an NPC."


Zheng Qian nodded and said: "If it is an NPC, he will probably do things according to his previous habits. Now...it is very likely that he is really played by Hu Dajun."

"But why doesn't he see us?"

Editor-in-chief He couldn't understand.

"I don't know."

Zheng Qian and Hu Dajun didn't know each other before and didn't know what kind of person the other person was, so they couldn't judge. They could only say: "We'll come back tomorrow morning."

"If you don't see your Majesty tomorrow."

"There will be a morning meeting the day after tomorrow."


Chief Editor He took a deep breath.

Two days will pass quickly.

He yawned and said nothing.

Day two.

The two asked to see His Majesty the Emperor again.

The reply I received was: Missing!

Day three.

His Majesty declared that he was ill and would not attend the morning court.

Editor-in-chief He and Zheng Qian both frowned. This is not the way to go!


Chief Editor He sent a message to his daughter who was a concubine in the palace, asking about His Majesty's situation.

The reply I got was: 'Your Majesty has been at Concubine Hu's place today and has not received us. Moreover, I also heard that His Majesty also deployed a thousand imperial guards to guard the surroundings of the palace where Concubine Hu was. '

'No one is allowed to come near. '


Editor-in-chief He and Zheng Qian looked confused.

What does this Hu Dajun want to do?

Before Chief Editor He had time to say anything, a eunuch came from a distance. It was Chief Eunuch Liu, the chief eunuch in the palace.

The other party is His Majesty's confidant.

Even if Chief Editor He is the Prime Minister, he would not dare to offend easily.

and so……

"Manager Liu."

Chief Editor He bowed respectfully and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty orally."

"Further excerpts can be reviewed by the Prime Minister."

Mr. Liu’s words were astonishing.


Chief Editor He and Zheng Qian were even more confused.

What kind of trouble is this?

"I would like to see your Majesty."

Editor-in-Chief He said, "Mr. Liu, can you please inform me?"

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister."

"Please don't make things difficult for me, old slave."

Manager Liu sighed, shook his head and said, "Your Majesty has been ill recently and has not seen guests at all."

"Not even the Lieutenant."


Editor He narrowed his eyes and frowned even more tightly.


Manager Liu hesitated to speak.

Editor He glanced at Zheng Qian.

Zheng Qian understood and turned to leave.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister."

"Your Majesty summoned the Queen yesterday."


"So far, the Queen has not come out."

After Manager Liu finished speaking, he said goodbye and left: "Also, Your Majesty asked Concubine He to go to bed today."

There's only so much he can prompt.

"Manager Liu, please walk slowly!"

Editor-in-chief He spoke up.

Ten days later.

"Hu Dajun summoned the Queen, Concubine He and others in the past ten days, a total of six people."

Editor-in-chief He said: "No one else will be seen."

He thought of a possibility: This Hu Dajun wasn't just enjoying beauty, was he?

Zheng Qian also thought of this possibility and was speechless.

"Men are lustful, understand."

He complained helplessly.


Chief Editor He couldn't help but cursed: "Don't he want to complete the task?"

"You don't think about living first, but you only think about enjoying beauty?"


Zheng Qian reminded: "His mission is to survive?"


Editor-in-chief He's pupils shrank, and then he thought of the thousand imperial guards who were transferred to the emperor's side. He couldn't help but nodded and said, "Does this guy not believe us?"


Zheng Qian nodded: "He is afraid that we will harm him."

"You and him..."

Editor-in-chief He looked inquiring.

"We didn't know each other before."

Zheng Qian said.


"What should we do now?"

Editor He asked.

"Easy to handle."

Zheng Qian's eyes flashed slightly, exactly like a dog-headed military advisor, and he said, "Didn't His Majesty tell you about the review of the documents?"

"You can force Captain Zhao to rebel!"

Hearing this, Chief Editor He's eyes lit up.

"As for other details, you can leave them to your other staff."

"After all, they are all celebrities in the country."

Zheng Qian continued.

Editor-in-chief He has been doing this these days. After all, he felt a headache when he saw the contents of the brochure, and he didn't want to be like Zhuge Liang and work himself to death.

and so……

He gave the fold to his men, while he enjoyed his lovely wife and concubines and various delicacies.

Fifty days later.

All three officials who took refuge with the Taiwei were imprisoned.

Eighty days later.

The two leading generals who took refuge with the Taiwei were deprived of their military power, and the two leading generals were even jailed.

One hundred days later.



Taiwei Mansion.

"That's unreasonable!"

"This is simply unreasonable!"

"The Prime Minister is forcing us!"

"That's right! He took advantage of His Majesty's trust in him, combined with his own selfish motives, to deal with us. Your Majesty is so confused! He actually gave the Prime Minister such great power."

"Liu Shangshu, be careful what you say! Be careful what you say!"



In Lieutenant Zhao's study, all the senior officials and military generals sighed and felt indignant.


Everyone turned their attention to Captain Zhao.


They all knew that Lord Taiwei was not as calm as he appeared, and had already stepped up his arrangements secretly.

"Not urgent."

"The time has not come yet."

"hold on."

Captain Zhao felt the eyes of everyone and said calmly.

Everyone could only nod.

One hundred and fifty days later.

General Zhengdong was imprisoned for treason.

The court was in an uproar.

Instigated by thoughtful people, this incident even aroused public outrage: "General Zhengdong saved His Majesty with his own hands and blocked dozens of swords for His Majesty. How could he possibly collaborate with the enemy and betray the country?"

"Also, General Zhengdong has served the country in these years. How many enemies have he killed?"

"Your Majesty is confused! Traitors are in power! You must be on your side!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down! These are decapitation words! Don't say it! Don't say it!"


Lieutenant Zhao remained indifferent.

One hundred and sixty days later.

In Taiwei Zhao's study, everyone suppressed their anger and stared at Taiwei Zhao.

Captain Zhao pondered for a moment and shook his head again.

One hundred and seventy days later.

royal palace.

During these one hundred and seventy days, Hu Dajun indulged in pleasure, indulged in the illusion of the flesh, and had sex with a total of one hundred and eighty-eight concubines. His whole person became extremely haggard. Compared with his original self, he looked completely different. people.

In the past, I walked with wind and my foot was very stable.

Now, my feet are floating, my whole body is limp, and I can't seem to open my eyes.

The days when good wine is in your mouth and beauty is in your arms...

Extremely extravagant.

It’s also very desirable.

However, beauty is like a bone scraper. For one hundred and seventy days, the bones will be scraped on your body every day, several times a day, and no matter how strong a man is, he can't stand it.

"His Majesty."

Manager Liu looked at His Majesty who suddenly became extremely lustful, and couldn't help but remind him: "The current situation in the court is a bit..."

"Stop! Stop!"

Hu Dajun interrupted him directly and asked, "Just tell me, is the current situation still stable?"

"Reply to Your Majesty."



"Pretty solid!"

Manager Liu had already figured out His Majesty's current character. How could he dare to go against his will? He quickly said, "Your Majesty, don't worry."

"That's okay."

Hu Dajun waved his hand and told him to get lost.

Manager Liu opened his mouth, but in the end he could only sigh and turned to leave.


"Zhao Aifei, what's the name of the trick you talked about yesterday? Is it playing the flute?"


"Perform one for me live."

Hu Dajun looked at one of them, a slender woman in her twenties with a pretty face, and said.

"Ah? Your Majesty, there are so many people..."

Concubine Zhao's expression changed and she said, "I...I'm sorry."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Yesterday, didn't you lie down in a circle and let me dote on you one by one? Now you can't stand this?"

Hu Dajun frowned.

Concubine Zhao trembled with fright and immediately stepped forward, very well-behaved.

Prime Minister's House.

In the Prime Minister's study.

Editor-in-chief He and Zheng Qian were looking at the note handed over by their subordinates, which meant: Your Majesty continues to have fun, and the Taiwei did not move.


"This lieutenant is so calm."

Editor-in-chief He frowned and said, "How long has it been since this happened and you're still standing still?"


Zheng Qian snorted coldly and said, "Our people have found out that he has been secretly gathering strength. He probably won't be able to bear it for much longer."

Chief Editor He nodded and said, "That's what I said, but... our time is almost up."

"If Lord Taiwei doesn't take action, we will be in dire straits."

Hearing this, Zheng Qian frowned.

"It seems that we need to increase our efforts."

He spoke.


Chief Editor He frowned and asked, "Aren't we strong enough?"

"not enough."

Zheng Qian shook his head.

Editor He asked: "What are you going to do?"



At Princess Taiping's house.

"Princess, what...what should we do next?"

A maid looked at Princess Taiping who was eating purple grapes in front of her and asked.

"What can be done?"

"Cold salad."

Princess Taiping shrugged and said nonchalantly.

He didn't even look at the drained body of the man lying on the bed.


This maid was obviously new here. She had never handled such a corpse before. She didn't know what to do for a moment. She stammered and said: "Slave... slave... slave..."


"what ever."

Princess Taiping looked at this twelve-year-old little maid and found it very interesting. She raised the corners of her mouth slightly and spoke.

The maid opened her mouth and finally turned and left.

A few minutes later.

Seeing the maid struggling to pull the body away, Princess Taiping chuckled and said, "What a cute little guy."

There is a male corpse on the bed.

appears often.


Since she was betrayed by her man, she has become decadent and feels that she must understand the man, so...

She went to find a man.

Not enough.

Two are not enough.

And I had to sneak around every time, which was very unpleasant, so I just started raising my face.

One is not enough.

Two is not enough.


The fun is getting more and more exciting.

after that.

The reputation of the royal family is quite bad.

His Majesty the Emperor personally warned her, so...

She restrained herself.

Decide to kill one and then play the other.


Just play one, and people can't die so quickly, so... you will always get tired of it.


She changed her ways and played with the dead.

However, she is also a human being, an ordinary woman, a pampered ordinary woman, how can she endure such a 'game'?

Just when everyone thought she couldn't bear it, she got an evil skill from somewhere, specializing in picking up yang and replenishing yin.


She would die one day at a time.

No matter it’s windy or rainy, it never stops.

Moreover, in order to prevent everyone from panicking, she specifically picked those on death row, which meant...she didn't pick at all.

Those on death row were very happy to hear that they could enjoy a day with the current princess before they died, and the fear of death was not that strong.

There is even a hint of expectation.

This also made the atmosphere in the prison less solemn.

at the moment.

Princess Taiping had just finished enjoying a man and was in a good mood. She slowly stood up and asked the maid next to her: "Lotus, what's the schedule for today?"

Every afternoon she went to select the men for her evening meal.

Start enjoying in the evening.

Take a bath in the morning, water the flowers, feed the fish, and at the same time listen to the maid telling interesting things that happened yesterday and...

Like now, ask the maid about her morning schedule.

As Your Majesty the Princess.

There are still many people who want to fawn over her, so Princess Taiping often spends her mornings visiting guests, attending banquets, poetry gatherings, or...

In short.

It’s all about socializing and entertaining.

Sometimes, she would go hunting or visit the palace.

Sometimes, she would go to the temple to burn incense.


I have to say that her life is still very comfortable and rich.

This is one of the benefits of being born into an imperial family.

of course.

There are also disadvantages to being born into an imperial family.

For example, marriage cannot be independent, and sometimes people are married to foreigners.

Princess Taiping's marriage was arranged, arranged by the emperor. Even a year after the consort's death, the emperor wanted to arrange a marriage for her, but... she completely ruined her reputation.

No one dares to marry.

The emperor also gave up this idea.

This actually made Princess Taiping feel more at ease.

"Your Majesty the Princess."

"There is a poetry meeting."

Lotus said.


"Are there any great poets?"

Princess Taiping asked.


Lotus nodded.

"Then take a walk."

Princess Taiping said...

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